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Winston Churchill/Franklin Roosevelt/Joseph Stalin/Celestia Solaris

At 10am, Celestia's head finally popped above the blankets. ''Wooooo boys, that was a fuuuuuuun night!''

Her strange bedfellows were smoking a cigar, long cigarette, and pipe respectively.

''What a blast! You fellows held up your end of the deal--I think I'll be sore for a week!--so now I'll hold up mine. Winston! Twenty tonnes of tea are on their way to the isles. Frankly, my dear, I have three balefire bombs just for you. And Joey, remind me what you requested?''

''Я хочу покататься на пони,'' Joseph stated plainly.

Celestia blushed, whispering softly, ''Baby, you can ride this pony anytime.''

Author's Note:

Yes, Celestia helped defeat the Axis Powers by shagging the Allied leaders. Now you know where those humans in Equestria come from.

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