• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013

Bootsy Slickmane

Retired writer and graphic artist.

Great Stuff 81 stories
  • Great Stuff 81 stories - 58 unread chapters Great, but not awesome. Still definitely worth a read.
    Created by Bootsy Slickmane
    - October, 2014
Found 76 stories in 50ms

Total Words: 649,157
Estimated Reading: 1 day



  • Featured 23740 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

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Beginning school is a difficult time for anypony, but from such a stressful environment, lasting friendships can form between the most unlikely ponies. Such is the case between Snips and Snails.

A contest entry for the 2015 EFNW Writing Contest.

With a reading by ZuesMacD

Chapters (1)

Months have passed since Twilight became a princess, and yet she still can not bring herself to accept her new role. That's when she starts thinking. What would happen if she quit?

Chapters (1)

Staying overnight in the hospital is already creepy enough without having to deal with ghosts...

Extended version of my fourth place entry for the 'It's Your Funeral' Writeoff event. An enormous thank you to everyone who commented on it over there!

Chapters (1)

The CMC set out to interview Sea Swirl, the unicorn with dolphins for a cutie mark, for the school paper, but wind up joining her in trying out her newly constructed submarine, the Mark V.

Also, Sea Swirl is best background pony.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Get Rekt

On a late-night hangout session, the five Crystal Prep Shadowbolts are having a good time until Sour Sweet begins acting strangely. When Sunny Flare discovers that someone has replaced her medication with sugar pills, Sour Sweet loses control of herself. This simple prank could cost someone their life.

Rated T for adult language and violence.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sirens Adventures: Sonata Big Deal

A few weeks after Fleur De Lis was kicked out of Crystal Prep Academy for indecency, Sugarcoat is still feeling down. So to cheer her up, her friends offer to play one of her current favorite video games with her, Swords N Bullets Online. What could possibly go wrong?

Rated T for Adult Language

Chapters (1)

A brisk wind blows Applejack's hat away. She goes chasing after it and finds herself in another world.

A fanfic based on an artpiece by Zaponator

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shadowbolts Adventures: Desperate Hearts

Lemon Zest and Vinyl Scratch have been happily dating ever since their dance-off through the streets of Canterlot, but when Octavia Melody spots them in a record store together, she passes a disturbing warning on to Lemon. A warning she simply can't ignore. When she confronts Vinyl Scratch about it, she hears the entire chilling tale of their ill-fated relationship.

Rated T for mild violence and mild language

Chapters (1)

Sometimes a pony can have an experience so terrible it leaves a mark on their psyche. A memory so intense it can come surging back at the slightest provocation, interfering with their life and putting the ones they love in danger.

Chapters (1)

Twilight finds out her castle is haunted by an old friend.

Thank you to Foals Errand and Bootsy Slickmane for prereading.

Approved by Nonpareil fiction!

Chapters (1)