• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013

Bootsy Slickmane

Retired writer and graphic artist.

Good Stuff 45 stories
  • Good Stuff 45 stories - 26 unread chapters Good stuff that I'll probably want to read again.
    Created by Bootsy Slickmane
    - October, 2014
Found 43 stories in 43ms

Total Words: 219,747
Estimated Reading: 14 hours



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When Rarity's boutique is invaded by a cockroach, she must muster all of her courage and wits to do battle with the horrid beast. A series of epic battles will leave only one of them alive. Can Rarity survive the horrible ordeal?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie isn't the only pony in town with a sweet tooth. Rarity had forgotten that today was the day the snack carts rolled into Ponyville, bringing them: the delicious phenomnomenons. But these decadent treats may turn out to be unhealthy in more ways than one. Can Rarity resist the temptation?

Sincere thanks to the masterful and genteel Harwick for providing the cover artwork.

Chapters (1)

Ever have one of those nightmares where you show up to school in your underwear? Adagio Dazzle has. Except it’s not really a nightmare… in multiple senses of the phrase.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo discovers an empty cardboard box behind the post office.

This is where her day begins.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer's experiencing a night of living hell. Thankfully, Twilight Sparkle shows up and lends a comforting shoulder to lean on.

Chapters (1)

Vinyl Scratch and Octavia get stuck halfway through riding Sparkle Mountain at the Harmonic Kingdom.

But it's okay. Surely they will be reimbursed for their Fast Passes.


Chapters (1)

Sunset has had the same jacket ever since she came to Canterlot High. Rarity and the girls want to treat her to some new clothes, but some things are too important to be replaced.

Chapters (1)

Years spent learning and sacrificing. Years spent turning down friendship. Sunset gave up everything. That was ok though. She was willing to be strong and make those sacrifices. She had to be. Sunset was Princess Celestia's star pupil and was destined for great things. Her faith in Celestia and her future at her side burned brighter than the sun... or at least it did...

The books in the libraries forbidden section revealed much. They revealed that everything she had strived for was and has been in reach for years. They revealed just how easy obtaining her goals were. Worst of all they revealed that Celestia had kept her from rising. Nothing could have hurt her worse...

The artist of the cover pic is InuHoshi-to-DarkPen. This is an amazing picture!

Chapters (1)

After Tirek's attempted villainy, he has once again been banished into the depths of Tartus. This is only the beginning of his punishment.

Author's Note:

Inspired by this.

Chapters (1)