• Member Since 4th Jun, 2013

Bootsy Slickmane

Retired writer and graphic artist.

Flash and Sunset Stories 4 stories
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Total Words: 12,384
Estimated Reading: 49 minutes



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Bored one night, Sunset Shimmer orders a pizza and invites Flash over to watch a movie. Flash recounts a story from his less-proud years as they wait for their food, but it seems to be taking a long time for their pizza to arrive.

Written before Rainbow Rocks came out.

Pre-read by Mattricole.
Edited by DragonShadow.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Just the Flu

From the moment Sunset woke up, she noticed that Flash seemed to be acting just a little bit different. He's usually a goofy idiot, but today he's an extra nice goofy idiot. Is today special for some reason?

This is a sequel only in the sense that the prequel shares the same continuity. None of the other related stories are required reading to understand the others.
Written before Rainbow Rocks came out.

Chapters (1)

One night while hanging out with her boyfriend, Sunset Shimmer finds herself falling ill with the flu. Despite Sunset assuring him it's no problem, Flash insists on assisting.

Takes place before the events of the first Equestria Girls movie.
Pre-read by DragonShadow, Samey90, and Phoenix Frost

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Moderately Special Day

Flash Sentry has made his decision. He doesn't want to be with Sunset Shimmer anymore. Now, the only thing harder than making the decision is following through with it.

This is a sequel only in the sense that the prequel shares the same continuity. None of the other related stories are required reading to understand the others.
Written before Rainbow Rocks came out.

Chapters (1)