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This story is a sequel to Cold

Time flows differently, in the multitude of plains that make up the universe. Seconds here can be hours there... and hours here can be decades over there. There is, however, one universal constant among all time and space: Time never stops. Perhaps I counted on time as my ally when I cast that spell and dove into the past... if only I'd know just how cruel and unwavering it can really be.

Thirty years, I've tried... in most other worlds, it's probably been hundreds, but I've managed to keep track. Thirty years of searching, trying and trying again, desperately doing everything in my power to bring you back... and all that I've learned is that unless I make this choice, it's simply not possible... I hope you'll forgive me. I know that'll be hard... but maybe given enough time, you'll understand... -Twilight Sparkle

Discord- https://discord.gg/EQh5YzE8YE

Patreon- https://patreon.com/user?u=4398966

Chapters (30)

Sunset Shimmer had everything one could ask for. Celestia's best student, wielder of the element of magic, recently crowned alicorn princess of friendship. Everything was perfect.
Then why did it feel wrong?
This was her calling, her destiny. This was the life she was meant to live.
Was it not?
Why did the world around look so alien to her?
Why did it feel like somewhere, somewhen, something had happened the wrong way?

Chapters (4)

Something weird is going on in the human world. Sunset needs advice.

If only Twilight would write back.

Chapters (19)

Anon-A-Miss, tears the school apart. We see what happened to Sunset and the one she loves. Will she give up? That remains to be seen.

Chapters (1)

(Alternate Universe. Here, Sunset is actually a human, and Equestria doesn't exist.)
Canterlot High and it's residents are going through a real hard time after the truth of Anon-A-Miss comes out. Now they're regretting their actions, all of them are.

In memory of Chester Bennington, vocalist for Linkin Park. He passed away 3 months ago, and he's still missed. After all; "Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do."

[Popular Stories List : 10/13/17 Friday the 13th? Not sure if this is bad luck or not. :T)

Chapters (1)

A shove, pushing, thrown projectiles and hateful words. All seem to be having a field day with CHS. For the last week, this is all Sunset Shimmer has known. Ever since this Anon-a-miss had started her life had been hell. It had gotten to the point where some days she didn't even get through the day.  

Chapters (1)

Austin Bradly is a troubled 17-year-old kid who gave up on a life that's taking everything away from him. One day he found something, a purpose. A purpose that leads him into a different dimension where things start to go wrong. Where is he? How did he get there? Can he get back? But most importantly, Does he want to go back?

Chapters (14)

Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, Hero of Equestria and first casualty in the Changeling war. When she passed she became the rallying cry for the Equestrians in the short lived war. When Chrysalis attempts a surprise attack on Canterlot a mysterious figure in armor appears and slays Chrysalis in front of the princesses. Now it's time they learn that anyone can change.

For better or worse.

Big thanks to Nightcloak for the huge help in editing this train wreck of a story.

This Story was featured on 7/28/2018
Thank you to everyone who has read this. I never thought this would happen and am honored beyond words.

Chapters (10)

Sombra was defeated by the Royal Sisters many moons ago, cast away forever.

However, he left one thing in Equestria that would guarantee his return. One thing that would let him rule not only the Crystal Empire, but all of Equestria

And he did return...and lose. Thanks to one, small, miniscule baby dragon.

That just means one thing...

His weapon is getting stronger even now.

In the world of Remnant, Roman Torchwick has been arrested, the efforts of the White Fang have been halted, and the tournament has begun. Things are looking up for Team RWBY otherwise known as, Ruby Rose, Weiss Shnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long.

However, on their way to see their friends, Team JNPR, fight in the first round, Team RWBY find themselves being pulled into not only a new world, but a new conflict.

Oh, and they are all ponies now.

Can the Mane 6 and Team RWBY overcome Sombra's forces?

Or will shadows of past sins plague the land forever

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Blink

Twilight has never thought about where she ends up in that split second when she's neither here nor there.

The results think about it. A lot.

From refined remains, a Twilight civilisation emerges, determined to warn its creator.

Part of ocalhoun's Blink bandwagon, but with no particular connection to anything else on it.

Chapters (3)