• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2019


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Note: This is a side story to "Everyday Life With Guardsmares", but you don’t have to have read that first. All you need to know is that these batponies were created a thousand years ago when Nightmare Moon was banished to the Moon, and developed their own militaristic culture there in anticipation of Her return. They assaulted Royal Guard strongholds during that event, but had to submit when Luna rejoined her sister in peaceful co-rulership. Also, they're Spanish.

After years of poor relations following Nightmare Moon's defeat, a Royal Guard attaché officer sent to improve relations with the batponies and learn more about their alien military culture & traditions is permitted to attend their "Caça de Bruixes": the "Witch-Hunt", a harrowing ritual in which one of their number is willingly given over to a dark power in order to allow other warriors the chance to learn how to fight the possessed monster under semi-controlled conditions. The Maestro Cazador, the Master of the Hunt, presides over the affair and is responsible for the safety of everyone involved.

This story was originally written for the 2022 SPOOK contest.

Chapters (1)

In Ponyville, a new and unusual resident moved into town. He went on adventures, made friends, met the love of his life, had children, and lived happily ever after for many years.

This isn't his story, but the story of his firstborn.

Anonymous Junior isn't like most ponies. Her teeth are sharp, her gaze is unnerving, and her gait is predatory. The hot blood of humanity, the blood of her sire, pumps through her veins, and it's apparent to all who look. Even when empowered by such passion, the life of a young filly is still one filled with trials and tribulations.

A re-imagining of Anon Filly as the biological daughter of Anonymous.
A Second-Person story starring You as Anonymous Junior
Takes place in the Reversed Gender Role Equesria AU
Makes use of OCs that I do not own. They belong to their respective creators and my depictions should not be considered accurate.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash's morning was pretty much ruined.
She tripped getting out of bed and landed flat on her face, giving herself an aching muzzle.
She forgot to buy her favorite brand of hay flakes at the store yesterday and had to eat plain toast for breakfast.
She found out she had to pull double-duty today and tomorrow on the weather patrol.
Oh, and she found a nearly-dead foal, broken and bleeding at the edge of Ponyville.

The rest of her day became a whirlpool of stress and worry but the colt woke up, thank Celestia.
Something's not right, though. Nopony can find his parents, he's not in the registers, and there's an unsettling look in his eye...

YouTube reading by Fire Hearth

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Russian Translation by Likantrop

TV Tropes page, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Chapters (15)

Cadance tries to be the best mom in the world. She really does. But when she's summoned to Flurry's school after her young daughter gets in a fight with a classmate, she wonder just how good of a mom she's capable of being.

My technically-not-late entry into the Cadance Is a Terrible Mom contest.

Chapters (1)

Kirins have a reputation for starting fires in Equestria.

Sweet Inferno has a job putting out fires on Earth.

Inspired by Admiral Biscuit's writing challenge.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 2+2=3?

All artists want their art to be held in the highest regards. For Anon, that means she wants on the fridge.

Featured 1/26/21

Warning; Contains a drawing so horrendous, so terrible, your eyes may bleed. You have been warned.

Cover Sauce

Chapters (1)

Hearthswarming, the time of year when ponies all about Equestria come together, both family and friends, to kindle the love in their hearts and share gifts that speak more volume than words. By now, most were in their homes, or in the guest rooms of far away relatives, staying comfy and warm while the outside billowed and snowed, blanketing the landscape with a layer of white which twinkled under Luna’s bright moon.

However, not all ponies knew better, and for three close friends and lovers, this Hearthswarming Eve would prove to be a challenging night.


This was written for AndwhatIseeisme, for JingleMas 2020! They requested Starlight and Trixie shipping, and naturally I had to stalk them to see what they read and wrote. Once I caught my breath and put my pants back on, I noticed their love for a three way shipping of StarTrixBurst, so I rolled the dice and took the gamble and included him too. I hope you enjoy it!

Cover art is by soft-arthropod, who is sadly not active anymore (or at least on Derpi), used without permission so if there are any issues feel free to yell at me.

Edited by the ever wonderful Aurora Dawn, thanks man I owe ya a bunch.

Chapters (1)

After a few moons in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle has confirmed that everypony there is indeed crazy. But it's a fun kind of crazy, one she's come to appreciate.

She's much less appreciative when it comes to madness waiting for her back in Canterlot.

Cover cobbled together from this vector and this site for escape rooms. Rated Teen for Lunar ribaldry. Preread by Speckle.

Chapters (1)

Can you put a price on happiness? What are you willing to risk to find true love? What is that alien doing over there with all those pizza boxes?
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)

After some apocalyptic events, a man awakens in a land he recognizes all too well, in the house of a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane, with a body that is not his own. Simply put, this is the story of how he copes with his new life and with the relationship he shares with Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (22)