• Member Since 13th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen June 27th

Azure Quill

Atrocities I've commited

Comments ( 4 )
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Quick question.- You have a tulpa?

Edit: I'll assume that you do.


Uh... i think... mmm no... wait.

ah! Here it is!

Enjoy! :twilightsmile:

where did you get your profile pic?

Thank ya kindly for tracking Changes! If you haven't already done so, I encourage you to rate and comment.

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The Triumvirate · 7:55am Nov 21st, 2012

What in Tartarus is wrong with me?! I receive one well aimed compliment and I write the first chapter, or prologue if you will, of a new story in under three hours! I then have the gall to publish said story immediately with a cursory look over, it has a dark tag AND Pinkie Pie.

What in Celestia's name was i thinking?

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