• Member Since 16th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 8th, 2021

Davids Archivist

Royally appointed archivist of David's history

Blog Posts

  • 400 weeks
    Happy No-Post Friday Everyone! (Sorry)

    NOTICE: This Friday, November 25th, there will NOT be a new act of DA1.

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    2 comments · 729 views
  • 409 weeks
    DA1 has reached 100 likes!

    Today, we hit a milestone for DA1... 100 likes!

    Thank you all so much taking the time to read David's story; it means quite a lot to me. :heart:

    Here's looking forward to the future:
    -Many more acts are left to publish in DA1
    -More art! (looking for artists to commission now)
    -Initial conception of DA2 and 3 has started! (much shorter stories)

    I hope the story continues to entertain and brings in even more readers to enjoy it.

    Once again, thank you,

    2 comments · 389 views
  • 411 weeks

    Hello All,

    The Hiatus is over.
    My apologies for making you wait so long!
    Starting next Tuesday I will resume publishing with Act IX and X.
    This gives you all a week to catch up or refresh.
    Reminder! Act IX marks the change from T to M.

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    1 comments · 541 views
  • 418 weeks
    DA1 Update! - A Decision

    Hello All,

    Time has passed, and I have reached a decision. Thank you all for your patience, comments, and support.

    Starting now, DA1 will be placed on a short, temporary hiatus while Part 1 is being reworked.
    I do not expect the hiatus to last very long.

    I have also decided that DA1 will NOT be split into multiple stories; that would necessitate too many changes for each story to stand on its own and would change the original concept completely. It simply isn't feasible.

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    0 comments · 587 views
  • 419 weeks
    Meet Cherry Topping!

    Newly introduced in DA1, is Cherry Topping, the head chef in Canterlot Castle.
    She's got a solid presence in DA1, so I hope you enjoy reading about her!

    Check out the Archive's DeviantArt page!

    0 comments · 466 views

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Welcome to the Archives!
I am the appointed caretaker of all works created around David's life; you may simply call me Archivist or DA.

The first major addition to the archive has been released! Updates will be Tuesday and Friday nights.

Also, the DeviantArt site is being actively updated with art and favorites. Please check it out.

Thank you,
David's Archivist

Art from the Archives (FF trouble, req. Flash)

Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Loved your story. I hope you eventually get back to it

"Slow and steady," I suppose describes it best.
I have a title and plot, but it still is in conceptual outlining.
DA2 will not be as long as DA1, so I doubt the world will end before it sees the light.

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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