• Member Since 8th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 12th, 2021


Likes: Reading random fics, playing video games, surfing youtube, the usual.


10/10 · 2:14pm Dec 12th, 2012

Just got done reading Fallout: Equestria. It was indeed a good read and I personally savored every word of it for the immersive experience. I would like to thank Yuki Harima for recommending it, for it was a good read indeed. Hats off to ya mate.

Check it out here if you already haven't mates.

If you are one of those who already read it, then tell me what do you think?

Report HybridPanda · 460 views ·
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I'll slow down if you want :pinkiecrazy:

635191 Oh gee, this is so sudden. :fluttercry:

I'm following you :pinkiecrazy:

594579 You're very welcome mate.
:heart: One Piece :heart:

Thanks for following me! Welcome to the Cult of Doctor Chopper!

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