• Member Since 26th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 20th, 2023


Something about me

Name: Matthew E. Schnorr
Age: Two years over quarter-century
Home: Colorado Montana
Personality: Average, Slightly Comical... and maybe mentally unstable.
Passions: Whatever catches my eye



Still Dead, but in a decent mood · 2:20am Oct 13th, 2020

Title says it all.

I'm still in a creative slump, but at least I'm feeling somewhat better about myself.
Work has distracted me enough from the last post... as well as most of the year of politics, plague and populist upheavals … almost to the point of hating everybody and everything.

I at least found some solace in the fact that Ponies have made it to its Ten years mark, so yeah... and again reminded of my creative slump by not being able to celebrate it with even a small doodle...

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Report Codexwriter476 · 157 views ·

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Brony Audio Readings

Current: Six Bronies- by Alpha Scorpii

-Mane Six Hijack a Tank- by Sabre
Date of Release: Cancelled- No proper equipment/software to continue


Comments ( 9 )
  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9

Hey, thanks for faving "The Conversion Bureau: The Final Moments"! I'm so glad you enjoyed

it! :raritywink:

thanks for the fave!

291546 No prob. Still expecting the animation to come out soon.

Thanks for the fav on Come Little Children!

  • Viewing 5 - 9 of 9
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