Hey Everyone (New Post) · 3:36pm Jan 22nd, 2021
Hey Everyone! Elite Alicorn, here(But you can call me Story)! I have just posted one of my stories that I completed few years ago and I think I just never got around to posting it for some reason. Yes, I'm still no longer a part of the fandom and yes my life is more or less still busy. Regardless, I recently got back into writing, but more seriously. I am working on a piece on a different website and in the name of a different fandom. I randomly decided to hop on here, today, and take a look
1805714 I did but I understand... I got work today but I might try again after I am of tell then later. *Nuzzles*
1803819 Hahaha well I am not really on right now, seeing as I am a bt busy doing something else.... I know I said I wouldn't be asleep by the time you came back, but I waited 3 hours... and you were a no-show, so...
I don't think I can really blame myself for going to bed and actually going to sleep. Sorry if I didn't catch, if you happened to have come back any later. 
Just seeing if you where online or not.
I am back
1802207 Nope lets do this PM me any time.
Hey Shadows. I think I'm ready for my first RP lesson -- if you're up to it, of course.
If not then tomorrow or today, next week, will work.
Thank you...
1800653 Yes
1800540 Great, thanks.
(That means in the evenings, too, right?)
1800536 Any time in the afternoon perferribly
1800451 Awesome!

Around what time(s) do you think?
1800223 Okay the no Facebook no Skype got it. Also Wednesday or Thursday will be fine for me.
1799109 Sure!!
What time are you available to talk? I was thinking that'd we could go back in forth
*NoFB *Noskype 
in PM... But it's really up to you. Hopefully you have time on Wednesdays or Thursdays.... I really don't see any other time, for me...
1798364 Well I can show you... RP is fun and it is a great way to exercise the imagination.
1792262 Heya! Sorry about the ridiculously late response! I knew I would reply late the moment I got a glimpse at your post! My weekend was busy so there wasn't time to respond, correctly....I am not writing any stories right now, but even so, I still manage to disappoint:
The answer is no.
I asked someone, a bit recently, if they'd teach me, but I never got back to them after they said yes. I always wanted to know how. but... I just didn't get the chance to learn...
Sorry about that.
So do you RP at all?
1790703 Alright goodnight
1790486 BTW: Going to bed, now, so Good Night.
1790486 Ignoring you, evidently.
Sry about that. Just doing random stuff right now - particularly looking at Markiplier and stuff.
So what you up to?