• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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venting (don't havfta read if you don't wanna or care) · 12:41am Oct 27th, 2012

i want to write but don't feel like it.
writing this blog post is hard already.
been thinking about (urrrrggghhhttttt) rewriting the second chapter of my story again.
my desire to make the jack trades story perfect is ruining my game.
should i put it on hold and focus on the backlog of weird ideas or wait till this soul-eating monster has been completed?

Report leaderofstars · 539 views ·

Stories go here, booze over there

I'm not crazy

I just see the world differently.:pinkiecrazy::derpytongue2:

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Thanks for the favorite! God bless!

Thanks for the favorite on 'Equestrias unexpected Hero'! Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for adding my story to your favorites.

Level Up! You have earned the Achievement: Thank you for having added High Score! to your favorites! Keep reading, I mean playing, if you want to grind to a 100 percent completion! :rainbowwild:

Thanks for the fave God bless!

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