• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 13,279 Views, 473 Comments

The Flower Blooms Twice - Tatsurou

An indeterminate injury leads a Crusader to discover a secret about herself, one that will change her world forever...or not.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Apple Bloom futzed briefly against the fabric of her crimson and green gown. “Do I really have to get all dressed up like this?” she asked, frustrated.

“But of course you do!” Rarity exclaimed giddily. “You’re attending the Grand Galloping Gala as an honored guest! You three need to look your absolute best!”

Sweetie Belle stood perfectly still in her pale blue gown, her head at just the right angle as Rarity instructed her. “Rarity…can I move yet?”

Rarity chuckled. “Yes, Sweetie, I’ve finished with your dress. You can move now.”

Sighing in relief, Sweetie relaxed her posture.

“Just don’t step on the gown or tumble, or I’ll have to redo the entire thing.”

Sweetie groaned, barely resisting the urge to facehoof, as that would get makeup on her pristine diamond hoofshoe.

Scootaloo groaned. “Apple Bloom, if it were anyone else, you’d never catch me dead in a dress or at one of these frou-frou parties.” She glanced over at her pale lavender and orange gown, layered like a sunset. “I just wish Rarity hadn’t messed with my hair.”

“Speaking of hair,” Rarity began.

“I have that covered,” Coin interrupted. He pulled out a red ribbon.

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “Is that…”

Coin nodded. “We were able to restore your ribbon physically, Apple Bloom. However, the Soma was fully expended when it absorbed that last attack spell.”

“Soma?” all three CMC and Rarity asked in confusion.

“Spirit energy,” Coin explained. “When a pony or other creature owns a specific object for a long time, an imprint of that pony or creature is left on that object long after they have passed on. Changeling magic can interact with Soma, in this case allowing young Apple Bloom to assume a young image of the former owner of this ribbon.”

“Oh,” Apple Bloom said quietly. “So that’s why I looked like Maw…” She had thought it was a sign of Apple Flower’s acceptance of the Apple child she didn’t give birth to.

“However, never before have I seen the Soma in an object actively absorb magic directed at a Changeling that would cause them harm,” Coin continued. “But I have two reported incidents of this happening. The first by our agent who had been impersonating Rainbow Dash. He thought that the ribbon had glowed when Twilight cast her spell to remove Changeling disguises because of an enchantment on the ribbon, but it was the Soma absorbing the spell’s effects that were directed at you, preventing you from being revealed as a Changeling. The second time, I saw with my own eyes an attack spell aimed straight at your chest bend in mid-air to hit the ribbon instead. I don’t know how to explain that.”

Rarity thought for a bit. “If the Soma is an echo of the former owner, is it possible some of Apple Flower’s awareness and feelings were bound up in the energy, and that’s what acted to protect Apple Bloom?”

Coin thought for a time. “I’ve heard of stranger. It’s a distinct possibility.” He stepped back as he finished tying the ribbon in the usual bow in Apple Bloom’s mane. “Unfortunately, without the Soma, the ribbon no longer triggers the normal transformation it had for so long.”

Apple Bloom nodded. “Then I guess I’ll just have to do it myself.” Closing her eyes, she focused her mind on herself. She wasn’t sure if it would work, but it was all she could think of. Just like before, she felt a slight shudder over her body as it reconfigured as she filled her mind with everything she knew of herself. Hearing Sweetie Belle’s gasp, she opened her eyes. “Did it work?” she asked, although hearing her own voice, she realized it didn’t as it still had what she’d come to think of as the ‘Changeling rasp’.

“Umm…sorta?” Scootaloo offered.

Apple Bloom looked down at herself. Her yellow coat had returned, and she felt more like a pony than a Changeling. However, there were still a couple of holes in each of her legs, she still had her fangs, and her horn and gossamer wings were still there. Glancing under her dress, she saw that the apple of her cutie mark also had holes in it, similar to the holes of a Changeling’s limbs. She sighed. “Close enough,” she conceded.

“It’s really…you,” Sweetie Belle pointed out. “It’s like a fusion of you from before you knew your heritage and your Changeling nature. Like all of you together.”

Apple Bloom smiled. “I guess so,” she replied, hugging Sweetie. “Let’s go. We’ve got a party to get to.”

“Don’t forget,” Coin reminded her, “this is also the official signing of the Peace Treaty. It’s important things go smoothly.”

“But that’s not till later, right?” Apple Bloom asked hopefully. “I’ll be able to walk around, see the castle, and try the buffet?”

Coin stared at his youthful queen for a time before sighing. “I suppose.”

“Yay!” all three fillies shouted, jumping up and down in joy.

Coin sighed to himself. Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m supposed to be a Military Commander, a political advisor, or a foalsitter. Shaking his head, he smiled. “Your carriage awaits, my Queen.”

“Coin! I’ve told you to call me Apple Bloom!” The young queen lifted her muzzle disdainfully, unknowingly appearing every inch the offended noble.

Chuckling, Coin guided the three fillies to the waiting carriage – decorated in black, green, and gold as befitting the conveyance of the changeling queen – and the four changelings hitched to it to pull it all the way to Canterlot. Once the three fillies were safely ensconced within, Coin climbed into the driver’s seat. The four soldiers buzzed their wings, lifting the carriage carefully into the sky and marking a heading for Canterlot.

Stepping out of the carriage as they arrived at Canterlot Castle, it was plain that the marvel of attending a grown up party – what had been there to begin with – had been worn down and replaced with nervousness. Simply put, none of them felt like they really belonged there, however excited they might have been in other circumstances, and the other ponies certainly didn’t look happy to see three fillies at the event. Coin, however, had apparently prepared for this as he opened a chest and presented the contents: two tiaras and one larger crown. “The crown of the Changeling Queen, and two tiaras worn by favored Princesses. While not entirely accurate, it should keep anyone from giving any of you problems.”

The two tiaras were simple black circlets with gemstones embedded that glowed with green changeling fire. The crown was several loops of black steel forged to resemble twisted thorny vines. While it didn’t look comfortable, Apple Bloom knew from wearing it before that it was actually quite comfy, if still a little big for her. However, she discovered now that bracing it against her ribbon in her mane helped it sit still and comfortably. Thus marked as important guests, the three fillies made their way into the Grand Galloping Gala.

Although it had been their intention to stick together and help each other, it didn’t take long for the three of them to get separated. Scootaloo found herself completely lost at such a fancy gathering, trying to find some way to just vanish. Unfortunately, stuffing her face off a plate of hors d’oeuvres a stallion passed near her with was the wrong approach. “What?” she said to the plainly offended nobles. “I was hungry!” She thought about what she just ate. “And it didn’t even taste very good.”

A chuckle caught her attention. “Maybe you should have found something better to eat, then.”

She spun around. “Spitfire?” she asked in shock.

Spitfire chuckled. “Come on, kid. Let’s get away from the nobles. We’re bad for their health.”


Spitfire pointed at how several nobles had turned their noses up at the two of them. “That can’t be good for their necks.”

Laughing, Scootaloo followed Spitfire to where other Wonderbolts were waiting, all of them apparently having heard about her from Rainbow Dash, leaving Scootaloo rather embarrassed but pleased.

Sweetie Belle, on the other hoof, had a bit of a harder time finding her way around the party. She wandered from group to group. Each time she approached a group of nobles, she was quickly invited into the conversation, and then just as quickly ignored. It didn’t take long for her to realize that they had no actual interest in her. They only invited her in so that they could be seen talking with a ‘close friend of the Changeling Queen’. Simply put, they saw her as little more than a piece in the game of power, to be used and ignored. It didn’t take her long after she realized that about each group before she politely excused herself. Eventually, she found herself sitting by the stage, where Octavia Melody and her troupe were performing classical music for the party. She sat down to watch and listen, having lost track of Apple Bloom and Scootaloo and lost interest in politics.

Before long, a white mare with a pale pink mane sat down beside her. “Bored already?” she asked good-naturedly.

Sweetie sighed. “More like disappointed. My sister always talked so glowingly about Canterlot, and how wonderful the ponies here were, and how grand it would be to be part of the in crowd, shaping Equestria. Seeing how shallow they all are is rather…disillusioning.” She glanced up and blushed, realizing how insulting her words must sound. “I meant no offense!”

The mare chuckled. “None taken. The majority of nobles are too full of themselves to remember the noble caste was created to aid Celestia in tending to the country after Moonfall.”


“It’s the historical name for the events leading up to Nightmare Moon’s banishment,” the mare replied. “The noble caste was created to help take up the slack for a grieving Celestia. Not that anyone remembers anymore. I’m not surprised it didn’t take Rarity’s little sister long to see the truth.”

Sweetie Belle’s eyes widened. “You know Rarity?” she asked, surprised.

The mare chuckled. “I met her when she was staying here in Canterlot. My husband and I showed her to quite a few events…the last one actually merging with Twilight’s birthday party.”

At that, Sweetie realized where she knew the mare from. “You’re Fleur de Lis!”

She smiled warmly. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Sweetie Belle. And welcome to the world of politics.”

Sweetie gagged. “You can keep it!” she insisted. “How can you handle it? Talking to all these ponies with false smiles, who are little more than vipers who would stab you in the back without hesitation?”

Fleur chuckled. “Well, there’s two ways one can do it. First, you can find those who actually are genuinely good ponies and laugh with them at the pathetic antics of the bad ones. That makes dealing with them easier.” Sweetie giggles at that notion. “Alternatively, you can achieve a position of such unassailable political importance that you can treat the bad ones however you want and no one can call you on it.”

Sweetie sighed. “That second one sounds pretty good, but the effort it would take-“

“Is minimal for you.”

Sweetie blinked. “Huh?”

“Apple Bloom, as the Queen of the Changelings, is the closest to unassailable political power anypony’s been since the day Celestia first banished Nightmare Moon. The alliance between the Changelings and the Crystal Empire is already formalized, making the swarm all but invincible. If the treaty between the changelings and Equestria falls apart because of the actions of an Equestrian noble, the Crystal Empire would be obligated to aid the Changelings if war came. Simply put, the only reason any of the nobles feel safe in behaving as they have been with you three is because she doesn’t know the strength of her position.”

Sweetie tilted her head. “I…I don’t get it.”

Fleur chuckled. “You don’t need to. Just know that you don’t need to guard your words here. Politics is the last thing you need to worry about.”

Sweetie smiled. “Sounds good. But I’d rather just listen to the music right now.”

Fleur nodded. “Octavia’s quite talented, isn’t she?”

Meanwhile, Apple Bloom was somewhat disoriented. With her Changeling abilities now fully awakened, she could feel the emotional state of everypony around her. The nobles were an interestingly divided group in this case. About a third of them were repulsed by the idea of having to treat with a child Queen, especially a Changeling. Another third were filled with avarice directed at her, apparently seeing her youth as a means of taking advantage of her, using her naiveté against her. The smallest third felt only good-natured curiosity, apparently interested in seeing where these events would go. Apple Bloom did her best to give a friendly smile to everypony, internally shuddering as she feels the revulsion her fanged smile made a good number of ponies feel.

“Ah, Your Majesty!” She turned to see a white unicorn stallion with a blonde mane approaching her. “A pleasure to meet you!”

Apple Bloom briefly tapped the hive mind, identifying the approaching stallion as Blueblood. “Your Highness,” she replies. “A pleasure, I’m certain.”

Blueblood began to speak with her, going on and on about something that was a little over her head. She filtered the words through the hive mind to translate it to a way she could understand, and was informed it was political small talk involving Canterlot fashion.

“I’m sorry,” she interrupted, “but I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She managed a winsome smile. “I’m afraid I’ve had more weighty matters on my mind.”

Blueblood smiled. “Of course, how foolish of me. Certainly a Queen as lovely as yourself would be brilliant as well, keeping her attention only for the most important matters.”

As they were near the buffet, Apple Bloom looked over, wanting to try something. However, she felt her stomach turn, though she knew it wasn’t from the food. As Blueblood continued to talk, she felt the mix of emotions from him: avarice, a desire to use her towards his own ends; overweening pride; a disquieting hunger for power; and most unsettling, a twisted lust. She couldn’t understand the full reason for all of these emotions, but the mix turned her stomach and made her nauseous.

Blueblood smiled as he offered her a selection of morsels on a platter. “Hungry?” he asked.

Apple Bloom stepped back a bit. “Umm…I wasn’t exactly raised to be Queen, so sorry if my words aren’t as polite as they could be, but there’s something I need to say.”

“Certainly,” he replied with an unsettlingly sweet smile. “I hunger for your words.”

Apple Bloom exhaled, inhaled, and began to speak. “As a changeling, I can feel the emotional energies of those around me, and naturally absorb a little from those closest to me in a manner harmless to them. However, each emotion has a taste, and those I’m getting from you are making me physically sick to just be in your presence, to the point I can’t eat anything offered here. So I’m going to have to ask you to get away from me before I call my guards to remove you from my presence.”

Blueblood’s smile turned to a frown. “What? How dare you-“

“She asked you to leave,” a hard voice came from behind him as a dark brown pegasus with a black mane, green eyes, and a golden coin for a cutie mark glared harshly at him.

Blueblood rounded on the pegasus. “And just who do you think you-“

With a flare of green fire, the pegasus’ leg turned into a blade which he held to the prince’s throat. “I’m the one who won’t hesitate to disembowel you and use your corpse as a battle standard if you don’t get away from my queen right this instant.”

Blueblood fainted dead away.

Apple Bloom smiled up at the disguised changeling. “Thanks Coin,” she said, although she still felt a little ill.

Coin gently guided her away from Blueblood’s unconscious form. “Here,” he said, handing her an apple.

She quickly devoured it in just a few bites, feeling it settle her stomach. “A Sweet Apple Acres apple.”

Coin nodded. “As you haven’t yet learned to filter out the emotions of others, I knew you might face an overload induced illness. So I brought a few apples from your home to help settle your stomach should it happen. I thought the familiar taste would help.”

She could feel him shielding her from most of the emotional energy surrounding her. “It’s not just the familiar taste,” she pointed out. “I helped grow these apples, along with my big sis, my big brother, and my granny. I know how much love and care went into carefully growing every single apple…and now I can taste it.”

Coin chuckled. “No wonder you are so powerful, raised as you have been.”

Apple Bloom blinked. “Will…will we get in trouble over what happened with Blueblood? I mean, he is the prince.”

Coin shook his head. “Not at all. In point of fact, you could request a formal apology from Celestia for his behavior.”


Coin smiled. “The balance of power is still precarious. While we are here to sign a peace treaty, politically you still hold all the cards and the entire world knows it. You could probably ask Celestia to sign the Treaty with a rubber chicken if you wanted.”

Apple Bloom giggled. “While that would be funny, I don’t really want to do that. Celestia’s nice. Though I might ask that Blueblood tender an apology.”

Coin nodded. “Perhaps you should. Although you should know, given the currently charged political environment, that any action you take will likely have long lasting impact.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened. “Any action?” Coin nodded. “In that case, should I eat more apples?”

Coin chuckled. “If you so desire.” He handed her another to devour.

After a time, Apple Bloom reunited with her friends, and made her way to the throne. There, she was awaited by Celestia, Luna, and Twilight. Together, under much ceremony and formality – enough, at any rate, to make Scootaloo fall asleep in her chair, to the amusement of many – the Pax Apple treaty was signed, bringing an official end to the state of war between Equestria and the Changelings, and cementing the alliance between the two countries.

Coin sat back as he watched his young queen. She is a real hooffull, he thought to himself, but she’s managed to do more for our people than the past 15 queens. Perhaps having her ascend so young will turn out to be a good thing. Certainly, her youth will give her much more leeway politically than most could expect, and her adorability will win many allies.

He sighed sadly. I dread informing her, however, that she will be able to take advantage of her youth for at least another century…

Author's Note:

As many questions have been asked about this, allow me to clarify.

I've mentioned Apple Bloom accessing the hive mind. At her current stage of development, the hive mind is basically a combination of a database with thousands of viewpoints adding details. She can't interpret the whole thing at once. She just sends out a query, and receives an answer. In this case, she asked the hive mind for help to not make a fool of herself at the Gala.

Comments ( 159 )

I love how you did blueblood

not overdone of him actually being really mean

no he was just acting as blueblood

the one pony no one cares how ooc he is

Glad you liked. I was a little unsure how that part would be received.

There's only one flaw I see in this chapter, but it's so glaring I have to mention it: The dialogue.
No elementary school student talks the way you're having them. Most High School students don't speak that way, whenever you write children, you have to go back in your mind and think "Does this sound like something a kid would say?" and rework/dumb it down to match the character. I can believe Sweetie having knowledge of a few more 'fancy' words, but when even Apple Bloom is using a more descriptive vocabulary than Twilight, reworking is necessary.

Apple Bloom is drawing not just from her own experience for dialogue, but also the hive mind of the Changelings. So she's using a lot more words than she normally would.

You have ALL the fillies talking and reasoning like college philosophy majors rather than ten year olds. Hive mind doesn't matter.

I guess that's something I'll need to work on. I thought they sounded okay.

My point exactly.

Another flaw in the reasoning, if this hive mind is giving her such a broad vocabulary, wouldn't she also already know the secret that Coin plans to tell her? If her mind is filling up with memories that weren't hers, she should be pretty interested, and I want it explained, not used as a throwaway explanation for when things don't make sense. Explain the boundaries. Explain the rules of it. You can't just tag on abilities for the sake of plot convenience, unless you explain why they make sense in your setting. Even if it's in the authors notes, it's at least there.

Oh yeah, the changeling queen is an alicornian sub-species. Long lived indeed... That's gonna suck hard.

She's not filling up with memories. The hive mind is basically working like a combination of teleprompter and earwig, coaching her on what to say. She can tap into the full memories of the hive, but she isn't ready for that. At this point, it's sort of like the Changeling internet hooked to internal google glass.

Like I said, put it in the footnotes, not in the comments section.

You mean like in the Author's Note?

Now it makes sense. Just need to fine tune the dialogue to get this chapter just right.

All in all, it's still really good already.

Any recommendations on fine tuning the dialogue?

Go back, and read through it. Think to the show "has the character ever used this word before" and if not "would it be normal for a child their age to say this word"

If you're still not sure, read of few other authors interpretations of children. It may help you to get the hang of it.

I'll give that a try.

3879261 YES NEW CHAPTER!!!:pinkiecrazy:

And so, everything slowly goes downhill from here because the larger problem has been tackled. Good luck at trying to hold our attention for as long as you can. :ajsmug:

Holy crap, your alive! :pinkiegasp: Just kidding.:twilightsheepish: Glad to see your releasing chapters again.:rainbowdetermined2:

With a flare of green fire, the pegasus’ leg turned into a blade which he held to the prince’s throat. “I’m the one who won’t hesitate to disembowel you and use your corpse as a battle standard if you don’t get away from my queen right this instant.”

And thus Blueblood's coat turned brown. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Odd idea at the end. Was the rubber chicken thrown in because of todays episode?

...what rubber chicken?

The one that Coin said she could make Celestia sign the treaty with if she wanted to. Or have you not seen Pinkie Pride yet?

Oh, that one.
Honestly, I'd completely forgotten I'd wrote that in.:twilightblush:

Oh well. Funny coincidence anyway. :pinkiesmile:

Fun if somewhat fast paced chapter. The growing lore surrounding Apple Bloom is very interesting.
Although I do prefer the severely socially inept, extremely narcissistic, obscenely arrogant, obviously closeted homosexual version of Blueblood from canon to this more disgusting and legitimately bad version.
AB's insight into his emotions and her relationship with him could have been far more intrigueing that way, with her being the only one who could see beneath the surface.
Ah well... another time.

You know what would be cool, that with her new power she finds out that SS and DT are actually ignored at home so they act up or something

Hmm...using her abilities for character development within Ponyville...
...never thought of that.:twilightblush:

The smallest third felt only good-natured curiosity, apparently interested in seeing where these events would go.

The smallest third


Math would like to have a word with you in this back alley. With a tire iron.

And for math, I have this rebuttal.

All Gaul shall be quartered into three halves.

3892952 Rebuttal to Rebuttal

The freshman could quote good authority for his translation of the first sentence in Caesar’s Commentaries, "All Gaul is quartered into three halves!" Says Moberly, "The word ‘moiety,’ like ‘halb’ or ‘half,’ originally means only a part; as desshalb and similar German words show."

Moving on.

Okay. I'm tentatively saying that I enjoy this I think.

That said, I can't say I don't have any issues with it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders are children. Cutie Marks themselves are an obvious analogue to the onset of puberty.

Why, then, are they so erudite and hyper competent? They have their usual memetic screwups, obviously, but otherwise they succeed at pretty much everything they set out to do.

Even above the story's pacing issues, I really wish I understood why the CMC aren't behaving or sounding like children outside the occasional bone thrown to "CMC <vocation> Yay!"

In the case of Apple Bloom, because she's being coached in how to act at a diplomatic affair by the entire hive mind of the Changelings.
In the case of Sweetie Belle, she's always had the biggest vocabulary, and here she's mostly being a child in how she behaves. No one's listening to her, so she goes off to sulk. First one to genuinely listen, she throws a tantrum.
In Scootaloo's case, sheer dumb luck. Spitfire knew about her from Rainbow, and stepped in to take care of her when she was plainly out of her depth.

3893001 I mean throughout the entire story, not just this chapter. I just started reading this today.

Umm...I fail to see them being hyper competent anywhere else in the story, and the only one who ever acts truly erudite before Apple Bloom becomes Queen is Sweetie Belle, and that's been explained.

Near the beginning, before the invasion, it was little kids being little kids.

During the invasion, little kids trying to be super heroes, with Sweetie Belle remembering where to get a few important resources made by adults and one spell, and the three of them being scrappy.

And Apple Bloom's entire approach during the peace conference was "Get everyone relaxed, say I want everyone to get along, let someone else figure out how to make it work."

Most of their apparent super success is sheer dumb luck and competent acquaintances.

3881895 doubt it, the Rubber Chicken was seen before, note I've yet to still see anything beyond the Wedding Episode and only pick up on slight things as the Twilicorn and this Crystal Empire that Cadence and Shining both control, aside from these: everything is a complete mystery to the likes of me.

Sounds like Mr. Coin is due for a special somepony.
I would kill to see how flustered he would be having to be on the receiving end of love. Someone so serious like his caliber deserves an especially sweet mare. Maybe Roseuck or Fleur De Lis perhaps?

That aside, your story seems to be solid for the most part in most aspects.
Though I find it somewhat jarring how quickly everypony came to support Applebloom during the fight.
Mind you, I have an extremely resistant suspension of disbelief, so this comes somewhat as a shock. Then again, perhaps it may be just me.
That said, I would advise that you might want to consider redoing the part where everypony seems fine and dandy with Applebloom being a changeling. I suspect there would be far more amounts of disbelief and shock than initially encountered when Applebloom's true form revealed itself.

Moving on, General Coin seems to be an especially strong supporting character this early on in the story. From what I can deduce, it appears that you are setting him up as an anvil to lean on as the story develops. Impressive for a story this early on. From here, you have generated reader sympathy for our young general. It might do this story good, might I must stress, that such a dashing stallion be gifted with someone especially sweet and soft, perhaps of an earth pony mare perhaps? (Can be any species though by your choice.) I.E: Fluttershy, Roseluck, Nurse Redheart, Lady Octavia, and perhaps so on. If nothing else, it will serve as good bait to draw potential readers into your story.

Now, as for what happens hereafter remains to be seen, though I strongly suspect this would make for a compelling multichapter longfic, perhaps in the range of twenty to thirty chapters as a recommended standard. (Though this will vary from author to author.)

I must cut this comment short, for class is about to end.
Though know that your story has caught my eye, and I look eagerly on for your next written special.
My regards dear sir.

Apple Bloom exhaled, inhaled, and began to speak. “As a changeling, I can feel the emotional energies of those around me, and naturally absorb a little from those closest to me in a manner harmless to them. However, each emotion has a taste, and those I’m getting from you are making me physically sick to just be in your presence, to the point I can’t eat anything offered here. So I’m going to have to ask you to get away from me before I call my guards to remove you from my presence.”

Just yes.


Re-read this whole story and enjoyed it again. I loved the Crusaders at the Gala, Scoots and Spitfire, Sweetie and Fleur, and Applebloom dealing with Blueblood... who needs to have some more humilation
3880491 Don't you mean the floor beneath him??? I think his coat turned dead white as all his hot air was let out.
3896806 AGREED, HE DESERVES A NICE MARE!!! As for everyone supporting Applebloom... well better the changeling you know than the evil one who everyone hates, right? Plus, if the Elements of Harmony are cheering for her you know she must be the good one.

As far as why everyone switched to supporting Apple Bloom, you're dead right. They were about to be enslaved and someone started fighting Chrysalis. At that point, they'd cheer a butterfly or a manticore. I'm actually completely reworking what I had planned for future chapters to take into account the town and Apple Bloom now adjusting to her Changeling Queen status. Just wait until Diamond Tiara...well, spoilers.

3951074 DT is being her usual little bitchy self, when suddenly Coin appears looming behind her and scares her into a shaking wreck. Or a 'new transfer student' reveals themselves as a young changeling and defends Applebloom's honor. either one works, but both end with DT being humiliated. Of course, Applebloom could just deadpan snark at her, "You do realize I'm politically at the same level as the Princesses and your daddy should be begging to kiss my hoof, right???" before turning away as if DT is beneath her notice.:scootangel: :pinkiehappy:

Actually, DT knows exactly where Apple Bloom's political level is. She acts on that, trying to social climb. Guess where that goes.

3951328 Complete and utter humiliation of DT? :pinkiehappy::yay::rainbowlaugh: Silver Spoon switching to being Applebloom's new Yes filly??? Filthy Rich finding out his daughter has caused a trade embargo on all his products outside of Ponyville and thus leading him to financial ruin????

Certainly, unlikely, and possibly.

Another interesting and awesome chapter, please continue dude! :pinkiehappy:

When will there be an update

A politician's nightmare:raritywink:- a power who can judge the sincerity of whomever she speaks to.

Excellent story! I'm looking forward to future installments.

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