• Member Since 17th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 30th, 2022



Fluttershy is your typical pony. Kind, caring...and lonely. When a new colt comes into town and takes a local Bandmaster job, Fluttershy finds him strangely attractive...

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 883 )

Here, let me update my avatar to match my OC.
I'm glad you're enjoying it. I had quite a bit of trouble getting this to go the exact way I wanted it to. I tried first person for about 2 pages before I scrapped it and went with what I have now. Apparently I have a bit of a knack for writing, it seems. Yeah, this story is actually an internal reflection of myself. Fluttershy seems to be the ppnified personification of my secret desires and interests in a woman (which are no longer secret:raritywink:) so this is actually a personal bit for me. Glad you're enjoying it though.

Funny, although... "any apples or apple accessories", WTH are apple accessories? Srsly you have read too many comic.:trollestia:

I mean no offense. THis story seems good so far. But still...
What the hell am I reading?

You're reading a shipfic. With Fluttershy. And my OC. With themes from my personal life.

Also, I know this question is bound to come up, but this story is in no way related to "When Trey came to town". I personally believe that story was stolen from me, since I posted that idea and then it was later taken. Trey is not just a name you randomly pick. Anyways, I'm still saddlesore about that. Anyways, hope you enjoy chapter 3! I'll try and have a 4th chapter up sometime Sunday. The band has a football game this weekend. I'll also try and update my other fics. I guess I bit off more than I can chew by writing so many fics at once. Luckily, BOE is almost done and LOR is just a recreational project. (Though with that many views, I really should step it up.) CB will definitely see a new chapter soon.

Thanks for your continues support, everypony! :pinkiesmile:

awesome job, trey.:twilightsmile:

Glad it's up to your standards! I've always wanted to try my hoof at a shipfic, and this was the one place it wouldn't be awkward. Hell, it's being tracked by a ton of people. Thanks for the support, everypony!:pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile::trollestia::ajsmug::scootangel::twistnerd:

very well done, I'm liking this story the more and more I read it. Descriptive and so far the only fanfic that's actually got me to smile so far. I tip my hat to you sir.:twilightsmile:

I realize the new chapter will have a lot of Big Mac fans angry at me. Let me say I admire big mac as a character too. He's simply in there for plot.:eeyup: Besides, what good is a shipfic...or any story, actually...without some sort of hinderance?

BIG MAC :eeyup: WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT, YOU JACKASS! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

Fluttershy wouldn't ever fall in love with me either, but it's happening. Look, this story is a shipfic. It's just a story. I know Big Mac wouldn't do anything like that but for the sake of plotline, he did. Pinkie Pie would never murder anyone for food, but cupcakes made her, didn't it?:ajsmug:
Like I said, I have nothing against Big Mac. I like him. But it's there for advancement of the story. All guys are young and foolish at some point.

Hey there! Yes, that's me. Glad to see my adoring fans are coming from minecraft. I was hoping for places with higher standards. :ajbemused::ajbemused:
Just kidding! :twilightsmile::raritywink:

I really don't think that Twilight would ever do something like that. Its completely out of character.:unsuresweetie:
I am really enjoying this story, though. :twilightsmile:

Remember me? I'm the one who essentially broke the server and caused a complete regime overhaul after Pinkie_Pie banhammered me and erased everything I'd ever done!

bad twilight! BAD! >:I :twilightangry2:

i read this story in my android it got my attention because it had fluttershy in it now i am in my laptop and i love this story as soon as i got in my laptop i came here tracked the story and continued the story

8090 Well Big Mac's out of character at some point as well. Not all stories have to be perfectly with the character. :pinkiesmile:
8093 Can't say I do. Either that was before my time or I was offline. Or maybe I was building more onto my Winchester house.
8117 Thanks! This story did start out only as a recreational project, but I'm glad I decided to publicize it. It's a bit of a cult classic. :pinkiesmile:
8118 Yes, yes. Bad Twilight :twilightangry2:
8128 Great! I'm going to try to upload future hours at more peak time of the day. putting it out a 11/12 at night (my time) doesn't yield as much views as it could. So, I'll probably upload them around 3-5 in the afternoon, if I have time.

8173Pfft, dude, I helped you do shit. Hell, I remember when you were a blank flank.

The_Pony_Pirate sound familiar?

Actually, yes. Glad to see you abandoned minecraft and read my fanfiction instead. I'm working hard on making this one good.

Hm...a referral here from domaincrawler.net. That's an interesting place to be referred from.:rainbowderp:

Quite. I didn't really abandon it, I just got banhammered and never went back after it was lifted xD

I've been lurking here for quite a long time and have read a lot of stories. I have created an account mere hours ago so that i can comment on this one. Fantastic story. Amazing. Bravo. 10/10

I hope that wasn't too much?

So long as it wasn't sarcastic, no. I don't think the rating accurately portray this either. It was referenced from 4chan and I think I got trolled. Need more honest ratings to catch up to that :/

Surely there more right? this isn't the Resolution like the title said right.

Well I do believe the book says "incomplete". :trollestia:

NO! it can't end....need more! RAY SMASH! :twilightangry2:

:rainbowderp: Calm down, brah. The book is still incomplete. I'll be working hard the next few days on better chapters. I know exactly how I want to end, and I'm just trying to figure out how long I want to stretch it before I call it good. Everypony that reads this seems to want more, so I'm going to try and make at least a few more chapters before the final resolution. Expect the chapters to be farther inbetween though. I feel I've been uploading them way too fast.:ajbemused:

I'm getting referenced from some really strange places. 4chan, doamincrawler, and 1203912381203123123.yom.yahoo.com. Seriously, what the hell is that last one even?:trixieshiftright:

I just got Rick Rolled....

I have no idea what you're talking about. Twilight was simply reading a hypothetical book.:twilightsmile::trollestia:

started on this chapter, and Im pretty sure I got Rick Rolled by a hypothetical book.:twilightangry2: and Twilight's desperado is a nice touch

:trollestia: Maybe Trixie Astley wrote a book. Trixie rolled. But good thing it's hypothetical.:trollestia: Wouldn't want to emotionally upset and readers with a practical joke, now would I? :trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

In your introduction, you wrote, "Originally started as a project meant entirely for me, I decided to turn it into a story for the general public."

Good for you! It's tough to make personal stories like this public. Thanks for sharing.

No prob. This story is basically a ponified persona of my secret desires, with a little bit of plot twists thrown in. It just wound up getting more popular than I thought it would be. But I'm glad people are enjoying it.:twilightsmile:

FFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- :flutterrage: no but really, I absolutely love this story, it's amazing. Keep it going, this is by far one of the better fanfics I've read thus far. :twilightsmile:

:pinkiesmile: I'm going to keep it going until it feels right to stop. (that's what she said!!!:rainbowderp:)

oh god twilight... :facehoof:
ps: never heard of that song before...nope :applejackconfused:

Notebooksforsale.congress.eu? What the hell is that reference?

This is the BEST shipfic I have ever read. (And I have read quite a lot)

When's the next chapter coming? I can't wait! :twilightsmile:

By far this is one of my favorite Fluttershy shipping fics I have ever read.
I only hope the one I am working on can be this well written.
But any way keep up the good work:raritywink:

9371 I know you can't wait. It was a dramatic cliffhanger! :twilightsmile: Don't worry, I'll try and have something up at least by the end of the weekend. Wednesdays suck for me. But fall break is coming up soon so I'll have a few days all to myself.

9415 I'm glad you're enjoying it. Just write from your heart and everything else will fall into place. That's what I did. Then I added things that would make the reader enjoy, like Twilight's book. Write for yourself first, then for the public :twilightsmile: I'd be more than happy to offer some pointers though.

Ok, people are referring weird things to troll I guess. The most recent one was a link on "metroprolol effects on heart rate". I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

It was a hypothetical book! I have no idea what you're on bout!:pinkiesmile:

I've said it before and I'll say it again... I love this story!!! :pinkiehappy: Please never abandon it!!! :fluttershbad: What's weird is that your character has a personality almost exactly like mine, thinks the same way I do, same qualities they like in a girl, same humor, thinks very logically, shy around people we don't really know, and has that bad habit of putting ourselves down and making us feel bad about ourselves like I do. :rainbowderp: Weird ain't it? :trollestia: Were like soul brothers! :pinkiecrazy: Have you ever written any other shipfics or of the sort before?

Well if you consider clopfics as shipfics, then yes. Otherwise, no. This is completely my first. Though with a fan base this large, I'd be more than willing to listen to requests and make a shipfic off of that. :pinkiesmile:

Oh and flame, perhaps we are brothers...Brothers in love.:pinkiecrazy: (My last name's Love :raritywink:)

And yeah that would be cool if you would do request fics. :twilightsmile:

yo trey. been read the ship over and over again...i want others to read it, so i posted it on my twitter account :twilightsmile: maybe one of my follower(or the ppl i follow) may read ya fic ^^

Red and black manes FTW!!! :rainbowlaugh:

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