• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
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All that I touch seems to break in my hands, then it just bursts into flames.

Comments ( 60 )

This story is about the sanctity of friendship. Our longest and strongest friendships are those we make as children. This story explores the togetherness of the CMC and the strength of willpower. Thanks for reading.


I think this story's beautiful!
But for the Fimfiction Mods to declare that this needs to be rated M ...
Guess our definations of the word 'Mature' are a little different.

ok il read in a bit right in the middle of anoither fic atm >.< but from what i read this is good :P
but from you how could it not be ^.^.

She was restrained in a straight jacket for fear of hurting herself, the filly screamed and kicked maniacally. She screamed until her throat became too hoarse to speak.

I guess Sweetie was......... A little horse. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH....ha........ha....*sniffle* :fluttercry:

The conversations between Sweetie and her dead friends really hit home. I could honestly see her, or any kid for that matter; trying to deny the horrid truth by telling themselves that everything would be fine.

Now this is something I could clop to :ajsmug:

2266770 but ded bodies r hawt y u no understand

Mmm, outstanding. The Monkey's Paw crossed with Herbert West: Reanimator. A joy to read.

I whould like to know what happens next :pinkiecrazy: I know it says completed but still it whould be an interesting read :twilightblush:


No, seriously, stop. You are annoying as fuck.

knighty was right.

Comment posted by Dainn deleted Mar 14th, 2013

At first, I was like, :raritycry:. Then, I was like, :unsuresweetie:. By the end, I was like, :heart:.

A morbid and slightly sickening tale. Although it's tragic, it's depicts a bittersweet ending in which, I will admit, I teared up over.


I'm actually with you on this. I think it would be interesting to see what happens next. Unfortunately, Sequels are not something I believe in and therefore, will not be doing. It's a one shot. It flows as a short story and further explanations are left to the reader. Plus, once Pinkamenace has been finished I will be starting another long one about zombies.


Let me take a moment and express, once again, how glad I am you enjoy these stories. I'm starting to feel like I'm writing for a few people and hoping others will happen to see it as well. I won't lie. I just got home and had been extremely excited to see how the story did. I submitted it before work and have been dying to see its results all day long. First off, it had 123 views before it was submitted due to a link I left on reddit. That means that only 50 people viewed this story after it went live on the site. The amount of thought and character i attempted to put in this story was immense. I really think this one is as good as or better than RD Gets an Abortion. Seeing it's views so miserably low made me think about giving up and just closing up shop on this site. I've been losing sight of why I started writing and have been focusing on views as if they validate how good a story is.

It's not about views. Of course, they make you feel good, but the audience for fanfiction wants what I don't want to give. You few are pretty much my only audience and I appreciate you. Thanks.

I feel ... saddened by this.
And at the same time happy that you haven't given up.
Don't worry, the other thousands and thousands of people on fimfiction are missing out.
Not us.

Hey, come on. I still want you around. Your stories are pretty damn enjoyable.

2268674 I never thought I could say this UN-ironically but...

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you:heart:

Keep rocking on, jmj

2268582 Just saying that with an ending like that I could imagen another chapter being added but Im not gonna force you to do that. You just keep doing what you do and keep up the good work. :raritywink:


Thanks fellas. It's weird being Rick Rolled in a positive way. I actually didn't mean for that last post to sound down in the dumps. I'm glad you guys are so awesome.


Yeah, I know, man. I could see a sequel with this one where I don't see one for Gutterloo or RD Gets an Abortion. I think this one has the potential for more. I don't think I will be writing more for it, but you never know. If something strikes me as really good, I might. But I'd say the chances are pretty low.

Comment posted by Magnum the Critic deleted Apr 11th, 2013

2270253 I just hope you stick around, I love your writing.

I too feel sickened when a story, something not only that was created from nearly nothing but an expression of a joy one has, only has received a paltry view count. I believe that your words give voice to what all underrated writers feel; lost amongst those stories, novellas and novels posted here by equal or lesser writers.
Sadly, I do not feel as you do. Every time I post a story or chapter I feel as if it's a hopeless cause on this site; as every site will lose rare gems to those only wishing to see perfect diamonds.

2270748 True. His writings are one of the best on this website.
And I'm not just saying it because I'm friends with jmj. He trully, honestly is something else entirely.

2271014 He is. I remember back when he was getting a downvote storm on "RD Gets An Abortion", and as someone who bothered to read it, I found it to be actually well written, disturbing, and... decent. And his other stories went on to prove his worth as a darkfic writer. He's a damn good author.

2271024 Which reminds me... I've yet to write my criticism for this here story. :twilightoops:

2271031 I've yet to read it. :ajsleepy: I still have 807 unread chapters to sift through.

2271052 I hate when that happens; I follow a bunch of stories and have every intention of reading them, but end up not having enough time or patience to read all of them. Any time I have about 30 unread chapters I'll go back through my favorites, find a few that look a bit less appealing than the others, and unfavorite them.

I thought this was wonderfully written. You did a fantastic job of portraying Sweetie Belle's mental state. Some parts definitely gave me chills.

2268674 well having an audience that loves your work however small is far better in nearly every way then a large audience that just followes for the sake of following. dont feel down if you stop posting here the sight will lose a great author. it would be a sad day for us. just write what you feel like and i shall read casue i know its of a high caliber. :D

This story.

Oh god I love this story. This actually reminded me a bit of the 1972 Tales From The Crypt movie I watched when I was younger, which had a similar thing like this. Please, do make more stories.


I'm glad you enjoyed this story so much. It's probably my favorite one shot that I have written. There will be more in the future, but I'm sort of dry at the moment. I just have to wait until an idea strikes. I used to watch a little "Tales from the Crypt" but it used t come on so late that I was unable to see it most of the time. However, I used to watch a lot of Twilight Zone and try to allocate the level of grimdarm with that show. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but never blood and gore for the sake of blood and gore. There is always a point to it all. Thanks for reading.

Um, you didn't kill Sweetie Belle. So, it doesn't really fit the themes of the first to CMC fics. I mean, why does Sweetie Belle get to live?


To be a little less predictable than the other two stories and to have a bitter sweet ending. We see Sweetie semi-accomplishing her goal. Of course, she's out of her head by the end of it. Maybe she just imagined it after failing her spell. This one is probably my favorite story.

Hmm... good point. All in all, this was a really good and creepy story that really sucks you into it.


I like the idea that we get to see their friendship even after the demise of two of them. The scenes where they are being described as living or when Sweetie talks to them are my favorites. They are still part of the story despite being dead. It's creepy but heartwarming at the same time. The best is when Apple Bloom kisses Sweetie at the end. That sums up the whole story for me.

This story was great. I enjoyed it very much.

Spoilers incoming, you've been warned
I was pleasantly surprised by this, it was very good. I admit I had low expectations because of the title, but this was much more engaging than I thought it would be. My only real complaint was the bit at the end where the zombified CMC ate the nurse. It would have been more interesting if they were just like they had been in life, except that their bodies are still torn up and rotting like zombies. That way you get the additional horror of the Apples discovering the not-entirely dead Applebloom, for example. As it is it kind of feels like the obvious thing to do with the reanimated corpses, although the scene is still very well written. All in all, still a very good example of how to write a dark as hell story.

Twilight is the most powerful unicorn in Equestria?
Celestia and Luna are the most powerful alicorns in Equestria?
No, Sweetie Belle is the MOST powerful unicorn, stronger then the alicorn sisters and Twilight.
Something tells me that the Scootaloo is the fastest pegasus ever and Applebloom is as invincible as steel wall, if it is in an alternate universe.
Feels like the CMC must be a new generation of Pegasus, Unicorns and Earth ponies.
Great fic!

Would there be a sequel or some sort?

Tears fell into my spaghetti :raritycry:


3326541 Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. This is probably my favorite of all my fics.

Holy F:yay:king shit. You have done the impossible. You have made me feel sad for Sweetie Belle.

I don't even know how to respond to this.

I should have read this sooner. I love this.

Omg, that joke.'I know I shouldn't be laughing this hard at it. But it's so true. L

Loved the story. It was very good. Kinda sad that I abandoned that Gutterloo sequel I was talking about. Might do it later. At first it was really sad and depressing. The way her friends died in front of her basically. The talk was very touching. I think that they only went with Sweetie through the gate is because they didn't want her to stay there with them, she still had a life to live. When they found her the next morning with her friends was very disturbing and sickening. The only part that really freaked me out was the end, when she is in the asylum or whatever and hears the fillies hooves outside. Shouldn't have read this so late at night(12:35 AM). I feel sorry for Scoots and AB, they probably had no control over killing the night nurse, in fact, in think that they regret that but aren't able to stop it. But the very end when they leave the hospital with Sweetie shows that they have enough control to restrain themselves. Overall, this is a great horror story. I'd like to see more like this. I cried, felt sick to my stomach, and got freaked out in less than 15 minutes. 10/10


3562305 Thanks. IF you want to write the Gutterloo sequel, go for it. No pressure. Do it or don't do it, whatever you feel like. I'm glad you liked this story. It's probably my favorite of what I have written. It is an exploration of love, friendship, and the lengths one will go to in order to keep them. The twist at the end was needed to keep it in the horror field, but it was a lot of fun to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. The only other one that explores these ideas, for now, is "Our Love, Eternal", if you are interested.

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