• Published 8th Nov 2012
  • 5,805 Views, 1,311 Comments

AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

  • ...

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Salvation - bahatumay

Many things were said about the Royal Guardsponies. Some said they were essential for the keeping of the peace, while others said they were nothing more than large ponies in shiny tin cans. While these opinions may or may not have been true, there was one thing they were good at: finding wanted ponies.

Especially when that pony happens to have a very unique and distinguishing mane.

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof on the table impatiently. She didn't want to be here in court. She didn't want to be here in the city at all. She wanted to be back at the hospital with Applejack, but apparently things like law and order kindof took priority.

And it's hard to be with your marefriend if you're serving three to five months in jail for petty theft. She turned to glare at the shopkeeper with his attorney, and he stuck his tongue out tauntingly at her.

Rainbow rolled her eyes. She had no lawyer, and it totally wasn't because she forgot she was supposed to find one.

Eventually (it had felt like forever, but had probably only been around fifteen minutes), the judge finally showed up.

"All rise," the bailiff intoned.

Rainbow shot to her hooves.

"The honorable Judge Stronghold presiding in the case of Shade, Lemon vs Dash, Rainbow. Miss Dash is accused of petty theft."

"In my defense, I did leav-"

"Miss Dash, do not speak until called upon, or I shall have you removed from my courtroom."

Rainbow Dash was taken aback. The stick up this pony's butt must have been at least a foot wide.

"Mr. Shade, you first. Explain the case you have prepared."

To be perfectly honest, Rainbow kindof tuned out most of his argument. Her mind was otherwise occupied with Applejack, last seen laying on a hospital bed soaked in sweat and twitching feverishly.

"Miss Dash?"

Rainbow flinched and looked up. "Yes?"

"How do you respond?"

"Uh... Not guilty?"

"There were witnesses everywhere!" Shade spat. "You're doing nothing but-!"

"Control yourself," the judge hissed. She looked back at Rainbow. "Did you take the root?"

"Uh... what if I said I had a really good reason to?"

"But did you take the root?"

"I left some bits!"

"But did you take the root?"

"Yes! I did! There, happy?"

"Somewhat." She shuffled the papers on her stand. "Petty theft carries a sentence of..."

"Can I at least explain why?" Rainbow asked.

The judge sighed heavily and set the papers down. "Very well, I suppose."

"So there I was in the market, and I'm there because my marefriend is really sick. I heard this root thingy really helps break fevers and such, and so that's what I wanted it for, because she's really sick. She's actually in the hospital right now, she's doing so bad. I wanted to help her, but he wouldn't sell it to me because I told him why I wanted it!"

"For your marefriend?" the judge clarified.

"Yes! It's not like I wanted to sell it in the streets or anything. I just wanted to make her kindof comfortable, you know?"

"See?" Shade spat. "She's just a crazy fillyfooler ruinin' the town for all of..."

His lawyer facehoofed hard and Judge Stronghold's eyes narrowed.

Lemon Shade wilted. "You're one too, huh?" he asked quietly.

"Mitigating circumstances, judgement for the defendant." She slammed her hoof down on the bench with a bit more force than was absolutely necessary. "Get out of my courtroom."

"So I'm free to go?" Rainbow asked.

"I said out, miss Dash."

Rainbow needed no second invitation. Turning around, she sprinted out of the courtroom as quickly as she could, headed back towards the hospital.

* * *

Sprinting through the doors, she literally flew up the stairs and burst into Applejack's room.

"Applejack! I got great... news..." Her voice trailed off as she realized that the room was empty, with the bed made and everything sanitized and cleaned.

She rushed back outside to check the number, but she had been right the first time. Rainbow began hyperventilating.

"Applejack?" she called. "Applejack?" She grabbed a passing nurse. "Hey! Do you know where the pony that was here is? Orange earth pony, three apples cutie mark?"

"Oh, she's gone," the nurse said, looking back down at her clipboard.

"She's gone?!? That's it?"

The nurse nodded, not looking up from her clipboard... until Rainbow slammed a hoof down on it, sending it crashing to the ground and the papers flying everywhere.

"My marefriend died and you're just so flippant about it? What is wrong with you?"

The nurse backpedaled furiously. "Died? No, no no no! She's gone, as in her fever broke and she checked herself out!"

"She's ok?" Rainbow demanded.

"N- never better!" the nurse stammered. "Helped her outside myself!"

Rainbow sighed in relief and sprinted downstairs. There was only one place Applejack would be.

* * *

Applejack's eyes opened as she heard wingbeats approaching.

"Ah knew you'd find me here," she said, closing her eyes again.

Rainbow grinned as she rocked the hammock gently. "Just leave me a note or something next time," she said. "You scared me half to death."

Applejack chuckled. "Next time Ah have no intention of gettin' sick, so Ah guess that's a moot point. How did it go in court?"

"I got off scot-free, but that's not important right now. How are you feeling?"

"Right now?" Applejack pondered for a second before answering, "Safe."



"Safe from fever?" Rainbow guessed.


"Safe from dying," Rainbow added.


Rainbow giggled. "Safe from that awful smell of antiseptic that hospitals always smell like?"

"That too."

"You know," Rainbow Dash said, hopping onto the hammock and burying her face into Applejack's chest, "I'm feeling pretty safe right now, too."

"Safe from jail time?" Applejack guessed.

"Safe from ever having to be alone," Rainbow corrected in a tiny whisper.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. You were right the first time."

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