• Member Since 29th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2018


I write my stories in google docs (link in blog). I have some story ideas to give if anypony wants some. ~Survivor SSI


How I think some things would work in Equestria. · 12:27am May 29th, 2016

1. Guns : I think they would use magic ammo. Like you fill a clip somehow with a certain type of magic. Pulling the trigger would release the magic. Depending on the magic is what it shoots. Like fire, ice, metal, etc.
2.Cars : I think they would use magic. It could be a fire spell, a wind spell, or whatever spell you want. They would have to be made so that ponies can control them though.
3. ?

Report survivor · 266 views ·
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2207643 You're welcome! (and I'm late again... :fluttershyouch:)

Hey man, thanks for adding my story to your favorites!:twilightsmile::heart:

2206474 You're welcome!:pinkiehappy: (I know I'm late... :ajsleepy:)

Thank you kindly for the watch, friend ^^

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How I think some things would work in Equestria. · 12:27am May 29th, 2016

1. Guns : I think they would use magic ammo. Like you fill a clip somehow with a certain type of magic. Pulling the trigger would release the magic. Depending on the magic is what it shoots. Like fire, ice, metal, etc.
2.Cars : I think they would use magic. It could be a fire spell, a wind spell, or whatever spell you want. They would have to be made so that ponies can control them though.
3. ?

Report survivor · 266 views ·