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A Competition With Two Winners Rainbow Dash has been fighting her feelings about Applejack for a while now, but when Applejack falls in love with somepony else, what will Rainbow do? by 1Bit 17,112 words · 64 · 11
Applejack's Day Off Applejack's not one to stop working and unwind for the day, but she doesn't have much choice... by 1Bit 3,703 words · 25 · 0
Facing Consequences, Making Choices Concerned about what others may think of their relationship, Rainbow Dash and Applejack try to keep their love a secret. But situations may arise where hiding that love is difficult... by 1Bit 22,375 words · 43 · 8
Thank you for favouriting "Fallout: Equestria Girls"
1764529 Definitely deserved a favourite! I've read that story at least 5 times
Thanks for the fav!
Thanks for the Follow, hon! I really appreciate it!