• Published 8th Nov 2012
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AppleDash Group Collab - DbzOrDie

Mini-fics written by AppleDash members.

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Sugar - bahatumay


Arguably one of the most respected professions in any town. Yes, ponies need timepieces, clothes, and metalwork; but it clearly went without saying that any society that did not know the meaning of a good apple pie could only be considered "uncivilized". While cooking is an art allowing the chef to express herself, baking is a science; requiring a keen eye, a stout heart, and a deep burning desire to create. Anypony and everypony who dared step hoof into a kitchen had better do so with the proper mindset, skills, and attitude to create a masterpiece.

"Rainbow! Quit playin' in the flour and get back to slicing apples!"

...well, almost everypony.

"But Applejaaack," Rainbow whined, "I've been peeling and slicing apples for forever."

"You've done two. Ah need twelve."

"Three now, see?" Rainbow held out a peeled apple for Applejack's consideration.

Applejack wasn't impressed. "Missed a spot."

Rainbow rolled her eyes and picked up the paring knife again. "Ooh, lookit me," she said sarcastically, "I'm Applejack, and I run the kitchen of no fun. Work! Work, slave!" She imitated the sound of a whip cracking as she mimed the motion with the knife. "Apples are serious business, ya convoluting pegasus!"

"Ah do not talk like tha-"

"Serious business!"

A well-thrown apple bounced off Rainbow Dash's head. Rainbow dropped the knife and grabbed her head dramatically, crying out in faux pain.

"See? It's torture, I tell you. Torture!"

"Ya didn't have to come over, ya know."

Rainbow sobered instantly. "Had nothing better to do," she mumbled as she retrieved her knife. It was a flimsy lie, and both knew it; and for once, it was a lie that Applejack didn't really mind.

"All right," she said. "Ah'll give you a break. Go get me the vanilla and the sugar from the pantry."

"I'm guessing you aren't referring to the ice cream," Dash said with a smile.

"Nope. Little black bottle. You'll know it when ya smell it. And don't drink any of it, either. Smells good, tastes awful." Applejack grinned as she returned to sifting the flour. Five... Four... Three... Two...

"Ack! Ugh! Blarghgh!"

Applejack kindly refrained from saying anything, but she couldn't hide a smile spreading across her face or a few silent chuckles from racking her body. A very annoyed Rainbow Dash bitterly stomped in, gently placed the offending bottle next to Applejack, and turned and left the kitchen.

Soon, she returned, dragging a large brown bag.

"Now measure me out three cups when Ah say so."

"Cups are the big ones, right?"

"Yep. And have been for some time now."

As recipes often required that all the dry ingredients be mixed first, Applejack was soon ready. "All right. Gimme some sugar." She turned around to face Rainbow Dash, but was surprised when she realized that she had turned right into Rainbow's lips, and was being kissed.

She pulled back. "Rainbow..."

"Hey," Rainbow shrugged. "Don't ask for sugar unless you really want some."

Applejack processed this. "In a really weird way, that was actually kinda sweet."

Rainbow stepped closer to Applejack, and the earth pony could see that her breathing rate had risen slightly and her pupils had dilated a bit. "Sweet enough to do it again?" she asked. Her voice betrayed no emotion, but her eyes spoke pure desire.

Applejack brought a hoof up to her chin thoughtfully, as if deciding if it were worth it.

"Ah really gotta get these baked," she said finally, before turning and smiling, "but you know there's always time for you in my schedule." Stepping closer still, Applejack tilted her head and leaned forwards, kissing Rainbow gently on the lips. The pegasus responded in kind, breaking the kiss only long enough to give Applejack's lips an affectionate lick.

Five minutes later, Applejack was on her back in the kitchen, breathing raggedly as Rainbow Dash, who was straddling her and pressing her body as close as equinely possible, lay a trail of kisses across her body, pausing only to lick her cheek once before continuing the trail. She closed her eyes and tried--but failed--to remain silent as Rainbow reached up and gently bit her ear. While not Applejack's preferred mode of affection, it felt good to know that Rainbow felt comfortable enough with her lover to express her love in her own way.

This thought was interrupted by the sound of a paper bag crinkling. She opened her eyes, only to have her vision turn white as Rainbow Dash poured something all over Applejack.

Mood. Ruined.

Applejack squealed and shot to her hooves, knocking Rainbow off and sending the cup she was holding flying and sending the white contents all over the kitchen.

"Rainbow!" she hissed, furiously rubbing her eye.

"What?" Rainbow asked worriedly. "You didn't seem to mind when I did it before..."

"This ain't the same as apple cider, Rainbow. It's powdered sugar!"

Rainbow's ears drooped. "And I'm guessing that's... bad."

"Ah wanted real sugar!"

"There's a difference?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah," Applejack griped. "One's used for baking, the other for frosting and decoration. But that ain't important now. What is important is powdered sugar ain't exactly easy to clean up, and now it's in my eye and all over the kitchen and what were you thinking?"

"That you'd like it?" Rainbow answered hesitantly. "I'm really sorry, AJ."

Applejack still rubbed her eye and coughed some powder from her lungs, but she knew she couldn't be angry with Rainbow. "Ah know. Just... Never mind. Ah know you meant no harm." She turned to walk up the stairs. "Ah'm gonna shower real quick if you wanna clean up all the sugar. Use a wet rag; dry ones just spread it."

Rainbow knew enough to know that that had not been a suggestion. She snapped to a salute as Applejack headed upstairs.

As Rainbow Dash dutifully cleaned up, a thought occurred to her.

Applejack had powdered sugar all over her body.

Applejack had told her to clean all the sugar.

Clearly, this instruction included that sugar as well.

And heaven forbid that Rainbow Danger Dash fail to fully complete an assignment. That would be totally uncool.

With a smile on her face, Rainbow Dash scampered after Applejack.

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