• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
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Zatoichi Vokunkiin

Just an observer from the shadows.

Comments ( 86 )

Well now this has caught my interest. I love crafting stories. Wonder if hes gonna make golems?


That is a possibility. After all, he can forge whatever he creates in his mind.

This promises to be very intresting indeed.

For who I believe English is not a first language, from someone who can recognise some minor faults only, due to not being all that good at expressing myself, and missing and extra letters here, and maybe the use of GDocs, google write etc, that has problems allowing other sites to post their text unaffected, this has some very nice basis to start with.


Id you are referring to the way that Xargan, Apple Bloom and Applejack are speaking. I am intentionally mispelling certain words to emphasis on their accents. Zargan's being close to heavily scottish and the sisters having their southern drawl.

Love it so far. Typically don’t like the anthro stories but this one caught my eye.

Well then, not many Dwarven fics here. I quite like where this is going so far. Dwarves with guns, even better!

The group crept slowly and *stealthily* through the stone corridors that looked like they had been drilled through with great care, the dim light of the wall torches lighting their way as they continued to press forward into the now open room. What appeared to be some kind of forge as they saw weapons and armor of all kinds lining the walls each separated into their respective sections. Swords, axes, hammers, shields and armor of all types of heft. It appeared that whoever was down here was a superb craftsman. The group had certainly hit the motherload. And it appeared that the creator was nowhere in sight.

*Soon* enough, the dwarf has come into the full light of the forge as he maintained his aim on the group, the dwarf’s eyes glowing a fierce ice blue and his skin covered in glowing runes with the same color, the man only dressed in pants, metal shin guards and tough hide leather boots. The group immediately threw their hands up as they gazed fearfully at the unknown weapon in his hand before they looked down at their indisposed companion “H-hey…take it easy now..we got lost is all, we had no idea there was no one living here-”.

Another gunshot rang out as the swarf aimed for the *one* speaking, landing a clean shot through the pony’s knee, making them collapse instantly as they cried out in pain, clutching the bleeding and burning wound as smoke rises from the hole “If ya are gonna lie to a gray dwarf…make sure you do it right, ya stupid gobshite. Now then…” he said before kicking the writhing pony whose hand he had blown a hole in down from his forge and into the group who catches their comrade “Get the fuck out of my home.” he growled as he cocked the hammer on his gun.

And of course, he ends up dragged into its problems when all he wants to do is live in peace and work hard and honestly.

And now, it would seem that curious souls are now coming to investigate..or possibly steal.

Zargan must step out into this new world and make a name for himself. A dwarven craftsman who simply wants to live a good life while working away. At the end of the day, all he wants is a belly full of mead and a hardy meal, knowing his creations will serve a proper purpose. But will he get dragged into this land's wars on both sides? Will they try to demand of him? While he is a kindhearted man, he is no stranger to conflict. Physical or otherwise.

Oh brother, there's always damn conflict from heart-rotten characters in here. :facehoof:

Welp, there are gonna regret it by taking a bullet to the face/head, or crushed by his hammer. :pinkiecrazy:

You have gone for the lower end of magical assistance in Earth Ponies, as Big Mac, even before mana augmentation shouldve been able to lift the first hundred kilos of hammer off the ground, and if you can swing a hammer like that, you can kill a knight horse with one hit, never mind turning the knight underneath into a half empty toothpaste tube. :rainbowderp:

Still, more worldbuilding.

Just, I really hope these bags of holdng aint the classical sort where the CMC ask, what happens when we put all the bags in one at the same time? :scootangel:

“Oi, lass! You gotta be careful where ya land! You coulda really hurt yaself or me!” *he shouted* in annoyance before he dropped the last barrier, but kept the tower shield up. Little did he know that he was addressing one of the two rules of this land. And no one has ever talked to her in such a manner before…

Actually, he is in the right to be upset at her. Celestia came out of nowhere to his underground home, unannounced and uninvited.

Not to mention her reckless landing without proper greetings!?

She ain't no better than Rainbow Dash when she "lands". :ajbemused:


If you paid attention to how Zargan explained, the weapon is tailored to the user themself. So no, its not his strength that is the issue. It is literally the magical weapon that is bound to the dwarf saying "Nah bro." xD


Regardless, I plan to be a little nicer to Sunbutt and Moonbutt this time around xD


Basically; He's not worthy.


Cool, I vaguely remember some in your old stories where they are a love interest of your OC's. ( Excluding that Matrix online story. And Eater of Sin for obvious reasons. )


Cock and Bone!

I… I’m so sorry I meant to say, “Rock and Stone.”
I need to remember to take my meds.


I should bonk you for that....but it made me laugh a bit so you get a pass. :p


Obscure joke time then?

You could say, Big Mac

was Molniered? (Mullered):trollestia:

Normally id be confused on why she showed up but then I remembered he put a hole in one the first chapter and the probably went and tattled like a bitch.

Is this related to Dwarfs series of books?


Nah, but the dwarf in question is a gray dwarf, based off the gray dwarf race from D&D. I asked an AI generator to draw a dwarf up for me with a few minor details and that is what I got.


She does realize that those ponies are freaking thieves/trespassers, right?

A character’s accent when quoting their speech is one thing. You’ve got half a dozen sentence fragments, typos, and homophone mixup type spelling errors going on even just in the story description. If that continues into the text (I haven’t started reading yet) then I can see why someone felt it worth commenting. I was actually just reading the comments to decide if this was something I wanted to read or to pass on, because if even the description meant to attract readers is sloppy, the rest might just be too distracting to read comfortably.

It’s not the end of the world, of course. Indeed, one of my favorite fics on this site is basically typo soup, though that had the quite important positive features of being finished and also having multiple finished sequels that were also very popular when I first started reading it. But that is something to consider if you’re interested in looking to improve. :twilightsmile:

Seems like folks are really liking this one so far o:

No, the worst thing he can say is no, and then ask who else would be intrested in his gear so he knows who he has to deal with when they come demanding his work. ? :unsuresweetie:

Well, that takes care of that greedy noble and his goons. Although, the big question is how the heck did this Noble find out about our dwarf and where is he located in the first place, isn't that a wee bit SUS!?

And it is also weird that the same Noble and his goons know a wee bit more about the dwarf than Celestia knows beforehand? What's up with that?

And it was really cool that our dwarf has just casually made a literal Flamethrower.

What's next? Tanks, Metal Warships, Submarines, and Planes/Jets?

Different topic; Sheesh, those pony guards should take a chill pill sometimes.


Speaking about the proposal from Celestia, would you take it?


Easiest way to find out how deep the game goes is to get to stand by the table. Trouble is being asked to sit down immediately for teh deal in, when you dont know yet if youre playing Uno, Chess, Risk, Poker, or Russian Roulette.:trixieshiftright:


So basically he has to decline and stay neutral, for now. Because he wants to know the other "players" first, and to see who is the "better one" to make proper deals with without being swindled or betrayed.


I would say, given he already has a noble intrested in him, how are they relative to the crown, and what other intrests do they have with other intrested parties. Ones that will be most intrested in information of the artificer?

Preadot races migh dispise Equestria for appearing to be weak, but the ponies are like dolphins, they might laugh and play and look delicious, but get a shark in the region, and dolphins turn into Doom Guy.:yay:



With ehat you teo have been discussing, you are kind of on the right track. But Zargan k ows a deal when he sees it. And its goung to work in his favor mostly. Thats all i van say for now.


Well, I mostly respond on my phone when it comes to comments. And sometimes my fingers don't wanna cooperate.


I'm on my phone too, but at least I corrected it before I posted it.


Edit: P.S. This wasn't talked about;

Well, that takes care of that greedy noble and his goons. Although, the big question is how the heck did this Noble find out about our dwarf and where is he located in the first place, isn't that a wee bit SUS!?

And it is also weird that the same Noble and his goons know a wee bit more about the dwarf than Celestia knows beforehand? What's up with that?

And it was really cool that our dwarf has just casually made a literal Flamethrower.

What's next? Tanks, Metal Warships, Submarines, and Planes/Jets?

Different topic; Sheesh, those pony guards should take a chill pill sometimes.

Fantastic chapter as always. Cant wait for the next one. And I cant wait to see Ignia used on something else.

Love that this new "deal" is more in favor for him.

Wonder how this will escalate once the other kingdoms be involved, especially that potential war you mentioned in the summary?

And P.S., I never thought of him making his "golems" be so.................. you know. :rainbowderp: :ajsmug: :pinkiegasp::twilightblush: :duck: :moustache:

Oh definitely set before NMM shows up, wonder how that will go with a one man army in town.


He is a healthy hot blooded male after all. He has to have something to ogle while he works :p

Oh, this is gonna be fun. He made a 6 shot Battle Female Golem rig.

Pinkie all, Wow, Looky the BFGs :pinkiegasp:

I also find it hilarious that Celestia comes orbit drop on him and he has time to tripple rig, and can barely personal shield with Pinkie when she let him see her approaching. :rainbowderp:

Wonder if hes gonna upgrade her cannon?



Anyways, look at my old comment that I have quoted my questions.

➡️ 11888969

Dwarven craftsmanship tends to be a lot heavier than what folks can normally handle.

...He may be in for a surprise. Her brother once towed a house off its foundations and her sister caught a giant boulder.
This plus further confirms my hypothesis that their friendship will be based on mutual crafting skill.

He seems a bit quick to promise to train her.

Twilights gonna when she realises its going to be easier to move the world than that sword, and I suspect its tweaked to track the surface instead of straight gravlock, though that would be hilarious, having it float in midair after the ground was dug out from under it. :pinkiecrazy:

Pinkie is now a happy Pinkie and has a whole new Freind Filing Folder Filling? :pinkiehappy:

Interesting, if we’re following the show timeline then we are before NMM but I know it’s an anthro alt universe so who knows how close you’ll follow it.

i knew right away when he was first mentioned In this chapter he was shining armor great chapter

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