• Member Since 24th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


I'm a science-fiction and fantasy buff, creator of the Chakat Universe, and now dabbling in the MLP:FiM universe. I love a good story!


This story is a sequel to Brave New Pony World

For many years, Prince Mark Wells has been secretly working through Harmonic Composites, a company that was built both in Equestria and the United States and connected by portals for the purpose of building Equestria's economy and technology. The moment has come for Equestria to formally make itself known to the people of Earth and initiate open trade without revealing that they have been in contact for a long time already. After defeating many dangers in Equestria, they must now face the perils of a new world, including politicians and a vindictive young lady.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 502 )

Marked for later consumption, but atm my head is killing me. I think it must be hiding a knife because of the stabbing pain.

Interesting start!

A very interesting start, keep up the awesome work.

So it begins. I don't know why, but I hope that an annoying earth politician gets suplexed at some point in this story. Just for fun.

I'm just waiting for discord to drop popcorn on unsuspecting heads from out of nowhere when the show really starts.

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Perfect to read comments that are way to long to read on ones own: https://ttsreader.com

Let's face it... This is going to be awesome and tragic!

Definitely what I think the origin of MLP universe with time dilation will be suspected to be:

4:15 - 4:45

Alien conspiracy folks all over the world:

There are some awesome stories about earth making contact with Equestria. Personally I think British made the most reasonable contact them in Fimfiction so far.
American always try to strong arm them so far :facehoof:
We see how it goes this time :pinkiehappy:

Time to assault earth with friendship!

But will America be able to keep its politicians and lobbyists in check?

Also more critical and seriously:

Not even the Joker dares to cross these fanatics!

Like seriously, politicians at their worst be like:

》 Luna's Return Trajectory 《
By: Stainless Steel Fox

Mark better be prepared...

We belive in you Mark Wells!

But in the end there is one very simpel truth:

Point of clarification: did they come through as their pony-selves, or turn human?

"Showtime" Indeed :eeyup:

Conversational Science when confronted with magic:
The double facepalmed follows, when Mark Wells arrives on earth, especially that he was
'a American' at one point in time.

Mark Well will be seen as threat.
It's in his immortality.

Even without magic, even if he is benevolent and well intentioned, he's going to outlive everyone not only in current administration, but everyone alive on the entire planet.
The people of today will remember the day they arrived, but their children will grow up already knowing them.
Their grandchildren will grow up knowing them.
Their great grandchildren will grow up knowing them, grow up watching televisions shows about them, reading books about their world, falling asleep cuddled up to plushies of them.
In only a few generations, none shall remain who have ever known a world without Mark Wells.

In time, every mortal nations rise, and fall.

Imperial Japan ceased to exist after world war 2, and its child, modern Japan has only existed since 1952. North and South Korea, since 1948. India earned its independence from Great Britain in 1947. The Republic of China was formed in 1912. Even the United States where this story takes place, a mere child at not even 250 years of age.

Not Mark Wells administration.

Though generations die and nations wither to dust, from amidst the seas of change and uncertainty, ever will there be Mark Wells, jutting forth, shining into the night and day like a stable and dependable lighthouse, ever present and always to be relied on.

What culture may stand against that?
What force?
What power?
What mortal can stand firm against the immortals of sun?
What mortal can stand against eternity of the moon immortals?

Just as humans set their pace and clocks and days by the rhythms of the sun, just as they navigate the seas by the light of the moon, in time so too will humans, all humans...set their paces and navigate through their lives by the rhythm and light...of Mark Wells.

That is the threat he poses!
Not their magic...
Not their power...

Their permanence.

For once there is a world of humans...with Mark Wells and others, never again will there be a world of humans without THEM.

Now, you break up the billions of people into smaller groups of millions and give them all different countries and kingdoms.
Then give all those nations different environments to live in and languages to speak.
Keep in mind that they all have their own cultures, customs, traditions, social value systems, religious beliefs, as well as some wealth and resource disparities.
Take all that on top of looking differently from one another in ways that go far beyond just a horn or wings...

Someone will be stupid, the question is:
Will humans keep one another in check?

Dropping the superior mindset will be a problem for human superpowers.
At some point, they have to acknowledge our faults. Either the ones we gave up or the ones we haven't learned to stop doing.
Believe me, all have major faults that kept us apart from cooperation.
Overlooking so much bad and still caring enough to be there for each other...
Earth has every reason to stop its nations to claim a portal as their own.
It is in everyone interests to make the alien stay, to life in cooperation.
Statistics alone demand it, how likely is humanity to make another alien contact otherwise?

Ooohoho, this is getting good now. The veil has been lifted, let's see how it goes.

Oh boy I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m glad we get to see everyone again, especially Smolder and Gallus they’re my favorite characters from this series

I thought it would be obvious, but I added a little bit to make it clear that they were in normal form.

I wonder if anyone in the US is busy asking for permission to use their ICBD finally?

Take a MIRV and fill it with Drones, then deliver a Swarm to the target?

I mean, the ideas been around since at least the 80s. Whats taking them? :rainbowderp:

Mark shrugged. “As I’ve said before, it’s well away from interfering superpowers, it’s in a politically stable nation, portals make distance meaningless for transport, and above all, it isn’t cliché! I’ve seen enough human movies to know that aliens pick Washington, New York, or Tokyo far too often.”

Thats going to anoy a lot of very owerful people to start with. After all, Canterlot is full of Nobles and Blueblood in full Im Perfect so why care what you are mode? :twilightoops:

I Have been waiting for this for so long! I am so excited to see how the world fleshes out and handles Equestrian integration!

The alicorn mare then turned to the portal and stepped through, closely followed by Mark and Smolder. Then the rest of the team joined them.

A winged and horn race, a honest to God dragon and other races... If noone is bowing in awe I be disappointed!

The crowd gasped as Trixie made her appearance, and an excited babble started up as Mark and Smolder emerged to take their places on either side of the princess. Their amazement grew as Gallus and Penumbra then joined their spouses, one step back and to the side. No one noticed that Shining Armor did not step through the portal but instead suddenly faded into view, concealed by the first five and the luminous gateway. He stepped to one side, scanning for any trouble as the brightness of the portal was turned down by Twilight as planned.

Gryphons and Bat like ponies joined the alien races! All mythology creatures have a alien origin ♡
Damn... Is by any chance a Minotaur and Yeti there as well?
Because if Mark Well ask what they did to 'Big Foot', their first representative coming alone to scout them long ago, I be rolling in laughter
[Suddenly a private collector is burning down a stuffed out Big Foot trophy he had inherented and preaching to other he didn't owned it.
All slander and malicious lies!] :fluttercry:


You mean earth integration. EQUESTRIA is a Empire that has allies to other worlds/dimensions.
It is inevitable, did you know the current laws of America are worded in a way that allows them to take aliens captive as 'illegal immigrants' and 'seized their possessions because their technology is potentially use nuclear power'?
It wasn't changed to this day, despite it being a known issue.
Discord pulling a Q eventually would be absolutely priceless ♡
Would be epic if they come in their normal form.

If they are human, than someone will call out invasion via spies by default.
It's a trope for a reason... :facehoof:
Questions is... will the go full on multiverse
space traveling aliens... let's be honest, earth could have started Moon and Mars missions for decades if they wanted to.
Their race looks by default pretty awesome to humans.
Small change, major impact ♡

But... what will they ask for? To rejoin their millenia old trading pact, neglected for many centuries (since the middle ages of old, where the mythology of Minotaur, Dragons, Gryphons and Pegasus stands from...
or there friendly neighborhoods alien come to visit to borrow some milk and eggs?

Mark shrugged. “As I’ve said before, it’s well away from interfering superpowers, it’s in a politically stable nation, portals make distance meaningless for transport, and above all, it isn’t cliché! I’ve seen enough human movies to know that aliens pick Washington, New York, or Tokyo far too often.”

I'm reminded of the movie Australiens in which Aliens loudly and publicly invade Australia, and the rest of the world is so offended at being left out that they stand by and do nothing.

In one of my story series, I also decided the way to initiate first contact was to create a portal, wait until people saw it, and then step out.

My chosen location was a college football stadium the day after a game, because there would be a lot of people in the stands cleaning up to notice it, and it’s well-suited to house a large crowd.

“Vindictive young lady”—the one that was fired in a previous story?

Ken nodded as he placed the gem back in the box and then stowed it. “I haven’t been here before, so I’m looking forward to having a bit of a walkabout before the big show starts tonight. I still find it amazing that you want to make official First Contact here in the middle of nowhere.”

Mark shrugged. “As I’ve said before, it’s well away from interfering superpowers, it’s in a politically stable nation, portals make distance meaningless for transport, and above all, it isn’t cliché! I’ve seen enough human movies to know that aliens pick Washington, New York, or Tokyo far too often.”

oh, i just remembered a silly book i read once called "First Contract", where aliens made first contact at the UN, and those idiots traded JUPITER for ONE copy of an encyclopedia!
the protagonist WAS Ceo of a big computer company, but they went out of business when the aliens started selling better computers, cheaper.
later he goes to an alien-run trade show, and they charged him extra for AIR!

Nice opening! Let’s get this international/ interplanetary/inter dimensional party started!!

Technically Mark does exist but is considered dead

Point of clarification: This IS the Earth Mark wells is originally from, yes?

Pardon, in process of moving from TX to NV. 21-hour drive NO FUN after. I think I co grash...

Yep, same Earth.

Can't wait for the next chapter it should be grate

Hmm... Ill get back to this tomorrow, because I do have thoughts

I can see a number of issues, but the most pressing as far as I can see are entirely cultural and economical.

Australias a good choice as a start (showing you're bias though ain't you Bernard?:duck:) but where does one go from the land of chunder and syphalitic midget ursine? You have a whole wide world of every flavor of crazy and pretty much every inch being run by a nepotistic monetary circle jerking elitists at best and despotic war mongers at worse, so where to start?

Personal bias, but Id imagine after Kangaroo Corral yon ponies might wanna hop across the pond and hit up America and its psychotic hat Canada as a start. Not to say the government and its people would be snubbed or even really care otherwise, but in general we're relatively stable and friendly enough bunch to ease ponies into the world. Also I'd imagine the alphabet agencies would like to make clear their position, but as far as that goes, Trixie would probably have to make puppy eyes on the tube and the populace would be burning suited dummies in effigy within the hour.

From their I'd hit up Ireland, and then make a tour through the rest of the EU. Sure they'll be pissed because you started with their red headed whipping boy, but who cares? Ponies are in the cat bird seat, so fuck em. And thats the position they have to take through out, which means they'll have to limit their interactions with the third world at first, at least until they establish themselves and get a lay of the land.

On the Ponies side of the dimensional gash, they'd do well to keep travel limited, and by that I mean nonexistant. Keep matters solely to trade until they can train up human workers and build the infrastructure, then have limited tourists buying exclusively from other humans on their side of the portal any products they're selling. Love come from respect, respect from a place of power, and laughing cause some drunkard smashed your window and cheerfully gluing it together does not respect make.

Aside from that, not much else to worry about. Any religious concerns either will be hand waved because they aren't human and are thus not subject to humans covenant, they'll be labelled demons and ignored, or will be granted indulgence by the more ardent adjutants. A lot more then that, but those are my immediate concerns

Actually a few more things.

Changelings: Let folks know the changebugs are among them and are down for the strange. Seriously, for their safety and humanities its probably best they let them know they're there.

Rare metals: One dude managed to give so much gold away from the backs of elephants to the point he destabilized entire economies, and ponies have the stuff to the point its common currency. Not to say humans use of it is better

but it is relatively stable. Jewels are less of a problem since the whole rarity thing is a ponzi scheme and people know it, but ponies can make off like bandits if they're smart.

Cash up front: ponies should do nothing on credit. Materials in exchange for goods and services up front, leave the coupons to the monkeys.

Don't help: I know doubt you sit there in your chair and are no doubt a fit of pique with a case of the vapors saying "ponies should not help! Why I never! Truly this overtly endowed exemplar of mental accumen is as cold and heartless as he is brilliant" to which I say, yes. Yes I am. But my heartlessness aside, there is a reason beyond boot strap pulling.

Humans are... complicated. We need to fix a ton of shit, and on our own, and thats that. Ponies should keep to making bank in their interactions with us and little else unless acting through a proxy. But knowing them, I'd say we're one purple smart being handed a NAMBLA pamphlet away from an interdimensional incident:twilightoops: Not that we'd begrudge her at all, but the government would have to hem and haa about its citizens getting immolated, don't you know.

Beyond that, the two rules of Acquisition

1. Never let em know how much you want what they have.

2. Never let em know how easy (or hard) it is to get or make what they have.

If you take a look at what's going on around the world right now Australia was the best choice in terms of stability (US, UK, EU aren't all that crash hot at the moment due to big internal and external issues) if Bernard was thinking of that when picking a place to start this story off in and while Australia does have some problems right now they pale in comparison to what the regions i mentioned are currently going though.

I agree, in a way... ehh, fuck it, the way things are going down the drain, ol Bernard might not be to far off the mark.:twilightoops: I'll spare you most of my political espousals, but there's something to be said about a populace when ones government takes their guns and is still scared of it:moustache:

That aside, I do think theres a sort of non issue... namely magic. Not so much a language barrier, but an idea one. For humans magic is associated with demon and spirit pacts and all manner of unpleasantness, so Id imagine ponies would be at pains to show them that so called magic has a natural source, not an occult one.

Of course there would still be certain groups (you know who you are:trixieshiftright:) who would kick proverbial sand over the matter, but again, fuck em. China is also something of a paper tiger if his world is anything like ours, so the Crown will probably give them a pass, and might pass on that whole region in general due to politics. Or maybe not. Maybe Celestia banked through the centuries on being the cuddliest bitch on the planet that folks like so much it was political suicide to upset her and Trixie will go that route. Makes as much sense as any, no?:trollestia:

Haters just hate.

Did you miss the fact that there is a US Radar base in Alice Springs?

While I did not know that, no place is perfect.

11 miles(18km) sw of Alice Springs is one of the worlds larges Radar stations.
Your show is going to be see by them and most likely most everyone in the world.

Its a surprise but you can use it.

South-West? That puts it on the other side of the MacDonnell Ranges, so very likely out of view.

Google maps of it. There's no blurring of the base. Just no name for it here.

Its googlable with Alice springs AU radar base.
The Base is called Pine Gap.
Over here there has been several TV ducumenters about it. Which is why I know about it.

Now that you have jogged my memory, I recall Pine Gap, although I have never had a reason up until now to locate it specifically. It will still be out of sight of the portal, but the proximity of USA military personnel to it is convenient.

I didn't know those were mountain ridges. I thought they were shelves dropping down.
When the Americans want to talk, the first contact would probably be from there. There is a big CIA contingent there.

The base was put there in the 50s to keep track of our space craft going around that side of the planet.

I'm wondering wean are the updates weekly, monthly, randomly, or whenever time gives u a chance becus life gets in the way lol.


More then likely good Uncle Sam and his bloated bastard short bus offspring are well appraised of the situation, but more then likely agencies and agents that don't exist are having meetings that aren't happening in various public venues across the states and more then likely have known about Mark's company from BEFORE their arrival. Not that they neccesarily knew we we're facing cuddlebug midget horses, but they more then likely knew they weren't from our neck of the woods and were on stand by.

I believe a new chapter will be bequiffed upon us lowly mortals once the proper sacrifice has been made.

Hey Goldfur, do you accept the laughter of children and bits of string?:trollestia:

No, but I like shinies.

Ya calling sleepy Joe fat?

Humans finding in a few years out that Changelings find out how boundless the lust and love of the humans are? (For the comedy factor alone)
Trading time! Love energy, hugs, petting and boops on the snoot for a Changeling human Alliance!
They get a security force for there Ambassador building & reinforment for there building
(Changling resin is a awesome building material in all storys i read so far).
Win - win for everyone.

Changelings need to keep there harvesting grounds safe so the lifestock is happy and can be safely harvested
( emotional excess that get wasted otherwise ). :rainbowdetermined2:

Luna having a tickle fight outside a official meeting for example would show how cute yet human silly alike they can be.
Win over the royals with cheap presents will be funny to watch.
Soft and hard drinks when the humans donate some party stuff to the royal familie for all there kindness.

Gavourments all over the world be like:

Military and their expectations:

Meanwhile the world population towards the landing place of the aliens:

You know, with Ivana's dad now knowing she was speaking the truth, wouldn't they be absolutely pissed at her for throwing away an obvious in with Equestria's royalty, all for the sake of a quick buck?

After all, if she hadn't, not only would they have the pearl, but also strong connections to equestria which can easily lead to being one of the first in line for close cooperation, way more valuable overall.

Yuuuup. But that’ll probably be overshadowed by his outrage at being frozen out of the opportunity as a personal affront by the Equestrians against him… assuming the tree is very near where the apple fell. :eeyup::ajsmug:

Why did they land in the back end of nowhere?

If you have to ask that question, you sure as hay wouldnt like the correct answer.:trixieshiftright:

Ack.. forgot something. Theres an obscure piece of tech used in US, UK cities/ Police have a vehicle with a mobile Xray Backscatter scanner in it for weapons scanning? Industrial things are far bulkier and not in the Police compound?

Fair point, and I doubt she told him the reason this happened was because of attempted theft. Depending on how much awareness they have, that might be the eventual end point of that arc, the father finding out why they got frozennout of that opportunity, that being his daughter's actions, rather than being intended as any sort of insult.

Yep and the future money they could have made with a little patience would have been a ton. But entitled children often have no sense of patience and worst their parents encourage them in this.

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