• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.


It's Hamtaro Time! One day, the Ham-Ham gang suddenly stubbled upon a strange portal, and now are stuck with no way back home. They have arrived in the town of Ponyville, shortly after the events of the MLP:FiM season premier. What changes will these hamsters cause? And how crazy can these hamsters get, when EVERY PONY can understand the ham-ham gang? Only one thing is for certain: When trouble comes a knocking, there's only one hamster that can lead the charge; and his name is Hamtaro!

I checked. This is officially Fimfiction's FIRST actual Hamtaro and MLP crossover fanfic. Fun fact. The Hamtaro Anime was my childhood. Seriously, this show practically inspired me to create the lore around my OC self and everything my philosophy stands for was molded BY Hamtaro. If it hadn't been for that show, I probably wouldn't even be the person I am today. I latched onto "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" so quickly because the first season alone reminded me WAY too much of Hamtaro and that connection only grew from there. As such, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" really made me jump into fanfic writing, so I have that show to thank for inspiring me to finally jump into the grand world of fanfic. Now it's time to bring smiles to a new generation. And there's only one hamster for the job; and his name is Hamtaro!

Other Tags:
Series: Hamtaro

Chapters (87)
Comments ( 101 )

Surprisingly, I've never ever heard of this show.

Tell me if this sounds familiar: Hamtaro starts off as a lone hamster with no friends who quickly meets and befriends a bunch of other hamsters with varying degrees of personality, who team up and go on random and whaky adventures.

Wait really? I could have sworn there would have been something! This site has been up too long for there not to be a fic on EVERYTHING :rainbowlaugh:

Nope. I legit checked. There has only been fics based on things Hamtaro, but no full on Hamtaro crossover. And now, I'm changing that.

Congradulations. I mean you’re the first writer to make a Hamtaro Crossover in FIMfiction

It's not exactly a novel concept to be fair. So it's no surprise multiple things have used that as a launching point.

Yeah. But this similarity between both Hamtaro and Twilight Sparkle is what sold me within the first season of Friendship is Magic to begin with.

It helps that Hamtaro is a huge part of my childhood, and has probably the cutest cast you could find. Plus, I think the way I'm going about including the Ham-Hams into the world of MLP:FiM is only going to lead to even more wacky adventures and much more hilarious hijinks.

Trust me, I am going to have all sorts of fun with this.

i remember getting the hamtaro dvd at the public library when I was in 4th grade

Get ready for childhood nostalgia with this story then.

Comment posted by GamePlayer64 deleted Sep 11th, 2023
Comment posted by Darth Wrex deleted Sep 11th, 2023

Hey, got a question. Did you delete my comment?

"Oh, Pinkie Pie said she sensed a doozy in regards to Applejack's mother." Twilight said. "She was shaking a lot the other day."

Huh, not the doozy I was expecting, but based on the location they disappeared in, I still have a feeling my theory may be correct.

Yes. If only because it was asking for a specific hamster to be included. I will add hamsters I deem necessary for the overall narrative as I deem fit. No sooner.

I think it would be funny seeing the Ham-Hams panicking over the Parasprites.

I had to google, so no points, but was confused. Thanks

Now that was awesome, and good choice in the hamster dance song. My favorite song of all time.

i have absolutely no idea what the fuck this is but the word hamster has me interested

wonder if the ham hams will help regarding the diamond dogs.

You do know that Scootaloo is not an orphan, right? The show showed that she lives with her aunts because her parents live somewhere else, though they do visit her now and then.

You do realize that the "Alternate Universe" tag is one of the tags for this story, correct?

Sorry, but what are you going to do when you get to the episode involving her parents and aunts then?

Geez, I was already planning on having one of the next two episodes address this as it is. And no, they are not coming today. You'll have to be patient.

Comment posted by Windy0 deleted Mar 20th, 2024

Whoops! Someone mentioned a spoiler for something that I'm certainly doing later. Comment delete incoming...

You could have just said something like "You'll see" or "I'll think on it". You didn't have to delete my comment, especially since you gave away that you are doing my idea by doing so.

Comment posted by Windy0 deleted Mar 23rd, 2024

...Physcial abuse language is not welcome in the comments anywhere around my stories or my blog posts. Please refrain from doing this again. Consider this a warning.

You still haven't told us what the new Ham-Ham clubhouse is like other than a couple of slides and having many rooms.

Be patient. The New Clubhouse will be explored more later on. After all, there's a certain rich filly that has an interest in one the ham-hams.

:trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:You're not planning a romance between a Ham-Ham and a pony, right? Because that would never work due to the difference in sizes.

You never know, something could come up that'll turn that logic into toothpicks~

Comment posted by Windy0 deleted Mar 24th, 2024

This may not be anything Lucar makes, but you must be new here if you think that matters at all. I have a habit of putting some of my own OCs into these stories and that comes with methods that could change one's species. So, the fact that Diamond Tiara is a pony matters very little in the long run, as there are things from the lore of my OC self's lore (both old and new versions) that can allow for species changes.

I refuse to believe that this is canon

Sadly for your belief, it is cannon. It just won't be relevant until Season 3 territory.

Let's just say, that while I know the CMC have a cannon cutie mark, there's one thing I've noticed most other stories do when they don't give the CMC their cannon cutie marks. And it is something I will be doing for this story.

If you know, you know. If you don't know, well, you'll find out.

You're adding some references from the Gameboy Color and Advance games of Hamtaro! Clever. Wonder if Spat will make an appearance?

wonder if other hamsters are gonna pop up?

Yes. The answer is yes. But probably no more until next season. Probably.

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: oh Hamtaro. you have no idea on how blind Twilight is to it.:trollestia:

oh no. something tells me the CMC will have competion in making life crazy for the town.

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