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Season 1: Episode 13 - Boss's Complex

"Boss hasn't really been seen for a while now." Hamtaro said. "I hope he's been doing okay at the least."

"Boss is a tough hamster. He'll be fine." Twilight said.

"Sometimes, I can't help but worry." Hamtaro said.

"Your way too nice Hamtaro. But then again, that's what I love about you so much." Bijou said.

"Given winter's just about here, I'd say it's been long enough for him to realize how much of a mistake he made." Hamtaro said. "I would love to see him apologize for what he tried to do. Then everything can go back to normal."

"That would have to be one...uh...what do you ponies say instead of the 'h' word?" Bijou asked.

"I don't know any h words, but I bet your referring to how we say 'go to Tartarus'." Twilight said.

"Right. Boss better make one tartarus of an apology." Bijou said.

"That's Tartarus with a capital T Bijou." Twilight said.

"What kind of distinction is that when you're basically referring to the devil's pit?" Bijou asked.

Twilight just blinked. "Not sure what you mean by that. Tatarus is basically a maximum-security prison. Just with the added fact that the prisoners inside are kept alive by ancient magics put there by Queen Faust of all ponies." She explained.

"...That doesn't sound like it'd be in the center of the earth..." Bijou pointed out. "Or whatever you call this planet."

"We call it Equees." Twilight admitted. "What does this have to do with Tatarus?" She asked.

"In our world 'hell' is the word used for where the devil lives." Hamtaro said.

"What's a devil?" Twilight asked.

Meanwhile, Boss was taking shelter from the cold as he continued to reflect on what had occurred a few months ago.

A couple of days later, it was time for Winter Wrap up, which lead to a whole thing with Twilight Sparkle wanting to see what she could do there. Eventually, it led to her utilizing her organization skills to help all teams at once organize things so they could wrap up winter without magic. Thus allowing Twilight to become the official All-Team Orginizer.

However, Spike was now on an ice float. "Yikes! Spike's trapped on that ice float!" Hamtaro said.

"And the water is basically freezing." Bijou said.

Suddenly out of nowhere Boss appeared and began using a make shift raft to get over to Spike. "What's Boss doing?!" Hamtaro said.

"He's crazy..." Maxwell said.

"No way that raft is going to hold..." Dexter said.

Boss hooked the ice float up to the raft, and tried to reach shore, only for the raft to start coming apart. In a last ditch effort it seemed, Boss made the ice float crash into the shore line as he fell into the water. "BOSS!" Hamtaro yelled out.

Thankfully for Boss, he was fished out quickly by Fluttershy, and was now being warmed up.


"Yeah, that was the most boneheaded thing ever." Hamtaro said.

"Just...wanted to help..." Boss said before sneezing.

"I'm a dragon. Sure, I would've been sick for a bit, but I'm much bigger than you. I wouldn't basically have become a block of ice." Spike said.

"Well how was I s-supp-ACHOOO!" Boss sneezed. "...supposed to know that..." He finished saying.

"Please, just don't do something like that. You're not some hero." Bijou said. "Can't believe you pulled this sort of stunt." She then began to leave.

"I'm going to go after her. You really need to get off this hero complex of yours. And soon. For Bijou's sake." Hamtaro said. "I won't let you hurt her anymore then you already have." He then went after Bijou.

"...Great...I only just messed things up further..." Boss said.

Author's Note:

So, believe it or not, I've exchanged a couple of episodes. I've exchanged "A Dog and Pony Show" for "The Mysterious Mare Do Well". I won't be skipping "A Dog and Pony Show", I am simply exchanging its place in Season 1 with "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" from Season 2. This is to help the overall narrative perform better.

But first, the CMC need to get their clubhouse in order.

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