• Member Since 8th Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago


My pronouns are She/eeeeeeeesh. If you like what I write, please consider donating to my https://ko-fi.com/snoipah :3 It'd help me a lot and I'd be very appreciative!

Comments ( 600 )

Thanks for commenting! I hope you've enjoyed so far.

I did! This is very good! Leona's emotions are very moving!

Bien, a mi sinceramente me a enganchado desde este y único capitulo, eso te lo doy, 10/10

Thank youuu :3

How does this not have more love? This story is great so far! Good pacing and a nice mix of emotions and plot. Looking forward to more!

Omg thank youuuu! Tbh my hope is this story might get more popular once it gets longer, since people are more likely to think "oh shit, the author isnt planning to abandon this story like after a week" or something.

Either way, I gotta good idea of where I want to take this story- after all, the Ponyville arc is gonna come sooner or later :3

I know the cats name... And I want you to know that. (And good story!)

To be fair it was kind of a meme for awhile .w.
Thank you :3

That how I was with changing expectations. I didn't want to get my hope up super much until he got a higher word count because he was updating weekly but he consistently did it and it kept getting higher word count. I'd also recommend getting art commissioned but only do it if your going the whole mile rn you've got all the time in the world. Don't burn yourself out, I'll be ready to read this gem as it gets refined whether Leona gets lighter or darker. Maybe Leona can fix the economy or I wonder if shell just dip to a better one.

Yeah, i absolutely plan on keeping the ball rolling. Money's a bit tight for me, but i'm absolutely keeping my eyes open to commission cover art :3
Thanks for liking it so far :3

Underrated. I rest my case 💀

Local psychopath sells 1000$ liquor for 40$!!!

I'm sure she won't come to regret that severely :P

Is this story based off of the X-Files episode of the same name?

Never watched the X-files :P
Tabula Rasa translates to Blank Slate in Latin. The idea is that humans are born tabula rasa, and are formed by our environment and experiences. In Leona's case, Tabula Rasa for her means that she gets to start her life anew- with a blank slate.
And all the chapter names are just song names :3
I hope you've enjoyed so far!

Naw last chapter was fine. When the going gets tough you have do what you can to survive. Bottom line is that their protecting themselves and Leona needed to learn who and why she should strive to do it. Not just do it because she likes to and could hurt the others around her. When Gallup came back up I almost thought he was gonna just come with and Leona would definitely find a way to use the extra loyal hands around them.

I think part of Leona's problem is that she's just not used to having normal, well adjusted people who care about her. Leona and her mother are polar opposites in the sense that crime just comes natural to Leona. Leona's used to dealing with sick, depraved fucks like herself- so when her mother tries to act as her moral compass, she simply can't fathom why she should give a fuck about their or anybody else but their own personal gain.
Having someone who genuinely loves her is a new experience, and she's just having difficulty understanding it. That's why I've been focusing a lot on those two; Amelia loves her daughter with all her heart.
Not to spoil any details, but I'm sort of planning that as a recurring theme where Leona's life is centered around those that love her- because without them, she's just another psycho.

Still fantastic so far! And that was a right clever way to get them going to ponyville.

Man this chapter was really good!

Glad you enjoyed it :3

Not even gonna lie, I wasn't planning on doing the ponyville arc until later- then i thought, why the hell would they move to a big city to escape problems that stem from a big city?
It just made more sense to me :3

Aww poor little Leona. She still has trouble thinking about her loved ones.

Just wait until she has friends and family to think about :3

It actually went just as expected. As you said, it would have been hard for her not to either screw up of messing with ponies. Without any kind of filter.
At least her mom is here to make things better.

Even when she's not hustling, she still finds time to fuck with people :3
She straight up gives no fucks and it really shows

Just to make your day, it was a great chapter. I am a bit disapointed in Leona for lying to her mom, but I suppose it was to be expected. How can she not have thought that her actions could potentially have them thrown out of Ponyville?

All this to say, it was a great chapter.

Maybe one day Leona will learn that "shoot first and ask questions later" is rarely a good response to most situations :3

Leona plans to start a war?

... something like that.
After all, she's been holding a grudge, as well as an... acute distaste for diamond dogs, for a while now.
But, you know how the old saying goes; No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. :P

Story kind of slipped under the radar for me, but this chapter was pretty good, onto the rest…

Hope there is more from the flashback

I hope you enjoy it so far :3
i appreciate your comment!

Wow! Just read entirely through, this fic is awesome!

Thank you!!!! It really does mean a lot to me :3

It ain’t much, but it’s honest work- never thought I’d ever say that unironically.

Rest in peace 🕊️ Ohio Man ☹️

Oh shit, i didnt even know that guy died :(

Did not see that coming in the end. Seriously... I thought she would reject her with no hesitation. And she accepted. Wtf.

Oh uh... Adam Hilt is having a flashbacks. Remembering the good ol' days 😆

Nice chapter. When daily update?

Not even gonna lie, i was sort of planning it from the beginning.
I've always been able to not see Diamond Tiara as anything but batshit crazy because yeeears ago i read a fic where she was a serial killer and it always stuck with me tbh
I do hope you're still enjoying it though :3

Im working on it :P

Dumb gallus, time for college though

Eh, I can't blame him for wanting to try and be a better person. It's a bit of a shame, though- Leona had such high hopes for him :3

I wonder what his cutie mark means

Someone is speed loading checkov's gun.




Thank you for the update but...
You need a cover image NOW!!!

but I'm not an artist so look somewhere else 😔

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