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  • 10 weeks
    14 pages and counting!

    Just wanted to keep you guys updated that part 2 of chapter 16 is being worked on. Just taking a long while. Part 2 is bigger than part 1 at this point. :twilightblush:

    I'm never doing long chapter's again, I swear.

    0 comments · 95 views
  • 32 weeks
    Update on Chapter 13

    If you think I'm dead...! I'm not!

    Just been busy, making chapter 13's progress slow. It doesn't help that it will be a longer chapter (prob. around 4.3K+ at completion).

    What have I been busy with? Work!

    Read More

    2 comments · 177 views
  • 41 weeks
    Planning be like:

    Here I am planning chapter 11, right? I realize that chapter 10 has caused a cascade of events that need to resolve satisfyingly, while also going towards the ending I've had planned since chapter four or so.

    So guess what! The next 5 chapters have been planned out. 10, 11, and the next 5 were all supposed to be just 2-3 chapters total. Oh, well.

    The end of the first arc is approaching! I've got about 10 major arcs written down (not planned out obv.).

    2 comments · 100 views
  • 51 weeks
    I am Ruin - History of Changes

    Decided to chronicle the major changes I make in the story. Changes shouldn't happen too often if at all, but sometimes you just think of something better after you're done.

    Chapter 5

    • Changed 'deva' to 'Will.'
      "Didn't like how it sounded, and was too on the nose." -XH
    0 comments · 129 views

14 pages and counting! · 11:11pm May 13th

Just wanted to keep you guys updated that part 2 of chapter 16 is being worked on. Just taking a long while. Part 2 is bigger than part 1 at this point. :twilightblush:

I'm never doing long chapter's again, I swear.

Report XHunter · 95 views · Story: I am Ruin ·
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Here to make your day 'cuz why not :twilightsmile:

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