• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Hex Maniac

Equestria. The Crystal Empire. Day.

During the Tutoring Auditions over at the Crystal Empire, one of the coordinators unleashed her Desire. An unknown girl who could willingly release her Desire without needing it to do it for her, showing that they were most definitely evolving. Right now, a Desire had enveloped the entire building right after Zoey's turn had come and gone.

Once the light subsided, the coordinators were confused. The auditions were interrupted due to that unexpected occurrence. The lights flickered a bit. Everyone was talking, trying to figure out what had just happened.

"What was that? Was that an early Contest Trick?" Somone asked.

"Pretty bland if you ask me."

However, the effect of the Desire kicked in immediately, managing to sneak its way onto everyone here. As they were all wondering what the point of that was, one person looked at her hands to see that she was holding some sort of mask.

"Hm? When did I get this?" She wondered. She wouldn't be the only one holding something. Or even wearing something new. One by one, people were starting to realize that they were wearing different clothes from each other and holding an assortment of random items.

In fact, the entire room was starting to phase into something else. Something very much unlike an auditioning area or even a contest hall. Instead, the area shifted into what appeared to be a police station. Chatter and clamour filled the area as the entire theme was shifted in an instant, confusing them all.

These random items were actually police-based and the clothes that they were were also cop uniforms. But not only that, some wore criminal outfits or random clothes that looked like they came from rather rough streets, dressing like punks and hoodlums.

"What is this?!" Dawn looked at herself, seeing that she wore a Police Uniform along with May.

"Oh my." Fantina, meanwhile, was exempt from this, a magical aura glowing from her body. Without her even doing it willingly, her Lich Magic caused her to instinctively summon some kind of protection around herself but obviously not for everyone else as Ms Harshwhinny was dressed as a Police Chief.

"When did I get this...?" Harshwhinny looked at her attire, confused and annoyed. She also noticed how the mysterious girl was suddenly gone. There was no audition at all as she had vanished without a trace. But one thing was for sure, it was her who unleashed the Desire. Fantina saw it after all.

Just then, a rather creepy laugh echoed across the area. It was the laugh of the girl who had vanished, her voice being heard by everyone. They all looked around, wondering where it was coming from.


The voice was heard once again, catching the attention of the crowd. They looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. "I'm so glad you're all a part of my Desire now. I was right to come to today's audition."

"Wh-Who are you?! Where are you?!" Harshwhinny shouted, trying to find the source of the voice. "What's the meaning of this?!"

"I didn't give my name when stepping up..."Right in the air, something would materialize with a flare of purple energy, straight from the Desire itself. It was none other than the girl herself, finally showing her true appearance. That voice she had certainly matched her looks without a doubt.

She was a young girl with long messy purple hair. Her outfit had a purple colouration that matched her hair as her pupils were the same colour, giving off a rather sinister look as they had a spiral appearance to them. But the thing that was the most noticeable was her large and wide grin, showing off her teeth and stretching her mouth.

"You can call me Hex Maniac."

"Young lady! What is the meaning of this?!" demanded Harshwhinny. "If you think you're getting a spot in all of this, then think again!"

"Sorry," said Hex Maniac. "I'm not here to audition. I'm here for a different reason."

"And that is...?"

"You see, I came here today to spread my desire and have fun doing it. Now you'll all become a part of my world and you're all going to have a fun time."

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean...?" asked Dawn. "And why are we wearing all of this?"

"I look good in this though." May winked, trying to lighten up the mood a bit.

"I'm already in full control of my Desire. It's a wonderful feeling..." Hex Maniac sighed with a smile. "And now, you're all a part of it. My Desire's tackling your thoughts right now and one of you here watched a Cop Movie not too long ago. This is an interesting set for a Contest, don't you think?"

"What? What does this have to do with Pokemon Contests? And how do you know I watched a cop movie?!" exclaimed May as she revealed that she was the one watching a cop movie not too long ago, prompting everyone to look at her. "Hehe. Sorry about that."

"I used to be a coordinator myself not too long ago, just like all of you here. But I got turned down from any ribbons for being a bit too...off-putting. The judges didn't like the way I presented myself. They were boring because of that. But they were scared which made it a bit better," said Hex Maniac.

"Wait..." Fantinawas trying to see if she recalled a moment like that during her time judging Pokemon Contests.

"And then I tried Pokemon Films. I went to PokeStar Studios and everything to try something new. That was a total failure. It was worse than the Pokemon Contest. My film ideas were also seen as terrifying and shut down. It confused me so much. They were horrifying which is what I loved but I just couldn't get them approved...All of it was so boring. The world was getting boring for me. And that's when I discovered my Desire."

Hex Maniac's projection would flare as that moment had her elated enough to do this. Much like many people across the world, she had been embedded with a Desire straight from the Rift. But unlike most who had their Desires unleashed unwillingly, she was able to control hers, choosing when to use it. Hex Maniac could even remember the day she found out she had a Desire within her.

The girl was standing in the middle of an alleyway. It was late in the afternoon, the sky was dark, and it was raining heavily. The cold air blew across her face, causing her to shiver a bit.

"This is so stupid..." Her voice was soft, filled with disappointment and irritation. The rain was falling on her head, the drops landing on her body. She was holding a notebook close to her, having a dejected expression. Her hair was still wet, droplets falling from her strands. She was holding a bag close to her.

The darkness was especially strong around her, covering half of her body, almost making her a silhouette.

"Why is it that everything I do is always so terrible...? How come no one can accept my work? They're not even trying..." Her hands were trembling, gripping onto her notebook. The girl was filled with nothing but bitterness and annoyance. Her eyes would vibrate, twitching and spiraling.

Her anger was not loud at all but it was fierce. The rain continued to fall, the coldness increasing. It was a cold and lonely night. But Hex Maniac didn't mind that kind of atmosphere.

In her eyes, everything was boring. Even the wonderful world she lived in didn't spark any excitement in her. There was something she craved without a doubt and now she was starting to give up on it, aiming to stay our of Pokemon Contests and Pokemon Filmmaking.

But then, there was a glow that appeared from her chest, a purple light flashing. A Desire had embedded itself into her, shining a bright purple, enveloping her body. This was the same day that the Desires first spread out into the world, planting themselves inside a random selection of people, ponies, Pokemon and other species.

Hex Maniac stood there, looking at the light. She was stunned by the sudden phenomenon, having never seen something like this before. Her body would tremble a bit, not out of fear but rather, it was something she was excited about. This sensation felt like terror. An unknown form of terror that she's never even thought about before.

"W-What is this...?!" Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. She was shaking. Shaking with glee to be exact. The Desire had a hold of her, a grip so tight and fierce. Hex Maniac was being taken over by the Desire. The mysterious mystical energy that had come from the Rift and was now a part of her.

"I can feel it. I can feel this energy..." Hex Maniac closed her eyes, the light still glowing. The light would shine even brighter, the girl's body trembling and her eyes widening. The energy had reached its peak. Hex Maniac was ready for the Desire to be unleashed. And just like that, it happened.

"Yes. I love it. I love this feeling...!"

A purple flare would spread out, enveloping the area and everything around it. All the while, Hex Maniac was giggling softly to herself, a sinister smile forming. She was the first person to receive the Desire. The first to ever awaken her Desire and use it.

She was the first one in the world to to use her Desire and take advantage of it.

"You mean...You're the first one to use a Desire?!" Dawn gasped. While Hex Maniac was the first, she wasn't all that known since mainly stayed in secrecy for 3 whole years.

"Are you the reason why the Desires have been more active recently?!" Ms Harshwhinny questioned the girl.

"You could say that." She grinned, tilting her head. "I just stayed silent all this time, thinking about all the wonderful things I could do with my Desire. Everything that's been turned down can become a reality. And this time, there's no one that can say no to me. I can do whatever I want and have no restrictions. I figured I'd merge the two things I got shut down on."

"By using Pokemon Contests as a means of creating horror movies...?" One of the coordinators guessed.

"No, no. I want to see contests in different scenarios. The scenarios I dreamt of. And I thought I'd be generous and have your minds do the work for me. So please, show me something terrifying." She would snap her fingers, immediately causing those who wore the clothing of hoodlums, thugs, and crooks to act up, growling and shouting.

And in instant, their enitre mood changed as they received weapons in the shape of different Pokemon. One got a Dragonite Mallet, another got a Mimikyu Bat, and the rest had other random Pokemon-based weapons. The crowd gasped as these weapons were suddenly used against them.

"Huh?!" May looked up, seeing some of the criminals aim a Pokemon-shaped blaster at her. This Pokemon-shaped weapon would shoot out spectral energy in the shape of a Blastoise, a Dugtrio and a Dragonite, the three of them crashing into May and causing her to fall back.

"O-Ow! Geez!" May yelled as a rapid array of blasts were being fired at all those wearing cop uniforms, the shots hitting them and causing them to yell. Clearly, this was meant to replicate a Cop Film, a rather violent one at that.

"Hey, hey, HEY!" Dawn ducked, avoiding a blast from a weapon in the shape of a Charizard. A few people would be knocked down and others would scatter about, trying to avoid the attacks. It was instant chaos as the coordinators were attacked left and right. Spectral rays flew all over the place, letting out ominous and loud howls.

People were zipping left and right, avoiding the blasts. Above them, a title was formed as if they were in a film. Hex Maniac was fully going through with this movie thing, using the power of a Desire to make it authentic. So authentic that with a snap of her fingers, she made the entire area gain a filter and even a sound effect.

"Wow. You're all really trying your best, aren't you?" said Hex Maniac. "But you all aren't really giving me that perfect feeling for this film. Show me something amazing~"

"Hold on...If this is supposed to be some kind of cop film..." Zoey came to a halt, realizing what this meant. She would hold her hand out, thinking about something to defend herself without needing to send out her Pokemon. In her arms, she managed to summon a Police Baton that was styled after a Gallade, using it to defend herself.

Just as she thought. Zoey would smile holding out the baton. The criminal who tried shooting her would have his weapon knocked away and disarmed. There as nothing stopping them from retaliating since they were wearing Police Uniforms, which meant there were weapons for them to use as well.

"Ooh..." Dawn saw this as she immediately thought of a weapon for herself, summoning a Pokeball-styled Police Blaster that would let out a light blast, striking a criminal in the leg. She took aim at another criminal, trying to hit him with a shot, but was knocked away by a blast. Once everyone else figured this out, they immediately thought of something to defend themselves with.

"Ah! I can make a shield!" exclaimed May. May held her hands up, thinking about a shield. In an instant, she summoned a Glaceon-based Riot Shield, defending herself from the blasts and countering. The crowd started doing the same, using their imaginations to their advantage.

Now it was a genuine Cop Film, or so they thought. Many were getting their imagination into it, running around and hiding behind desks, chairs, and walls, using anything as cover. Some used their newly summoned weapons to fight back and defend themselves.

Some were lucky enough to catch doughnuts in their mouths as they materialized out of thin air, snacking on them. Dawn and Zoey bumped into each other when backing up, looking at each other. Now they had really reunited but in the most unusual scenario.

"Huh? Dawn? You're here too?!" asked Zoey.

"Hey, Zoey. Long time, no see. But it looks like we're caught in the middle of a movie set, huh?"

"You could say that." The two had no idea that they would see each other at a place like this. "I didn't think it'd lead to this. But I guess it's not so bad. It's actually pretty fun."

"Hmm..." Hex Maniac wasn't pleased with what she was seeing. They were having fun and it was far from horrifying. This wasn't a film at all, but instead, it was just a bunch of coordinators being playful with one another. The sight of this greatly bothered her, her eyes widening and her face scrunching up a bit.

They all started goofing around immediately, having fun with no sense of dread whatsoever. Walking in on this was none other than Queen Novo, who had just finished checking on herself in the mirror.

"I beg your pardon? What is all of this?!" Novo gasped upon seeing everyone goofing around, confused as to what this was meant to be. There was not a slither of anything relating to an audition right now. Instead, it was a bunch of coordinators having a good time and laughing amongst each other. "Umm...Did I miss something here?"

"This isn't what I want." Hex Maniac said with a monotone voice, her eyes glowing. She would snap her fingers once more, causing the scene to change yet again. Everyone was caught off guard as the area shifted and morphed. The lights would flicker and the room would turn dark. The temperature was starting to drop.

Now, the entire area had turned into a school, specifically a high school. Hex Maniac wanted to go even more into this cop film, but she wanted to try something else. She was trying different things in order to see if there was something she would find scary.

"Ack!" Novo yelped upon the whole room shifting. Now it was a classroom filled with lockers and a blackboard. But that wasn't all. The area had a heavy atmosphere. There was no sign of the sun, the entire room covered in darkness.

"A school?" asked Daw, now wearing a school uniform. "Why'd we change to this?"

"Well, isn't this something?" Zoey checked herself out, also wearing a school uniform. "Who thought of this?"

"My bad! That was me again!" May raised her hand. She was also wearing a uniform. "I've been watching a lot of high school films lately and I was even thinking of watching another one tomorrow! Sorry!"

"The school you're in is where I went to once upon a time. A boring place if you ask me," said Hex Maniac. "I never fit in there and they just found me to be a nuisance. No one ever talked to me and I was always by myself. So...I made sure to make my last day there something special. By showing them all fear and terror."

"So...you did something crazy there? What did you do?" asked May.

"It was years ago, but I still remember it. Now, you can all go through what I went through. You'll know how I felt during my time there. And this time, I want to see some Contest Moves." Hex Maniac would she as everything went silent. "Go on."

Everyone looked around, seeing the area they were in. There were no doors leading out, just walls. It was a room where everyone was locked inside. There was no way to escape. Not only that, but all the sound had been cut off. It was just complete silence.

They tried talking to each other, only to be met with silence. Even when May and Dawn tried screaming at each other, no sound was heard. They couldn't communicate with one another. The sound had completely vanished.

"We can't hear each other?!" Dawn mouthed the words to May, but was met with no response.

"She made it so we can't communicate..." Zoey mumbled, her voice inaudible. Apparently, this is what Hex Maniac felt like during her time at this school. Completely alone. And it was rather suffocating, having no one to talk to.

"This is what I wanted." Hex Maniac closed her eyes, her grin growing. "I just want to hear you all scream. Scream at the top of your lungs. Cry out and yell for help."

"This is so stupid. She can't keep us in here forever. There has to be a way out." May tried approaching the door, but no matter how many times she tried, it would not open. It was locked, preventing her from leaving. It was just a normal high school door and there was nothing wrong with it, but she was unable to leave.

"Hm. It won't open..." May was able to move freely, but not get out. She could do anything except leave. Everyone was trapped inside and there was no way out. This was a rather strange form of Desire, being able to create a world like this.

With no one being able to understand each other, there was nothing else they could do but move on their own. The only other sound here was the sound of a clock ticking. No matter how hard they searched, they could find an opening.

Dawn looked around, trying to find an exit or even a clue, but it was to no avail. Some sent their Pokemon out to try and break through the door or the wall, but not even they could get through. The situation was hopeless.

Any attack they tried would fail. And even their combination moves were failing. Hex Maniac was enjoying herself as she watched everyone try. She was laughing to herself, loving the way everyone was acting.

"Oh, this is amazing. Look at all of you~" Hex Maniac's voice was still audible, much like her laughter. Everyone could hear her, but they were unable to speak or communicate. "And I can tell you're all getting desperate. You're all getting scared."

"Piplup! Buneary!" Dawn tried using her Pokemon, sending out Piplup and Buneary, the two of them trying to attack the wall. But their attacks failed, the blows barely even doing any damage. The Pokemon were frustrated as their moves didn't work.



"Aaahh. This is such a wonderful sight. Seeing the looks on your faces is a treat."

"Not good...What have I gotten myself into?!" Novo screamed at the top of her lungs, but her voice was inaudible. "If I'm stuck here forever...Then how am I supposed to become a coordinator?! No...even worse. My role as Queen! How will I fulfil my duties?!"

She was starting to panic and lose her mind, the lack of sound was starting to get to her. It was just the sound of her own breathing, which was rather creepy and eerie. She immediately thought about all the worst-case scenarios that could happen if she was absent forever.

And if she does manage to return, if she were to take too long, the Hippogriffs could be greatly upset with her, potentially finding out that she's been sneaking out to be a coordinator, abandoning her kingdom.

Novo didn't want that at all. "This is the worst...!" Her hands covered her mouth, trying not to make a noise. "If I'm not back soon, my kingdom will be ruined. And if they find out I'm doing this, they'll never accept me! They'll see me as an embarrassment. I can't let that happen!"

20 Minutes Later.

Everyone else wee starting to lose their minds as well, going completely mad from the lack of sound. Not only that, but time felt much, much slower than normal. Every second that passed, felt like a minute and every minute, felt like an hour.

"What do we do...?" May mouthed, not even a whisper was heard. The clock kept ticking and the sound of the clock was the only thing everyone could hear. Any attempt to call for outside help was quickly shut down as the Desire disrupted the signal, making it impossible for anyone to know they were here.

Dawn started thinking, believing that there had to be a way out of this. The room was silent. She didn't hear any noise at all, not even her breathing. Dawn looked around, trying to find an opening. That's when her mind raced to one thing. Hex Maniac specifically said she also wanted to see some Contest Moves. She even wished to see it back at the Cop Scenario but that never came to pass.

"That's right...Maybe if we act like we're in a Contest, she'll let us out?" Dawn thought. It was worth a shot. Anything was better than just standing around. Since her Pokemon couldn't hear her, she had to rely on hand movements.

Dawn gestured her Pokemon to follow her. Dawn pointed to the floor, wanting to use the move Whirlpool. Her Pokemon followed, understanding what she wanted. Dawn moved her arms, gesturing the moves that she wanted. Buneary understood as well.

Once they were all ready, Dawn started the combination. "Buneary, use Ice Beam!" She used her hands to speak. Buneary nodded, shooting a beam of ice at the floor. Piplup would join, using his Bubblebeam to shoot a stream of bubbles, the two moving their bodies as if they were dancing.

The two continued, creating a dance with their moves, the Bubblebeam and Ice Beam hitting the ground, making the ice and water glow with a beautiful sparkle. They moved gracefully, their moves looking stunning.

"Oh. Wow..." Novo gasped, seeing the two perform. It was like a performance in a beauty contest, their movements elegant and graceful. It was a rather stunning sight.

"Ah!" Zoey would understand what Dawn was going for. She decided to join her, sending her Gallade out to stand beside Glameow. With a smile on her face, Zoey made her move, using her hands to speak to her Pokemon.

"Glameow, use Shadow Ball! And then use Iron Tail!"

"Gallade, use Swords Dance!" Zoey was making a combo, but was relying on her body movements and gestures. Gallade nodded, moving his body in a stylish and slick way. The Fighting-Psychic-Type was moving swiftly, using the swords on his back to enhance his power.

He was also able to use Swords Dance, his blades glowing. Gallade would combine this move with Iron Tail, making his tail glow as well. Then, he would jump in the air, his tail and the sword on his arm colliding.

Glameow would create a ball of shadowy energy. It was a sphere that would float in the air, swirling and sparkling. Glameow jumped up, kicking the ball with her claws. The ball would split into three, the shadows forming and swirling around Gallade. The cat-like Pokemon landed gracefully, the attack having no effect.

May and the others soon caught on, realizing what they were going for. They would join, starting to use their own moves as well. It was a bit difficult since they were unable to talk, but they were able to get the hang of it, relying on their bodies and gestures.

Very soon, the entire place was filled with various moves, the coordinators and their Pokemon moving their bodies in a way that made the attacks look like they were being used in a contest. Each attack was different, making it feel like a whole new experience.

The room was glowing with colour, the moves reflecting their surroundings and shining all over. The light was rather blinding. Novo watched in awe when seeing all these coordinators in action, her eyes sparkling and her mouth hanging wide open. She then shook her head, quickly holding her own Poke Ball out. "I should do the same! Go! Primarina!"

She had a Pokemon with her, having taken it with her to the audition. When she sent her Primarina out, she quickly realized that her Pokemon was unable to hear her. "Ack! No, no! How am I supposed to communicate now?!"

Novo looked around, thinking of a solution. She actually hasn't developed a way to properly communicate certain moves. She was the very definition of a rookie coordinator despite being older than everyone in this room.

"How did that girl do it...? Was it by gestures?" Novo wondered. Her body was shaking a bit, nervous that she wasn't doing anything. However, due to Primarina's bond with Novo, she understood what to do, not wishing to see her trainer distressed.

And thanks to Zoey walking over, Novo was further boosted in confidence. Zoey nudged Novo, using mannerisms to speak with her. Novo looked up at the experienced coordinator, seeing her nod in understanding. The same went for Primarina who was on the same page.

Primarina took a deep breath before singing to the tune of an enchanting song. She would spin around, causing a series of blue rings to surround her. She moved her body, swaying side to side, making her way toward Novo. The music was a gentle sound that would fill the area, a sound that was soothing.

Novo was stunned. The melody was beautiful and filled with life. She saw Primarina approach her. When Primarina got close, she placed a flipper on her trainer's shoulder, the two looking into each other's eyes. Primarina gave a nod, letting her know that she'll be alright.

"I...I see..." Novo sighed. She knew exactly what to do. "You can handle the rest, can't you?"

Primarina responded with a nod even if she couldn't hear Novo. The two were ready. It was a moment of complete silence, the only sound was the song Primarina was singing. Novo then began her own moves, her arms swaying. Primarina followed, singing a bit louder. Just then, Primarina's voice began breaking through the silence.


The crowd stopped what they were doing, surprised that the sound of a Pokemon had finally been heard. That's when they realized that they could hear again, hearing the song Primarina was singing. They all looked around, their mouths opening.

"I can hear you!" exclaimed Dawn. "Your song is breaking through!"

"We can all hear it!" May grinned. "Keep singing, Primarina!"

It seemed that Dawn's idea worked. Due to her acting as if she was in a contest, sound was returning. The music was reaching the walls, causing them to break down. This was a combination of Primarina's voice, Dawn's actions and the Desire.

The walls started breaking down, a crack forming and splitting apart. The cracks were growing bigger, spreading throughout the entire area. Hex Maniac was clready getting bothered by this.

But once the cracks reached the ceiling, everything broke down, crumbling and shattering. The ceiling was destroyed as a ray of light shone in. It was the sunlight that the school didn't have. Primarina's song would grow even louder, causing more cracks to appear. The walls and ceiling shattered, falling apart as the sunlight finally entered.

Hex Maniac actually had to squint her eyes from all this sunlight, caught off guard by this sight. She was once again aggravated as that sense of dread didn't last long. "Again...?"

Just then, in Hex Maniac's own space that was made by the Desire, something was beginning to crack it open, the walls beginning to form cracks. She felt a chill run down her spine, a familiar feeling coming to her. That's when she knew that someone was approaching her.

From the crack, the hand of Fantina would come through as she fully entered this space. "Oh, dear. What a mess you've made."

"How did you get in here...?"

"I'm getting used to having Lich Magic." Fantina giggled. "I figured I should be prepared in case things got a little out of hand. And this is definitely out of hand. Young lady. I think you've done enough. It's time to let this go."

"But I'm not done yet...I get the chance to really let my Desire shine, but you're here ruining it. I just want to have a little fun."

"And I'm telling you that you've had your fun. Look at them. They're having fun. That's what you wanted, isn't it?"

"No, no, no, no, no...You're not listening. I want to see fear and terror. This isn't working at all. They're not even afraid. Why don't you leave so I can get this done?"

"I don't think so. I won't allow you to harm a single person." Fantina shook her head. "Making them stay in silence is horrible. But it wasn't enough to break their spirits. Not when they have someone there to uplift them."

"What does that mean? I just wanted them to have a bit of fun." Hex Maniac didn't understand what Fantina meant, her face scrunching up a bit, not pleased.

"No, no." Fantina wagged her finger. "This is far from fun. You said you were turned down as a Coordinator right? Reasons like this are why. Your Desire won't help you, even though you're in control of it."

"You're lying...I don't want to hear it from you, Fantina. I actually look up to you. You and your Ghosts...My Desires allow me to do what I couldn't do as a Coordinator or a Film Producer. If they can't handle the horrors I have to offer, then so be it."

"Hm?" Fantina leaned in while smiling. "You haven't shown me any major horrors though. Not yet at least. How about you use some on me?"

"What?" Hex Maniac raised a brow, not understanding her. "You want me to...Use my biggest horrors on you...?"

"That's right." Fantina nodded, her eyes glowing a bit. She was prepared for whatever the girl was going to throw at her. "Do whatever you can. I want to see this 'horror' that you speak of."

Hex Maniac didn't know what else to say. She didn't expect this, but she didn't want to show how she felt. Instead, she nodded, wanting to see where this would go. She held her hand out, causing her Desire to flare up once more, engulfing her body and causing everything around her to turn a dark purple.

Fantina, meanwhile, didn't move an inch, still standing in place. She wasn't even using any magic to defend herself. Instead, she simply stood there, not budging. Hex Maniac was stunned, not knowing what to do. The flare would soon dissipate, the darkness fading away. Fantina took these horrors without a second thought.


"I've always had a strong resistance to anything terrifying. More terrifying than what you can imagine. I'm afraid you're going to have to try harder than that. But let's bring this to an end right now, alright?" Fantina winked holding one finger up as she unleashed her Lich Magic.

The energy was powerful and was glowing purple. The aura was fearsome but also hopeful and welcoming. The spirit would spread out, a bright light flashing as now it was the Hex Maniac who needed to squint. She would bare witness to Fantina's amazing magic and what it could do.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 500 End.

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