• Published 29th Nov 2022
  • 646 Views, 47 Comments

Cammie - Jarvy Jared

A mother's journey to the north inevitably leads her to a journey through her own heart.

  • ...


This story is dedicated to:

My editors and pre-readers; Stinium_Ruide, VoxArachne, Sledge115, and Mike Cartoon Pony. Though their contributions varied, their quality was always superb. It is thanks to their help, insight, and feedback that this story can be read.

applezombi, whose massive work, Rekindled Embers, was instrumental for me to consider writing a longer work for the first time in years.

Ninjadeadbeard, whose courage and compassion inspired me; whose humor and authenticity in his Anarchyverse writing gave rise to my own attempts at an authentic narrative. I'll miss you, my friend, but I will always treasure our having met.

Rambling Writer, whose Adventure and Mystery OC-centric fanfics of Hinterlands and Urban Wilds ultimately were the catalyst for my own try at a largely OC cast.

Chessie, whose epic, Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale, reminded me of the fun one can have when writing something for a long while.

The reviewers and members of the Reviewers Mansion, whose passion and drive has always been a joy to share in. Though I am currently retired, I will treasure the time I spent there as a reviewer, and look forward to seeing what else you churn out.

The Elements of Justice team, who, without knowing it, inspired me to start and finish this story; whose endless passion and drive towards this project has been a source of encouragement and happiness for me. I am immensely grateful for the opportunities they have granted me.

My literary heroes: Leo Tolstoy, whose novel, Anna Karenina showed me a story the closest to literary perfection; Gabriel García Márquez, who demonstrated the beauty of the stylistic voice; and Harper Lee, whose quiet, lovely wonder, To Kill A Mockingbird, has long proven my belief that the best stories are the ones that seem truer than life.

Both My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and My Little Pony: Make Your Mark, both of which I consider myself a fan, no matter their differences; both of which have inspired me to write creatively at pivotal moments of my life, and which have inspired countless others to find their passion and love for creation and art.

And you, the reader, who has hopefully stuck out to the very end. Happy endings are rare, but I hope that though this is tinged with the melancholy, you have found it to be worthy of Cammie and Gaea. I think they deserve happiness, no matter what the future may bring.

Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 5 )

Beautiful story, thank you for writing it! :heart:

And thank you for reading! :raritywink:

The story was great. Loved seeing the characters discover more about the world and themselves.

This brand-new world is full of mysteries and unknown history, and the fresh settings are all very intriguing to read. There are still dangers of the past lurking, tons of digging to do and some things…… just have to remain hidden.
But for now our characters return to their own lives and be themselves again, just like our own journey with stories, whether it's reading or writing.

See you next time, and may the spark of friendship, pony and creativity shines eternal!

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments as you made your way through this story. It really warms my heart to see someone get so much out of it!

But for now our characters return to their own lives and be themselves again, just like our own journey with stories, whether it's reading or writing.

Cyclical stories are definitely something I enjoy. I like the idea of a story ending where it began, with something having fundamentally changed. In fact, when I started writing Cammie, I knew immediately that it would have to end right where it began - in the teashop - because it was the only place that made sense. :raritywink:


I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your comments as you made your way through this story. It really warms my heart to see someone get so much out of it!

You're welcome! I like leaving comments When I thought of something that the other commenters didn't say. I especially felt the need to point out the thing about the story's title because at that moment of the story I felt like I suddenly understood it all. However My favorite part is actually when they explore the underground caves and talking about it in the aftermath.

Cyclical stories are definitely something I enjoy. I like the idea of a story ending where it began, with something having fundamentally changed. In fact, when I started writing Cammie, I knew immediately that it would have to end right where it began - in the teashop - because it was the only place that made sense. :raritywink:

You're right! How stories' lines come back to beginning is fascinating because in this way many aspects of the situations remain the same but the characters themselves changed so much. Like I said I like connections between things so it is certainly good for me. The characters didn't really know about the future at the end nor do they established a really firm connection with their new life but we knew that they will be okay.

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