• Published 5th Jul 2022
  • 8,683 Views, 1,881 Comments

Diaries of the Anonymous Filly - Seven Fates

The Sun Horse found me at the verge of death, and through rudimentary communication offered to save me. I should have read the fine print. Now I'm bitter, small, and possess an underdeveloped frontal lobe. Why does she want me to learn 'friendship'?

Comments ( 29 )

Something is really screwy if Anon calls Thorax "traitor" while under a geas of truth.

Just how deeply did Désireé mess with Anon's head?

Enough that it is the truth to Anon as far as what the brain spaghetti tells her. Plus, it would definitely be something even a redeemed Chryssi would find relatable.

haven't had the time to read this yet but gotta ask: is the title inspired by whatmustido's Diaries of a Madman?

Wow, that's a lot of HARD truths for Flicker to sort out with a shrink. I can't imagine how I'd feel KNOWING someone fucked with my head in such a manner...well besides rage. I can imagine a LOT of anger.

Lot of stuff to unpack in this chapter. Interesting approach to the punishment angle.

On another note, I wonder if Anon is gonna use her knowledge of runes, and her skill with changeling resin, to make Tempest a prosthetic horn with a levitation rune moulded into its structure.

That must be the real punishment... I must face those I have orphaned...

Oh gods. Thats rough 0.0

It's a good thing this girl is in therapy, she's got a lot of stuff to figure out

I really need to reread this story, I don't even remember when the transition went from "don't touch me, you pink psycho" to "karate filie", and from that to "I used the blood of my enemies to create a god" and finally end up in this mental health minefield

This should be seeing a mental health doctor right away before anything else. They aren't fit to be around those who can't handle their issues. And the kid is going into flashbacks which means it has gotten bad.

The title was indeed originally intended as a nod to WhatmustIDo's story.

Not just the blood but the whole body and maybe the soul, the soul part is more of an inference but the whole body part is definitely true

Babs Seed is from Manehattan, but I think she’d go to Sweet Apple Acres if she was orphaned from the Invasion… :duck:

Thorax had some subordinates unfriendly to Anonymous, so I can understand why she’d accept a low opinion of him. I do think she’d get along with Ocellus, though, as they both like to study.

Hadn’t thought about Tempest processing of events. I hope she gets to befriend Anon in this process. :pinkiesmile:

Ah, the reality check for the little sociopath. Good.

That must be the real punishment... I must face those I have orphaned...

Look I'm gonna be completely honest and I understand the character arch and her reaction completely, I don't disapprove nor am I annoyed by it but I don't think anyone (Readers) is giving what she did a second thought, she killed some evil fuckers who cares? She made somecreature an orphan, well, too bad I'd still root for her to do it again.

They had a sad backstory for doing that shit? Whomp Whomp buddy now keep digging your own grave I don't care about your life you protected a monster that raped a child if there is something like haven and hell you will burn and I will smile while watching.

So it's not just information that was shoved into her brain, psychological damages are there too, perhaps continuing? The apparent disconnect from her previous experiences as Nemo is exceptionally concerning....
Perhaps she should have a safety collar, at least until the subconscious crud stabilizes. The panic attacks were bad before, but now there seems to be a much harder edge of danger present. 🤔

Comment posted by FredMSloniker deleted May 19th

Thorax can be described to Queen Chrysalis as "the traitor". Anon knows that, and also knows that Queenie gets angry with rage when someone uses his name. Therefore, it is both not a lie and prudent to speak of him that way to her.

RTC #18 · 1 week ago · · ·

The seven that refused to yield... it wasn't as easy to reduce them down to being monsters, even if they were complicit... Yet still they may have had families. Any one of them could have been a single father... or the mothers may have been arrested as well, resulting in the foals having to be separated for their safety.

I wonder what kind of person a child raised by slavers and rapists would have grown up to become, assuming none of them were given the same treatment as Emerald. There's no way she was the only one.

Tolerating evil because "boo-hoo they have relatives and friends" is an affront to the rights of the victims. With the police having refused to intervene, Anon was more than justified in taking the John Brown approach.

Yes, this will hold so well in court.

RTC #20 · 1 week ago · · ·

Yes, because the justice system is never wrong.

And a murder with good intentions is still a murder.


I'll reiterate what I said before about inactivity being an affront to the victims. To do nothing because "murder with good intentions is still murder" while the offenders in question are actively extorting, enslaving, murdering, and raping people, is to prioritize the rights of the perpetrators over the rights of the victims.

Frankly, Anon should have done what she did sooner rather than waiting for Starlight and Trixie to get captured and possibly tortured, or worse.

So, who died and made him the queen?

I have a feeling you're being deliberately inflammatory here. Was it perhaps morally grey to take things into their own hooves? Absolutely. Was it justified? Absolutely.

Why do you think paedophiles and kiddie-killers get violently - And I mean violently assaulted, mutilated and maimed once in prison, and sometimes outside of it - if not outright killed after being tortured?

Let me put this another way. Murder, even when right - is still murder; but to quote an amazing piece of wisdom committed to a similar type of story...

"We declare the perpetrator NOT INNOCENT." - The kewords here being NOT INNOCENT, yet also at the same time; they aren't GUILTY.

They committed a crime and were sentenced, but the depth of their guilt was diminished due to circumstance. Like the fact two of her friends - if not extended family (in the case of Starlight) were being held hostage by a violent cartel who were actively sexually assaulting and pimping out minors; along with murder.

There is a difference between "I killed this person out of a sense of vigilantism" and "I, or my friends, my family is in immediate danger if I do not act." By the LETTER OF THE LAW, yes - the MC committed a crime; however, it was decided by a jury of royalty that while guilty, their actions were not entirely their own fault and were the result of a mental breakdown... But more importantly, the same way a Jury can annul a charge if they deem the defendant guilty, but not worthy of punishment that is outlined within the law (read the 'Third Option' for more details) - the Humane, or in this case, Equine element of the law was applied.

I also believe you misunderstood the OP's post about it being 'justified'. Things being just are not neccessarily good. It is just to shoot a thief that has broken into your house while armed. That does not mean it is neccessarily good - because on the flipside, you may have killed someone that was stealing out of desperation for their family.

tldr: you misunderstand the connection between good and justified. It shows. That or you're being a low effort troll.

based post

It's called 'crime of passion', I think.

Yes, it can lead to reduced charges. Like a downgrade from murder to manslaughter. Which is still a long shot from downgrading mass murder and summoning of a possibly hostile eldritch entity to something worthy of community service, forced therapy and being forbidden to develop combat magic.

Is it good that he put an end to their lives? Perhaps. Is it just that he put an end to their lives? Yes. Is it just to them that he was slapped on a fetlock and told a stern 'No!' for that? Heh. Of course yes, because being a paedo and a slaver and generally a criminal leaves you with no rights. Yeah, peoples can not have genuine loved ones when they do such evil things. Who knows, who cares, outta ze f*cking window wiv zat.

My problem is, both 'good' and 'bad' endings of the arc have a slap on a wrist as a punishment. Especially the so-called 'bad ending', with Anon basically made queen of tartarus for no good reason.

This I do agree with.

The 'bad ending' is ultimately, probably, the better ending so far. Sure - Anon goes to literal hell... And turns it into a literal paradise. By the letter of the word, banishment to tartarus is supposed to be the worse punishment of the two. Solitude for ten years in literal hell.

The only thing in your point I don't agree with is the crimes you've neccessarily portrayed Anon of committing, because by that standard - Luna (who did something very similar with NMM, even directly hinted at by Hunger) was basically entirely acquitted too. Granted - its only contextually implied, but a violent civil war like what NMM caused would have had far more deaths between the Nightguard and Dayguard.

But yeah, I think the 'bad ending' is sorta jokey. Anon gets sent to hell, kills everyone except a single pony, proceeds to build a utopia and basically become a "point towards target" weapon. Sure, it's sad in that Anon never seems to have /recovered/ from her trauma (and is instead hiding behind a cheerful mask); but is ultimately, probably the better ending thusfar.

As for Crimes of Passion, thats partly what I meant. I moreso meant this -

Its not neccessarily applicable to how Anon was charged here, but the concept is the same. By the letter of the law, they did all of that - but due to circumstances surrounding the case - like Anon literally being controlled and later transformed by a godlike entity. Yeah.


The only thing in your point I don't agree with is the crimes you've neccessarily portrayed Anon of committing, because by that standard - Luna (who did something very similar with NMM, even directly hinted at by Hunger) was basically entirely acquitted too. Granted - its only contextually implied, but a violent civil war like what NMM caused would have had far more deaths between the Nightguard and Dayguard.

Oh yeah, and ten hundred years on the Moon were a vacation.

On that last part I'll disagree. Anon only did what was done once the matter was forced. Had Raging Storm and his goons simply minded their own business, rather than acting like super persistent predators, they could've escaped alive. But oh no, he just had to go and get involved while an invasion was underway.

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