• Member Since 31st May, 2020
  • offline last seen March 22nd

Spazz Kid

Local bunny fella || Don't worry, stories are coming still...

Comments ( 11 )

Nothing insane or violent here

Peace love and plants :)

I'm sorry, but I'm not going to up vote or down vote. I just couldn't find this funny, I don't know. Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. And this is coming from someone that loves Doom himself.

Yes, I know it's a dark comedy, and shouldn't take it seriously, Maybe I should have turned away by the tags, and the descriptions warning, but I couldn't help myself. When I see a Doom story, I'm on it because they're rare.

I guess from an outside view, with those that haven't played it or delved into Doom's lore. People just see an angry guy killing demons, and I do understand that. But Truly he was just a normal marine court-martialed to one of Mars moons for assaulting his commanding officer for ordering to fire on innocent protesters.

He's loaded with PTSD, and later on becomes numb to everything due to the horrible experiences he went through, torture, fighting for who knows how many years in hell, getting betrayed multiple times. Loosing his, wife, son and most of all his pet rabbit Daisy. And eventually given demigod like power. Spoilers from Doom eternal and Classic Doom, Doom 1.

And even everything he went through, he still holds onto one piece of humanity he's got left. Protecting the innocent and the ones that are wronged or deceived by those who believe in demon promises. Or killing ones that are big helping hand with the demons, or you get in his away to stop him from slaying demons.

I also saw in the Authors notes they haven't played Doom, if you like First-person shooters with a bit of a fast-paced, with no reloading I strongly suggest getting them on Steam. If you like story, then from Ultimate Doom, which is the 1st game, than Doom 2 and Doom 64, than Doom 2016 and Doom eternal. I will add it is easier to look up a recent video on doom lore cause the old games are a bit limited on it, and you need some digging to get the real pieces out of it.

If people liked it, that's fine, but I just couldn't. I tried.

Anyway, sorry for the long comment and I hope this doesn't mean to offend. The writing was great BTW. :twilightsmile:, keep writing!

*chef's kiss* You sir have made an excellent shitpost.

People don't agree, but hey! We all have our own opinions.


I guess from an outside view, with those that haven't played it or delved into Doom's lore. People just see an angry guy killing demons, and I do understand that. But Truly he was just a normal marine court-martialed to one of Mars moons for assaulting his commanding officer for ordering to fire on innocent protesters.

I know at least that much, I was just trying to make something that was kinda funny. Guess that didn't work.

I also saw in the Authors notes they haven't played Doom, if you like First-person shooters with a bit of a fast-paced, with no reloading I strongly suggest getting them on Steam. If you like story, then from Ultimate Doom, which is the 1st game, than Doom 2 and Doom 64, than Doom 2016 and Doom eternal. I will add it is easier to look up a recent video on doom lore cause the old games are a bit limited on it, and you need some digging to get the real pieces out of it.

Okay, so, I sorta lied about that, i've played two of them: The original and 5 minutes of Doom 3 BFG edition. The original was fun, and I stopped playing Doom 3 because the controls were frickin' weird.

He's loaded with PTSD, and later on becomes numb to everything due to the horrible experiences he went through, torture, fighting for who knows how many years in hell, getting betrayed multiple times. Loosing his, wife, son and most of all his pet rabbit Daisy. And eventually given demigod like power. Spoilers from Doom eternal and Classic Doom, Doom 1.

I knew about his rabbit, but I didn't know he had family other than that. Though, the farthest I've gotten into it is the review the meme "I'M GOING TO SHIT YOURSELF" came from, and the movie, the one with The Rock.

Anyway, sorry for the long comment and I hope this doesn't mean to offend. The writing was great BTW. :twilightsmile:, keep writing!

Not sure how you'd offend someone with this.
Thank you!! :yay:
(Ngl tho, that delete account button looking extra fine today...)

Yeah, I understand how an actual Doom fan would really dislike this, I was purely going off of memory for most all of it.
Also, I can't get Steam because I don't have a compatible device, I use a shitty Chromebook. I'm poor :(

Anyway, thanks for the comment, I'll definitely think about this if I ever plan to write another Doom crossover.

Have a day~!:twilightsmile:

Thank you for the kind reply, mate.

That sucks to hear about your financial troubles, I hope everything can work out better for you in time.

(Ngl tho, that delete account button looking extra fine today...)

I know that this is your choice, but I hope you don't. Because you are a good writer.

If you do make another Doom story, I'll be looking forward to it!

You have a nice day too. :twilightsmile:

I use a chromebook to homeslice, don't feel bad.

Oh snap, wide Doomslayer walking. This story jas peaked my interest.


Goes through the entire thesaurus when naming the Doom Slayer/Doom Guy.

Doom Sapient

This is my favorite one.


Yeah, I thought that'd be funny, I don't know.

I put on BFG Division just for this.

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