• Published 21st Jan 2021
  • 782 Views, 83 Comments

Victory for the Dark Horse - Ice Star

Ever since Twilight Sparkle has taken the steps to princesshood, Ivory Scroll has become obsolete as Ponyville's Mayor-Mare. Nothing could be more devastating to her, and she aims to renew her sense of purpose in the world.

  • ...


Ivory Scroll found that hands were a lovely thing. While they were not quite enough to make up for the loss of her magic, she would choose them over hooves in a heartbeat. Fine motor skills was not something she had to worry about faking at her age. As a pony, she had nearly two and a half centuries for a possible maximum lifespan. Here, the single sapient animal species — humans — could hope for about eighty. Whether she would still retain her equine vitality or now was faced with the fragility of unmagical apes was an uncertainty she was willing to accept. For an old maid like her, that sacrifice was nothing. She had a job she had married, not a pony. Ivory certainly didn't plan on marrying a person — as they were called here — any time soon, either.

Sometimes, fame was enough. For Ivory Scroll, no better source of accomplishment could be found than making a whole city into her success story. And now she had a whole city, just for that! Everything she now faced was so much better than sleepy, sweet Ponyville. Here, she had a city's worth of excitement in the tumultuous city of Canterly, all of which was located in the even more chaotic state of Florida. There were no herds or princesses to loom over her, only tangles of bureaucracy knotted into the inevitable disaster that a damnation such as democracy set forth. A land where monarchies were taboo did nothing to dim all the renewed excitement Ivory hadn't felt since she was a spry young mare.

It's just a shame that she was three years into her first term, and there was no guarantee she might secure her second victory. This strange ape planet — this Earth — wanted complications in its politics so drastically different from the one she had come from. In the kingdom of Equestria, one only had to tote oneself as a most Harmonious and upstanding citizen who emphasized civil servitude, and knowing who to bow to and saying what ponies wanted to hear. The only trick to Equestrian politics was that Harmony took the back seat of the carriage compared to the real ruling philosophy of Equestria. Celestian ideals were how to go beyond winning simply 'friends' and influencing ponies. Humans were not ruled by any gods that Ivory Scroll could see, and morality was a role that was not always worth playing, at least judging by the history of the nation she lived in or how her peers behaved. To succeed at Amareican politics required real work instead of kindness, and that was wholly refreshing. It at least made up for the gross bias favoring something as grotesque as republicanism over the nobility of civilized forms of government.

Ivory Scroll's mouth curled into a smile, and her fingers paused in their incessant drumming of her desk. Perhaps there was something that could be done to make her next term just a smidge more certain...

Author's Note:

This was a combonation of a writing challenge, as well as a nagging idea that refused to leave me alone. I just had to empty it from my head. Minimal dialogue stories have been very easy lately, and this was the result.

  • Five scenes per 'side' chapters
  • Intro/outro in opposite worlds
  • Minimal dialogue
  • Weird fuckin' mirror sentences
  • Please just let me play with my words in peace
  • Equestria Girls world-building practice
  • Uhhhh puns, I guess?
  • Try to use some of my less-frequent genre tags
  • Quicker/monologue-like scenes
Comments ( 10 )

oh dear is there gonna be more later in another story i worry for ivory on pony side!

There might be. It depends on if I decide to continue with a sequel.

This concluded faster than I expected, but it was still a most enjoyable exploration of greener grass on the other side of the portal. Thank you for it.

Thank YOU for reading! (And yes, this was anticipated to be a short romp in between main projects.)

really liked this, the differences between both versions of mayor mare was really interesting, showing how being different species and coming from different worlds changed there personality and world view was the high light of this fic

Thank you! Those were exactly the things that I wanted people to really dig into, and I'm glad to see they were a high point for you.

This was really interesting. It seems almost a parable against the 'I want to move to Equestria' discussion - in a society where any infringement on personal freedom whatsoever is viewed as repugnant (despite the inclination to merrily infringe on others' freedom) and self-reliance is considered a baseline virtue, the transition might be more jarring than some might expect. The ponies are individually helpless to the cosmic forces which surround them, and it is easy to picture them as a stagnated culture more than hesitant of any change. A human expecting greater freedom or safety might find it lesser than back home.

Heh - the nervousness of them being found out by Luna is a bit amusing. With both sides being perfectly willing, what crime was committed save the minor work making the switch possible? Twilight would likely be gaga over the impromptu social experiment the pair are committing.

At any rate, both are oddly in a better place. The pony is in wild, free, and godless Earth, and the human is in a cozy place where the rat-race is more of a rat-stroll. Neither are in heaven, but they seem a bit more comfortable than the place they left.

Nice job with this one (and I do love the older/adult ponies getting their times to shine)~

11545121 An unexpected comment! Hooray!

This was really interesting. It seems almost a parable against the 'I want to move to Equestria' discussion - in a society where any infringement on personal freedom whatsoever is viewed as repugnant (despite the inclination to merrily infringe on others' freedom) and self-reliance is considered a baseline virtue, the transition might be more jarring than some might expect. The ponies are individually helpless to the cosmic forces which surround them, and it is easy to picture them as a stagnated culture more than hesitant of any change. A human expecting greater freedom or safety might find it lesser than back home.

That's what I don't get about how people write ponies. Sure, they can reflect human social parables and offer a lens into ourselves depending on the story but ultimately they are skittle-coated aliens and why not have some fun with that? Make 'em weird.

Heh - the nervousness of them being found out by Luna is a bit amusing. With both sides being perfectly willing, what crime was committed save the minor work making the switch possible? Twilight would likely be gaga over the impromptu social experiment the pair are committing.

Breaking and entering


That's what I don't get about how people write ponies. Sure, they can reflect human social parables and offer a lens into ourselves depending on the story but ultimately they are skittle-coated aliens and why not have some fun with that? Make 'em weird.

I think it works either way. With harmony and tolerance being national virtues espoused by their god-queen, it's easy to picture things like homophobia being totally alien to them. But it's also easy to imagine stagnation which causes them to drop straight to zero when something outside this paradigm occurs.

Breaking and entering


Not a deal breaker.:moustache:

And if anything the blame would likely fall on the pony. But I can understand the human very much not wanting the personal attention of God.


it's easy to picture things like homophobia being totally alien to them.

Okay, so someone did pick up on the human Ivory having that.

Not a deal breaker.

True, but you did ask what crime had been committed.

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