• Member Since 4th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Monday

Pippington Britishhooves

Those who can read and write hold the key to knowledge and the process of thought. For some reason, I have chosen to use this gift to write about fictional cartoon ponies instead of important stuff.


Happy Decennary MLP! · 5:17pm Oct 10th, 2020

On Sunday 10th October 2010, the first episode of My Little Pony: Friendship of Magic was aired. The target audience was exactly as you'd expect; little children and preteen girls, as well as perhaps any family watching the TV with them. It was, on the surface, nothing out of the ordinary, just another cartoon to entertain children in a format that appealed to their normal sensibilities, make a profit for the production companies and the channel broadcasting it, and to serve as an advert for

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Works and editions

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That name.


Following you on that alone, lol.

Hope you're doing fine!

Hi there! *hugs* Thank you for the follow! Expect stories in science fiction, horror, drama, romance and adventure to name a few. :)

My most recent stories I'm working on include horror and science fiction:

The Wishmaker: Megan's Descent
Megan Williams has been living for 20 years without any sign of Equestria from her childhood, until several children go missing. Meanwhile, she finds a terrifying secret in the basement of her barn...a barn which never had a basement before...

Equus Metamorphosis
2072 TX: A young human with a degenerative bone condition must prepare for a life-saving technological transformation into Rainbow Dash. His robotic partner Pinkie Pie, several other robot ponies and exosuited-humans guide him toward his new life...

Thank you again! *hugs*

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