This story is a sequel to The Return of Daybreaker
After Princess Luna allows Starlight to live in Ponyville, she needs to go to her Canterlot home and pick up her things to bring to her new home in Ponyville. After she does this, she reviews old friends to tell about her first adventure with her new friends and tells them that she will start living in Ponyville.
A Swapverse history
Excited for next story.
Such a cute Glimmy
REALLY good work on this one-shot sequel. Absolutely adored the characterizations, exchanges and future story set-up in all the right places. I especially liked Starlight's reassuring Celestia, Spike's reaction to seeing Starlight's talking to her father, as well as the scenes with Sunburst, Party Favor, Sugar Belle, Double Diamond and Night Glider.
All in all, beautifully done story and I'm definitely looking forward to more of this.
Thanks. It took me days to finish writing this story, but it was worth it in the end
Excited for the next story in this universe, good job with this one. Makes a lot more sense than in the original show when Twilight just up and left.