• Published 12th Oct 2019
  • 8,242 Views, 518 Comments

Spike's Turnabout - PonyJoel

It's time for a change in Spike's life. No more abuse, no more being used, no more loneliness. His decision will change Equestria's future for everyone.

  • ...

Spike's Night

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Comment if you please.

Have a nice day/night reading.

It is now 7:00 at night. Spike is waking up from a long nap he took. He leaves the room and goes down two flights to the kitchen where he sees Indigo, munching on an apple.

"Hey, Spike. Had a good nap?" Indigo takes another bite of the apple.

"I did. The bed is very comfortable. I don't think I ever slept on a pillow bed before. I can get used to that."

"Good, Spike," Indigo takes another bite finishing the apple.

"So, you have anything planned for tonight?" Spike asks, curiously.

"Not really, Spike."

"Oh, that's right. You mentioned that earlier. So, what you want to do?"

"I want to relax for the rest of the night, Spike. Tomorrow is a big day to train at Foal Mountain."

"Oh," Spike said. He's a little sad but understands.

"Well, if you want Spike, you can hang out down below. I did make the slide for you on the third floor just for you. You can see and meet up with our friends or the new ones you made recently."

"I'll do just that," Spike said.

"Great and remember, there is a balloon that can bring you back up or ask a pegasus or griffin to fly you back here, Spike."

"I will. Thanks for the reminder," Spike said. He goes to Indigo and hugs her. Spike walks back up the stairs to the third floor, then enters the empty room. "Alright, I remember the middle window has a short slide. Now, which window has my slide heading into town," Spike said. He opens the left window and sees a different slide. "Found it." Before Spike gets on, he goes to his room and grabs a pouch of bits. Then he returns to the room and gets on his slide. Spike takes a deep breath and pushes himself.

Spike slides down fast. The slide has all sorts of twists and turns to make it enjoyable for him. Spike screams joyfully, enjoying the slide down like it was a rollercoaster. The slide has an up and down wave to slow his speed when he's near the ground. At the end of the slide, Spike lands on his feet safely. Now, he can't wait to ride down the slide again.

"I'll admit, that was exhilarating. I'll have to thank Indigo when I return to Sky High Paradise."

Spike walks around Pony Central in hopes of finding his friends walking around. Spike looks around and decides to pay a visit to the Pine Tree Library. As he approaches the library, he sees Raven Nightwalker trotting up to the library.

"Hi, Raven," Spike waves at Raven.

"Hi, Spike," Raven responds. She is wearing a dark purple hoodie.

"So, you have the night off?" Spike asks curiously.

"No. I have a nightshift to bring in the rain tonight. My shift starts in an hour so, I'm here to kill time reading. Wanna join me?"


Raven Nightwalker knocks on the door. Sugarcoat opens the door and sees Raven and Spike.

"Welcome back, Raven. Hi, Spike."

"Hi, Sugarcoat."

"Thanks, Sugarcoat."

The two enter the library as Sugarcoat closes the door.

"I'll be going to the nighttime reader's section, Sugarcoat."

"That's fine as usual, Raven," Sugarcoat turns to Spike. "How are you doing, Spike?"

"I'm well, Sugarcoat. I'm here hanging with Raven for a while."

"Alright, then. I'll let the two of you be. If you need anything, let me know."

"Thanks, Sugarcoat."

Raven takes Spike to the nighttime reader's section in the basement. There are dozen of shelves with books. Raven Nightwalker grabs her book, walks to a table nearby, and sits. Spike follows, grabs a chair to sit across from her.

"So, what kind of book you're reading, Raven?"

"A dark book full of dark, tragic, unfortunate events," Raven said calmly.

"So, uh," Spike ponders a bit. "Why are you drawn to dark books?"

"Good question," Raven replies calmly. "I channel my emotions and expressions differently when I was growing up. At one point, I was more a cheerful girl. Next thing I know, I enter a phase that everything around me feels like nothing to me. I embraced the dark more than the light."

"So, are you gothic?"

"Somewhat, Spike."

"Alright, then."

"So, are you enjoying your stay in Pony Central?" Raven asks, emotionlessly.

"I am. Pony Central has been kind to me ever since I came, except for that one incident with my former friends. That's one night I wish didn't happen."

"Sorry to hear about your former friends. Glad that Pony Central is treating you nicely."

"Hey, Raven?"


"Were you born here in Pony Central?"

"No. A few years ago, I decided to leave my family. They were a bit abusive to me when I was younger."

"Sorry to hear, Raven."

"It's fine. I have my books, job, and friends. It's all I need."

Spike puts some pieces together and understands about Raven Nightwalker a bit. The abuse had to change her from cheerful to dull or probably has to be something else she isn't saying.

"Would your sudden change from cheerful to dull had to do with the abuse you suffered from your family?"

Raven sighs heavily. "Yes, unfortunately. I wish not to speak any further about my past. I moved on from it."

"Understood, sorry for asking."

"I'm flattered you asked, Spike. Not many friends of mine would have asked me that," Raven said. She smiles a bit.

"Why haven't your friends ask you that question, Raven?" Spike questions out of curiosity.

"They don't ask because of my personality. Calm, emotionless, not enthusiastic, and bright. I respect my friends for not asking cause it's their choice as well. I don't see it as being a problem. Just a day of living life."

"Well, then I'll be the first to ask you those kinds of questions from time to time. You do need a friend with a better understanding."

"Thanks, Spike."

"So, why you chose to be a nighttime weather pony?"

"I prefer working during the night cause it's peaceful at nighttime. It's quiet and subtle. I can't help but stargaze as I work as well. I enjoy seeing Princess Luna's night. Seeing all sorts of stars, constellations, comets, shooting stars; you name it, I enjoy looking."

"Princess Luna will be happy to know you are a night owl follower. Something she hasn't had in a long time."

"Someday, I would like to meet her and bow in respect to my favorite Princess," Raven smiles a bit more.

"I do see Luna often, Raven. I can arrange a day for her to come."

"You can do that?" Raven said. She is shocked to hear what Spike is saying.

"Sure, it's not a problem."

"Thanks, Spike," Raven puts the book away and focuses her time talking with Spike.

"You're welcome. What are friends for?"

A cheerful side of Raven comes back for the first time in a long time. She is smiling more than she has in years. A feeling that she thought will never come back. The excitement of seeing Princess Luna someday excites her even more. She looks at Spike, smiling more.

"You have a nice smile, Raven. You should smile more."

"I think I will," Raven reply calmly.

"Good. It's good to smile," Spike said as he smiles.

Raven grabs the book she set aside and brings it to Sugarcoat's desk. Spike follows Raven.

"I'll be taking this book for the next three days, Sugarcoat."

"Alright, then. Have fun reading the book."

"I will."

Raven carries the book to the Weather Command Station. Spike follows her there. The two enter and see Star Bolt taking charge of the nightshift team.

"Star Bolt? What happened with Dashing Bullet? She's supposed to be with us for the night," Raven asks.

"I see you're in a better spirit, Raven. Also, Dashing Bullet has a meeting tonight so, I'm in charge of the night. Hi, Spike."

"Hi, Star Bolt."

"Alright, Sir. Also, I brought Spike with me so he can see us nighttime fliers work. In case he may want to work with us when he grows his wings."

"Excellent decision, Raven. Are you sure you don't want to become a Shadowbolt? You have the intellect of becoming one."

"I'm fine where I'm at, Sir. Also, I'll miss my chance to stargaze during the night."

"Fairly understandable, Raven. Since you brought Spike here, he's your responsibility."

"I will, Star Bolt."

"Good. See you in the skies, Raven."

Raven takes Spike to the locker room. She puts the book she borrowed in her locker.

"Uh, should I close my eyes to give you privacy as you change, Raven?"

"No," Raven sighs calmly. "You see ponies and griffins naked all the time. There is no shame of seeing another creature change. Plus, I'm wearing what I need already."

"Alright, then. I had to make sure, is all."

"Silly, dragon," Raven pats Spike on his head.

Raven takes Spike to the back where the other nighttime fliers are. Star Bolt meets up with the rest of the team after gathering some paperwork.

"Alright, Raven's squadron. You'll bring the rain over by Zesty Fields. Continuous rain for two nights. Thunder Bolt's squadron. You'll bring the rain to the fields of Pony Central. Continuous rain for two nights as well. The rest of you, scatter and bring the rain all over Pony Central."

"Yes, Sir!" Everyone shouts in unison.

"Let's fly!" Star Bolt spreads his wings wide and flies.

"Get on my back, Spike."

"Alright," Spike gets on Raven's back.

"Let's move every flier," Raven said as she takes flight.

Raven's squad grabs the clouds in the sky and fly to Zesty Fields. On the way there, Spike stargazes and sees a shooting star. He quietly makes a wish then smiles. Spike looks around him to see the formation of fliers carrying the clouds. It's different from what Rainbow Dash and other pegasi when they brought in the rain.

"Hey, Raven."

"Yea, Spike?"

"So how long will it take for you and your team to place the rain clouds in Zesty Fields?"

"20 minutes to be precise. Not only we bring clouds in, but we also tend to inspect the trees for loose branches. Zesty Fields has a lot of trees. One thing the Zest family has asked was to inspect the tree branches every time we bring the rain."

"Makes sense to me. Back in Ponyville, the unicorns and earth ponies clean up while the Pegasi brought in the rain."

"Well, that's Ponyville and their system. We have ours in Pony Central. Whenever we are needed to bring in snow or rain, we inspect the land and trees, first if things are critical, we clean and work things out, if not then go as scheduled."

In 20 minutes, Raven and her squad finished placing the clouds all around Zesty Fields. She and her team inspect the trees and cut loose branches swiftly. A few fliers decide to take some lemons from the branches they cut. Raven's squadron notices their captain's expression as she works. There different than usual. A green pegasus with a yellow mane flies to Raven to have a small chat.

"Raven, is everything alright?"

"Yes, Emerald, why you ask?"

"Normally, you don't smile as much. We are curious to know the sudden mood change is all, ma'am."

The rest of Raven's squad nod as well.

"Well, I opened myself to my friend, Spike. Something of him made me want to speak about some parts of me. I felt a presence that brought a piece of me that I lost years ago."

"Wow, Raven. What kind of presence would that happened to be?" Emerald asks.

"Something magical, I would say. I don't know, to be honest."

"Fair enough. We have a vacant castle over there after learning what went down, so anything is possible."

Spike overhears the magical presence part. He has a sudden urge to write to Luna. Maybe she can provide some clarifications. Spike starts remembering the magic power he hence from the Tree of Harmony. Did some of its magic stay with him after he transferred it to Luna? Did the Tree of Harmony give Spike a unique gift to bring back feelings or those who lost it? He remembers seeing Raven and how she barely smiled or show emotions. Now she's expressing them. Spike clutches his claw to feel the magic the best way or at least channel it. After several attempts, he's unable to.

Another 10 minutes pass. Raven's squadron jump on the clouds, activating the raining sequence. Every flier flies back to the Weather Command Station. Raven gives Spike an umbrella then picks him up. Raven flies back to the Weather Command Station. On the way there, Spike couldn't stop thinking about a possible gift the Tree of Harmony gave him a while back. Raven starts to worry about Spike's silence.

"Spike, are you alright? You seem quiet."

"Oh, um, I'm fine, Raven. Just thinking is all."

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's about what you mentioned to that Emerald flier, earlier. About you feeling a magical presence or something when we talked back at the library. It has me thinking about a possible gift the Tree of Harmony may have given me or not."

"Gift?" Raven asks. She's confused and curious about what Spike meant by gift. "What do you mean by, gift?"

"Well, a few days ago, I learned a horrible truth. My former friends who used to wield the Elements of Harmony are no longer worthy due to how poorly they treated and handled me. The Tree of Harmony has chosen my friends to become the next wielders during Tirek's short reign on Equestria. The Tree of Harmony granted me magic to wield the Element of Magic. After Tirek's defeat and restoring the magic he stole, a new villain rises from the ashes. It was then I transferred the magic given to me from the Tree to Princess Luna, however, she escaped," Spike said, angrily.

"Who's she?" Raven asks nervously.

"A monster born in the ashes to rule all of Equestria with an iron hoof. She calls herself, Daybreaker."

"Wow," Raven said, fearfully. She's shocked by the name.

"Anyways, after I transferred my magic to Luna, she became the new wielder of the Element of Magic. Next thing I know, I pass out. Since then, I haven't thought about having any magic from the Tree of Harmony, until tonight that is."

"So, how are you going to find out if you have the gift or not?"

"I'm gonna write to Princess Luna so she and I can come up with a plausible solution."

"Good idea."

Raven lands in front of the Weather Command Station. Every flier made it back safely except for those who flew home. Star Bolt comes last shaking off the rainwater. They all enter the building.

"That should do it," Star Bolt gets every fliers' attention. "The clouds are here to stay for two days straight. Only raining during the night."

"Excuse me, Star Bolt."

"Yes, Spike?"

"Do you have some paper and quill lying around? I need to write a letter."

"Sure, come with me."

Star Bolt takes Spike to his office. He grabs some paper and quill for Spike to write.

"Here you go, Spike," Star Bolt said as he pats Spike's head with his wing. He leaves his office.

Spike takes a deep breath and starts writing.

"Dear Princess Luna,

Earlier tonight, I talked with a pegasus named Raven Nightwalker. I learned that she was once cheerful before turning dull due to the abuse she suffered from her family. As I talked with her, she started to change in front of me. She started smiling a bit more and opened herself more to me. As the night progressives, she started becoming her cheerful self. Raven Nightwalker is Captain of her nighttime weather team. Her team got suspicious and confused about Raven's behavior. She mentioned feeling a magical presence when she and I were talking back at the Pine Tree Library. It had me questioning about a gift that the Tree of Harmony may have given me. I transferred you the magic the Tree of Harmony gave me to wield the Element of Magic. Could the Tree leave me some magic for a purpose? I would like to hear your thoughts.


Spike the Dragon"

Spike finish writing his letter. He uses his fire breath to mail the letter to Princess Luna. Now he waits for a response.

Moments after, Princess Luna leaves the secretive library. She trots down the corridors thinking of what to do next. Princess Luna stops to look out the window. She watches all of Canterlot preparing for slumber soon. Princess Luna sheds a few tears. Her sister using and betraying her. Despite Luna saying Celestia isn't her sister no more, it pains her with the years of growing up together. A letter spawns in front of her. She wipes her tears and starts reading. After reading the letter, Luna teleports to her room and starts writing.

"Dear Spike,

The Elements of Harmony and Tree of Harmony work in mysterious ways. A trip to the Tree of Harmony to find some answers wouldn't hurt. I'll fly over to bring you to the Tree of Harmony. I'll also bring this Raven Nightwalker as well. I'll be in Pony Central in a half-hour. Meet me at the train station.


Princess Luna"

Princess Luna conjures her magic to mail Spike the letter. Then she informs the Royal Guards that she'll be taking care of business for the night. She doesn't want to be disturbed unless Daybreaker or any loose villain of Equestria decide to make themselves known. The Royal Guards nod and salute to Princess Luna. She takes flight heading straight to Pony Central.

Spike is sitting in the hallway with Raven. She doesn't want to leave Spike alone in the Weather Command Station as everypony else has said goodbye to Spike and fly home. Spike burps the letter Luna sent him. He grabs it and reads it out loud for Raven to hear. Spike and Raven become ecstatic, knowing that Princess Luna is coming.

"This is fantastic. I'm going to meet my favorite Princess!" Raven shouts.

"Also, some questions I have in mind may be answered tonight!" Spike shouts.

"Let's go to the train station," Raven said.

Raven picks up Spike and flies to the train station. As they arrive, Princess Luna lands in front of the two of them. Raven bows in respect to her favorite Princess.

"Ah, you must be Raven Nightwalker."

"Yes, Princess Luna. It's an honor to meet you face to face. I'm a night owl, Princess Luna. I stay up star gazing at your creations in the night sky," Raven said as she smiles widely.

"Thank you, Raven," Luna nods in respect to Raven. "Spike mentioned that you were emotionless during the conversation you had before opening yourself more, is that true?"

"Yes, Princess Luna. My emotionless state has carried with me for many years. When I spoke with Spike, I did open myself a bit more to him. Then I felt something magical or something different. I thought I'd never been cheerful and full of emotions until after the conversation."

Princess Luna takes a few moments to think. Perhaps there is a connection to the Tree of Harmony or Raven becoming who she used to be on her own.

"Alright, let's go see the Tree of Harmony."

Spike gets on Raven's back as she and Luna fly together to the Tree of Harmony. Spike wonders what the Tree of Harmony may or may not do once he arrives. He hopes to find some answers. Hopefully, it's not all in his head and him overreacting. Only time will tell what happens next. 20 minutes later. Princess Luna navigates Raven to the Tree of Harmony. Spike gets off of Raven's back and walks closer to the Tree. Raven couldn't help but stare at the Tree of Harmony. Princess Luna trots up to Spike.

"Spike, place your claw on the Tree of Harmony."

"What would that do, Princess Luna?"

"I'll be able to sense the magic within you once you touch the Tree of Harmony. If I am unable to detect any magic within you, then you did not receive a gift from the Tree. If I do detect any magic, then there is a Spell I do know that we can use. It'll help discover the gift the Tree may have given you."

"Alright," Spike gulps. He takes a deep breath to steady himself. "I'm ready."

Raven trots closer to Spike then turns to Luna.

"Are you gonna sense his magic with your hoof on his back or with your horn?"

"More likely with my horn."

Spike places his claw on the Tree of Harmony. Princess Luna clears her mind to focus on any magical presence. Raven watches and begins to worry. Spike's eyes widen as Princess Luna can sense a strong magical presence. The Tree of Harmony is communicating with Spike and Luna telepathically. Raven watches as everything unfolds in front of her. After a few moments which felt like forever to Raven, Spike steps back from the Tree of Harmony. Princess Luna turns to Spike.

"Spike...?" Raven asks, worriedly.

"Raven," Spike turns to Raven smiling. "I have a gift from the Tree of Harmony!"

"You do?!" Raven shouts excitedly and shockingly.

"Yes, Spike here has a purpose. It'll be a long journey for him," Luna said.

"What's your purpose, Spike?"

"I restore the missing link that makes a pony or creature whole."

Raven's eyes widen in shock. The realization comes to mind. She mentioned how she was with Spike. After talking with him, she felt something during that time. She now believes that it was magic she felt. The magic that brought back a piece of her that she lost during her youth.

"Wow," Raven mutters. She looks at Spike and smiles. "Thank you, Spike. You've given me something precious to me. The personality that I lost in my youth due to the abuse. I think I can finally move on from my troubling past and sleep better with a smile on my face," Raven hugs Spike.

"You're welcome, Raven," Spike said as he starts yawning a bit.

"I better bring him back home. Spike, you still staying with Lemon Zest?"

"No," Spike yawns again. "This week, I'm with Indigo Zap at Sky High Paradise."

"Alright, then. I'll fly you to Sky High Paradise," Raven said as she puts Spike on her back. She then turns to Luna. "Thank you for your time tonight, Princess Luna."

"You're welcome. Have a nice night, Raven," Princess Luna trots out of the cave and flies back to Canterlot.

"Time to go home, Spike."

Raven trots out the cave and flies back to Pony Central. On the way there, Raven stargazes at the night sky. In a half-hour after stargazing, Raven is back in Pony Central. She flies higher to Sky High Paradise and knocks on the door. Indigo opens the door. She's wearing her pajamas and hat getting ready to sleep.

"Hi, Raven," Indigo yawns.

"Hi, Indigo. I'm here to drop off Spike."

Spike is soundly asleep on Raven's back. Indigo couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thank you for bringing him back here, Raven."

"You're welcome, Indigo. Oh, it's going to be cloudy for the next two days. I know you'll be going to Foal Mountain tomorrow as you do every other day. If I were you, I would wait until the clouds are away in Pony Central."

"Alright, gives me better preparations to train with Spike and Foal Mountain better. Thanks for the heads-up, Raven."

"You're welcome," Raven said as she smiles. Indigo couldn't help but stare as Raven flies back home.

"Alright, seeing Raven smile like that is weird."

Indigo takes Spike upstairs to his room and tuck him in his bed. She looks at Spike and smiles, knowing he had a fun night. She walks down a flight to her bedroom and falls asleep.

Comments ( 26 )

And let's not forget, a lousy sister.

All right, I will. Also, once I have, could I perhaps desighn or find a cover image?

You can design. I'm curious to see what you have in mind.

Okay, I actually use good old fashioned pencil and paper, not computer.

Sounds good. Also, what are your favorite moments/parts of the story?

I've only read the first two chapters, but when they read the diary.

Woo hoo! Random video for the long wait...(I haven't watched it before, but I assume it's good...

When will the next chapter be released?

I'm on a writer's block for this story.

Yea, my next set of ideas hasn't came to me yet.

Oh, I never heard the term “writers block”, so I was wondering what it means.

(Looks at this story from a distance.)
Yeah, writers block can be a pain.
I believe you wrote yourself into a corner by implying in the latest chapter that Spike and his new friends won't be affected by Daybreaker's plans.
I suggest that for your next chapter Discord and the Mane 5 gather to discuss the situation they got themselves into and why none of them got to the root of it before it was too late, and continue from there. But that's just a suggestion, and it's up to you to pick it up or not.

This getting an update?

I'm still in a writer's block on this one.

Yeah, this story is one of my favourites😊.
There may be some weird moments (when Spike told his new 5 friends about his whole life in Ponyville literally in the first day he met them, in my opinion it was too fast. Spike could have at least take some time to get to know his new friends better before telling them his life story), but that doesn't make this story bad for me!)
Spike's decision really changed the Equestria's future for a lot of ponies. 5 girls from Pony Central made a new friend, Twilight made crazy decision, and then Equestria was saved from Tirek by the other Six heroes, and Spike was one of them! But there are also bad consequences, like Celestia turning to evil...Though I think it is more Twilight's fault.
I wonder what does Daybreaker think about Spike now. Does she still care about him, or is he nothing to her now? And if and when she will make Twilight evil, what motivation Daybreaker will give to her? Would Midnight like to get Spike back to her side or would she try to destroy him?
Maybe one day, we'll find out how the things will turn. I'll stay tuned for this story!))
Have a good day!)

Finally managed to read this fic fully.
Started reading this in January but only read the first chapter due to a big mess happening but now today I've managed to read the remaining chapters.

I just found this story really recently and I have 2 things to say.

1. I really like how this is going

2. Is this story dead

If this story ever comes back, I want art of spike and his new friends. (Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet and Sunny Flare)

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