• Published 2nd Dec 2019
  • 2,858 Views, 122 Comments

Great and Powerful, Darling! - Krickis

Creating an outfit for a magician is an intimate process. Rarity never knew this. But then, she comes to find there are a lot of things she never knew once she takes on a commission from The Great and Powerful Trixie.

  • ...

3 – The Magician's Lovely Assistant

Chapter Three
The Magician's Lovely Assistant

It was fair to say that Trixie sometimes lived an impulsive life. Sometimes she promised a trick bigger than she could perform. Sometimes she said things that wound up pushing her away from her peers. Sometimes she got so caught up in practicing her magic tricks that she forgot to study for her history exams.

And sometimes, it would seem, she lost herself in a wonderful moment and kissed one of the only friends she’d ever managed to make.

It was something Trixie was used to. Well, not kissing a pretty girl; that had so far been a one time thing. But acting on impulses? That was something Trixie was well acquainted with, and something she knew exactly how to handle.

Besides, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just a natural extension of their night before. They had held hands, they had danced, and at the end of the night, they had kissed. No big deal.

So Trixie wasn’t worried when Rarity walked into their last class period. Trixie smiled at her when she walked in, and Rarity smiled back. There, nothing out of the ordinary.

Because they had assigned seats, they couldn’t sit next to each other. Still, Rarity walked over to Trixie’s desk before the class began. “Hello, Trixie. I’ve been thinking about you.”

Trixie grinned. “Naturally. Trixie is the best thing to think about after all.”

“Is that so?”

“It is.”

“I was wondering if you have some time after class? I feel that we should probably talk.”

“Trixie actually has something to talk to you about too.”

“Yes, of course.” The classroom was filling up, so Rarity stepped away towards her own desk. “We’ll talk more then.”

“Trixie knows the wait is torture, but she has faith you’ll manage.”

Rarity laughed and took her seat. It was nice that Rarity understood that nothing needed to be awkward between the two of them just because of one kiss. That was something she liked about Rarity – she was surprisingly sensible once one got to know her.

Class was boring as always, and Trixie had a lot on her mind as she tried to sit patiently through it. Speaking of those impulsive tendencies, she found herself doodling pictures of her upcoming stage show. She’d dazzle everyone with her new outfit, and she’d wow them with new tricks that its design opened for her. She already had some ideas.

Really, how could class possibly compare to a daydream like that? Simply put, it couldn’t. The teacher was lecturing them about something, but Trixie barely noticed. Her head was miles away, she was wowing the audience and a certain lady at the same time.

At least the thought kept her preoccupied. Before she knew it, the teacher was wrapping up his lesson and everyone was waiting around for the bell to release them. She shot a glance at Rarity, who was caught up in a conversation with the girl who sat next to her, then to the clock. Only a few more minutes.

Trixie was excited for the end of class and the talk with Rarity that would follow. She had a feeling that things were going to go her way for once, all that was left to do was wait for it to come.

She put away the notebook that had more sketches than notes in it and waited patiently. Why did the last few minutes feel so much worse than all the ones that had come before? She glanced at Rarity again, who this time saw her looking and smiled. That made Trixie smile as well, which gave her the endurance to make it through the final few minutes.

Finally, the bell rang, and as usual the students practically formed a stampede to escape their last class and be free of school. Trixie instead walked over to Rarity’s desk as the fashionista finished putting away all of her things.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Coco,” Rarity said to the girl she was talking to.

“Bye, Rarity,” Coco said, then she left the two of them alone.

“Hello, Trixie. I hope you don’t have anywhere you need to be anytime soon?”

Trixie smiled. “Trixie supposes she could make some time for you.”

“Ever the Great and Magnanimous Trixie.”

“Too right you are.”

They walked out of the room together, into the crowded hallway, and Rarity turned to Trixie. “Is there anywhere in particular you’d like to talk? We could always get out of school if you want to go somewhere more private.”

“The drama club isn’t meeting today, and they let Trixie use their room to practice her magic when they’re not around. We can talk there.”

“Sounds good to me.”

Trixie led them to the room, which was empty as she predicted. Rarity took a seat while Trixie instead walked over to a box and started going through it. “This is the stuff for Trixie’s magic show!”

“Ooh, are you going to guess my card?”

Trixie laughed. “Rarity, please. That’s one of the most basic magic tricks.”

“Well, it’s always been impressive to me.”

Trixie sighed and pulled out a deck of cards. “Okay, fine. Here, pick a card.” She shuffled the deck as she walked over to Rarity, then fanned out the cards. Rarity picked one at random and put it back in the deck.

Trixie shuffled it again. “Alright, this will be easy. It was… this one!”

Rarity blinked at the card, the queen of diamonds. “Er… sorry, but no.”

Trixie frowned and looked at the card. “What? But that has to be your card! It’s even perfect for you, you’re absolutely the queen of diamonds.”

“Flatter me all you like, but that wasn’t it. Shall I tell you what it was?”

“No no! Trixie can do this!” Trixie looked through the deck and picked another. “The seven of spades?”


“The six of clubs?”

“Afraid not… Maybe we should start over?”

“No, this doesn’t make any…” Trixie snapped her fingers. “Of course! It’s not here.”

“What? But I put it back in…”

“Trixie thinks you hid it in your pocket to make her trick fail.”

Rarity sputtered for a moment. “Trixie, that’s simply ridiculous! You were watching me the whole time!”

“If that’s so, then why don’t you empty your pockets?”

Rarity frowned at her, but she obliged. “Honestly, there’s nothing wrong with admitting you made a mist– Aaah!” Rarity stared wide-eyed at the card in her hand, the jack of hearts. “B-But, you… how… I don’t…”

Trixie couldn’t resist a grin. “What was that about making a mistake?”

Rarity looked between the card and Trixie. “Trixie, this is… this is incredible! I was right here the whole time, you couldn’t have possibly…”

“Nothing is impossible for the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

“If you can do tricks like this without even needing your special outfit with its secrets, I can’t wait to see what you can do in full swing.”

Trixie nodded. “That’s what Trixie wanted to talk to you about.”

“Oh. Really?” Rarity looked perplexed. “I had assumed that we were going to be speaking about something else…”

“This is important! Rarity, I came up with a new routine, but I can’t do it alone. I need help from the loveliest assistant in all of Everton!”

Rarity blinked at her.

“Which… would be you,” Trixie said matter of factly.

“I’m sorry, darling, but… don’t you normally have an assistant for your show?”

Trixie sighed. “I did, but she transferred schools last month. I’ve been running a one-woman show since then.”

“Oh dear, I had no idea… But darling, I don’t know anything about magic. You said yourself that the assistant does a lot of the actual tricks.”

“Trixie will help you! We’ll have a whole week before the talent show, and –”

“A week?” Rarity frowned. “That doesn’t seem like much time at all when I don’t even know the first thing about stage shows…”

Trixie took a seat next to Rarity and sighed. “You’re right. Trixie doesn’t know what she was thinking… She’ll just have to keep doing it by herself.”

“Now now, guilting me into it absolutely will not work.”

“Not even a tiny bit?”

Rarity smirked. “Darling, you’re dealing with the master of guilting people into things. I’m afraid you’ll have to do better than that.”

“What if Trixie made a deal with you?”

“What kind of a deal?”

“Er… Trixie isn’t sure. But anything you want! Trixie doesn’t have anyone else to ask…”

Rarity watched her for a moment then sighed. “I suppose I could try giving it a shot. But understand that I’m not willing to commit to it until I see how practice goes. I do want to help you, but I’m not willing to risk ruining your show in the process.”

“Yes! You’ll do great, you’ll see!”

Rarity leaned in and smiled wickedly. “But there is a catch.”

For a brief moment, Rarity’s look shot panic through Trixie. Only for a moment, then she nodded resolutely. “Anything.”

“A date.”

“A date?”

Rarity nodded. “A date. I’ll leave what we do up to you, but I fully expect to be swept away by the end of the evening.”

Trixie looked down at the ground. A date. That was all, no big deal. Trixie wasn’t blind to the fact that the last night had practically been a date in all but name already. She’d just have to plan another night like that one.

“I must say, I had hoped your answer would come a bit more readily than this.”

Trixie looked up and shook her head. “Of course Trixie accepts! But… after the show.”

“Fair enough. I dare say I’ll need as much practice as I can get if I’m to have any hope of being any help.”

“You’ll do fine. But… we should get to work. Trixie’s going to change into her outfit. Could you stand watch outside and make sure no one comes in?”

“Yes, of course.” Rarity stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Trixie to herself.

She sighed. A date. She had a date with Rarity. Or well, she would, as soon as she planned it. And somehow, she had to sweep Rarity off her feet while she was at it.

And, most importantly, she had to somehow not screw the whole thing up.

With some reluctance, Trixie pulled her outfit out of her backpack and changed into it. Try as she might, she still couldn’t get the zipper, so she called for Rarity.

“All set?” Rarity asked as she walked back in.

“Almost.” Trixie gestured to the zipper. “Did it really need to zip in the back?”

Rarity laughed. “Sorry, darling. I had no idea you would have trouble reaching it.”

“Yeah yeah. You just wanted to make sure Trixie had a reason to keep you around.”

“Ah, you’ve stumbled onto my dastardly plan.” Rarity laughed as she zipped Trixie up. “There. Afraid I can’t dress to match this time. Come to think of it, what should I wear?”

“The dress you wore last night would be fine. Or any other dress, really. Trixie trusts your judgement.”

“Ah, so the assistant doesn’t need secrets in her outfit?”

“Well, there might be some new tricks we could come up with if you also had an outfit like that. But with only a week and lots of practice needed, we’ll just have to make do with what we have.”

“Fair enough.” Rarity smiled as Trixie got her jacket on. “So then, where do we begin?”

“You’re doing fantastic!”

Rarity beamed at the praise. It was their third day of working on the act, and things were shaping up well. Despite her reservations, Rarity was getting the hang of everything much faster than either of them had expected.

“Well, I do have a rather fantastic teacher,” Rarity said.

“Well… yes, you do. But you’re a natural all on your own.”

“What do you say we take a break for a little while?”

Trixie hesitated, but they had been at it for quite a while. They were making great progress, so she couldn’t really argue against it. “Trixie thinks that sounds like a good idea.”

Rarity set down the chain she was holding, a prop for the trick they’d been working on, and walked over towards their stuff. She grabbed a bottle of water and took a long drink, then turned and offered some to Trixie.

“So, think you’ll be ready to perform?” Trixie asked after she had taken a sip of water.

Rarity took the water bottle back and took a drink before answering. “I… I want to be, but I know there are still some things I’m struggling with.”

“You’ll get the hang of it,” Trixie said. “If you want, you can come to Trixie’s house to practice over the weekend.”

“I’ll try to make some time to do that, but I do have plans this weekend.”

“Oh, okay.”

Rarity smiled. “You’re welcome to join us. My friends would love the chance to get to know you a little better.”

Trixie hid her panic with a practiced grin. “But of course, who wouldn’t want to get to know the Great and Powerful Trixie?”

“Yes, I’m positive that they want to meet you because of how great and powerful you are.” Rarity placed her arms around Trixie’s head. “They couldn’t possibly have any other reasons for wanting to get to know you better.”

Trixie couldn’t even manage the grin at that. She looked away from Rarity, intimidated by the intensity of her gaze. “Yeah, it’s… it’s natural for people to want to be around someone as astounding as Trixie.”

Rarity giggled. “Well, the Great and Egotistical Trixie should come. I think it would be good for you. And for us.”

Us? Were they an ‘us’ already? When had that happened?

Trixie pulled away from Rarity. “Trixie will think about it.”

Rarity blinked. “Is something the matter?”

“No, of course not!” Trixie walked across the room and picked up the chain Rarity had been using earlier. “Trixie just wants to get back to work.”

“But darling, we agreed to take a break.”

Trixie flashed a smile to Rarity. “You go ahead. Trixie is fine without a break.”

Rarity frowned. “But… I wanted to take a break with you. You know, spend some time together.”

“We’ve been spending time together,” Trixie pointed out.

“Is this about spending time with my friends over the weekend? If it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t need to come. I just thought it would be nice is all.”

“It’s not that, it’s just…” What was it? How could Trixie make Rarity understand?

She couldn’t. Rarity was absolutely amazing, everyone who knew her had to love her. She couldn’t possibly understand what was on Trixie’s mind, and moreover, Trixie wasn’t sure she wanted her to. It would be better to never even put those ideas into Rarity’s head.

So she made an excuse. “Trixie just takes her magic show very seriously and wants to make sure she’s perfect when the time comes.”

“Well, I know, darling, but I –”

“Rarity, please. Trixie is just trying to be professional.”

Rarity frowned and turned away. “Fine. Sorry I’m not professional enough for the Great and Powerful Trixie.”

“That’s not what Trixie meant!”

“No no, don’t mind me. Just go ahead and continue practicing your trick.”

Trixie wanted to say something to lighten Rarity’s mood, but she wasn’t sure what. She was the reason things had just gone sour, after all. What was she supposed to do now?

There was only one thing she could think to do: nothing at all. Just go back to working on her trick like Rarity had said to and try to not screw up so badly next time.

The school’s auditorium was full, the stage was set, and most importantly, Trixie and Rarity had worked their routine to perfection. Everything was coming together. This was going to be their night, all their hard work was about to come to fruition.

Of course, not everyone was there to see them. The school’s talent show had a number of other student performances. Musicians, artists, dancers, and those whose talents didn’t fit neatly into a category – they all gathered to show off what they could do in front of the school.

So it was true that not everyone was there to see them. But at the end of the night, it was the Great and Powerful Trixie with her lovely assistant Rarity that they would all remember!

Or at least, that would be the case if Rarity would show up. It was almost their turn to go on, but there was no sign of Trixie’s lovely assistant. She looked around backstage, but couldn’t find her anywhere.

“Have you seen Rarity?” Trixie asked a kid who was getting in some last-minute practice for his juggling act.

“Uh, I think she went out that door a little bit ago,” he said.

Trixie wasted no time in going out the door he mentioned, looking around wildly for Rarity. There wasn’t anyone out there she could ask, though.

“Rarity?” Trixie called as she started walking at random. “Rarity, are you out here?”

After walking through a short hallway, Trixie was outside. She looked around and saw Rarity leaning against the wall.

“There you are. You had Trixie worried sick.” Trixie frowned. “Are you sick? Is that why you came out here?”

Rarity sighed. “I just… I needed a little fresh air, darling.”

Trixie thought she understood. “You’re not used to being in front of the crowd, are you?”

“I am, as a member of the Rainbooms,” Rarity said. She cast her eyes away from Trixie. “Although… that is a bit different. It’s, how to explain… I’m in a larger group, for one, and I don’t need to worry about pulling off any tricks. Keeping the audience’s eyes off of me is a new experience.”

“Well, that’s okay, that’s Trixie’s job.” Trixie smiled. “You’ll have me beside you the entire time.”

“I… I suppose I will.” Rarity didn’t seem as reassured as Trixie hoped she would be.

“Hey, you’ve been getting better every day. You can do this, I know you can!”

Rarity sighed. “Trixie… this isn’t a good time, but I need to know.” She turned to face Trixie properly. “What’s going on with us?”

Trixie’s breath caught in her throat for a moment. “What do you mean?”

“Trixie, I… I don’t even know what you are to me right now! One night you kiss me, and then after that you won’t even talk to me about it! You agreed to a date, but was that just so I would go along with this plan? Because if it was, please tell me, I thought it was just playful banter. The last thing I want is for you to go out with me if you don’t want to!”

“You think Trixie doesn’t want to go out with you?” Trixie shook her head and gestured towards Rarity. “You’re… you’re Rarity! You’re the most amazing girl that Trixie has ever met!”

“Then what is it, Trixie? Please, just tell me! Is it because I’m a girl? Is being in a same-sex relationship making you uncomfortable?”

“No! I don’t even care if the whole school knows about that as long as I have you by my side.”

“So then what is it?”

Trixie threw out her hands. “It’s me! It’s because I screw things up! I don’t think things through, like with the kiss, and then everything goes to hell!”

“If we’re moving too fast, just let me know. Trixie, I’ll do whatever you need me to, but I don’t know what it is you need me to do!”

“I… I don’t know, okay!” Trixie turned away from Rarity. “I just… didn’t want you to get to know me. Because then, anyone who gets to know me…”

Rarity’s arms found their way around Trixie. “Talk to me, please. What are you so afraid of?”

“That… that you’ll learn that Trixie isn’t so great and powerful after all. And that no one would ever want to be with the Regular and Ordinary Trixie…”

“Oh love, no…” Rarity gently turned Trixie around so they were facing each other, then she pulled Trixie into a hug. “Don’t you remember what I told you on the day I made your dress? I’m here for you even on days when you don’t feel so great and powerful.”

Trixie swallowed to force tears down. “Don’t you dare make Trixie cry and ruin her makeup…”

Rarity gave a little laugh. “Yes of course, where would we ever find someone who could redo it for you?”

Trixie sighed and nuzzled against Rarity’s neck. “I’m sorry I’m such a mess…”

“It’s quite alright, darling. I fully intend to stick by you and help you figure these things out. I only need two things from you.”

“What’s that?”

“For one, I need you to talk to me. I promise I won’t find the regular Trixie boring, or whatever else it is you feel like I’m going to think. I want to get to know all of you.”

“I think Trixie can manage that. What’s the other thing?”

Rarity brushed a strand of hair from Trixie’s face. “I promise I’ll be here for as long as that’s what you want, but… I do need to know that is what you want.”

“Of course it is. Why do you think Trixie kissed you?”

“I know, but… Well, you’re not the only one who gets worried. And I… I worry that people won’t want me around too, sometimes.”

“I’m sorry.” Trixie pulled away from Rarity, but she kept hold of her. “Trixie will do better.”

“And if you do mess up again, we’ll just need to talk about it.”

Trixie nodded.

Rarity smiled. “Well then, we should probably get back inside, huh?”


Rarity took a deep breath and grabbed Trixie’s hand. “And you’ll help me with the crowd?”

“Of course.” Trixie blushed. “Isn’t that what a girlfriend is supposed to do?”

Rarity turned to Trixie and smiled. “Just making sure.”

“You know…” Trixie’s blush grew. “A magician’s kiss has magical properties too. They say it does wonders for nerves.”

“They do not, you made that up.”

Trixie laughed. “Well, yes. But you can still kiss Trixie. If, you know, you want to.”

“Hmm, I think I’ll have to take Trixie up on that offer.” Rarity stepped closer and closed her eyes, bringing her lips against Trixie’s.

Just like the first time, Trixie felt a rush at the sensation, which she could only describe as magical. All she had to do was hold onto that feeling, and she would be able to do wonders the world had never seen before.

They pulled apart far too quickly, but they stayed smiling at one another for a moment more. Then hand in hand, they walked back into the building.

“Thank you, you’ve been a lovely audience!” Trixie announced. “We have just one more trick for you this evening.”

Rarity walked in front of the stage and held up the chain. She pulled it taught to show off that it was real and solid.

Trixie took the chain from Rarity. “The Chain of Death!”

She wrapped it around her neck, being careful about how it went in the back. There was a loop behind her neck so it didn’t actually go all the way around at all, but the audience wouldn’t be able to see that.

Trixie handed the chain back to Rarity, who held the ends up for the audience to see. Trixie then threw out her hands, which was Rarity’s signal to pull.

Gasps went through the audience as, from their perspective, Rarity had just pulled a chain around Trixie’s neck taut. But a second later, the chain fell to the ground as if it had gone straight through Trixie’s neck.

As Trixie posed dramatically to show she was okay, the audience cheered. Trixie took a bow, then gestured to Rarity as she took a bow of her own. “And let’s hear a round of applause for Trixie’s lovely assistant!”

The crowd cheered again, but Rarity stood up and held out her hands to silence them. “We have one more trick for you this evening.”

Everyone turned to Rarity, including Trixie. They hadn’t planned any other tricks, what was she talking about? The Chain of Death was their grand finale.

“Watch as I magically make the Great and Powerful Trixie change colors!”

She wouldn’t.

Rarity stepped up to Trixie, right in front of the whole school, and she kissed her right there and then. Just as Rarity had predicted, Trixie’s blush ran deep, changing her color in an instant.

The audience cheered once again, and Trixie stared dumbfounded as Rarity just winked. Trixie shook her head and remembered their escape plan.

She extended her hand and a smoke bomb rolled out from a hidden compartment on her sleeve into her palm. She threw it onto the ground, creating a cloud of blue smoke. Trixie grabbed Rarity’s hand and ran backstage. Perhaps not the most impressive of tricks, but it was always good fun.

“You could have warned Trixie!”

Rarity smirked. “But then the trick wouldn’t work, darling!”

Trixie tried to look upset, but she couldn’t help herself and burst into laughter instead. “What is Trixie going to do with you?”

“I don’t know, but I am still looking forward to finding out. I do believe you owe me a date. That is, if you want to go on it still…”

Trixie cupped Rarity’s cheek in her palm. “Of course I do.” She took a step back. “But you aren’t the only one with a surprise trick. Trixie has one more.”

Rarity cocked her head to the side. “But we already finished the show.”

“This is a special trick, just for Trixie’s lovely assistant.” Trixie took off her hat and showed the inside to Rarity, proving that there was nothing inside it. Then she reached in, and when she pulled her arm back out, she had a bouquet of flowers.

“Oh, they’re lovely!” Rarity said as Trixie presented them to her. She took them and held them to her nose to smell. “You really must tell me how you managed this fantastic trick of yours.”

Trixie returned her hat to her head. “Pulling things out of a hat is really a pretty basic trick.”

“Not that one.” Rarity placed her hand on Trixie’s shoulder. “I want to know how you managed to steal my heart right out from under my nose.”

Trixie broke into a grin. “You know a magician never reveals her secrets.”

“Oh? Never? I seem to recall a few…”

“Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about.”

Rarity laughed and leaned against Trixie. “Oh well. I suppose life is just better with a little magic and wonder in it.”

Author's Note:

And the conclusion! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed telling it, and I hope you’ll let me know your thoughts down in the comments! :pinkiehappy:

This story came about in an interesting way. It was completely ground-up workshopped in my Discord server (please note that it is a 16+ server, if you are not 16 years old or older please do not join!). The only thing I decided beforehand was what ship it would be (because if I’m writing it, I needed to make sure I was on board with the characters) and then took that blank slate and invited everyone on the server to come share ideas to build a story together. From there, I wrote the actual fic based around the ideas we came up with together. The result is the fic we have here. In particular, major shoutout to Darkstarling, who put in the most ideas for this story (more than me even tbh). He’s an amazing author in his own right, and I highly suggest giving him a read :raritywink:

Comments ( 27 )

Excellent ending, here. I do love that they talked it out, and that Rarity was able to get Trixie to lower her guard.

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it :yay: And yeah, I do tend to think that Trixie is a very guarded person, and that getting her past that is key to a good romance with her.

That was a very sweet read, thank you.

And bravissime to the wonderful performers. :pinkiehappy:

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it :scootangel:


Communication seems to be a major recurring theme in your stories. Things tend to work out better when both partners are open with each other.

Anyways, this was a cute story, and a cute ending. I really like how bold Rarity is. Trixie did say she didn't care if the whole school found out, after all.

Yeah, communication is key to all relationships. If there’s a single overarching moral to my stories, that’s it. And hehe yes, even the Great and Powerful Trixie isn’t immune to getting a trick once in a while :raritywink:

This is a nice little story. Maybe it moved a bit too fast, but it's still pretty good. Have an upvote.

Glad you enjoyed it. I suppose these shorter stories do move a bit quickly, but there's only so much that can be done in three chapters, so ah well.

Lovely story! Maybe in the future, there’ll be a follow up with the newly formed couple. Here’s hoping.

I won’t say never, but I currently don’t have any plans :twilightsheepish: Anyway, glad you enjoyed it! :raritystarry:

What lovely dramatic girlfriends c:

The most dramatic! :trixieshiftright::heart::raritywink:

Wonderful work, and an excellent bit of tension. Between Trixie's insecurity and Rarity's melodramatic imagination, there were bound to be disastrous communication issues. Still, they're getting through it. I do wish I could see Rarity's friends' reaction to her significant other, but that's a story for another day. Thank you for a delightful little spectacle.

In the off chance I write a sequel, I'll consider doing something where Rarity's friends meet Trixie. I don't have any ideas really though, so it's not terribly likely :twilightsheepish: But yes, I think Rarity could be pretty good at communicating by now, but Trixie? Nothing about her says "good at communicating" to me lol

Glad you enjoyed the story :twilightsmile:

A magician’s kiss has magical properties too. yeah, that's freaking cute. The rest was good too, but that line was almost the best place to end it. Very well done.

Hehe that was one of my favorite bits as well :ajsmug: Glad you enjoyed the story!

Thank you, glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

Omg thank you so much! I’m so happy you chose to review my work, it means a lot to me :yay:

Now, this isn't a ship I've ever seriously stopped to consider... But it works surprisingly well. I feel you've perfectly encapsulated and portrayed the chars in such a lovely way that perfectly compliments each other and work so well romantically! 10/10 can't wait for more!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed! I don't recall what first got me shipping these two, but I feel like they do work oddly well together :raritywink:

“Afraid not… Maybe we should start over?”

Agreed, I think Trixie has some refreshing to do with those card skills of hers. :ajbemused:

Trixie looked up and shook her head. “Of course Trixie accepts! But… after the show.”

Pretty good deal if you ask me. :applejackunsure:

Rarity stepped up to Trixie, right in front of the whole school, and she kissed her right there and then. Just as Rarity had predicted, Trixie’s blush ran deep, changing her color in an instant.



Rarity laughed and leaned against Trixie. “Oh well. I suppose life is just better with a little magic and wonder in it.”

Yep, and now your in it rarity. :twilightsmile:

what a great and powerfull story

Hehe glad you liked it!

it was quite enjoyable, never read this shipping before :twilightsmile:
but it was a nice change

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