• Published 23rd May 2019
  • 4,353 Views, 240 Comments

Bowser vs. the Fall of Equestria - Cipher800

After finding Flurry Heart lying unconscious in his kingdom, Bowser is enraged at what he found out, and sets his sights on killing the Caribou and taking over Equestria.

Comments ( 47 )

Nice to see you took my suggestions to heart.

I wonder how long it will take Dainn to realize something is amiss or is he not going to know until the Koopa Air Force and Army are at his door step?

I'm honestly not sure it matters, given that his enemies have an army and a hulk.

Und just like zat, za vor begins!


oops, did I just accidentally a war?

I think I will take a midnight stroll through the woods.


And kill homacidal vampire preists?

And maybe even a leprechaun!

Why a leprechaun?

Land of magic, leprechauns are magic, vampires are magic ( sorta?) So it makes sense to me.

So, how do you like my story so far?

I like it, it does put a different spin on a favorite and beloved character and the world building that you have started is quite grand!

I love this story, good work Bowser.

Comment posted by Aristagtle deleted Aug 23rd, 2019

The Dry Bones nearest to the captured females nodded and drew their axes, killing off all the caribou does...

And now, war crimes. At least that answers my question 9695820...


Unfortunately, they were too far gone. They had to die. It is like in 'Fall of Equestria: Judgement'.


Unfortunately, they were too far gone.

...what does that even mean?

In this verse, the Caribou followed their idealogy for five hundred years, so they were raised that way. Most of ponykind will be able to be saved, however.


In this verse, the Caribou followed their idealogy for five hundred years, so they were raised that way.

Yeah, I get that. How does "they were raised as slaves" logically lead to "they need to die"?

(And even that isn't even touching upon the question of how Bowser could possibly know that.)

Fair point. He might have made a guess, which turns out to be correct.

Fair enough, though I highly recommend not basing one's decisions on who should live and who should die on wild guesses. That doesn't really answer my first question though:

How does "they were raised as slaves" logically lead to "they need to die"?

The children are just as bad as the adults.

Okay, now I have no idea what you're talking about at all anymore.

Way to dived and conquer Bowser.:heart:

Basically he's saying that they believe that this is ok so if you leave a breeding pair alive you'll have the same problem all over again.

Comment posted by Aristagtle deleted Mar 22nd, 2020

So what he's saying is that caribou culture and belief is pre-programmed by their genetics?

...whoo boy, that opens a whole other can of worms. In fact, several cans.

I believe if you left the babies alive it would be fine. But as soon as the caribou are capable of conscious thought they are indoctrinated into their culture. I'm going to say something that is true but is gonna piss some people off. The Caribou and their culture mirrors much of the culture of the Muslims in the middle east.


I believe if you left the babies alive it would be fine. But as soon as the caribou are capable of conscious thought they are indoctrinated into their culture.

So? I still don't see how that justifies killing the does. If they really are indoctrinated into believing that they can't do anything on their own, they also can't indoctrinate their offspring into their culture on their own. Plus, once this war is over, there will be no more caribou culture left to indoctrinate anyone into anyway.

I'm going to say something that is true but is gonna piss some people off. The Caribou and their culture mirrors much of the culture of the Muslims in the middle east.

So what you're saying is you think arbitrarily murdering Muslim women is okay?

Wrong. What I mean is that for the caribou culture to truly die out and end as with any culture you could only leave the babies alive. The does will still tell stories of it and believe or not some will support it. Don't believe me? Look to the Middle East. And as to why I compared the Muslims of the Middle East to Caribou I mean the fact that women are seen as property, a woman has to marry her rapist, and if a woman doesn't completely obey her husband he can kill her with no consequences as a 'Honor Killing.'


Wrong. What I mean is that for the caribou culture to truly die out and end as with any culture you could only leave the babies alive. The does will still tell stories of it and believe or not some will support it.

So they're going to tell a bunch of stories. So what? If their stories have no connection to the lived everyday cultural experience of their fawns anymore, they're going to be rejected. When it comes down to it, the dominant culture in a society is always the culture of those in power. Once Bowser has defeated the caribou and taken power in Equestria, there isn't even a reason why he would have to involve the does in raising their own fawns to begin with. Heck, he doesn't even have to initially grant them free speech. With their males defeated, the does are harmless. There is neither reason nor justification for murdering them.

And as to why I compared the Muslims of the Middle East to Caribou I mean the fact that women are seen as property, a woman has to marry her rapist, and if a woman doesn't completely obey her husband he can kill her with no consequences as a 'Honor Killing.'

You don't need to lecture me on the various different Middle Eastern cultures and societies, I'm pretty confident I know enough about them for the purpose of this conversation. You're kinda dodging my question anyway. You were the one drawing this analogy, but you don't seem to understand the implications of you drawing a real life analogy in oder to justify war crimes. So let me reiterate my question:

Do you think it is justified to arbitrarily murder Middle Eastern women, yes or no?

I have seen examples of women in the middle east escaping and trying to fight against what is the status quo. So no. However I see no examples of such action taken by the does. If examples of such action are shown to be taken by the does later on? Then I will revaluate my opinion. However currently the does are completely complicit in their treatment. They do not fight. They do not rebel. They simply stay submissive. Excuse me if I don't have much sympathy for mothers who willingly hand their daughters over to rapists and let their sons become molded into the same rapists. Again if there are examples of does actually fighting for themselves later on? I will change my viewpoint. I will find what Bowser did abhorrent. But as of right now? I don't support it nor do I disagree with it. I just don't care.

I may be wrong, but it seems to me you don't really have a good concept of what it means to experience severe trauma and abuse on a daily basis throughout your entire life, with no pause or chance to heal or even privacy, and how such a life destroys any physical and psychological ability for resistance. That's okay, most people don't. I could recommend scientific literature on the effects of torture, but I fully understand anyone who would rather avoid the topic. Then again, your entire comment is little more than an appeal to emotion. So you don't feel sympathy for victims of abuse because they didn't constantly fight back with gun in hand. That's fine, you don't have to. But your feelings of sympathy or lack thereof also don't really matter. Even if we take everything you say at face value, nothing of it comes even close to providing a proper justification for war crimes.

I am a sociopath so. I see logic more than emotion. It could also be why I am acting as I do. But also it's FUCKING BOWSER! Did you really expect anything less? He is literally one of the biggest evils in the Nintendo world. Of course he would go complete genocide. I am just speculating on his thought process. And I do have some experience with abuse. It's why I loathe those who don't fight back. I was forced to sleep outside in a blizzard. I was starved. Beaten. I was left in the woods alone for several hours. I had to become a monster to escape. I nearly killed my sister. Threatened my mother several times. And was going to murder my abuser. SO DON'T YOU DARE SAY I DON'T UNDERSTAND!

I'm really sorry for presuming, and what you say about Bowser is actually a really good point.

I'd say we can leave it at that. :twilightsmile:

You made some good points as well. And it's ok. I'm sorry I went off on you like that. Have a wonderful day! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you. You too. :twilightsmile:

I wonder how everyone back in the Mushroom Kingdom are taking this?

So... gonna continue this at some point?

The rest of the Koopalings need in on the action. It can't just be about Bowser and Junior.

genuine question, where did this "fall of equestria" stuff come from? like this is really bizarre from an outsider perspective , but that's mlp:fim for yha.

which reminds me of another ilittle gem . does anyone remember a story , or rather a genre of stories about Scottish rape walruses that come and invade equestria and rape everyone? like just constant rape and rape and even more rape.

Jesus a lot of people here are fixated on rape. pedophilia as well now that I think about it , i mean we an entire group about it, very strange.

After they saw what happened and seeing Bowser not holding back anymore. They gotta be thinking that bowser is just playing with them this whole time and thinking about helping him fight up against the caribou

Why does this hidden gem have to be abandoned!!?? :ajsleepy:

The Dry Bones are the most frustrating minion to fight. I love them so fucking much.

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