• Published 1st Oct 2018
  • 1,521 Views, 9 Comments

Trixie and Prince Charming - Rixizu

A Lunaverse story. Princess Luna sets up a play date between Trixie and Prince Blueblood in an attempt to get her student new friends.

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La vache! We’ve got to run faster Elle!” Trixie said between panting breaths. “She’s almost on us.”

The corridors went on forever with no end in sight. To a small filly like her, they seemed to go on into eternity. Ponies eeped in surprise as she ran under their legs. By the barest inch, she avoided colliding into a mare holding a stack of papers and they scattered all over the floor. Trixie wanted to stop and apologize, but she hadn’t the time. The monster was almost on her and her trusty stuffed elephant friend Elle. A risky glance back showed the creature almost on her now. Trixie pushed her legs even harder screaming in horror as the thing closed in on her. Why did this unequine monster have to be so fast?

“Got you!” The monster said as it took Trixie into its hooves. Trixie struggled with all her might, but it was no use. The thing was too powerful! There was only one thing she could do.

Trixie grabbed Elle off her back and threw her with everything she had. “Run for it Elle! Save yaself!” At least one of them would survive this day. Elle landed on the ground a good distance from them and Trixie let out a sigh of relief.

Trixie turned back to her capturer and glared death. “Ya may have gotten me, but at least Elle will be free from ya evil math problems, sorcière maléfique!”

“Hilarious Miss Lulamoon.” Ms. Honeybee said, unamused. “Stop struggling!”

“Don’t call me dat!” Trixie said in protested. She hated when ponies addressed her by her last name. “It’s Trixie, yeuhrm?”

“I’ll call you whatever I want, Miss Lunamoon.” Ms. Honeybee replied. “When you are done with this nonsense. Let’s get back to your homework.”

“Make me!” Trixie replied in defiance.

“You little…” Ms. Honeybee said in a growl.

“Is there a problem here Honeybee?” A regal voice asked. Trixie turned from her glaring at her capturer to see Princess Luna walking towards them with Elle in her aura.

“Your student is being quite the troublemaker, again.” Ms. Honeybee said her voice becoming calmer but no less annoyed.

“Is this true Trixie?” Luna said in a voice that made Trixie’s ears fall forward. She didn’t know how, but somehow whenever the Princess used that tone it always made her feel guilty.

Oui,” she mumbled not meeting her mentor’s gaze.

“She’s refusing to do her math lesson,” Ms. Honeybee said, smug in her victory.

"It's just so boring!" Trixie said in protest. "I'd rather learn magic with ya, Princess."

"I know Trixie," Luna replied, her voice stern but kind, "but these are the essential basics you must learn too. Math, history, philosophy, science, and so on. All are requirements of being my student. Honeybee is one of the finest tutors in Equestria, you could learn a lot from her.”

“Fine.” It made no sense at all that she had to learn all that boring stuff. She decided to just agree with Luna, knowing from experience how pointless it would be to argue with her.

“I don’t know why you even bother with this little br- rascal. You should teach the filly to be more respectable.” Ms. Honeybee gave the look almost everypony in the palace gave her. It told Trixie she didn’t belong there and wasn’t welcome. It told her she should run off and go back to whatever hole she came out of. All because she wasn’t the rich daughter of the Duke of something or other. It seemed to Trixie that Princess Luna was the only one who treated her with respect and as an equal.

Luna gave out a laugh. “Give it time Honeybee. I seem to recall another of my students that used to be just as rambunctious as Trixie. Her name was Orchard Blossom, and she grew up into the most refined pony I have ever met. She was the jewel of the Night Court, nopony more beautiful or sophisticated. She caught the eye of everypony whenever she entered a room. I have little doubt Trixie will one day grow up to be the same.”

“It can’t happen soon enough if you ask me.” Ms. Honeybee said with a sniff.

Trixie frowned but said nothing. As usual, everypony thought they knew what was best for her. A small smile came to her lips. She wondered how Ms. Honeybee would react if she found something interesting in her desk.

“Let’s get to work young lady,” said Ms. Honeybee.

“I’ll leave you to it.” Luna levitated Elle onto Trixie’s back and the filly gave Luna a thankful nod.

Au revoir, votre Majesté!" Trixie followed Ms. Honeybee back to the classroom and sat in her seat.

“Ms. Lulamoon, I expect you to listen to every word I say or expect another visit from the Princess.” Ms. Honeybee returning to her desk.

"Yes, Ms. Honeybee," Trixie replied automatically. And it’s Trixie darn it!

Ms. Honeybee lifted her nose high into the air. “I hope you do. Misbehavior is improper coming from the Princess’s prize student. You represent not only yourself but also the Princess. Any funny business will reflect poorly on Princess Luna. That includes speaking in Prench when it isn’t call for. You’re hard enough to understand as it is with that accent of yours.”

Trixie yawned. “Can we get with da lesson already?”

“Very well.” Ms. Honeybee’s voice became tight. “Today we will cover integers. They are…”

Trixie only half listened to the lesson and stared out the window not paying much attention to her tutor as she imagined playing outside instead. It was such a nice day out. Why was she stuck in here?


“That creature is a monster!” Honeybee stormed into Luna’s private quarters.

Luna fought back a sigh. Three guesses the pony behind this. “What did Trixie do this time?”

“She put earthworms in my desk! They ruined all my papers!” Honeybee replied. “Oh, she claims it wasn’t her and that it was one of the servants playing a prank, but she can’t fool me!”

Luna thought it might have been a bad idea to hire Honeybee. Trixie’s personality wasn’t the most compatible with the tutor’s. The two had been at each other’s throats since they first met.

“You should get rid of her!” Honeybee said. “She doesn’t deserve to live in the palace one bit!”

“Oh?” Luna replied. "Are you saying I made a mistake?"

Honeybee stepped back, her eyes like a frightened cornered animal realizing she went too far. “No, of course not Princess! I was just saying Ms. Lulamoon might be better suited to a public school.”

Luna sighed. She caught the meaning all too well. Trixie deserved to be with the other poor ponies not with the esteemed elite. She'd received more than a little hushed criticism from her court about bringing in somepony of Trixie’s background. Some of the nobles even had the nerve to assume that their foal deserved the place more. Viceroy Night Light still bothered her about it, claiming his talented little filly Twilight Sparkle was far more suited to the position.

All this fussing and whining from the nobles because Trixie didn’t come from money. The filly’s hometown Neigh Orleans might as well be Hicksville as far as they were concerned. It wasn’t always so. Over the millennia Luna had several students that came from almost the exact position Trixie did and back then the Court cared little about such things. These days the Court had become so selfish and self-centered they couldn’t see beyond the walls of their luxurious manors. It distressed Luna how little the Night Court cared about the common folk nowadays.

This was why Luna had brought Trixie in. The Night Court needed fresh blood and Luna knew in her heart and gut that Trixie was exactly what the Night Court needed. The filly had a certain magnetism to her and Luna planned to bring out that talent regardless of what anypony said. Her entire court could rally against her and she still wouldn’t budge.

Honeybee coughed. “There’s also the fact she isn’t socializing with the other members of the court. At state functions, she plays in the corner with her stuffed animal instead of forming alliances and making friendships that will aid her when she takes on a more prominent position in court.”

As much as Luna hated to admit it, Honeybee was right about this. Unlike Orchard Blossom, Trixie wasn’t a sociable pony. She had the charisma and ambition to be sure, but she was more introverted than her bombastic personality might show.

Trixie would need those allies if she wished to become an important member of the Night Court. On the other hoof, Trixie was still a little filly and hadn't adapted to life in the palace yet.

And no matter how much she tries to fit in, Trixie will always a poor rube to the members of the court, Princess’ student or not, a dark thought told her, though Luna banished it out her mind in an instant. No, she couldn't think like that even if Trixie was having trouble getting along with the other young members of the Night Court. She would just have to push her student along a little. There had to be some in the Night Court that would welcome Trixie with open hooves. Not every member was obsessed with wealth and prestige.

A gas lamp flashed into light in her head and Luna flashed a smile. Didn’t Duke and Prestige Blueblood have a little colt about Trixie’s age? Prince was it? Luna hadn’t seen the little colt much in her mingling with his family, but he seemed like a nice boy and his parents were well known for their kindness and generosity. Of all the Night Court, she suspected they would be the most likely to accept Trixie and her checkered past. She clapped her hooves together in glee. This was perfect. A childhood friend in the Court was exactly what Trixie needed. A lifelong companion that would always stay by her side. And who knew, maybe it would grow into something more? He might even become her Prince Charming. Princess Luna giggled at her clever pun.

“Princess?” Honeybee asked.

Luna coughed into her hoof. “Nothing. Just focus on Trixie’s studies Honeybee. Let me worry about Trixie’s future in the Night Court.”

When Honeybee left, Luna called for her secretary Neat Freak. He was an earth pony of middle years with a grey mane and a green coat. He wore a simple but well-maintained black suit and his short-cropped mane never had a hair out of place in the many years she had known him.

“Yes, your majesty?” Neat Freak said as the Princess entered her office only a few seconds later, prompt as usual. Sometimes she wondered if her assistant leaned against the door eagerly awaiting her summons. It baffled her how he always seemed to knew when she was about to call.

“Get me some parchment, there’s a letter I wish to write.”


Trixie fidgeted next to Luna’s side. Her coat and mane gleamed in the light of the throne room. Luna had insisted she look her best in front of the Blueblood family. More than once the Princess stressed the importance of a good first impression. It was all nonsense to Trixie, but she humored her teacher. At least she didn’t have to wear one of those accursed uncomfortable dresses. She hated them with a passion, they were hard to breathe in and even more impossible to move in. Elle sat on her usual place on her back. Trixie refused to go anywhere without her and the Princess relented after some arguing.

After an eternity of endless waiting, a steward announced Blueblood’s arrival. About freaking time.

Trixie craned her neck to get a better look at them. The father was a mammoth of a stallion in both size and girth. Somepony needed to cut down on the cake. Though she had to admit he wore his black waistcoat well and there was an air of dignity to him. He had a coat so white it hurt to look at and his silver mane flowed like a wave behind him. His wife was a severe mare, not beautiful exactly, but handsome with sharp features and longer than normal muzzle. She wore her blond mane in one of the styles of the day and had a yellow coat. Last was their son. He was tall for his age and Trixie guessed he stood almost a head higher than her and had to be a few years older than her. He shared his father’s coat and his mother’s mane. The colt eyed her with curiosity. All three were unicorns.

They bowed as they met their Princess. “Greetings Viscount Blueblood and Lady Prestige Blueblood.” Luna bowed her head in respect.

"It's been far too long Princess," Duke replied. “Your summons are always welcome.”

“Indeed.” Prestige said. “An honor as always, your grace.” She spotted Trixie next to her teacher and gave a warm smile. “Oh, and who is this next to you?”

Luna beamed. “This is my newest student, Trixie Lulamoon.”

“Isn’t she just the most adorable little thing?” Prestige said. “You’re even cuter than the stories say!”

This took Trixie by surprise she wasn’t sure what to say. “Merci madame.”

“What an adorable accent! I can tell already you will do great things, Trixie.” Prestige replied.

Duke laughed. “Always one for the melodramatics, as usual.”

“When I see true talent, how can I keep my mouth shut?” Trixie expected a scowl or derision from their eyes, but both looked at her with friendliness and warmth. It was a nice change from all other looks most adults gave her. Their son, on the other hoof, kept a neutral expression the entire time.

“It’s nice to meet you, young lady.” Duke pushed his son forward with his snout. “There is somepony I would like you to meet. This is my son Prince.”

Trixie blinked. “Prince?” Since when did Equestria have a Prince? Was he some long-lost relative of Princess Luna? How can he be a Prince when his father was a Duke? Or was his mother a princess?

Duke gave out a hearty laugh. “I see your confusion. In my family, we name our children after titles. Gives them something to aspire to.”

Dat’s kinda weird, but okay. Would this mean that this colt is Duke Prince Blueblood? Dat’s just bizarre.

“Say hello Prince.” Duke gave his son an encouraging nudge.

"Hello," Prince said extending his hoof.

“Hello!” Trixie gave it an eager shake. Huh, did he just recoil from my touch? Nah, I’m imagining it.

“I’m sure you two will grow to be the best of friends.” Prestige said.

"Now off with you two," Duke said with a wave of his hoof, "we have matters of state we wish to discuss with the Princess. We don't want to bore you with the details."

Sweet! Anything to avoid boring grown-up talk.

“Okay.” Trixie and Prince said in unison.


“So, what da ya want to do first?” Trixie asked as they walked down the castle’s hallways.

“What would you suggest?” Prince raised an eyebrow.

Trixie jumped up and down. “Dere’s da best playground in all of Equestria! It’s ova by park up da road!”

"If you insist," Prince replied. Trixie got a distinct impression that the colt would rather be somewhere else. He didn't seem to want to engage with her at all. Already she felt a dislike towards him.

No, you promised da Princess ya would try to become friends with him. Trixie told herself. Just give it time, he’ll warm up to ya I’m sure.

“How do you plan to even get there?” Prince asked. “We were told, several times, not to leave the castle. I’m a very important pony. What if somepony tries to foalnap me?”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “I sneak out all da time and nopony has ever attacked me.”

“And how do you avoid the guards exactly?”

“I just so happen da be a magician in training and my grand-père was da greatest magician who’s ever lived, da Great and Magnificent Quartermoon!” Trixie stood on her back hooves and spread her hooves.

“Never heard of him.”

Trixie’s eye twitched. Did this guy live in a cave or something?

“As I was saying, I’m a magician in training and sneaking about happens to be my specialty!” Trixie puffed out her chest in pride.

“And they never catch you?”

“Nan, I know all da guards’ routines and routes.” Even Prince looked impressed by that one. “We’ll be out of here in no time, yeuhrm?”

“Lead the way then.” Prince’s face turned to a smirk. “If you can.”

It took them almost an eternity to sneak outside. Trixie underestimated how much Prince would slow her and Elle down. He had no patience and couldn’t wait for the guards to pass before moving. More than once Trixie had to force him down so he didn’t get spotted. One time a guard did spot them, but Trixie used her quick thinking to make it look like they were playing tag instead. The guard bought it and went on his way. It was all too easy. One guard tried to follow them, but Trixie used a trick the princess taught her and circled back so many times that the guard got confused and lost them. Soon enough, they snuck out one of the guard posts to the outside world.

"Voilà!" Trixie extended her hoof to the playground in question.

It was the biggest playground Trixie had ever seen with a mind-boggling amount of equipment to play on. What was fun about them was the fact they all looked like animals. Her favorite looked like an enormous alligator with a wide-open mouth you could crawl inside. All the trees in the surrounding park were very easy and fun to climb as well. The park even had a lake that ducks liked to visit. Luna liked to go up to the lake and feed them pieces of bread whenever they came to the park. Though the ducks never liked Trixie for some reason and always tried to bite at her when she got close. The place was perfect in Trixie’s opinion, far better than the parks they had back at her hometown of Neigh Orleans.

The park was almost empty due to the late hour. Luna was a weirdo that slept during the day and did all the Night Court stuff during the night. Worse, the Princess forced Trixie to follow it as well. It made it hard to play to other foals when Luna forced her to stay awake so late. She was often up at hours far past most foals bedtimes.

If the park impressed Prince, he didn’t show it. Trixie fought back her annoyance and reminded herself of her promise.

“What do you want to do?” Prince asked with little enthusiasm.

Trixie thought about it. She looked around the park giving everything in it a careful consideration. She eyed the trees and broke out into a wide grin.

“Let’s play ova by the trees!” Trixie said overcome with the urge to climb at the moment, and she was good at it too. She prided herself that she could climb almost anything.

“Must we?” Blueblood replied.

“And why not?” Trixie fought back her annoyance. How could anypony not like climbing trees?

“I’ll get leaves in my mane and look how tall they are! What if we break a leg?”

Trixie snorted. “You’re a worrywart, vous l'oie idiote.” Prince scrunched his muzzle not sure if he had just been insulted or not.

She ran towards one of her favorite trees in the park. The oak stood tall and proud and was one of the tallest in the park. It had four thick branches that sprouted from the trunk. It used to have five, but one broke from a particularly windy day. She grabbed the lowest branch and pulled herself up careful to keep Elle from falling off her back. She climbed up to the highest part of the branch and looked out at the part. It was so pretty from up here. She sat Elle on the next branch so they could enjoy the view together. After a moment, she noticed that somepony was missing.

She looked down and saw Prince under her. “Hey! Aren’t ya coming? The view is great!”

“No, I’m good,” Blueblood replied and Trixie fought back her annoyance. What was with this colt? Did he like standing around and doing nothing? Not once had he tried to engage with her. What was the Princess thinking making them play together?

No, remember ya made a promise. Ya said ya would make an effort by it.

“So, uh, ya parents seem nice,” Trixie said throwing out the first random thing she could think of.

Trixie didn’t have parents herself. Her mom died when she was little and her father disappeared to who knows where. Her best guess is he got foalnapped by evil monsters. Why else would he just leave like that? Trixie did, however, have her aunt Moonsinger and uncle Sky Shaper who were just as good as real parents. They loved her like she was one of her many cousins. She missed them all the time, but Luna allowed her to visit them once a month so it was all good.

“They are the best parents a pony could ask for,” Prince replied, this time showing some real enthusiasm for once, “not only are they fabulously wealthy, but they give me everything I could ever want. I have so many toys that I never have to play with them more than once.”

“How great for ya.” Trixie couldn’t imagine having that many toys. Where would a pony even keep all of them? Did they get thrown out after every use? This was all very confusing.

“That way I don’t have to carry around a filthy rag along with me wherever I go.”

Trixie gritted her teeth at the obvious slight against Elle and hugged her close. So what if she wasn’t new? She’d been a birthday gift from her aunt and was her most prized possession. At least she had something she valued! How dare this colt say something like that?

Promise. Promise. Promise. Remember ya promise. Promises to Princesses weren’t to be broken lightly.

“Whatever, let’s do something else.” Trixie jumped down from out of the tree with Elle in hoof.

“Very well.” Prince rolled his eyes. “What else?”

“Let’s play by da shoot-da-chute!” Trixie didn’t wait for a reply and jumped into the play area causing a giant explosion of sand. She giggled and stomped around enjoying its feel under her hooves.

“What are you doing?” Prince asked sounding aghast. “You’re getting sand everywhere!”

Trixie blinked. “So?”

"Look at you," Prince said turning his nose up at her, "you've ruined your coat and mane!"

Trixie looked at herself and sure enough, she and Elle had specks of sand all over them ruining all the work the groomers did earlier that day. "So?"

“I’m not going in there! It’s filthy!”

Trixie snorted. “What, do ya just not play then?” First no climbing trees, then this. Was he one of those boring book types that read all day?

“The playground at my mansion.” Prince put an extra emphasis on the world mansion to show how much richer he was than her. “Uses rubber, far more sanitary and clean.”

“Oh, tu plaisantes.” Prince yelped out in surprise as Trixie grabbed him and threw him face first into the sand.

Trixie puffed out her chest. “Dere, now ya don’t hafta worry about getting dirty anymore.”

Prince spit out sand out of his mouth horrified that she ruined his beautiful coat and glared at her. “How dare you!”

Trixie rolled her eyes. “Get over it. Can we go play already?”

“Get over it?” A vein appeared on Prince’s temple. “I don’t think you understand your place, peasant!”

"Oh, and what’s dat?" Trixie's voice became dangerous.

Prince stood up and dusted himself off. “Ponies like myself don’t play in filth like you commoners! We are above such things. Why the Princess chose a wretch like you to be her student, I will never know!”

Dat’s it. I’m done! Trixie pawed at the sand in irritation. This colt was asking for it. Asking for it so much.

“If ya’re so great, why do ya have such a stupid mane?!” Trixie replied. Take dat loser.

“What?! The best hair stylists in all of Equestria styled this mane!”

“They’re obviously blind then.” Trixie’s mouth twisted in a smirk. “It makes ya look like a doofus, imbécile.”

“At least I care about my looks!” Prince said. “I don’t love to wallow in filth like you do.”

“Oh, so ya admit to looking like a doofus then!” Trixie pumped a hoof in the air with triumph.


“Ya didn’t deny it.” Score a point for team Trixie.

This flummoxed Prince for a moment. "Well, well, you didn't deny that you like to bathe in filth!"

“Ya right, I don’t!” Trixie replied. “I have a life, unlike ya and know how to have fun. I don’t whine like a little foal after getting a speck of dirt on me.”

“That makes you more pig than pony then!” Prince turned his nose up at her like she smelled something awful. “We should call you Trixie Lulaswine instead.”

Trixie felt her blood boil. Ponies used her last name to mock her enough already. “Oh yeah, then you’re Prince Bluefoon!” She beamed with pride coming up with that witty retort and nickname.

“Well, you have a stupid accent that makes you almost impossible to understand,” Prince said, “it’s like talking with a cave pony!”

Comment osez-vous!” Trixie forced herself to calm down. “I have the bestest accent! Prench is the language of high class and sophistication!”

Prince snorted. “It’s not the Prench, it’s the hick accent that comes along with it!”

Trixie blood boiled. “Ya sound like an upper-class twit!”

They growled into each other’s faces, now glaring hate at the other. Never in Trixie’s life had she ever met a pony so full of himself as this colt. Why did the Princess ever think she wanted to be his friend? She wanted nothing to do with this prissy jerk.

Prince's angry face turned into a smirk as if he had already won. "You're a total foal Trixie Lulapig. You’ve made a powerful enemy today. My family is one of the most powerful members of the Night Court.”

"Oh, so scary," Trixie replied in a mocking tone, "ya don't scare me. Ya'll always be nothing but a loser doofus."

"Watch yourself, Trixie." Prince's face made a scowl. "You've made an enemy for life!"

Trixie let out a snort. "Whatever." Her casual dismissal of his threat almost set her opponent into a blind fit of rage. "Let's go, Elle. We've got some super fun slides waiting for us. We’re actually going to have some fun, unlike some other ponies dat could be mentioned.”

Trixie gave her new enemy for life a grin of victory before going deep into the play area. She could almost hear Prince fume in useless rage behind her. It was fun to put that pony in his place. The Night Court had too many ponies like him. She sat Elle in front of her ready to go down one of her favorite slides. She liked it the way it curved around and how it looked like the head of a giraffe. Prince Blueblood was already long gone from her mind as she screamed in delight going down the slide.


The door squeaked behind Trixie as she closed it behind her. It irritated her that the door of her secret passageway made so much noise when she used it. How was a pony to stealthily enter the castle that way? It wasn’t really a secret passageway and in reality, just an out of the way guard entrance that ponies almost never used. Trixie liked to imagine it being her secret way into the castle.

The late hour meant the castle’s corridors were almost empty and it wouldn’t be long until the sun rose and it was her bedtime, but Trixie did her best to stay hidden. She used any large object in her path to obscure her from sight. During her playtime, she lost track of time and went past curfew. Her plan was to sneak into her room and pretend she had always been there. The odds weren’t good that it would work, but she had to try. Trixie squealed in triumph as she saw the door to her room. Just a little longer and she would be home free.

"There you are you, little scoundrel!" Before Trixie could do anything, Ms. Honeybee grabbed her from behind and lifted her into the air. Elle fell off her back on the ground.

“Hey, what gives?” Trixie squirmed in her grasp. The tutor wasn’t being gentle with her this time and grabbed her far too tight.

“Sneaking into your room late at night again?” Ms. Honeybee said. “Like you weren’t in enough trouble.”

“Let go!”

“The princess wants to see you, now.” Ms. Honeybee’s tone left no room for argument.

Trixie deflated. “Fine, just let me get Elle.”

“No time for that.” Ms. Honeybee opened the door to Trixie’s room and kicked Elle inside.

“Hey!” Trixie said in outrage. How dare she treat her best friend like that!

Ms. Honeybee didn’t listen and carried Trixie to the Princess’s private chambers. Trixie gave up struggling at this point. It didn’t seem worth the trouble.

“This proves what I’ve always said about you.” Ms. Honeybee said. “A little wretch that never once deserved her place! It wouldn’t surprise me if Princess Luna threw you out back to where you belong. Ah, here we are.”

What, no! The Princess would never do dat, right? Panic filled Trixie’s mind.

She didn’t think she could ever bear the shame if Luna banished her from the castle forever. What she did wasn’t that bad, was it? All she did was have a fight with that super snooty Prince Blueblood. And break curfew she guessed. Sweat formed at her brow as she saw them approach the door of Princess Luna’s private chambers. Ms. Honeybee stepped up to the door and knocked. They waited in silence and Trixie's heart filled with both dread and anticipation.

“Come in.” Princess Luna said.

“Well, get going.” Ms. Honeybee unceremoniously dropped Trixie to the floor.

Trixie hissed in pain before glaring at her tutor. She turned her attention to the door and opened it. It took all her courage to enter.

Here goes. Dis might be the last time I will ever see dis room.

Princess Luna sat on a pile of cushions next to her bed, regal as always. The scope of Luna’s room had always impressed her. It had a domed roof with a depiction of the night sky on it. Somehow it changed over the year to match the current night sky. The furnishings were simple but luxurious. The Princess kept her room somewhat tidy but had little trinkets scattered everywhere. it was a dangerous place to walk about sometimes and made it hard to avoid stepping on something. The Princess liked to collect odd toys particularly anything that wound up or made noise. Trixie’s ears flattened, and she approached her teacher like one might approach a dangerous animal.

“I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” Trixie asked.

"Yes, you are. Sit." Luna left no room for an argument so Trixie did as the Princess instructed. The Princess looked down at her student with her "you are in deep trouble young lady" look. It made Trixie feel even worse.

“While I was talking with the Bluebloods, their son ran to his parents crying and covered with sand," Luna said, "he told us you bullied him. You pushed him to a sandpit and called him names.”

“Dat isn’t what happened!” Trixie said in protest. A colt like him cry? Please, they were obviously fake tears, meant to gain sympathy so they would buy his lies easier.

"Tell you your side of the story," Luna replied, "I find it best to hear both sides of the story before rendering judgment."

Trixie told her version of what happened. How much of a jerk Prince was and how he refused to be nice to her and how silly it was that he freaked out when get got sand on him. She recited their argument the best she could and included all the mean names he called her. Luna listened in silence. She sighed when Trixie finished her story.

"So, he wasn't wrong," Luna said with a shake of her head.

“What, but he started it!” Trixie said in protest. How did she come to that conclusion?

Luna held up a hoof. “Though his behavior was less than proper, you didn’t have to throw him into the sand because he didn’t agree with the way you like to play.”

“Come on, it was just sand!”

“Not to him.” Luna let out a sigh. “I expected better of you Trixie. Whether or not you intended it, you bullied him.”

Trixie’s ears flattened even harder, and she looked down in shame. Tears gathered at the tip of her eyes. “Does dis mean I will not be ya student nomore?”

Much to Trixie’s surprise, her teacher laughed. “Of course not!”

Trixie looked up at Luna and blinked confused by this turn of events. “What?”

Luna put a comforting wing over her student and gave a warm smile. “I would never kick you out over a little mistake. If I did that, I would have nopony left in the world to be my student. Everypony makes mistakes. You're young Trixie, I don't expect you to be perfect or not make errors in judgment. What's important though is that you learn from this so you don't repeat the mistakes of the past."

Trixie’s heart lightened, glad the Princess wasn’t mad at her and that she would stay her student. “I guess I did kinda act a little mean.” She admitted grudgingly. Not that she would ever be friends with Prince or even want to see him again.

Trixie nodded in approval. “The toughest thing in all the world is admitting we’re wrong. Our pride wants us to overlook our mistakes and faults.”


"I expect you to give Prince Blueblood an apology, in person," Luna said.

Trixie grumbled to herself. She saw this coming. She had hoped to send him a letter and that would be it and never see his stupid face again. Oh well.


"And, as a punishment, I'm grounding you for a month." Luna continued. "No dessert and you will be confined to the castle."

Trixie's heart twisted and her eyes widened in horror. A month was almost an eternity. How was she to survive? How could anypony endure that? Sometimes the Princess could be a real monster.

Luna’s expression turned to that of amusement. “That’s what you get for calling somepony names, Trixie. I expect you to on your better behavior from now on.”

"Yes, Princess Luna," Trixie said with little enthusiasm.

"Now, go to bed," Luna said, "you have a long day of studies ahead of you. This time I will ignore your breach of curfew, but next time I wouldn't be so lenient."

"Night, votre Majesté." Trixie left for her room. She saw that the sun was very close to rising at this point. She thanked everything good and holy that Ms. Honeybee wasn't there to taunt her. She’d been through enough as it was.

Trixie picked up Elle from where the heartless monster that was Ms. Honeybee had kicked her and set her on the bed. She got ready for bed and did all the tedious things Princess Luna required of her to do each night. Trixie loathed brushing her teeth. She threw open her covers and snuck under them Elle by her side. The day's events flew through her mind as she tried to sleep.

Was I really dat mean to Prince Blueblood? Trixie had to admit that she had been more than a little of a jerk. Something about him set her off. She hated being looked down on. Hated it with her entire being. Still, what she did was wrong, and the Princess was right. She would have to work harder at ignoring ponies like Prince. That would show them! She won’t care what they thought of her and she would make them know it.

Besides, she didn’t need Prince or anypony like him. She would find friends that liked her for who she is and didn’t give a toss about her status or fancy titles. Elle wouldn’t end up being her only friend in Canterlot, right? She fought back a wave of homesickness. Things didn’t seem as lonely when she lived in Neigh Orleans with her cousins always there to keep her company especially her big bro/favorite cousin Limelight.

No, she couldn’t think like that! She planned to rise above them all and nopony would dare look down on her then. Hey, she might even be Princess one day. Luna was getting kinda old and had to be at least a million years old. She had to be in retirement age by now. Comforted in her new resolution, she snuggled against Elle and went to sleep.

Comments ( 9 )

Trixie's cute in this...plus like I said during the editing I find it kind of endearing that later on Prince will be asking her to the Gala.

There was a Lunaverse story with filly Trixie that I wanted to write at some point, but I'm not sure if it'd fit into our canon anymore.

ehh, why not? I mean, there seems to be little about Twixie, so... also, you are the grand high pumbaa of this verse. Its canon if you deem it so

ooh, this was adorable. :) Go, Trixie! Show up that boneheaded Blueblood! :D

I love this short but engaging Lunaverse story. :twilightsmile:

Author Interviewer

That was friggin' adorable.

Congrats on the EQ Daily feature.

"Nice Freak" seems to be a typo for "Neat Freak"?


It is. Thanks for catching that.

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