• Member Since 30th Jul, 2011
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Autumn Wind

Writes unusual horse words. Sometimes.


The tale of the Imprisoned Sister has been told and retold for centuries, but no Little Pony knows of it as it unfolded in realms far and above. What is the moon to do when her mother and guide loses her way?

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 53 )
Comment posted by Autumn Wind deleted Dec 19th, 2012


On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I understand the setting you've created--it's surprising, but it's a sensical and self-consistent sort of surprising, which is pleasant in a fandom that often goes for pointless surrealism. Still, it's not anything I would have thought of in the context of FIM, and I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I'll give it a like for now, and put it on read-later for when it's complete.

Moon, how could you.:facehoof: Love the story! Keep on writing!

Nightmare Bitch be hypnotizing errything! Good thing we all know she'll get her ass kicked :raritywink:

Here's hoping you'll enjoy what you read. :twilightsmile:

I'll do my best. ^^

Hehe, if only things were so simple. Stay tuned to find out what happens. :pinkiesmile:

1893142 You're not gonna break canon by not having her banished to the moon are you?


Depends on how you define "Banished to the moon". You have to remember that here, the moon is, well, our lead character. Let's just say what the ponies consider "Banished to the moon" and how the ponies of the garden see it may differ somewhat. Their perceptions of what it means do as well.

It's canon that Nightmare Moon was imprisoned/banished/put away, but what that means is somewhat... hazy. :trollestia:

Only one way to find out what I mean: Tune in next time!


I'm not sure I do, actually. :rainbowhuh:

1893624 The point being that Celestia will defeat Nightmare Moon, as is canon.


Ah, but of course. Canon will prevail here. This is an exploration of potential canon, that's all. I would have tagged Alternate Universe otherwise.

Nicely done, A_W. And congrats on the EQD feature.

Oh Moon, so old and yet so young and simple.

Led astray by such shallow lies, she doesn't consider consequence.

One must never idolize anyone or anything fallible. Set yourself up a shrine to only absolute concepts of right and wrong by which all things are weighed by reason and wisdom. Only then can you uncover those who seek to deceive.

When you place a person in high regard, you are setting yourself on a very brittle foundation.


Interesting analysis. ^^

Sadly often, when the mother falls, so do the children.

Knowing how events play out, with the banishment and Celestia wresting control of both heavenly bodies, I am eager to see how this continues.


I hope you'll enjoy where I'm taking it. :twilightsmile:

This story is absolutely brilliant, and I can not wait for more!

An original take on a story that has been explored many times before, very well written and entertaining.


Glad to know you guys are enjoying it! I'll do my best to keep it coming as soon as I can.

Princess Luna, your youthful hijinks have doomed us all!


Youthful hijinks? I don't agree with your terms, Mav. :trollestia:


I'll do my best to have more out as soon as possible. :twilightsmile:

wonderful story!! I can't wait for more!:twilightsmile::pinkiehappy:


I'll try to get it out as soon as I can, but I can't make promises.

Congrats on being featured, BBBFF. ^ ^

I always think this story is discontinued since you wait so long between releasing the chapters. :applecry:

Still, you deliver and I could not be more excited to follow it. If you would like I can help you with pre-reading.


Sorry, I'm afraid I'm not a very prolific writer. >.<

Take my word for it: If this gets discontinued, I will toss out a blog about it. Until that happens, rest assured that it's not canceled.


You could be slower. At least you're not the guy who writes Composure. That fic's been very much unresolved, and dead in the water for more than a year.


Thanks for the vote of confidence.

However, let's not start thrashing other writers here, shall we?

I'm not sure what to offer in the way of words of support, but I quite like this, and I'm not bothered by the time between updates.


Thanks for taking a moment to comment. Glad you're enjoying this. ^^

Author Interviewer

I like Moon in the heroic role. Also what you did with the Elements. :)

*Alondro paces and paces, wearing a huge trough in the floor. At last, he breaks...*

ARG!!! I can't take it anymore! *frantically writes a random, insane crackfic ending* AND SOOPERMAN FLEW IN AND PUNCHED NM IN DA FACE AND SAVED THE DAY THE END!!! :pinkiecrazy:

*he is carted off to the loony bin, cackling madly*



Sorry for how long it's taking. Chapter 5 is proving very tricky to write. I'm doing my best to get it out ASAP.

2508826 i get very impatient for stories I like. :raritywink:

I love this story,


I am going to fist pump if a chapter ever ends up being called, "The Secret Garden." I will then proceed to reminisce over a good movie...


Hehe, I'll see if it comes up. :twilightsmile:

>>>The middle children had mostly taken off by themselves, away from the eldest, many of them taking up some rather risky games, acting rowdy, and fighting amongst themselves. I had to cajole more than a few after they had suffered minor injuries, and forcefully pull a few more out of ridiculous stunts. Miraculously, none of them had gotten truly hurt.>>>

Except for Betelguese, who'd gone supernova after gorging on helium. :trollestia:

Well that explains some things.
Well done.

Okay, I really fucking hate Nightmare Moon now :twilightangry2:
Also, will you write of the more recent happenings as well?


Yeah, we're approaching the second arc of the story, which will cover Nightmare Moon's 1000 year exile. The third and final arc will deal with Nightmare Moon's return to Equestria, and everything that involves.

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