• Published 28th May 2018
  • 2,927 Views, 43 Comments

The Equestrian Gastronomic Society - MightyShockwave

Luna decides to venture into a secretive and sinister nightclub, and gets more than what she bargained for.

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Comments ( 34 )

It was a good story, but I would have love to see what happen to that tuxedo stallion.

Oh, Gastronomic.

You might want to change the spelling in your title. The lack of an R in "Gastronomic" made me think it related to Gaston.

Probably not gonna read it, the only vore I'm interested in is a villain being fatally eaten, the sarlacc, and the joke "alternate ending" to Honey I Shrunk the Kids for comedy purposes, but I thought I'd point that typo out.


Shit, thanks for pointing that out! Amazing the things we miss when we're tired.

Also, that's cool. Different people have different tastes.

Any time.

Yep. To each their own.

O_O This... was... AWESOME!!! ^w^ PLEEEEEAAAASE write a sequal to have Pharanx nom Celestia as well!!! ^w^

Would've loved a final turn around to get Luna back and have Pharynx get his comeuppance for cheating- but that's just me ;)
Excellently well-written fic.

I kind of expected Celestia to just regenerate Luna, since at the start it was mentioned as an expensive option. But then she went and got her soul eaten. :facehoof:

Eh, this one was a bit too much of a vore cliche. The secret vore club with someone becoming unwitting prey is one of the two most frequent storylines in vore (the other being the vore school... a terrible, over-used fetish trope that's almost never even remotely plausible even in its own world).

This one was beat-for-beat predictable.... kinda like most of the episodes this season... and it didn't need the Gorbfest connection at all. In fact, it rather undermines the very notion of it, since it was initially something the changelings did at a specific time of year and they relied on subduing the ponies through seduction and trickery, in keeping with their species traits.

But now it's clear they eat ponies all the time and are simply generic vore villains with indestructible stomachs, like most cliche vore preds.

It's not interesting when you know absolutely everything in a story by the subject matter alone.


True, but this story was primarily done as an entry to an art jam, of which the theme was "vore nightclub". It was a little obtuse to work with, so it's just a quick little ditty separate from all my stories. You're right, I relied on cliches too much. I need to work on that. It was just hard to think up something that would still fit the jam topic.

8963519 Well, since Chrysalis is 'rogue' at this point, it'd be a great place for her to show up and experiment with the use of vore powers, to gain power in some scheme of revenge. And she just so happens to come across Luna there. How fortunate a coincidence that would be! Naturally, she'd disguise herself as a different predator and lie about everything to get Luna inside her stomach. I suspect she'd then reveal herself once Luna was nicely euphoric from her stomach secretions and goad the Princess into begging to be digested. That'd be in keeping with Chrysalis' personality and superiority complex.

Or, if Pharynx was the character to stick with, he'd let her out, with a clever ploy in mind: from that moment on she'd be ensnared by the pleasures she felt inside him. Until the next Gorbfest, all she'd be able to think about is the chance to melt away inside a changeling... and as Princess of Dreams, think of how many other ponies she could influence with her desperate lusts in all that time.

If the changelings are still 'villains', with the secret plan to take over Equestria through erotic predation, then the best means to that end is to get the leaders on board with it. Virtually all the rest of the population kowtows to the Princesses' commands without question. It'd be foals' play to seduce the rest once the alicorns themselves are gushing with the desire to slide down a changeling's gullet.

That's how a real vore schemer plays the long game! (Alondro is as diabolical as he is a troll!) :trixieshiftright:

HAHAHA, she gonna get ate.

Shame we never got to see what happened to that tuxedo pony, but this was a Luna centric story after all.


Some things are best left to the imagination~

It does pose an interesting idea though. A series of stories that feature this club. Granted you used a lot of cliches here, now you (or any other author) could explore different matchups and outcomes, and even the mysterious way the club still has preys after so long of being so secretive. It is implied that many preys are regulars who simply haven't found a pred they like yet. How does one discover such an exclusive club, and how can they afford to be so exclusive given the ultimate fate of about half their clientele?


Green is unwilling fatal, blue is willing fatal. It's illogical, but I wrote the story because I like the latter.

J-90 #17 · Sep 2nd, 2018 · · 5 ·

This sure ignores the ramifications, as this stuff usually does :ajbemused:. Luna gone; no pony moves moon OR take care of the nightmares that can potentially do serious damage to ones psyche. Celly potentially gone; no pony moves sun, and pretty much no pony knows how to do that anymore, without serious fatigue. And no pony has required magic either. Discord does not count.
Pharanx (and all those preds in that ******club) is relly gonna get some serious KARMA in certain part's of the multiverse. NO ONE can escape the KARMA.... Especially cheaters.

Pseudo venting done... Have a nice day.

I cant tell if its implied that celestia gets eaten too


I like to leave my endings open for interpretation. Celestia gets gobbled up too, or she forces Pharynx to relinquish her soul for revival if you enjoy happy endings!

Celestia discovers what happened. Canterlot loses a entire district to her range. And soon after the Changelings become extinct.

I'm curious about Withania's exploits in such a club. seeing as how she can always regenerate herself, I imagine she'd go blue all the time.

Withania's fairly self-conscious about public displays... but she could probably be convinced to join in with or as a wing-pony so to speak, someone to help make sure their partner has a good night and stays safe <3

Wish I knew somepony that confident.

I kind of want to build a group around this club. not sure if it would take off now the show's ending


You totally should! The fandom won't die with the show, and will cling even more if G5 is trash.

ah but that would mean I would have to write a story for it.

hm... Rainstream does enjoy vore...

Yes, always a treat to read some good stories.

aw. I'm more of a fan of non-fatal endings but this was pretty good.

wow, you should consider doing a sequel to this. seriously, you might want to do a sequel to this.

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