• Published 25th Dec 2017
  • 22,686 Views, 316 Comments

Sunburst's Flurried Heart - LegionofPony

Sunburst gets relief from some intense urges with the help of filly Flurry Heart...in a way befitting a full-grown mare and not a filly.

Comments ( 163 )

Oh sunburst you are fucked

Well, Sunbust is boned truly completely and totally now, as well as a lot sooner then what I expected. We can only hope... nah his life is now ruined and for good reason. Lets how that he at least survived the next encounter with the royals at lest.

You wrote "burst1" instead of burst

Not to rehash our earlier not-so-private tête-à-tête, but I just realized something after this topic came up elsewhere on the website.

If ponies who like these stories are so uncommon, why are these stories so commonly found in the feature box? That doesn't seem to make sense. Does the controversy in the comments add considerable weight to the story's heat? Or maybe the rarity of the fetish prompts everypony who has the fetish to at least view the title page, which they do en masse and somehow that affects heat?

Normally I wouldn't involve myself in comment chaos, sorry I did. As I said previously, the story on its own merits is good. The only reason I mentioned own past was because others were using their past as reason for the attacks and I wanted to point out that such ghosts *aren't* a valid reason for such behavior.

Again, sorry for involving myself. Best wishes to you going forward.

I just choose not to care about the people complaining and rather give my own opinion. It's the best course of action. Just a bunch of people upset that the bad stories they like or read don't end up in the featured box. Perhaps if they wrote better or more popular stories they would end up in there?

Awesome story btw. Sorry to hear you didn't get to bring this one to a close. 10/10 will likely revisit sometime for a reread.

I did bring it to a close. It's done, unless the commissioner chooses to add onto it...which after this reception, I doubt will happen.

Yea, that IS better. The other "nice" end slowly decays into spreading that very thing into being done. Someone who's violently raped is more likely to simply be afraid of sex, and therefore less likely to raise someone to believe sex with a child is not only OK, but something a child can do for fun, Even if they don't believe its fun at first.

Cuts heal. Scars fade. injuries make you stronger and at best, kill you. (Death is better then spreading death.)

The injuries that leave no pain are the most dangerous of their kind. (They have no visual warning, and hit like a train when you finally notice.)


Why do you think countries where pedophilia is legal are all so fucking violent in general?

Ok, well you just go write your violent rape foalcon fic and I'll just, y'know, not.

As far as I'm concerned, it's better to have a pleasant memory than a tramatic one.

EDIT: do you even think about what you say, or are you really unable to discern reality from fiction? You would rather someone be traumatized for life and unable to live a normal life, instead of simply being pleasured on account of 'they may pass the idea on'?

Well, let's just take everyone who has even considered doing something amoral and just throw them off a cliff...and make humanity extinct. Good idea.

Wow. Almost as if people don't know that the author knows the fucking difference between real life and porn.

LegionofPony, you do know the difference between the two, right?

Yes, this is a fiction involving magic, technicolor talking ponies with wings and horns. This is not real, and I do not condone this in reality even in the slightest, as I've now said at least 4 times.

To those who are complain about this fic why are you here?
If you don't like go on and ignore but coming here and complaining ain't gonna change anything. Rule34 exsist people and fics like this grow up.

8631018 I'm here to bitch about my feelings and contribute nothing to the discourse. Do I need to sign in anywhe—

Sees comments.

Oh, boy, did I miss a show.

How deliciously contraversial.












I just wanted to thank these people and all others for enjoying the story, as well as any others I may have missed in the shitshow of moral crusaders and etc. this comments section has become.


I thank you for backing up what I was saying about this not being against the rules nor illegal, and for the encouragement to continue writing.

Are you going to write any more to this story or not?

Why was I added in this post? I was just telling Puss what stuff has started banning lolicon, bruh I added this to my favorites for a reason xD

This was a good read, I hope you write a bonus chapter to see what happened with Sunburst

Aside from that, good fic

naaa. probably go the way of cadence being HUGE nypho and shining being a slut :P sounds like one of those storys :P

We have the suspect in sight, he appears to have stopped his car on the left hand side of the road, over

You are clear to engage, over

Copy that, over

Prepare to engage



Yeah, it felt like a to be continued scene at the end.

Well, I can safely say that I'm glad I left this fandom.

We are glad you left too, thanks.

I understand it's not real but it's still fucking creepy.

It's shit like this that made me leave.

You're response only further cements my feelings about the community.

Can I just say that I love this story?
It's fantastic in essentially every way, but one:
- The characterisation and tempo are both excellently done; sure, Flurry doesn't have much of a personality beyond 'baby girl' in the show, but I can easily see her being like this. As for Sunburst, he has always been the typical 'lone nerd', and thus him being quite knowledgeable about different topics, and having to steal an arousal-stained carpet for self-fulfilment, both make sense. The tempo is really well done, as it didn't seem rushed or too slow whatsoever; the pace, at least to me, felt really natural.
- The actual events that take place all receive the right amount of description, and (going with the aforementioned pacing) don't go on for too long; we spent a bit of time reading why Cadence and Shining were absent, and how Sunburst and Flurry got into this situation (her unintentionally blue-balling Sunburst one night, then the bath incident, then her being so typically foalishly-curious).

However, if this really is a 'Completed' story, then we don't know how Cadence and Shining reacted to finding out Sunburst 'deflowered' their daughter; this is the only drawback, the only negative, I can really see. Sure, I'd imagine they wouldn't be too pleased, but Sunburst did do everything in his power to prevent it from occurring; it was Flurry's curiosity and insistence that led to this.

Oh, and I also love reading foalcon. Yes, reading. Not doing. There's a pretty massive difference between reading something, and doing something, you Progressive PC crowd. I could read about nuclear bombs, genocide or misogyny, but that doesn't mean I'm going to build nukes or go out and kill a bunch of women. Seriously. Only the truely deranged do that.
Point is, my reading something to masturbate in the privacy of my own bedroom doesn't hurt anyone. At all. What's the harm in something that literally does not harm anyone in the slightest? So go foalcon.








Yeah...sorry about that leading ending. I don't think this story will continue given the huge amount of (rather unwarranted, might I add) negative response it got (again, it's not the only, nor the worse foalcon story on the site in the least). The commissioner and I were actually considering a sequel prior to the story's release, hence the cliffhanger ending that stupid me forgot to remove forgot to remove prior to publishing it knowing there wouldn't likely be a sequel. I'd remove it now, but wouldn't make much sense now that it's already been read by over a thousand people, leaving them in suspense.

Feel free to make up your own ending according to your morals I suppose. Maybe one day in the future when things cool down I might put up a divergent ending or two, but it'll be a while after all the shit that went down.

Also, 8634735 , thank you for posting the first well-thought-out review that wasn't blind hate or a simply 'I liked it' in my story's existence. Kudos to you sir.

Ok I can understand what it is that you're saying. Just to bad there are so many judgmental asses out there. Personally I always like to think there is a group of people who go around looking for certain types of stories, don't read them and instead bash the ever living hell out of them because they only think their opinions matter. In the end I wouldn't worry about this in the long run.


Feel free to leave again. From this page.

What you have to say has already been said at least twice, so please spare us all.

I think the ending will satisfy most readers that find this story disturbing, we received a foalcon story, that was accepted by foalcon fans and they are happy. Nothing wrong here as long as it is fiction and not some role play material.

The ending at least would mitigate the tensions with the very moral and Christian readers that do not approve of this. I don't like these types of stories, this doesn't mean I dislike them right away, I look at the story not what it is about. So please understand, I'm not one of those who dislike because they see, idk Rarity x Discord stories for some reason.

I personally think that this story is a success and a good porno story, the only thing that troubled me is that we had a foal Flurry Heart and not at least a sixteen-year-old, then we could think of an excuse that you looked at the middle-ages, or maybe somewhere further in time where things like that happened. But as mentioned earlier, I just felt that way and didn't look at it while considering giving it a fav or a like.

I'm very sorry if I insulted your feelings by breaking the very beatiful and easy to learn English language. Have a good day...

Great story, all I have to say is Sun is fucked when shining and cadence get there. His only saving grace is going to be Flurry.

Bunch of people bitching about this fic saying is the worst because is foalcon etc, when they don’t know shit about what is the worst

There’s a fic where Flurry gets raped by Shining armor (because he doesn’t want to be a father anymore) and a bunch of guards, Cadence gets all her limbs, horn and wings broken (both died I guess) by Shining and that’s just starting because he’s going after Twilight too, but I don’t know the rest because i stopped reading after the first chapter it was too much

Ps: LegionofPony, I’ve read a lot of Flurry fics involving explicit content and so far this is the most that I’ve enjoyed, don’t listen to them they don’t know shit about what is the worst

Why do you care what any one has to say in terms of the story content at all? criticism yeah I understand. But this comment section has been gold and a half due to people idiotically thinking their opinion on foalcon is the right one.

Listen to me. If I were you. I'd absorb the criticism to get better at your stories and ignore the opinions of the Howler Monkies. It's the internet. Who cares about the rep you have within this fandom? it's fucking horses, man. And besides, you have fans who do approve of this stuff. focus on them, because let's face it: In the grand scheme of things. Bitches gonna bitch about any "degeneracy" they see.

8629809 I was defending the author?

Derpibooru has a large userbase. People who like fan fiction are the minority of all the things bronies produce, so what is popular here doesn't exactly equate elsewhere. I learned that the hard way because you can go around and start asking people about it. Most people stick to art or music.

But three thousand views? Almost 300 likes and almost 200 dislikes? These aren't high numbers when you consider that tens of millions of views are on videos on YouTube for MLP videos. Some content creators still get hundreds of thousands for MLP related materials.

We have one story that matches up to that number, and it makes sense. My Little Dashie is what put fan fiction on the map for many people, quality of the writing notwithstanding. Perspective is reslly necessary when you consider popularity on this site because this is a very small little hub in all reality.

DAAAMN, so detailed...bravo!!!

God, it's like comparing shit and shit, dude. We literally already went through the exact same scenario if you're American. Two shit candidates, and everyone wants to say, "Well, at least one isn't as bad as the other!" The same logic applies here.

They are both shit, and we would have been better off without both of them, so don't try to validate one over the other.

However, just like my real life comparison, people shouldn't complain so much about it because it becomes ridiculous after a while. In this case, nothing illegal is being done, and no rules are being broken here. People honestly should move on . . .

But as I have already said once, you guys attempting to defend this behavior and the author shouldn't and should stop just as much as the whiners.

*Sees the names of Flurry and Sunburst, the "Sex" tag and the like to dislike ratio*

Me: OK, there is most likely some morale war going on again between the haters of this kind of fics and the rest.

*Reads through the entire comment section*

... :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

It is always strange how people forget the existence of Rule 34. It's fiction, there is no crime commited. :facehoof:

As Celestia once said: "Spike, there is no wrong way to fantasize." :trollestia:

Now I want to know what happens next. i would love to see those two eventually married. <3

It's pretty sad you had to put that huge disclaimer in the description. It is weird too. I don't remember anyone accusing me of pedophilia, but I suppose they were too busy accusing me of being a psychopath.

Don't put any credit to what they say though. People too stupid to distinguish fantasy from reality are not worth your time or grief.

it is a well-written story. I would love to see an epilogue.

He's dead. Or a statue.











I thank you all for the kind words and the support, and for actually liking the story.

Now I will review your story.

Despite what the comments of Numb Lava might imply, I'm not completely opposed to foalcon, although I tend to look more for emotional cues than sexual ones because the idea of fucking children doesn't interest me all that much. There are three basic ways that people write foalcon on this site.

The first, and my preferred method to read, is to write it from the perspective of victimization. I'd consider something like the Tarnished Silver series to be an excellent depiction of that sort of thing because it accurately captures the bizarre and traumatizing love-hate nature of the experience. Faithful also fell into this category. I think these are by far the important ones, personally, and correspondingly they're the least common, because I don't think the serious ones are written so much to be sexual as to be cathartic.

The second is to write it as childhood exploration between two friends. Most of those are, frankly, awful heaps of tasteless pornography which make me regret having signed up for this website, but once in a while there's one which goes beyond categorizing the author's fetishes and tells an actual story in which the characters are relatively on-point and not saturated with fantasy bullshit. Try, I don't know, Dominant Ideal, or something. I don't find many of these worth reading, and I doubt anyone will unless they're specifically attracted to the idea of children/foals fucking each other, but once in a while there's an actual legitimate romance to go along with it, and in those the sex is typically more of the awkward adolescent type--that's usually when there's a real story being told, since the author might actually have a point beyond smut.

Last, we have the type where an underage character enters into a """"consensual"""" relationship with an adult character. This is the category Sunburst's Flurried Heart falls into, and is by far the most common story type. Pedophiles generally prefer to fantasize that what they are doing to the child is love; that they are loving them and making them feel good in spite of the obvious damage it truly does. A frequent theme is that the child, despite not understanding sex and having to be taught about it by the pedophile, subconsciously """"wants"""" it to happen and inadvertently seduces them. They then fall in love despite the repressive wishes of society. Happily ever after the end.

This is my least favorite type of foalcon (I do not like it, Sam I Am) because it's pure pornographic garbage fantasy about foal fucking that has no connection to reality and no redeeming factors. It is the same kind of thing that likely went through the head of the person who destroyed my life years ago. I mean, it's just fantasy, but I do get a bit uncomfortable reading it. I'm sure most people do, too. The ability to see any of this as something other than an awkward glance into the mind of a repressed pedophile is somewhat beyond me.

Reading the story itself, though, regardless of my personal feelings on the matter... I see nothing to differentiate it from the standard fare of this sort. It isn't nearly as offensive as it was made out to be. Or, rather, it is, as it's about someone molesting a toddler, but I've been on the internet far too long to be outraged by something like that. This isn't new.

Which, of course, means I shall just fuck off my own way. I shall not be upvoting or downvoting you. I do want to say one thing, though:


The fact that you wrote a story containing just about every pedo fantasy trope ever (see above) makes me strongly inclined to disagree with that sentiment.

However, you do you.


I didn't say I liked the story. I think it's reasonably well-written, but the it's generic fap-fare that just happens to be more triggering than most. The responses you got were entirely normal for something like this. All I said, basically, is that you should chill out and realize that getting mad doesn't change anything.


...because it's pure pornographic garbage fantasy about foal fucking that has no connection to reality and no redeeming factors.

I donno about that. Clearly over 300 people liked it, and at least a thousand who added it to a bookshelf (whether favorites or otherwise), added it for a reason. That's not to mention the others who likely read it, liked it, and simply didn't like or fave it either. Personally, the commissioner and I thought I wrote it very well, but that may just be personal bias.

The fact that you wrote a story containing just about every pedo fantasy trope ever (see above) makes me strongly inclined to disagree with that sentiment [that I am not a disgusting pedo]. However, you do you.

...an awkward glance into the mind of a repressed pedophile...

...as it's about someone molesting a toddler...

No, I have no interest in fucking little kids. Despite what every hater of this story may think, I'm simply very good at getting into the psychology of a character. People depict serial killers in murder mysteries all the time. Does that mean that they are a serial killer? No. Does me depicting a character as a pedo make me a pedo? No. It's all about the mental disconnect and being able to tell fantasy from reality. I can do that.

Also, the age of the foal is never stated. If you read her as a toddler, that's on you and your interpretation of the story.

It is the same kind of thing that likely went through the head of the person who destroyed my life years ago.

And there it is. Just like everyone else, you're taking this story WAY too personally, as though I'm personally attacking anyone who's ever been sexually abused simply by depicting it in a more positive light in a different society that isn't even human and likely have different rules about it. There's a reason it's about little horses, not little boys or girls. Because the latter is totally disgusting.

The first, and my preferred method to read, is to write it [adult on youth stories] from the perspective of victimization.

So you like reading about little foals being sexually abused and raped by adults. I think you're more fucked up than me.

All this begs the question; why are you here and not reading something inoffensive to you?

This is controversial as fuck and with all due respect it’s kinda... https://youtu.be/yYYwQrKhnDQ

I cant believe people are still coming on here and bashing the author for writing this. Especially considering there are many more stories about this kind of stuff and have not nearly received the same level of scrutiny. So I will try to help clear this up a bit *Ahem*
1: If you believe this story is a personal representation of you or someone you know you are dumb. End of discussion.
2: If you call someone a pedophile because they write this kinda of stuff you are dumb. That argument would also mean that people that write self inserts where they become multi-dick sex gods makes that person a multi-dick sex god.
3: There is a very large likely hood that 60% of the downvotes are collection of friends or people on FiM in a group that got together to simply downvote the story because reasons.

Here is what you should do if this kind of writing upsets you. Get up, walk outside, and get some ice cream. The author tagged the story very literally and even gave you trigger warnings, which is FAR MORE than i would have done, the only person you have to blame for your hurt feelings is yourself for ignoring his warning and reading it.

Great job, man! Good stuff. I really liked just how horse-like all the characters were. Really, sometimes it seems like people are writing about small horse shaped humans instead of ponies.

8636044 Yeah, this about sums up my opinions, as I've stated them many times. Amazing how many people don't understand the concept of 'if you don't like the tags, don't read it.'

8636077 Yeah, I like having my ponies being equine-like instead of human-like. I mean, they can speak, but humans and ponies are way different physiologically and instinctively than humans, have a much higher reliance on smell and such, and are more sensitive to touch and stimulus in different ways too.

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