• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 6,665 Views, 30 Comments

Dash's Imprisonment - Kaidan

Dash has been sentenced to 15 years in a maximum security facility for a crime she committed, but the bondage methods use to store prisoners may soon have her wishing she'd been exiled instead.

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Comments ( 23 )

Hey, you're still here

As much as I like the detail of this story your sadly getting a dislike from me. The theme and detail of the writing is excellent but the overall lore of this story where "ponies over minor crimes get life sentances" seems a little harsh. I find that as an abuse of power in government and I understand tgat the therapy costs is high for this but I would agree with the ponies affected by this that the treatment is "cruel and unusual" and should not be used. I was hoping that maybe Celestia would've let all the prisoners or even just Rainbow go. But Supreme court giving life imprisonment? I believe that is abuse of power and that their government is slowly turning to a communist country. I know you probably won't read this but could you please do a alternative ending to this or even have this resolved where the government realizes their mistake with even having the damned hell of a place called prision. Happy ending? No. Hell no. Hell fucking no!
Dislike from me but still a nice story

Comment posted by Dreadknight garen deleted Jun 24th, 2017

Ikr! I feel like the plot "twist" is just a convenient excuse to turn this into a sadfic

This is a really shoddily written story. The anthro tag is not a free pass to forget if your characters are humanoid or pony-shaped, although with the dismal description and narrative it is hard to say it matters which is intended.

This honestly reads like you skimmed an encasement fetish board and did a find-replace to put Dash's name in.



Just to let you guys know. I'm actually writing a sequel to this that has a better ending than this. I won't spoil much but all I'll say is you actually think I would spoil it? Nope but it will have RD set free. Won't say how but I thought how it could fit into this one


It's just a seriously poorly considered narrative. I mean, before we even get to having no idea -why- Dash is here, we've got a whole plethora of story elements that make no sense but are never explained.

Start with the assumed abuse of the prisoners by the guards, that is apparently not only tolerated but condoned. Then, they somehow didn't do any testing on the results of long-term sensory deprivation before deciding this was a good way to deal with criminals, yet have almost 100,000 of them locked away in this facility some 5 miles below the surface. ( Just as an idle note, that's deeper than the Earth's crust is thick in some of the oceanic regions.) The narration later explains that the courts approved the procedures as being reversible, which implies that they were tested, but they somehow missed the whole part where even relatively short term full sensory deprivation causes full on psychotic breaks until just before Dash is due to be released, 15 years after the start of the story? Hell, the whole thing with the branding to make people aware of the sentence when she gets out is predicated on people actually having gotten out for it to matter at all.

Then their response, as careful and just guardians of the law, is apparently to leave their prisoners in sensory deprivation until their natural deaths over the next century and a quarter? I mean, if we assume Dash is under 30, and serves 15 years, by the story's logic they left her in there for at least 103 years after her sentence was up. Are you seriously going to try to tell me that they couldn't come up with another idea in a century, and just kind of washed their hands of it but couldn't be bothered to kill the prisoners and stop spending resources on their life support?

Blech. Just chasing the plot holes in this wretched thing is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

I do agree with you on that. The fact that they do this in the first place is beyond fucked up. And the whole life imprisonment thing? That literally means "break a crime and end up being fucked and blue balled or denied orgasm till you die." That literally goes on the border of communism and dictatorship. I mean back in World War 2 German troops took people cause of their religion and straight up kill them. And this shows that government controlling physicality everything will never work. Maybe they should just lock Celestia up like Dash and see how it is.


Hell, ignore the politics, it's just an absurdly shallow framing story around the description of the torture that I'm sure the author spent about two minutes coming up with while washing their hands after writing the fetish parts.

All supposedly in a setting where Discord, Luna, and the entire Crystal Pony race have at one point or another spent at least a thousand years in some form of abeyance or another and been mostly fine after.

I don't know and really think that what happened im this story is just fucking terrible. Bit other news my story is about to go into moderation hopefully to be uploaded soon.

Love you, Kaiden. Don't ever change. I probably would have been happier with more exposition, but I'd also be happier with another pecker instead of balls. Doesn't mean I should get what I want.
So thanks for that.


I am in agreement with this, and will also downvote. The story's ending seems contrived just for the "Sad" tag.

Really glad you're back to writing. sadly, this one isn't very good, wish there was more exposition, especially into what dash did specifically. but at least you're writing again.

Unlike most of the readers, the why does not matter for me, however I dislike the shaving, everything else was awesome.
Also wish we had a different character imprissioned like this like Spitfire, Lightning dust or fleetfoot instead of rainbow dash.
Also how long do you think rainbow dash lived for after this? Did she last until it's decommission/closing or did she die of age/other like 20 years later

This very chapter says she died of old age in her "Cell" at the age of 148.

Fantastic story. Brutal and dark. Keep up the good work!

must have missed that, or thought it was another prisoner. my bad

While other comments on this are - to severely understate it - rather harsh, I will agree that this feels a bit lacking.
Now, I get it's just a quick fetish fic, and it's very well written and detailed in its descriptions. But, as I'm sure is a case-by-case & opinion-based issue, this feels like some quick little shallow thing someone would keep in the depths of their computer for when they're alone in the middle of the night. Not trying to shame, I'm just pointing it out for the sake of critique.
So, if the original author is still paying attention to the comments here, I'd advise a bit more set-up as to the "why" rather than the "what". At least when posting these things publicly. If you help the reader understand the things you do, the reader may be more receptive of the results.

Rinse my eyes and tell me what I just read about myself? 'cause it's EXTRA HERETICAL!
Sisters-empresses Celestia and Luna protects me.

I really liked this story up until Dash was stored away, with all the lack of control (although it was a bit silly I thought they left the room during her waste expungement). After that, it became some boring insanity thing.

Is Dash going to be able to see her friends again? Are they going to see how she is? That’s what should be next.

Well, that ending was disappointing.

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