• Member Since 17th Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 5th, 2022


Si vis pacem para bellum

Comments ( 140 )

I think you need to improve your...everything, to be honest.

This is going to be good!

8175903 Grammar, the way characters speak, sometimes you don't capitalize speech, quite a few spelling errors etc.

8175912 Well, as minor as it is. I'll be sure to fix it. Thanks for the tip.

This story has potential, I'll put this in my To-Read-Later list.

8175914 I think you've also fallen into the trap of way too many tags. Maybe limit the tags to what the story you have in mind is mainly about, instead of that mess

8175926 well, the tags are for future chapters, just need to be patient mate

8175929 Yes, but not now, I'm going to build it up

Dude, such a great idea, please, keep working on this.

8176100 I will, and on the way, if I happen to make any mistakes, comment down what it is and I'll be happy to fix it.

Good story. Also nice to see a story relating to WW1 and The German Empire.

8176140 yeah, there's little to no stories about WWI, so I thought to myself, 'why not?'.

"Fuck me, this is not good!", I turned to run back in, but as I reached the door, everything had turned black and was in complete silence.

:rainbowlaugh: yep not Fucking good

Now this is going to be good. So...Very...GOOD...

"halt"! My captain shouted, "Du schlägst ins deutsche Territorium ein, zieh dich nicht um, sonst wirst du niedergeschlagen"!

ok, Was? :facehoof:

I walked up right behind the captain, "do you all speak English"?

They nodded and one to them walked up, most likely the leader, "yes! Don't hurt us with whatever those things are"!

My problem here is that they recognize the word "English" when they shouldn't have.

The leader cleared his throat, "our princess, named Celestia sent us here to scout a new large plot of land that had mysteriously appeared by us and made our continent even bigger than it was previously and had us out here to confirm that you all were not hostile".

My problem here is they carelessly told potential enemies the name of their own ruler.

Other than that, you have some grammatical errors. I'm not German nor do I know German, but I'm willing to be your editor. Just PM me if you're interested.

please learn some german parts of it in this chapter are really bad

8176854 they're going to get knocked down by the guns dude.

8176865 I'll be sure to fix that, give me a sec... and there.. all good.

8176870 sorry, I'm still learning, but I'll be sure to fix it. There, let me know if it's any better.

8176881 if you ever need help just message me or something


i know, but as a german, what you wrote simply didn't make sense :applejackunsure:

I rubbed my cheek and pondered what the next move shall be. Are the allies breaking the truce and attacking? No, it couldn't be, there's no one here. But how has the weather dramatically changed so quick.

Really the allies are breaking the truce because of the change of weather? I don't think so.. but good story so far.

8177155 do you think he used google translate?


quite possibly, that explains why it sounds like they shouldn't change their clothes :rainbowlaugh:

"Halt, du gehst in das deutsche Territorium, zieh deine Waffen, oder wir werden feuern"

now it sounds even sillier :rainbowlaugh: :trollestia:

better would be

Halt, ihr betretet das deutsche Territorium, legt eure Waffen nieder, oder wir werden feuern!

AT least now it makes sense

8177226 man if there are three languages i just would love to learn, it would be Japanese, German, and English.

Without the harsh treaty Germany will prosper once again like it always has. In this scenario conflict will be inevitable but it wont be started by germany but another country afraid of the change in the balance of power. First off, Germany was not really the aggressor in the war, he had no choice because helping Austria-Hungary in her war with Serbia prompted them to war with Russia whom was allied with france. So, with war on multiple front they acted like napoleon would do and gone for the offensive.

Here, we might see a triving Germany like today, that heavily influences the countries near him, in this case more so because of their machinery and german engineering and science. They had plans for an early concept of a jet engine.

But as I said, a country suddenly appearing that is vastlly superior in technology and, soon, economy will be the cause of a fear fueled war to those who would like to hold onto power. In this case, the Griffins. I think.

For the story, I think it has an interesting premise. It's missing something but I still can't put my finger on it so I'll save that for later. For the introduction of Equestria and the Griffins things could have been better. I do like to see more of this, see where it would go. :twilightsmile:

8179072 damn, I've never met anyone that knew his history better than me. I know my history too, but you know exactly what kind of conflict would occur. I'm fucking impressed:pinkiehappy:

8179245 I like European history. So many Ideals, myths, and wars one can only see through so much perspective from different sides with different stories.

8179894 I do too. I like to study the world wars during my free time

8179899 there are a lot of interesting ones from the days of the roman empire too. History is like a big book, really.

So Germany got transported after the armistice of compiegne?

At this point Wilhelm II had left Germany for Spa in Belgium.
And a most of germanys armed forces were deployed in France or the eastern front and outside of german borders so they would have been left behind.

8182987 wilhelm the 2 was till his death in the netherlands not belgium

i hope they either go an independant route or side with the griffons

8183046 the timeline takes place just before Germany had a chance to sign the armistice; The Treaty of Compeigne

8183521 I try my best to get back to everyone in the comments. I'm glad you enjoy the story

Extraterrestrial, abnormal, something that is out of the ordinary. Away from the norm. Humans are a fearful race, surely the trained soldiers would be able to operate through training, discipline, and protocols but the masses would be terrified. And terrified humans are dangerous, they lash out, protest! I don't know about the others but the masses won't take easy on the horses and griffin things. They might call for restrictions, segregation, or even isolation just to keep the normal life as sane as they know what it is. So the chances of Germany allying with any country would either be simply through trade and that's it. Anything more should have a good reason because chances of the people going against an unknown alien, nonhuman, neighbours would be certainly be morelikely.

Remember the old times, and sometimes, the unkown is always called a monster. And, humans don't like monsters.


Wilhelm was at the Imperial Army headquarters in Spa, Belgium, when the uprisings in Berlin and other centres took him by surprise in late 1918.

Versailles was a peace treaty not an armistice.
The armistice stopped fighting at the West and southern fronts.
Versailles ordered the europe anew.

The Armistice of compiegne was signed on 11 November 1918.
The Treaty of Versailles was signed on 28 June 1919.

This is important because for an example the germany navy sunk itself on 21 June 1919 in Scapa Flow.

8183643 "the timeline takes place just before Germany had a chance to sign the armistice; The Treaty of Compeigne". What are you talking about?

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