• Member Since 22nd Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen February 15th


The name is Daniel Hernandez, I remember it so YOU don't have to! I got into this stuff in September of 2013. MLP: FiM is the best show ever made!

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A story idea · 10:17pm Jul 24th, 2015

Only six stories have been posted for Mafia Octavia. ONLY SIX! I intend to correct that. What would you say if I wanted to make one featuring two humans from 1920's Earth and eventually run into Octavia. Would you agree or not? Would you like to help me write said story? Leave your thoughts about it down below.

Report ThatBronywithAutism · 239 views ·
Comments ( 35 )
  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35

I have severe adhd almost autism but thi shall be my friend and please continue the story and add lots of humvees and hueys

1993736 Yay!:yay: Have a song my friend!

1993720 Why can't we be friends? Why can't we be friends? I think we can be friends!

Let us be friends:eeyup:
I wish you a good day!

  • Viewing 31 - 35 of 35
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A story idea · 10:17pm Jul 24th, 2015

Only six stories have been posted for Mafia Octavia. ONLY SIX! I intend to correct that. What would you say if I wanted to make one featuring two humans from 1920's Earth and eventually run into Octavia. Would you agree or not? Would you like to help me write said story? Leave your thoughts about it down below.

Report ThatBronywithAutism · 239 views ·

