The New German Empire

by Sturmtruppen

First published

With Germany suffering defeat of The Great War; the whole nation is suddenly ripped off the face of the world and thrown into a new one. How will Equis react to a huge, industrial, Empire. Will Germany seek peace, or will they start another war?

With Germany suffering a humiliating defeat after The Great War, the whole nation is then mysteriously ripped off of the face of the Earth. The country is then thrown in as a large portion of land into a whole other world. How will the neighboring nations come to deal with a nation that is way more technologically advanced, industrialized, and with a larger army and weapons compared to the latter. Suspicion and desperation for allies and more land and oil as the Germans introduce their greatest all-purpose inventions, cars and machinery alike. Who will Germany side with? Who will be the one to fire the first shot? 'Bellum omnium contra omnes'

Prologue: The Armistice

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"Hans, come on, we're nearly home!", I ran toward my friend Karl as he waiting for me to finish unloading so I could get into the cart and we could go home.

I looked down upon my rifle one last time and gently set it down on the crates, "Relax Karl, I'm done". I hopped into the cart and the horses whinnied as we got a move on. Germany had surrendered to the allies, rendering us crippled against a most likely unfair treaty. I was mad of course at the fact that we lost, but at the same time I feel relieved to finally be home with family.

Karl could tell I was deep in thought and nudged my shoulder, "Hans, are you ok"?

I stayed for a moment but decided to answer him so he wouldn't worry, "yeah, it's just that... well...we lost". And I'm pretty sure everyother German is upset that we are going to be giving up pieces of our land, they'll be minimizing our military and restricting our militaristic rights.

"Ja, I get it, we've been fighting for four years in the trenches and we have to live with the fact that we still lost, despite how hard we fought", he patted me on the back and reached down into his tunic and pulled out a photo. He brought his arm as to where we could both get a good view. In black and white was his soon-to-be bride. I remembered, he proposed to her before we shipped out.

"You're going to get married buddy, don't worry about anything else", I said staring out into the nearby forest.

"You know, you never told me who you looked forward to coming home", he stayed out of the blue.

But I didn't mind relying, "yeah, I do. I jaunt didn't think I should've said it at the time".

"Well, who is it?", he asked.

"It's my mother, I'm an only son and I turned 18 just before the kaiser declared war and I enlisted out of pride". He nodded and I kept going, "I don't have anyone important like a woman, no siblings and my father left me before I was born".

He smiled out of pity and I returned as to not seem rude, "I can see that your move was important to you".

I nodded, "the only family I have". Karl has been my friend since I first enlisted and in those trenches, out at No Man's Land, and even near Amiens. We saved each other's lives more than once and we've become close friends as a result. And it turns out, he lives in the same town as me, so we'd still be in touch after the war. But I'm just exhausted, I need to sleep in a bed, and not on the damn rat-infested mud.

"Das ist dein halt Viel Glück und vielen Dank für Ihre Dienste", I nodded at the driver and we both hopped at the main gate to the city of Berlin.

"Vuelen Dank", I replied to the driver as we walked off into town hall where we met a lot of stares. Not the bad shunning kind of staring. It was more like the type of staring you give someone when they've been through hell. I took at Karl and at myself and could see that we were still covered in mud, I felt dried blood on my forehead and Karl had blood stains on his tunic. It wasn't his, I remember, a Brit tackled him and he quickly brought out a knife and repeatedly stabbed him, getting his blood all over him. That war was a huge fucking mess.

We turned down a street and I saw something I never thought I would ever see when I saw the horrors of war. My mother sitting on our bench out at the porch. Knitting to pass time like she always does (even though she's always complaining about it), I ran full speed and nearly tripped on a curb.

My mother looked up, wideeyed, jaw agape and got up from the bench to get a good look at me. I stopped at the steps and panted, not moving at all.

"Hans?", she asked, nearly breaking down and giving me a tight embrace. "Is it really you"? She cried into my shoulder as I held her.

"Yeah...I'm home, it's ok", she nodded and saw Karl walking up behind me.

"Who's that?", she asked as she let go of me.

"That's Karl, he saved my life multiple times at the front lines and I saved his, turns out that we both lived in he same town", I replied.

"It's lovely to meet you miss", he said extending out his hand.

She took it and gently shook, "come inside boys I've got some coffee ready".

He nodded, "I would love some coffee".

I walked in and showed him the way as my mother called out from the kitchen, "you know Hans, I just love it that you decided to teach me English when you graduated". It's true, I taught my mother and Karl was also a graduate from a similar school. Before the war, I had hoped to learn English so I could own a business with the background of my schooling in America. But as war broke out, I had to enlist so I could be a part in assisting the fatherland against our enemies. Now, I'm not even sure if the United States would even allow us in the country for a middle class kind of job that payed little.

But as she poured us our cups, I could hear some wired sound. I couldn't quite explain it other than it sounded like a whooshing sound as the Americans put it. I ran outside to make sure it wasn't anything dangerous. But as I looked up at the sky, I could see that we were surrounded in what seemed like a purple dome. It was massive, but I couldn't keep staring as the ground below us was starting to shake and the dome was getting louder.

"Fuck me, this is not good!", I turned to run back in, but as I reached the door, everything had turned black and was in complete silence.

Chapter 1: Germany meets Equis

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As I opened my eyes I could feel a huge headache arising from the back of my head. Making my attempt of getting up all the more difficult. But I managed and looked around me, our home was still here, intact, and untouched. Very strange, I could've sworn that our town was being swallowed whole by a purple dome. Not convinced that I was in the clear I started looking for Karl and my mother.

"Mutter!", I shouted. "Karl! Is anyone else here"?!

I got my answer when they came out of the living room rubbing their heads.

"What happened?", Karl asked, groaning as he rubbed his head.

"I don't know, but we need to check around us if anything has changed", I opened the front door and stepped out. What the hell is this? Everything seemed more, what's the word? Brighter than before, if that makes sense. I walked around outside and looked around for any other hint that may point out what happened. Nothing, it just seemed that he atmosphere of the weather changed to a brighter one, it was even a bit warmer than it usually is.

Meanwhile... In The German Reichstag...

"Sir!", one of my top generals Paul von Hindenburg called out to me.

"What happened here, Paul?!", I asked with a look of distress.

"I'm not sure, but one thing we've gathered is that somehow the climate Germany usually has is now warmer and brighter than the cloudier climate".

I rubbed my cheek and pondered what the next move shall be. Are the allies breaking the truce and attacking? No, it couldn't be, there's no one here. But how has the weather dramatically changed so quick.

"General Ludendorff", I said. He stood up and waited for my orders. "Send out a team of scouts at the borders of Germany and see what surrounds us".

"I'll get on it right away", he replied heading out of building.

I grabbed Paul's shoulder and whispered in his ear, "if the allies are attacking we won't be ready, we've already exhausted a lot of material in the war".

He nods, "I know that sir, but if they are attacking, I'll see to it it's stopped and dealt with".

"Take care of it swiftly and discreetly, hopefully if this is an attack it's not a whole army", I called out as he left the room. I sat back down and pondered everything as calmly as I could. Obviously the population knows something has happened, but they most likely don't know what exactly. I need to get out of here soon and calm them all down so they cannot interfere.

Meanwhile... In the Canterlot Castle...

"Shinning Armor!", I yelled as I looked through a vision portal.

He came running in as quick as lightning and took a swift halt as he saluted, "what happened princess"?

"Why has this continent extended by 540,857.54 km²", I asked.

"It has?", he asked. I motioned for him to look into the vision and he reeled back in shock. "It really has"!

"Yes, but that is not what worries me", I stated.

He raised a brow, "then what may it be"?

I paused, "there are buildings and bipedal beings similar to us roaming around with machinery more advanced than us".

"Are they hostile?", he asked with a cautious tone.

"I'm not sure, but send out a recon team to confirm", I ordered.

He saluted, "As you wish princess".

"Ans whike you're at it Captain, have Luna informed on the situation", he saluted and left. I kept looking over the massive land until I came across a huge building with a dome, must be the capital, I thought to myself as I examined it. It's very well built too.

I just hope they're friendly or at least neutral in a way that doesn't harm us. We've already had a massive war that claimed thousands of lives back when Nightmare Moon tried to take over Equis and have the night last eternally. If these new species were to try something like that again, I wouldn't t know how we'd respond. But, it's like I try to remind myself, always have a positive outlook, who knows? Maybe they'll be a huge addition to Equis and become our allies. The Gryphons have so far, not been aggressive, but that doesn't mean that they're not going to conflict with our troops sometime in the future over colonies in Saddle Arabia. Oh no! What if the Gryphons get to them first and these species side with them?

The Gryphons would have no reason not to try and overrun our colonies. I just need to hope that we reach these other worldly beings first.

The Gryphonian Empire Capital, Griffonstone...

"Sire!", my top guard came running through the doors shouting. If he's yelling in the palace, then it can't be good.

"Yes, Allen", I replied wth a slightly raised tone. "What seems to be the problem"?

He walked to me panting softly, "there had been a report from our scouts that there is a massive portion of land that has just mysteriously appeared by Equestria".

I went wide eyed and mouth shaped, "are they allies with the Equestrians"? If they are, then it would be hopeless to reconquer the colonies we've lost to them during the battles between us, Nightmare Moon, and the Yakyakistanians against Equestria. They were huge back then, but since the war ended the land was covered by a dense forest now known as the Everfree.

"No", he replied. "However, we should act swiftly and send some scouts over there as soon as possible to see if they are". I nodded and he kept going, "and if they aren't, we should take advantage of that and befriend them my liege".

"Of course!", I said with a soft grin. "Thank you for the intel Allen, rest now, you've earned it". He bowed and left the throne room. I got off of the throne and walked toward the window and peered out over Griffonstone, I've always admired this view and felt so proud of our Empire, the kings before me and our once powerful reputation which now, sadly, are just legends. One day, even if the Equestrians refuse, we will take back our colonies and make a huge name for ourselves.

Somewhere at the border of West Germany...

"Friedrich! Over here!", my captain whispered in harsh tone.

I slowly made my way to him quietly, "you see anything captain"?

He didn't turn around, he just kept looking around, "I heard heavy footsteps not too far from us, stay quiet and if they resist, don't hesitate to take them down".

He went completely prone and crawled over the slowly drying mud. Careful as to not make a lot of noise. Then as we got close enough to the point where we can get a decent look at them, we saw who it was. But we didn't know what specifically as we saw something I'm sure no one has ever saw before, a horse on two legs with certain resemblance to a man. They we're all dressed up in gold armor patrolling the area.

Idiots if you ask me, our bullets could penetrate that gold armor easily. And an even dumber move was the fact that they just waltzed into Germany liked they owned the place.

"Ready?", our captain asked as quietly as he could in a whisper tone.

We all nodded and got our rifles ready to fire, just in case. "Go!", he shouted.

We stood up and surrounded the intruders rifle raised up, "halt"! My captain shouted, "Halt, ihr betretet das deutsche Territorium, legt eure Waffen nieder, oder wir werden feuern"! They dropped their spears and swords but didn't reply, perhaps they speak another language.

I walked up right behind the captain, "do you all speak English"?

They went wide eyed and one of them walked up, most likely the leader, "We speak Equestrian, but yes! We can understand you. Don't hurt us with whatever those things are"!

I looked at the captain and he nodded, then I turned back to he captain, "why are you all here? We could've killed you four right now and that would be the end of it".

The leader reeled back, obviously he's not use to threat like this. But I ignored it and went on, "what's your business here"?

"We were sent here by our princess to scout he area", he leader replied.

"What are you doing?", one of them said. "We don't know if they're friendly or not".

I interjected, "we have no intention of conflict". They relaxed and I went on, "however, we do want to know why you would trespass onto the fatherland".

The leader cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anymore".

I relayed the answer in German to my captain and he nodded, he then told me to have their weapons out of their reach. Two of us grabbed the swords and spears and put them by us.

As this was all occurring, I couldn't help but wonder what may be in store for us from this unwelcomed meeting...

Chapter 2: The New Economic and Industrial Superpower

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As we all conversed on what our next move shall be, I couldn't help but feel like, I don't know, anxious?

"Please, we mean you no harm", the leader tried to seem friendly, but to no avail as I kept my rifle ready to fire at a moment's notice.

"Not until we deem it safe enough to release you", I replied in a monotone voice.

"I'm serious", he pleaded. "Just let us go".

I ignored it and stood guard. I'm not sure what's going on. First the dome, then climate change, and now we are being looked upon by species I've never even guessed could exist.

How can this be? Where in the actual fuck are we?

"What's the name of this planet?", I know it sounded crazy at the time, but I just had to know.

"Equis", he said as quickly as I finished asking. I kept my rifle at the ready, but I felt a slight dizziness stirring in my head but fought it off.


I kept shaking my head, it couldn't be, "No! There's no way we left our planet to a whole other one"!

He went mouth agaped, "Really? You're otherworldly beings"?

I raised the rifle, aimed at his chest, "Shut up. Until the Captain decides, we're not saying another word to each other at all".

He looked around me and grinned softly, "I guess it's a good thing he's already decided". The leader cleared his throat, "We didn't know all of this was your land, my apologies but I was just following orders".

My captain chuckled softly, "Of course! But remember, just because we follow orders blindly doesn't mean that we are innocent for any atrocities we may commit".

The leader nodded in agreement slowly and proceeded, "If you could help us get in contact with our leader, we can have all of this sorted out".

I saw him stroke his beard again as he paced slowly around the area, he came back with a poker face and walked towards the group, "How do we get in contact with your leader"?

"I can magically send out an audio message to her, telling her to come here if you'll let me without harming me", my Captain shook his head and waved over at me to come to him.

"Now how is that possible?", he asked staring right into the leader's eyes. "Magic is only in children's tales".

"Look", the leader begun. "I don't know where you're from, but here, magic exists and I could literally send out a message right now and have this all sorted out in no time".

My Captain pondered but ultimately sighed. "Schneidet ihn los aber falls er etwas versucht schiesst ihm in die beine", I smiled as I picked him up roughly and cut his restraints only for the guard to stumble and fall. "You're coming with us".

The leader groaned as he rubbed his hands and looked them over to see if anything was wrong with them.

"Well?", He asked asked. "I'm waiting".

"I'm going", the leader got up and walked in the direction we pointed for him to go. "But one question first".

We allowed it and waited for him to proceed. "Are you going to harm anypony?”

“Anypony?” I thought.

"Again, as of now, in this moment, I have no intention of any conflict as long as we don't have any problems with each other", My captain stated bluntly.

"And who would you be?", the guard asked.

"Who would you be?", he asked, right back at him.

"Ironhoof", he said trying to seem unthreatening. Wow, these people or ponies or horses or whatever they are, obviously have never encountered anything like this in awhile.

"Ironhoof", my captain repeated.

He sighed, "Where are you taking us"?

He stroked his beard for a moment before opening his mouth to speak, "Somewhere that we can question you".

The guard gulped and kept silent the rest of the way to Berlin so we may confirm the Kaiser's suspicion.

The guards just stood there for mannequins for a solid minute, but after getting annoyed I raised the rifle up, "Go! Get going"!!! They instantly sped up. Idiots...

The Griffon Scout Team,
Western German Border

"Lieutenant, did you see what happened?", Private James asked as he crawled beside me. Taking his eyes off his binoculars.

"Yes James", I said bluntly. "I did".

"What're we going to do?", John asked with a bit of worry in his voice. "Are these beings just going to attack nations".

"Unlikely", I answered. "These new players in town are most likely feeling up the area, getting a hang of how things work here. Once they know about the current global situation, they'll decide what to do then".

"So", James started. "What'll we do 'till then"?

"We'll relay a message back to the king and tell him about the current situation and see how he'll want to handle this", I replied looking back. "My guess is that he'll want to schedule a meeting like these Equestrians somehow and get on their good side". They nodded and we swiftly ascended into the sky soaring back to our glorious empire.

Berlin, Germany,
Ex. Cpl. Hans Schmidt

"So, is the weather change all that really happened?", Karl asked as he walked by me.

"I'm not sure", I said. "But I know that something just isn't right. I mean, the ground shaking, that purple dome, and the climate change, it can't be a coincidence".

He nodded understanding, "You're right, but the problem is that there's nothing else out here to find".

He then pulled me closer into the side of the road as a little boy drove past us on a bike tossing newspapers. I grabbed one and read over the title.

'Eine Neue Welt mit Intelligentem Leben'?

“What? Since when are we on a new world?” I read over the article as it stated, 'Germany has mysteriously landed onto a New World, now while it does provide benefits from not having to sign the armistice, we must learn to adapt and live in these new circumstances, but don't worry! The Kaiser has assured us that we can get through this easily'.

"I don't feel like this is the whole truth", I said unsure as I kept reading though it all. Nope, after that, it's all pretty much just the same. "But it does answer some questions, so it'll have to do for now". I didn't know why at the time, but I could just feel that this isn't the beginning of a perfect start over. Even if Germany even is on a new world. They said that the war back home would've been 'the war to end all wars', but I wonder, if they'll ever be an end to our ambition and maybe the ambition of these new beings here, for our power and desire to wreak havoc in the chaos of war.

Canterlot Castle, Equestria
Princess Celestia

As I finished writing a letter to Twilight, I kept thinking about the seriousness of the situation that had occurred. Four of my guards got captured as soon as they entered the territory of these 'humans', as they call themselves. I need to keep in mind now that I should appeal to them as friendly as I can, so as to not antagonize them. I'm sure Twilight and her friends can handle this job, they just have to make a good impression for us.

The Griffons on the other hand, have been constantly avoiding us in terms of an alliance, and the fact that they still resent us for taking their colonies during the battles of Nightmare Moon. Even though it seemed fair to me, seeing as they fought against us and not with us. Nevertheless, they are still hateful of us at times. But the thing I'm worried about is if the Griffons become allies with this new nation, that from what I've seen, is more technologically, and industrial-wise advanced, they'd eventually try and reclaim their former colonies.

But only time will tell, so until then, I'll wait and see and hope for the best...

Chapter 3: Germany's Introduction and The Solar/Lunar War

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Chapter 3: Germany’s Introduction and The Solar\Lunar War

Düsseldorf, Western Germany,
Cpl. Friedrich Schneider

"Get in the cart now!", I whispered as I put each of these pony things into the cart that would take them to the base without being seen by the public. The captain wouldn't want to be put on the spot because he wanted to be smart and careful about concealing the secret that the new species are here in German lands. That would be bad, the whole crowds would protest and so on.

I hopped in after them and kept my rifle ready for when it would be needed at a moment's notice. I kept my gaze fixated on each and everyone of these four, paying attention to small details, like how the shortest one kept fidgeting with his hands every few seconds or so, or how the tallest moved his eyes ever so slightly like me to scan the area, but always ceased when his gaze met mine. He'd retreat like a coward and look down.

If what these ponies was true, then we are completely free to restart our economy without paying off that pricey treaty. We could colonize further than before here. The possibilities are endless. The cart came to a sharp halt and the short pony nearly fell out of the cart but managed to catch himself from doing so. I let out a small chuckle as I hopped out and waved my hand out to signal them to follow. I told each of them to turn around as we cuffed each of them.

One by one, each of them walked out and we had them lined up from smallest to biggest. I then followed the captain with the prisoners in front of me so as they cannot slip away. We walked into the entrance of the Landwehrbezirk and led the prisoner down the hall.

We kept going down the hall until we came across a huge steel door and the officer guarding it.

"Halt", he said. "Where do you think you're going"?

The captain spoke up, "We have a few prisoners from the western border that we need to question for awhile".

"Does the Kaiser know about this?", he asked.

"No", my captain responded. "But tell him that the scout team he had sent out has brought back some prisoners that must be questioned".

The officer nodded and walked out to inform the Kaiser.

While we waited, I tapped my shoe softly on the floor in impatience. I've been waiting around too long, I need to do something.

The officer came back and opened the vault door. "The Kaiser will arrive shortly", he said showing us in. "In the meanwhile, I'd get to questioning". My captain nodded and I followed with the prisoners in front of me. We reached a table and I instructed them to sit, which they did obediently.

"What's going to happen to us?", the short one asked.

The captain took a seat across from them and I stood by him, keeping a sharp eye out for anything.

"Nothing", he replied. "And it'll stay that way as long as you cooperate fully with us and answer everything we ask of you".

The guard nodded and my captain looked toward the leader, "First, where are we"?

He leader took a moment, "You're in the planet Equis. More specifically, a new land that merged in with Equestria, and most likely several other countries".

"Do you have a map?", my captain asked.


"Could you point out to us where we're most likely positioned at"? He nodded and reached down into his pocket and pulled out a folded map and unfolded it, revealing several continents with names above each of them.

"This is where you're most likely positioned", he pointed at at a body of water that borders the name 'Saddle Arabia, and 'The Eaglelands'. "With your western border within a 100 miles from us at most".

The captain nodded but kept up his poker face, "Why are you telling us this so easily and freely"?

The leader sighed, "I'm scared of you lot and I'd rather not find out what your weapons can do, not to mention I'd gain nothing and won't be freed at all if I don't cooperate".

That was good enough and my captain moved on, "So we touch this island here right"? He pointed at the small island that was in The Eaglelands and he nodded. "And the south here"? The leader nodded when he was shown the northeastern border of Saddle Arabia. "And we're barely touching you here"? He pointed at the western border of Germany and the leader nodded again.

"Ok", my captain said with a small grin. "That'll be enough for now, at least until the Kaiser gets here"

It hit tensely quiet and the leader gulped quietly and fixed his collar. "Relax Soldaten", my captain pulled out a cigarette and handed it out to him, which he gladly accepted.

"Ironhoof was it?", the leader nodded and he leaned into the struck match and took a slow drag.

Ironhoof exhaled smoke and sighed, "Thank you, that's better".

"Looked like you needed it".

The door opened and in came the door guard and the Kaiser himself, I stood attentively and when he told me to stand on guard again, I did so and listened in on the interrogation.

"So you're the reason Germany has a warmer climate and the purple dome that surrounded us?", his voice and the way he sat scared them slightly but hey cleared their throats.

"No", Ironhoof said nervously. "We just came to see what kind of new land had landed here near us, that's all".

The Kaiser nodded, "But you could've sent over diplomats".

"Our leader didn't want to risk the chance that you lot may be dangerous".

"Understandable", he replied.

"Kaiser Wilhelm", my captain said. "We've already found out from these pony horse species that we've landed near three countries".

"Where?", the Kaiser asked.

My captain pointed out on a map 'The Eaglelands', 'Saddle Arabia', and 'Equestria'. And explained exactly where we're guessing we're bordering them at.

The Kaiser nodded and sat forward, "With nothing of the hostilities being shown from you four I've decided that we'll soon release you. Not now, but soon".

Ironhoof nodded but spoke up, "How long would that be Kaiser"?

He pondered but answered relatively quickly, "A few days at most". He stood up and started to walk out of the room but stopped at the doorway, "We need to make sure that your country doesn't have any kind of conflicts with us before we release you, otherwise it wouldn't be very smart, but you have my word that when you leave, you won't be harmed".

Ironhoof sighed and the Kaiser walked out with his guard following close by, but as he left we could hear scuffling outside and distant conversations, all sounded anxious.

My Kaiser, there are horses on two legs and they walking around waving a white flag", one voice said.

"Are they here on diplomatic reasons?", the Kaiser's voice said.

"We're not sure but they do request an audience to hear them out and to return their troops", the voice from before replied.

"Well let's not keep them waiting", the Kaiser's voice replied. "Have Ludendorff send out our nearest Captain near the northwestern border".

"Yes sir".

The door was then shut and we were left to guard the team of horses that sat before us for God knows how long now.

Northwestern German border,
Cpt. Hermann Müller

As I approached the area the scouts sent me, I could catch a glimpse of maybe four to six persons ahead of me. Of course, in an anthropomorphic form, but nevertheless, I'm sent here to discuss political means of a possible neutral resolution to the major misunderstandings of both us and these horses.

I rode on horseback and had her make a sharp halt before the diplomats with a few of my fellow officers. My horse whinnied and I got off and approached them in a calm manner.

"Are you the diplomats I’ve heard about?", I asked extending my hand out to them.

The purple one was staring behind me shocked and I chuckled a bit and decided to answer her unspoken question.

"No, she's not as sapient as you six are I'm afraid", they relaxed and I went on. "But the question still remains, are you the diplomats"?

The purple one finally managed to get a word out, "Y-Yes".

She seemed very nervous, if I didn't know better, I'd say she was beyond nervous. Her hand was shaking, but she took mine and we shook.

"Are you you the ambassadors we asked for"?

I nodded, "Indeed".

I looked around and studied the others. One had a purple mane with a white coat, the other with an orange coat and blonde mane. I noticed the sky blue staring at me with caution, she had a rainbow mane, very peculiar. I've already seen the purple one, purple coat with an even darker shade with a touch of pink for her mane. The last two were very questionable in my opinion to be candidates in a diplomatic position. The pink one, and she was pink all over, was very energetic and kept smiling the whole time.

Meanwhile one with a pink mane and yellow fur seemed to try her absolute hardest to avoid being seen. A shy one no doubt.

I've also noticed something else about this particular group. They were all women, now while I don't have a problem with that, it's almost rare back home to see a whole group of women show up for negotiations. I chuckled a bit on the inside.

You don't see this everyday.

The purple one spoke up, "We've been sent by our country's representative to start peace talks to have our troops return safely to us".

I nodded, "I thought so".

"What will it take to have them brought back safely?", The white coated one asked politely. Very posh, reminded me of the women back in England from one of my visits.

"Until we've gathered enough information on them as to why they are here", I replied with a plain tone. “And to have a meeting scheduled with our Kaiser and your Leader.

"I'm sorry", the purple one said. "I think we've got off on the wrong hand. My name is Twilight Sparkle and you are...".

"Captain Müller".

"Well Captain Müller, I'm sure we can work things out, what would be most favorable for your nation to release our troops back to us?", I stroked my cheek and thought about it, then I came up with a solution.

"We want to never have any kind of trespassing and we want to establish our businesses here since we are on a whole new world", I started it off with something reasonable, as anyone should and they waited for me to proceed. "We also want to remain a peaceful nation so violence is out of the question, as long as those terms are met, we won't have to worry about this anymore and they will be released by the end of tomorrow".

They were satisfied enough but the sky blue one spoke up, "How do we know for sure that you'll give them back to us, we don't even know who you are".

Annoyed I showed her the rank that was engraved into my helmet that was strapped onto my belt,"See this"? She nodded, "This is my rank, Captain”. She lowered her head slightly.

“Don't use that tone with me little girl, you've probably never done anything like I have, and probably never will”.

The purple one gave her a crossed look and looked back at me, “Forgive us Captain, she has trust issues, we'll take your word for it and have the princess here tomorrow for final negotiations with your leader for our troops’ release”.

“That's fine, don't worry about it and I look forward to us helping each other's economies grow”. I climbed back on my horse and clicked my tongue twice, " 'Till tomorrow ladies".

I bowed my head and watched as they started to board a hot air balloon and fly away. Once they were out of sight I whistled loudly to signal my men to start heading to back to the Kaiser to inform him of the great news. He'll be on board with re-establishing the economy for Germany now that we'll most likely have a few nations to trade with. And as unusual as it is to deal with horses, it'll be well worth it in the end.

I'm sure the Kaiser will agree. It will be the best outcome for Germany.

Canterlot Castle, Equestria
Princess Celestia

A small purple aura spawned and soon a letter followed. I unrolled it and read through it all. Twilight had managed to strike a small deal to appease to these new beings. Our troops return completely harmed and in exchange, we'd have trade, and mutual exchanges of our goods. I just need to have another negotiation with their leader this time. I liked it, this nation is getting along nicely and we've made a new business partner. This'll surely leave a positive outcome. I don't see how it could not. My only problem now is the occasional protest in the colonies between Neighpon, Saddle Arabia, and Zebrica. They have been controlled thankfully, however they are very concurrent and insistent to continue.

I don't want to risk the chance of another war, so I've kept the violent retaliation to a minimum, however, with the way things are going I doubt whether I'll be able to keep it that way. The last war specifically ended with tens of thousands of deaths in total. A huge dent in our population, 25% of us were killed and 35% of the Griffons were killed along with my sister exiled to the moon and 30% of the batponies all dead. It was a bloodbath, but now our nation is even larger and so is The Gryphonian Empire, despite the lost it sustained is still very powerful. The Saddle Arabians have just recently started an Imperialist state with a ruler and a rapidly growing military.

I can only hope of war that isn't remotely as terrible as the last one, if one as such should occur.

1,000 years ago, The Celestial Empire
Princess Celestia

I sighed as I signed an order for my captain to initiate the biggest offensive we've launched yet. It consists of nearly one thousand men alone to attack without remorse or stopping enough for Nightmare Moon to retaliate. As unorthodox as this will be, I have to for the survival of Equestrians and for most of Equis.

My door barged open and a guard came in panting, "Your majesty, we have runners informing us that the enemy is mobilizing to attack".

I went mouth agaped and stood up, "Send that order as quick as you can and start this offensive NOW"! I shouted in the Royal Canterlot voice to insure that he understands the importance of speed.

"Of course my liege", with that he left...

Lt. Thunder White,
Mountainous Alps of Northern Equestria,
0600 hrs

I flew as fast as I could while trying my best not to damage the paper. This plan seems extremely barbaric to me, but with the way the Princess has described what is happening, I find it hard to not accept this order. I'm sure I can expect the same from Cpt. Golden Flash. Hell, he wants to fight these monsters in any way he can to get a level above them. So far, we've lost three thousand men, but I'm confident in Celestia's plan and the might of our numbers gives me hope of the final victory.

I saw the huge group of knights assembling and descended onto the ground and ran around asking aimlessly where Captain Flash could be, until I ran into him of course. I apologized straight away and informed him of Celestia's orders to start the attack as soon as possible.

"This came from the Princess?", he asked. I nodded, "Good, follow me". I stayed close by and kept up the pace as I watched the captain mobilize his troops in an orderly fashion. I could see them all, soldiers and royal knights. Dedicated to keeping the kingdom and the princess safe. Each doing their own things of interests. Some had sharpened their blades even more so, some wrote letters home, and some just sat around waiting.

"Atten-TION!!!", the battalion got in formation as they all lined up. "Battalion, we have strict orders from the Princess herself to launch the assault that will forever change the status of the war and decide the victors. Which I know in my heart will be us"!

The crowd cheered and awaited further orders, "Onwards stallions"! The Stallions turned to my right and marched row after row of maybe 20-50 troops in each row.

"Come", Captain Flash said patting me on the shoulder. "Let's go fight for what's right". I followed and we marched in for what seemed like a few hours at the least.

That's when I saw the most horrific thing ever in all of my life. Dragons and griffons alongside the batponies were assembling crossbows and steel blades.

Normally it wouldn't be much of a problem, if it wasn't for the dragons and the crossbows while we have standard bows, and they have steel blades. Whilst we only have iron, a big advantage indeed. It made me feel small and I sighed as I reached up to fix my helmet.

The captain must've saw my discomfort, because he put his hand in my shoulder, "Don't worry". He looked to the enemy, which now caught sight of us and scrambled to respond. "We have the element of surprise, and I'll be sure that you'll get back home, don't you worry".

It didn't do much, but it did ease me slightly as I unsheathed my blade and stood by him.

"CHARGE!!!", It all sounded like the screeches and shoutings from Tartarus itself. A thousand of us and I couldn't tell how many of the enemy there were over on the other side, but I could hear their shouting as we all charged at each other.

"KILL ALL WHO TRY TO STOP YOU"!!! Immediately after the order, a huge barrage of stallions, batponies, and griffons converged into each other with swords, spears, etc. Creating a bloodbath of flesh and steel.

As I tried to make sense of the destruction of it all, a griffon nearly got the jump on me, but I was quick enough to get my dagger out of its sheath to stab him in the neck. Blood came gushing out like a waterfall going sideways. He fell to the ground clutching his neck in an attempt to cover the huge gushing hole. I sheathed my dagger and kept advancing with the rest of the men, while trying to find the Captain in this mess.

A dragon came flying above us and made a turn right back at us opening his mouth with a glow slowly building up in his throat. "GET DOWN"!!! I pulled a couple of soldiers down to the ground with me as the beast had unleashed a hurricane of fire upon us. Incinerating and burning all the unfortunate individuals who couldn't find refuge quick enough.

The stallions I dragged down with me coughed and slowly got up as we regrouped with another battalion to avoid being easy prey for the dragons and griffons. Around the aftermath of the breath of fire were coal-colored ponies, burnt by the unbearable heat from the flames. The stallion on my left started shivering and collapsed crying on the ground, crying out for his mother and praying to get out of this.

Knowing what would happen if he stayed there, I grabbed him by his shoulders and gave him a firm and hard shake, "You can't go back, if you do, you'll die. If you stay here you'll die. Get on your feet. Follow me and kill anypony who tries to stop you, do you understand me son"?

He nodded quiveringly and stood up charging alongside me into the enemy. Slicing, actual blade combating, dodging arrows and fire as we kept pushing for Celestia knows how long. A few hours? Maybe a whole day? I tried hard, but found it faulty to keep track of time in a place like this. Bodies falling down from the sky became a norm for me in no time.

A griffon shot down the other lad that I saved. Furious, I charged and drove the blade deep into his gut while he was busy and repeatedly thrusted the blade in and out until I knew for sure that he was dead. I picked up his crossbow and noticed something odd about it, its tip was black and deadly looking. I heard an ear-piercing roar and I turned to see a dragon heading straight for my position. Desperate, I picked up the crossbow and aimed in directly at his eyes. I inhaled and exhaled steadily and aimed perfectly still.

I pulled the trigger and sent the black arrow into the eye of the beast. I don't even want to get into detail on what the sound of it's scream was. It fell sharply and violently onto the ground. In the eye, I could see that it had turned into a disgusting black color and in fact, if I wasn't wrong, the color even oozed out of the wound. The dragon screeched as he died slowly and finally, he went silent. What black magic was this crossbow? I dropped it and looked at my hands, shocked at what I had done and quickly moved on.

"PUSH THROUGH!!!", that's the captain's voice. He sounded like he was nearby, "WE'VE GOT THEM ON THE RUN"!! Hearing the good news I eagerly rammed with my comrades as we pushed forward faster and faster. Minute by minute, we all gave out a great shout as we could see that the counterattack was a success! I even almost smiled, only to remember what had happened in this short amount of time. Then, as fast as it came, the smile faded.

Something worse laid just ahead, Nightmare Moon herself. Dressed in dark armor and wielded the most fearsome weapons that I've ever seen in my whole life. Nevertheless, the captain insisted we push on and led the advance yet again. Not exactly a thousand men in force I doubted, but reinforced my faith as I pushed on.

As I repelled a batpony for the private to take down, a griffon came up to us quicker than we could react and brought a club up with his hand and struck me down with a strong blow. My companion struck him down by slicing his blade deep into the griffon's gut and left him here to bleed. He walked up to me but I couldn't hear a thing. My ears made a ringing sound like bells after the griffon struck me and my head was throbbing. I felt my arm being moved and I looked over to see the once-quivering private picking me up and helping me to my feet. I struggled, but kept my stance and thanked him.

"Thanks", I said patting him. "Let's keep pushing on, for princess and country"! He nodded wholeheartedly and we yelled as we kept fighting. This constant battering of steel on steel was the only sound I heard for maybe hours now.
With magic bombs, fire and arrows raining down from the sky were now becoming common during the battle.

Then, from afar, I could see the Captain battling it out with the dark princess herself. Slashing and colliding the two blades together. Occasionally using their magic to try and get an edge on the other. Until the she flew away and surrounded him with a dark purple smoke. I could hear yelling and fighting. When it cleared, I saw the most faith-crushing thing I've ever seen. Our leader, was impaled through the back and out his chest. Coughing up blood and going limp within seconds.

The worst had yet to come, Nightmare Moon had jumped in between us and started slashing, trying to cut us in half with the way she swung. Luckily I was quick and hopped away and struck back, hitting her blade as we collided and held our ground. She was stronger than me, and I knew that, but I didn't have to beat her, I just needed to hold her back as we got the jump on her.

Just behind the dark princess was the private who I saved jumped up and landing on her and driving the blade down towards her, but, being quick, she used a spell to block the attack and sent him flying and landed on the stony ground, grunting and moaning in pain.

"No!", I struck at her and she was caught off guard as she got on her knees. I kept banging on her sword over and over and over until it nearly shattered and she clocked me. I fell back and rested on my elbows as I watched her swing her dark sword around as she looked into my eyes.

"You're good", she said. "You would've been a great addition to my army". I growled at her and looked around me looking for anything at all that I could use to fight back. Nothing.

"Oh well, you chose the wrong side", she brought her sword high into the air and brought it down with tremendous force. Only to be met with a blade that had quickly gotten in between us. The force blew me back several feet. Dazed, I looked to my right and there she was, Celestia. She swung her sword to be met with Nightmare’s blade for more force to be met. Buying enough time for me to get up and get my bearings together. I walked over to the fallen private and knelt down to help him.

"Get up", I said coughing violently. "We gotta go". No response. I tried shaking his shoulders. Still nothing, I looked into eyes and saw that they were a pale blue. I leaned into his chest and listened for his heartbeat. Also nothing, this poor young lad was dead.

I stood up shaking and fell on my ass, still in the mindset that I was in a battle, I looked behind me to see Celestia casting a spell to send Nightmare somewhere. While charging the dark princess became ever more desperate and was by now, banging her sword into boulders in an effort to hit Celestia, who was dodging all of her attacks. A loud buzzing sound rang through my ears and Celestia had ceased to dodge anymore. Then, in an instant, she was gone with a flash of lightning.

A loud shrieking and cries of pain could be heard and were so loud that I could hardly believe that I didn't suffer from tinnitus shortly after. For a long moment, nothing could be heard, both sides stayed quiet, both couldn't believe the sudden abrupt end of Nightmare Moon, who is now nothing.

Along with that lightning came the sun with its piercing light over the mountains and landing over the battlegrounds. Celestia had a solemn and depressed look on her. I almost wanted to ask her what was wrong but she flew high into the air and used her signature Royal Canterlot voice.

"Griffons, Batponies, and Dragons, you're fight is over. Nightmare moon is defeated, surrender at once or be severely punished", the Griffons, reluctant at first, dropped their weapons and raised their claws up high in the air. The dragons just held still in the air and the Pegasi came up there to cuff them. I looked all around me in shock of this huge battle. Bodies everywhere, a couple of dragons, griffons, ponies and batponies everywhere with their wine red blood seeping into the ground.

Smoke and ashes still in the air as the stallions struggled to not cough their hearts out. Grunting, I pulled myself up and peered over at the private.

His eyes were still open, I reached down and shut them.

May he Rest In Peace.

I grabbed his arms and put him on my back and carried him back to anyone that could have him sent home, but as I walked back, the gazes of the griffons with hatred on their eyes was not hard to spot. The dragons didn't fare any better with us. The batponies almost couldn't believe that it was over, but still dropped their weapons and let the guards cuff them.

"Help!", I called out in the field. "Can someone help this man get home"?

A guard with a white flag wrapped around his arm grabbed him and asked what was wrong, "He's dead". He nodded and took him away for a proper burial. Dammit it all to Tartarus.

War is Hell.

Princess Celestia, The Old Castle,
Two days after the Battle of Equis

"We cannot sign this nonsense!", I sighed as the Griffon King disagreed with the terms we had in the treaty that we wrote up. While it does restrict certain things from them, it's only to insure that they can't do anything like this again and play a huge part in a war. The dragon emperor, seeing as it was pointless to argue signed it, my guess, in the hopes he can get back to managing his economy.

"But you were one of largest participants in this war alongside Nightmare Moon!", absolutely ridiculous these griffons started the war only to deny any bit of participation once they lost.

"Yes! But you even want to take away our colonies!", he shouted in anger. "They've been ours for hundred of years princess", he was gritting his teeth now.

"What did you expect was going to happen once you lost?”, I asked.

"Not the removal of our beloved colonies", he shot back.

"It's either this or we head over and occupy your country, which is it?", I crossed my arms and awaited his answer.

He growled as he signed the treaty and threw the pen onto the table.

"This isn't the end, Celestia", he said pointing at me. "We will get our land back, one way or another".

He left the conference room and got in his carriage as he left.

The dragon emperor shook my hand and thanked me for not taking things too far with my victory. I nodded and he left, flying away.

I sat back as I read over the causality list that the lieutenant had brought over for me. All confirmed as wounded or killed during this major battle. 700 dead, 100 wounded, 200 are left completely unharmed, physically, only to be tortured emotionally and mentally by their experience until the day of their deaths. They're the lucky ones. Me? I won't ever be able to forget this terrible order. Even if the outcome was victory, I still caused the lives of all of these stallions. I even sent my only sister to the moon, for a thousand years, even if it's not truly her in there, I had still sent her there.

I regret not being there for the battle any sooner then I could've. It's my fault that they're dead. I sighed into my hands and let the overwhelming silence of the throne room take control of my thoughts.

Chapter 4: Trade Deals and A New Acquaintance

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Canterlot Castle, Equestria,
Princess Celestia

"This way my liege", the guard that Shining sent me was very well disciplined. I have to remember to send him letter to thank him when I have the time. He led me to my carriage and had the pegasi guards lined up and ready to take off as I took my seat.

"Thank you Cpl. Sentry", I said as I got comfortable and we were off.

'The Kaiser', as Twilight called him, was this new country's leader, and if we want our troops safely returned to us, we have to attend a meeting to have proper discussions take place. Mainly, they want to have a proper business and economic trade to be established with our country and others when they get a chance to discuss the same proposals with other nations.

I've seen these beings from afar with magic, they do seem promising, so I'm hoping that this deal with them will improve the economy for both of us and the rest of Equis. If so, these 'Germans' as Twilight told me they called themselves, will be a great addition to Equis and I wouldn't mind maybe visiting the country for a visit if it be possible.

Twilight as her friends will also be coming along for the negotiations of trade and for our men. I'm hoping to try to get to know these Germans and put a friendly outlook of us out there. Our main trading items, mostly agricultural goods. However, we also have metals that we can trade as well as they start their own mines to find their own.

The objective of this negotiation is to have our troops return to us, have a trading system established between our two nations, and to have neutral relations with them as they're not seeking allies.

Maybe they're just neutral and won't be a major problem at all? Maybe they're pacifists? But I can't confirm that until I get to the bottom of what exactly are they doing here, and how they got here anyway.

Deliberately? Maybe, but they don't seem to be causing real damage or harm to anyone, so it can't be that. Accidentally? That's also a possibility, but what could have possibly brought them here in such a way that transport a whole nation for mother's sake!

Oh these theories are so fun and stressful, but I need to relax. I'm meeting not only with a new nation, but a new nation with a whole new race to learn about! I'm sure Twilight would love to learn about them. It could give her something to do now as she's practically been making up friendship lessons for a good month or so now.

I don't mind, but I think that she desperately needs something to do, other than sending me letters of

Berlin, Germany
The Reichstag
Kaiser Wilhelm II

“When will they be arriving?”, I asked as the peace summit that would be held between our nation and these horses with two legs, though those captured guards tend to call themselves ponies.

“In an hour or so, is what they told me sir”, Paul responded as the reichstag’s servants handed me a cup of tea.

I took a sip in thought and set the the cup down, “So tell me Paul, what kind of leadership of government do they even have”?

“The guards haven't told us anything further as of yet, but we can guess that whoever is their leader is someone who can directly issue orders to their government and have it done without question”, Paul responded as he took a seat in the chair by me and got comfortable.

This seems a bit familiar to what is probably a monarchy, “Do you think that it's possibly a monarchy”?

“While I can't be absolutely sure, I can tell you this much, these soldiers and their citizens are under complete control from one or two major rulers, depending on how it may work”.

“Like our Austro-Hungarian allies had done”, I added, stroking my mustache with a soft scratching.

“Precisely, I believe that if any kind of conflict, whether it be political or otherwise may occur, it'll be the leaders who decide what to do with their people in that moment”, He replied adding in more for me to consider. “Much like our own government too”.

I sat in my chair for what had seemed like an eternity thinking about the possibilities of what this may entail. On one hand we will gain one (and maybe more in the future) county to become trading partners with. What they have, I'm not completely sure yet. But, I'm pretty sure that we may have a reliable trading partner on our hands here.
I'm almost certain, with the tech and industrial shaped nation of ours, that we can supply goods extremely well on our end. All I'm hoping for is that we can expect the same from these pony/horse beings.

I still find it extremely odd that a horse that can think as sapient as a human being, let alone speak a language that a lot is know. Oh dear brother, your English kingdom will be missed. That's a lie, I won't shed a tear. I'm still angry at the fact that I couldn't follow up on my plan to end British dominion over at least 25% of our Earth’s surface.
But enough of that, I need to tend to this peace talk with the best of my ability. But I'm sure I can handle it. I did make my way to becoming Kaiser after all.

“Sir”, An officer called out as he walked into the room, standing tall and at attention, while giving me a salute. “Those Horse ambassadors/Leaders are here, they arrived by carriage and are requesting your presence”.

I got up and turned towards Paul, “Looks like we're making history here, for better or worse”.

He came up and followed close by, “I would like to think so sir, I don't think anyone has ever made contact, let alone make peaceful propositions with a whole new race”.
I nodded in agreement and followed the guard as he and his fellow colleagues open doors and stood at attention as we stepped out into the bright sun and saw the Ambassadors/Leaders we were expecting.

This wasn't what I was expecting at all.

There were six female members of their ambassadors in assuming, but that's just their ambassadors. Right behind them was standing two women in royal clothing and wearing crowns. ‘The leaders’, I thought to myself.

How strange though, I haven't ever thought that a whole nation would be run by two women. I certainly didn't ever see that back home. And I didn't expect to see this out here either, but then again, I've met a whole squad of troops with obsolete armor and weapons that're speaking horses.
I'm just going to stop assuming everything is the same and expect the worse.

“You must be the Kaiser that I've heard so much about”, the white one said reaching for my hand. I took it and shook gently. “It's a pleasure to meet you”.

“It's an absolute privilege to be able to be able to greet a whole other race Mrs…?”

“I'm not married, and I'm a princess, Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, princess Luna”, She said turning her head to her with a soft smile. I dunno what it was, but to me it just seemed like she had this soft motherly nature to her.

I turn to her sister and made the shook her hand with a soft smile, “It's a pleasure to meet you both”.

“Well, I think it's about time we discuss trade and regulations of our borders, if you don't mind at all that is, Kaiser”, the dark blue princess Luna said to both me and her sister.
“Not at all”, I say trying around to head back into the reichstag, hoping to get away from the pesky press. “Why don't we discuss this indoors”?

“Will we be able to keep our guards close by”?, Princess Luna asked, brow raised.
“Of course! Bring them in”, I say with a smile as I turned to walk in.

The guards closed the doors gently and I led the princesses and the ambassadors through the hallways of this great nation's beloved reichstag.

"So tell me”, I said, breaking the silence. “Why did you send troops to our border”?
“We do apologize tremendously for the misunderstanding Kaiser…?”

“Wilhelm II”, I responded to princess Celestia. “But you don't have to say my whole name, Wilhelm works just fine”.

“Alright, Kaiser Wilhelm”, She started. “We do want to apologize tremendously for our decision to send a scout team unto your border, but you have to understand that a whole new nation appearing seemingly out of thin air raised some big questions for us”.

“And so, in the hopes of protecting our citizens we decided to see what you all were up to, so we wouldn't have any violent interaction with you”, Princess Luna added for her sister as she gazed all round the hallways as we passed the main room with the dome above.

“And what an amazing capitol building you have Kaiser”, She said in astonishment. “I haven't seen a capital city anywhere in Equis with one that is as huge and beautiful one as yours”.

“Well, while it may have appeared hostile to us at first, we've managed to give you a chance and explain yourselves”, I replied.

“And thank you but this building is not mine, it's the people of Germany's capitol building”.
I opened the door to my quarters and showed the princesses, the ambassadors, and their guards to seats around the room and had my guards stand by me as I took my seat. “Now, can I get anyone is here a drink, I have some excellent brandy if you want some”.

I got up and made myself a cup, twisting and opening the cap as I poured a streaming line of brandy into my glass.

“Yes, I'd love to try it”, Princess Celestia with a calm and sound appearance to the way she sat. “One for everypony too if they won't be too much trouble”?

“Not at all”, I replied as I poured and handed out a glass of brandy to each and every one of the ‘ponies’ in the room and took my seat, letting myself sink into the seat and sighing softly in my chair.

“Now”, Princess Luna began, setting her glass down . “We should begin conversing on how we'll peacefully get along with your nation and vice versa”.

“Of course”, I agreed as I set my glass down and swallowed my drink. “We think it would only be air since you trespassed onto our lands, that we implement trade as soon as possible”.

“And what sort of trade would you require Kaiser?”, Princess Celestia asked with a brow raised, with her glass in hand.

“We'd be interested in maintaining a mutual trade on what we may both need as I'm sure you have something we may want and something you may want”, I stated clearly as I picked my glass back up to take a steady sip.
The two princess glanced at each other, seeming unsure, but also determined at the same time. As I looked past them, I took a closer look at the ambassadors that they took with them. It was as Captain Müller described them, all females, multi-color furs and very peculiar in terms of their appearance.

They almost seemed like something a little girl could dream up and tell her parents the very next morning.

“Well Kaiser”, Princess Luna started. “We want to know what exactly you may have that we want, if we are to trade with a whole new nation that had just been made contact with not a few days ago”.

“Understandable”, I replied stroking my moustache as I gazed upon them all, trying to read them. “Well, we have technology that I know you'd be taking an interest in”.
All of their ears perked up at hearing this, with a gaze that begged me to go on.

“We also are an industrial nation and supply you with many useful goods, and due to our now warmer temperatures, a bit of agricultural goods”, I said leaning forward in my seat, letting the info soak into their minds.

“You have our attention Kaiser”, Princess Celestia said as Princess Luna nodded slowly, agreeing with her sister. “Go on”.

“We also have some metals that may be of some use to you”, I added. “I noticed your troops have worn gold in the time I've seen them in. Is that the case for your whole army”?

She nodded slowly, itching to hear me go on.
“Well no offense, all due respect actually Princess Celestia, however, gold is not an ideal choice for protection or weapons, nor is iron”, I say as they gazed upon me like I had just killed someone just now in front of them.

“And what may you propose?”, Princess Celestia asked unsure if my response to her choice of obsolete armor.

“Steel”, I reply with a toothy grin. “Stronger than both iron and gold. And you can put it to good use with your weapons and armor for sure”.

All the while we were negotiating, I noticed that the purple ambassador was taking notes the while we were talking the whole time maybe,

“Excuse me miss”, I called out. “But I don't want you to record this and have it sent out to the public, this talk is private”.

“He's right Twilight”, Princess Celestia said as ‘Twilight’ was looking up at both us from her notebook.

“Oh, so sorry Princess, I just wanted to see what the trade was going to be like, I'll put it away”, She apologized with a nervous grin and tucked the notebook away in a bag by her feet.

“As you were saying Kaiser?”, Princess Luna asked, trying to put us back on course.
I cleared my throat before speaking, “Of course. What may you have to trade with us so can have an equal share of interests to have a suitable trade”.

“We have agriculture goods, lots of them actually”, Princess Celestia began after clearing her throat. “We also have tourists that may pay good money to visit a whole new nation they've never seen, and some metals of our own that may be of some use for you even with your ‘steel’”.
I nodded, “Anything else in this list”?

She took in a deep, slow, quiet breath of air through her nostrils, “We also have in addition to our metals, our old armor and weapons that you may find some use with as you progress with your ‘steel’ and our alliance with you as fellow nation of peace and neutral gains for both sides”.
I took all of it before finally speaking,

“Wonderful, I suppose we can work with this for now, it's a start, we can make better work of this agreement over time I'm sure, this was after all, sudden at short notice of our meeting”.

Princess Celestia nodded and extended her arm out to me, “I suppose it is, and we look forward to the future with your nation”.
I took her hand and we shook firmly as the ambassadors and her Colleague Princess followed them close by and exited the room with all the guards and us behind them.

“We have a mutual trading agreement written up as well, if you'd be so kindly as to follow me to the next room here on the right”, I opened the doors myself and let them pass as Ludendorff and Hindenburg were already seated with a couple of guards and the paperwork layed out on the table in front of them.

“Please, all of you, make yourselves comfortable and have a seat”, I say as placed myself by Ludendorff and Hindenburg.
They sat on the next few chairs by us and we handed the treaty to them for them to read.

“We'll both be agreeing to respect each other's borders, meaning that as long as you don't just come here whenever you wish unannounced, then we shouldn't have a problem on that section”, I explained in a slow and detailed manner so as to let them know exactly what they were getting themselves into.

“We'll also be trading regularly and make similar neutral agreements with other nations”, I added to have Celestia raise an eyebrow at this.

“What? We can't rely solely on you alone to provide us with the goods we need through trade”, I explained as they read on.
“You are also going to be establishing an immigration policy for the population?”, She asked, looking up.

“We should always be ready to handle an immigration issue when it arrives”, I reasoned. ”Just something we thought to add in there since we'll be added in as a part of this planet it seems”.

After reading through all of the details that we had written up for the articles, she laid the paperwork on the desk gently and exhaled slowly.

“Well, we are going to sign it, it's just that we'd like to know what the status of relations between our citizens will be, considering that we may be having the immigration policies come into effect like you and stated”, She seemed a br exhausted with her reply. “And it may need to be added in anyway since we will be trading after all”.

“Is there any more you should share with us before we all sign?”, Princess Luna asked with one brow raised in a cocky manner.

“Not at the moment”, I stated bluntly.

“However we will make it clear to everyone around us that we intend to be neutral with any and all countries and want no part in any disputes of any kind”.

The two princess nodded their heads,
satisfied with the deal I was making.
“Alright, Kaiser Wilhelm”, Princess Celestia said with assurance in her tone. “Where do we sign”?

I pointed in the paper where their signatures would be written and they proceeded to put the pen on the paper and sign their titles. After they signed it, Paul, Ludendorff, and I had signed our titles and I smiled picking up the paper and standing up from my chair.

“Is that all?”, She asked.

“That's all”, I replied with a small grin. “Now I'm assuming that you weren't going to leave instantly, am I correct”?

“That's correct”, Luna replied.

“Well, we have quarters that have been vacated for your arrival as I would like to think you don't want to be bombarded by the press”, I said leading them back out of the hallway.

“Thank you Kaiser, it is much appreciated”, Celestia had replied as my guards opened the doors.

We were greeted with overwhelming silence of anxiety as they saw that we had left the Reichstag and was now standing before the crowds.

“I stand here today”, I greeted loudly with my voice raised as I addressed the crowd with pride. “To announce to you the great and incredible news that we're now establishing ourselves as a nation of beauty that will be prosperous among our new trading partners with I know in my heart will be for the benefit of both parties”.

The crowd shouted out with joy as I let the news soak in and watched the people, who after the war had ended looked down upon our Empire, now smile and cry for joy as they're seeing the triumph of making peace with a whole new species with positive benefits. I felt warm inside as I knew that even as I made my mistakes before the events of this day, we still stand as a nation of beauty, culture, and might.
I nodded towards my guards and they gestured to Celestia and her acquaintances to follow them.

My guards and Celestia’s led her back through the doors to show them to their rooms and for them to relax as I plan to show them just how rich we are as a nation.
They slowly walked back inside as I remained on the tip of the steps with the press’s persistence on getting the info that they'll share with people. I answered what I felt necessary to answer.

“Yes, we will become great traders with as many countries as we can and will keep our best interests at heart when making these decisions”.

Berlin, Germany
Ex. Cpl. Hans Schmidt

As I heard everything being unfolded, as Karl read the paper to me, I felt a sense of a new beginning as we now had friendly beings and not anything hostile toward us. I have to say, it felt good to hear something positive instead of hearing that j would have to go fight another war. I felt almost breathtakingly relieved.

Which is saying something, because the only other time that happened was when a sniper shot at me, but only grazed my helmet, let me just say it like this. There is nothing more alleviating then getting shot at and have nothing happen to you.

“.....We're now establishing ourselves as a nation of beauty that will be prosperous among our new trading partners…”, Karl read aloud as he looked up. “We got a new ally it seems”.

“It sounds more like a mutual agreement to not have any violent conflicts”, I said, stroking my chin. “But I'm not complaining”.
“Well, setting aside huge discoveries that we as humans have made”, Karl said setting the newspaper down and standing up. Stretching and cracks could be heard.

“What jobs will we be able to get”?

I picked the newspaper back up and looked through in the hopes of finding a career. Let's see, chimney cleaner, butler, farmer, office jobs, mechanics, small town business. Not something I would immediately look over my shoulder at.

“Um, Hans”, Karl called over as he walked forward a few steps. “Did these guys always drive across the street with those signs”?

I turned to him, “What do you mean? What ca-”. I didn't get to finish as two cars and a truck drove by with signs that read, “Jetzt beitreten! Halt den kommunistischen abschaum”!

And the other one read, “Beitreten den Freikorps”!

Communists? In Berlin? What do they mean?
I ran up trying to get into hearing length with the cars, “Entschuldige mich”! They stopped and someone in the back of the truck hopped out. He turned his gaze at me and I felt my blood ran slightly lower on temperature than it was before.
This man had an eyepatch and scars on his face, as well as the stahlhelm that we all wore during the war.

“Was ist los?”, I asked as I took in the full view of these troops as it seemed as they were. All of them worn and tired and fatigued. Still wearing the uniform of the Heer.
“Wir werden nach Berlin gehen, um die kommunistische bedrohung zu stoppen”, He replied to me as he looked behind and saw Karl.

“Is that your friend?”, He asked.

“Of course he is, we've been friends since the Battle of the Marne”, I replied formally to him as he seemed very, tense, it seemed. And die hard as he had a skull with crossing bones behind the skull painted onto his helmet.
“Alright, well, if you mind, we must be going now”, He replied flatly. “The revolts aren't going to take care of themselves”.

I nodded and he hopped back onto the truck,
banged the side and they got moving again.
Karl padded me on the shoulder and sighed.
“Four years we've been out there”, He started exhaustingly. “Four……and this is what we come back to”?

“I don't know what it mean”, I said with a brow raised.

“Communist?”, He asked. “In Berlin? God”.

“Oh you mean that”, I realized, feeling like a
fool. “Yeah, I can't understand why these people couldn't at least be grateful enough to thank us”.

“Well I can see a few reasons why”, He replied.

“You can”?

“Yeah, but they aren't reasons to go and try to revolt against our government with a worse idea than aristocracy”. He scoffed as he finished.

Adolf Hitler
Hospital for the wounded infantry
Berlin, Germany

I slowly tried to open my eyes as the doctor instructed me to do so, and as I opened them, they stinger a little and at the same time, everything was blurry. I heard indistinct chatter as I tried to get myself to sit properly on the bed.

“Can you stand?”, He asked as I could barely make out him holding a pen and paper.
I nod and slowly try to stand up, and succeed as I can barely make out him scribbling something down. “Good”, He said slowly putting his chart away. “You're making progress”.

“What's happening at the front?”, I asked as I was dying to know what was happening out at the front lines.

“.......”, I didn't hear any reply.

“What's wrong?”, I asked, not knowing why he was so silent.

“We surrendered, the war is over”, He said apologetically to me. “Just recently we gave up the war, but somehow we ended in a whole other planet.

“What?”, I asked, baffled. “How can that be”?

“I haven't the slightest clue, but we're not alone here, we've all heard news of anthropomorphic beings with intelligence and nations of their own actually neighboring us”.

“What shall we do now?”, I asked, wanting to know what I could do to help if I could.

“Well for now we are trying to make peaceful relations with the other nations and at the same time we have communist insurgents in Berlin and all across our country ‘coming forth to end the evil that is Imperialism’ and the ‘Failure of a Kaiser’ as they put it”, He explained in a monotone sound to the way he put it.

“How long do you think my vision will be impaired for?”, I asked impatiently.
“Most likely another few months should be enough”, He replied. “I'm sorry, I know you want to get out of here”.

“It's alright”, I lied, I wasn't looking forward to these next long few months. “As long as I can get out of here and do something worthwhile, it'll be alright for me”.

Chapter 5: Political Tensions and New Territories

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Chapter 5: Political Tensions and New Territories

Hans Schmidt
Berlin, Germany, just outside the reichstag
2 years later……

“I said, back the fuck up!”, I shouted at the oncoming communist party that just kept on getting closer. The crowd didn't desolate from their formation. Getting closer and angrier it seemed. They had Bolshevist posters and waved anti-aristocratic propaganda.

Destroying everything in their path, burning buildings, and getting into fights with anyone who didn't agree with them out on the street. Which is why the reichstag hired us to guard the street, because unlike normal officers, we play by retaliatory measures.

“We want you failures of an evil, imperialistic dictatorship gone!”, One man yelled as he threw rocks and small stones. “Including that failure of a Kaiser”!

My officer stood up behind us and yelled all across our man-barricade, “Raise your rifles, men!”. I brought my rifle up to my eyesight as I looked down my sights and aimed on the nearest person. “Hold your fire, until you hear my command!”.

One of the protestors got up in my face, unphased at all of us pointing our guns at them. “Go ahead you fucking capitalist cowards! Do it! You'll only make martyrs of us all!”. I hesitated and my rifle started to shake in my hands as I knew that soon if this didn't calm down at all. We'd have to open fire.

“Go back to your homes! This protest is pointless and disruptive of the public peace!”, He shouted as they began to strike one of the guards a few meters to my left. Next thing I knew, the protest turned violent.

“Aim!”, My commander shouted over their shouting. Everything around me went slow, and distorted, I couldn't process what was happening, all the people in front of me striking us down as I feared the order I'd receive. “FIRE!”.


Loud cracks and small explosions could be heard as the guns went off all around me as I pulled my trigger and fired at the man in front of me. As he fell, I could see his frozen gaze towards me while he fell to his knees, and onto his face.

The crowd of protesters, while some ran away, many were still running towards us, “Again! Fire!”. He shouted, I fumbled and pulled the bolt towards me and pushed it back into place as I took aim again and fired on a bearded man, who dropped like a bag of flour.

After the intense few minutes, all fire around me had died down, just complete silence, I heard someone jump behind me. I turned and it was Ex Lt. Hofmann walking past us as he grabbed the red flag with a bright yellow star on the center. Damn Marxist commies…

“Schmidt”, He called. I walked over and slung my rifle over my shoulder. “Gimme your lighter for a sec”. I reached for my pocket as I handed it to him. He flicked the lighter till it sparked a small flame and held it onto the flag.

It caught fire and he held it by its handle as he shouted to the crowd that was backing up since the shooting.

“To all you Marxist scum!”, He shouted at the top of his voice. “This is where your petty revolution begins to end!”. He threw the flag towards them as it landed a few meters from them as it still withered away in the flames.

“Let's go Schmidt”, He patted on my shoulder as he walked past me. I followed suit and our small team hopped into the trucks, I closed the door to the trucks bed and took my seat.

“We’re just gonna leave, just like that?”, One squadmate said across from me.

“Relax Koch”, Karl said as he sat beside me. “We’re just here to put down communistic protests that have the potential to get out of hand, and the small military guards to back up the reichstag, like what they're doing right now, plus they're sending men to re-establish peace in the district.

Koch eased up and stayed quiet, I unbuckled my helmet as I looked down at the front side that would be showing above my face. A skull and two crossbones painted on it. Funny how you never know what you'll end up doing can catch up to you.

“What about that New German workers party?”, Hitler asked beside Koch. “Aren't they communist?”.

“They don't identify themselves as communist”, I replied while still looking at my helmet. “They say they're National Populist, but to me, they're pretty similar”. He looked at each of us, “Though I've heard that the reichstag is keeping a close eye for anything threatening”.

He nodded as he leaned back into his seat and grabbed onto the edge for support.

It felt like hours of me just staring blankly out the truck before I felt a slight nudge on my shoulder. It was Karl.

“Hey, you ok?”.

I paused a second, collecting my thoughts, “Yeah….it's just…..we shot civilians”.

“You shot violent, delusional, revolutionists”, Koch corrected.

I nodded slowly, “I guess, but still, wrong as the ideology may be, they're still people”.

“Maybe”, Hitler added. “But to most of us, including me, the only good communist, is a dead communist”.

I let that sink in as we drove away to the final protesting spot on our agenda. Hopefully the last bit of resistance against our aristocratic government.

Two Hours Later…….

“Surround the building!”, Hofmann commanded as we hopped out of the truck and took cover behind the blockade. The blockade had consisted of about 40 men and 6 trucks surrounding that specific part of the neighborhood. Locking it down, and making sure no one goes in or out.

We had gotten orders to arrest the communist revolutionaries hiding out in a three story building that had taken over it and took some of the business owners and their workers hostage, my guess is that they weren’t gullible kids falling for a devilish ideology, and then they took them hostage.

“Come out with your hands up!”, He shouted. “You're all under arrest for treason against the Kaiser and spreading around false ideologies against humanity!”.

No answer.

“This is your only warning! Come out with your hands up, and you'll be given a fair trial, resist, and force will be utilized!”.

Still no answer.

“Vogel”, Hofmann called out silently.

“Yes, sir”.

“Take Koch and Hitler to secure the entrance for us to move in”, Hofmann explained while he loaded his broomhandle.

“Right away”, He replied while loading his Kar98AZ and hopping over cover with Hitler and Koch following close by. They got to the midway mark and still, no reply.

“This is sketchy”, Karl said silently.

“I know, it's lik---”.


“AGGGHHH!!!”, Vogel fell to the ground clutching his gut as a red stain appeared on his back.

“Schmidt! Provide covering fire!”, Hofmann yelled as he hopped over to run to Vogel.

I rose up and with Karl, we layed rapid fire onto the windows above them and as I had to reload, they made it to the entrance. I pulled a clip out of my belt and pressed the rounds into the magazine and pushed the bolt forward.

While I was reloading I heard Hofmann yell and there was brief pause before I heard an explosion that shattered glass and sent the smell of smoke filling the air.

Then the silence came back.

“Toss another”, Hofmann yelled aloud, I heard another explosion follow suit.

I peeked over cover as Karl was reloading and scanned the windows. I was going to assume we got him until I saw his blonde hair to the right corner of my eye. I quickly trained my sights on him and pulled the trigger. His head disappeared behind the window as I loaded another round into the chamber.

“On me!”, Hofmann yelled at us. We hopped over cover and ran towards them as he kicked in the door and let Koch take point as Hitler tended to Vogel.

Koch took to the stairs with Hofmann following him as me and Karl cleared the first floor.

We were about to signal clear until we heard scuffling behind a door to my right. Dammit! I almost forgot this room. I signaled to Karl to get ready. He nodded and I opened the door rapidly, hoping I could get my rifle out in time.

Unfortunately, I didn't.

I grunted as two guys jumped me and sent me tumbling to the ground. He got a hit in, and as he raised his fist to strike again, with a loud bang following suit. He fell back as he began to bleed on the floor while the other raised his hands.

I got up coughing and rubbing my cheek as I bent over to pick up my rifle and lean on the wall.

“You ok?”, Karl asked, looking back at me.

“Oh yeah, of course, never better”, I said coughing softly.

He chuckled and quickly changed his attitude back as we led him out the door for Hitler to watch as we went back in. As we left him, there was another man with a Red Cross on his arm tending to Vogels wounds.

*KRAKOW* *BANG!!!* *BANG!!!*

Thinking Hofmann was shot, me and Karl shot up the stairs.

They were fine, the communists, not so much, a man, a young lady, and what looked like an adolescent, were shot dead.

“What happened?”, I asked while staring at the dead.

“Well, that boy”, He pointed at the teenager. “Very nearly killed me. And those two…” he pointed to the other two. “The leaders of this whole revolution”.

“Wait, but why'd you kill them?”, I asked. “Did they try and shoot you?”.

He shook his head. “Not me”.

I looked toward Hofmann, who was cuffing the other revolutionists.

“They'd be more trouble in court then being dead Schmidt”, He replied to me as he cuffed the last of them.

“But isn't this one a boy still?”, I asked pointing to the dead boy.

He looked up at me and towards the boy, “Yeah, a radical revolutionist boy, brainwashed and poisoned by Bolshevism, who wanted us dead”. He tapped on each of the cuffed men to get a move on and we slowly led them out of the building. Where we passed Vogel seeming paler and more exhausted than when we left him.

“A medical truck is on its way, just get those damn, Bolshevist pigs out of here!”, He snarled towards the men that we marched out, and went back to applying pressure on Vogel’s shoulder.

I placed my hand on the last man's back for him to go faster as we loaded them onto the trucks that would take them to prison. While now we wait for the corpse truck to get the dead outta here.


A crackle of machine gun fire could be heard as another group of communists, most likely had set it up to be a trap, opened fire all the way down the street, I quickly got behind the right side of the truck to use it for cover.

“Where is that machine gunner?!”, Karl yelled as he sat there beside me on the truck, praying that a round would not whiz by and strike us.

I peered over the side and could see the fire coming from the second floor of a commercial building, a tailor on the first floor and what appears to be dorms above it.

“Ok”, I patted Karl's shoulder. “There's a machine gunner on the second floor down the street with the tailor shop on the first floor, go get the Lt.”.

He crawled alongside the truck and told the Lt. of the gunner. He nodded his head and yelled out that we need to find a way to get to that building without getting shot.

Then it came to me.

“Sir!”, I yelled over the gunfire.

“Yes private?”, He replied while holding onto his helmet.

“If you can take out that gunner and buy me some time, I can get the truck on drive and push this thing all the way over there”, I answered.

“Are you kidding me?”, He exclaimed in disbelief .

“It's the only way sir, there's no cover, from here to that building is just street, we can push this truck and get there with minimal casualties”.

He thought about it for a long moment and shook his violently, “FUCK it”! He pointed at me, “Get that truck on drive, Karl will take the gunner out to buy you some time”.

I nodded and got ready to get into the driver seat from the passenger side.

“Karl, Hitler, Koch, take aim and take that bastard out!”, He yelled as he kept the prisoners’ heads down.

They got into position and waited as I opened the passenger side door.

“GO!”, He shouted loudly.

I climbed in and hopped over to the driver seat, praying to god that I could get the thing to start.

“I got him!”, Hitler yelled out. And it was around that time that managed to put the car on drive.

“Alright, were good, just gotta drive now”, I called out as I stepped on the gas and turned to face the building. “Stay behind me and cover me”!

The machine gun was operational again as another Marxist manned the gun and took shots out at me, I ducked and made it so only my eyes were peering over, and I quickly reached into my holster to pull out my Luger.

I looked up and took shots directly at the MG nest, hoping to make him keep his head down, it worked and I progressed to drive all the way till we reached the doorstep, where I placed the truck on park and stepped out.

“Follow me!”, Karl sharply whispered as he leaned his back against the wall.

I leaned on the wall in n the other side of the door and signaled that I was counting down as I loaded a fresh mag into my Luger.

“One…. two….. three!”, I went in first and rapidly looked all around me as I pointed my gun all around. I. Looked to my left and almost got tackled, but my reactions n was faster than him and I shot him square in the chest as he fell.

I went up on the stairs as I slowly crouched down, “Hand a grenade”.

Karl gave me the bag and I opened it up. “Come out slowly or you will regret this day!”.

No reply.

I twisted the bottom cap off and pulled the string, Granate!”. I threw it and quickly ducked as the bang went off, blowing dust over my head.

“Move!”, Karl ran up to check for survivors as I followed close by.

As I ran up, I could see five dead as four more cowardly threw their weapons on the ground and raided their arms up. “Cuff them”.

I went up behind them and restrained them as I led them out the front door to see Koch running up the building to bring the bodies outside.

As I led the Bolshevist to the truck to be shipped off to prison, Hoffman came up to me and patted me on the back as we went with Koch. I shoved them into the trucks as it’s engines revved up to drive them away.

“Think we did it?”, Karl asked as caught up to me.

I turned around, and as I turned to face him, I could see the bodies being loaded into a casualty truck.

I cleared my throat, “I dunno, but one thing is for sure, we won’t see large scale protests or revolutions like today for maybe a good while”. I said as I nodded my head. I took a deep breath and reached into my pocket to grab a banker chief as I brought it up and dabbed my forehead, wiping the sweat off.

“It seems so”, He nodded. “Well, I’m heading back with Hoffman to unload, you coming?”.

“Yeah, I’ll be there, just gimme a sec”, I looked down on my left hand and noticed it was shaking. I grabbed it with my right and eased up my tension. “What a hell of a day”.

I followed and climbed aboard as we drove back to government headquarters so we could be debriefed. And the whole time I kept think not about that kid shot dead. He really tried to kill Hoffman? I mean, the way the communists carry themselves out? He probably did? Even so, maybe he could’ve been detained. It doesn’t matter now, what’s done is done, I’ll just have to wait and see what the aftermath holds on store for us.

This was a day that I’ll remember, I know that much, and I feel as if the new world will be judging us as well when this story unfolds.


The Next Day…
Berlin, Germany
Kaiser Wilhelm
In Front of the Reichstag

“Yesterday… December 17, 1920, a group of communist partisans, the Spartacists had attacked during a protest, killing 20 Freikorps troops and 16 Reichstag guards”, I said as spoke into the microphone, I looked outward toward the crowd and cleared my throat. “As well as 80 civilians murdered”.

“This day will carry on, in infamy, as I will no longer tolerate such violence… The Constitutional Monarchy that our government had put in place, allowed the protestors to protest and voice their opinions, so long as it was peaceful”, I paused for a second to let that sink in.

“It didn’t go that way however, countless months of antagonism against us by these godless spartacists, and as of today, I’m placing a ban on any and all communist organizations, resistance will be put down, we have given our worst adversaries a chance, and one too far they have taken it”, The crowd was a mixture of bitter sweet happiness, I guess it could be seen as joy as I would be hunting down the perpetrators.

“And as such, the party leaders are dead, we have taken the retaliatory measures to ensure that we will not bend to this violent, destructive, and immoral ideology. We stand by our traditions, and will assist in any way to other countries, if allowed, to help with any similar situations”, I paused and turned to face the four troops behind me.

“These men, responsible for squeezing down resistance dramatically, proves that government is not necessarily needed in everyday life. The Freikorps, are proof, and as a private organization, helped our nation significantly, and I have been suggesting to add to our law, a similar right to bear arms as our former enemy, the U.S., to bear firearms as they see fit, to help protect their communities against foes such as the spartacists”, I took a deep breath and exhaled smoothly.

“Gott mit Uns”, I turned to walk back to my quarters as the crowd behind me cheered on.

“My Kaiser?”, My advisor called out.

“Yes Hermann?”, I called out.

“Did you send the Equestrian Kingdom guns?”, He asked frighteningly.

“Yes I have, the old ones from 1809”.

“Which ones?”, He raised a brow

“The Potsdams”, I replied smiling.

He chuckled, “1809?”.

I nodded, “Nothing to worry about, I’ve also made the deal with the Griffons, they were more enthusiastic however and bought a few dozen thousand”.

“Well, I suppose old firearms won’t hurt”.

“They won’t, and I’m send a couple of divisions to all of the countries to properly train them to handle their equipment safely and properly,” I said placing my hand on his shoulder.

“We’ll also have to decide whether to aide the Gryphons through further trade cooperation,” He added.

“What do you mean?”.

He cleared his throat, “The Gryphons have proposed establishing an embassy here and have offered to give us oil that they’ve discovered in the desert by Saddle Arabia”.

“Well we could use the oil in further fueling our new development for panzers”, I suggested. “Get Benz to work on a tank that’s lighter than the Sturmpanzerwagen, can hold cannons that can be used to clear out enemy positions”.

“What should I tell him it’s for?”, He asked as I headed to my quarters.

“Tell him it’s a commission that’ll pay well”.

“And what about the people protesting the cooperation of Germaneigh and Deutschland?”.

“We’ll have to see, it’s still too early to say anything, but if they’re anything like us, than we’ll get along neutrally”, I said with annoyance. “As much as this is foreign, the more friendly faces the better at the moment”.

He nodded and left.


Griffinstone, The Gryphonian Empire…
King Griffondor

“Sire!”, A messenger shouted as he ran and bowed before me, “A message from our 1st Recon Division!”.

“What is it?”, I asked as I finished signing a bill for adding on infrastructure in our lower developed areas.

“There’s at least 350 miles of territory we can seize, the uprising up north is distracting the princesses from protecting the coastline by Mania, what shall I message them?”.

I laid my chin on my fist and pondered for a moment, the princess wouldn’t dare start a conflict for 50 miles, it’s Griffon territory, and if I play my cards right, I can peacefully exchange territories with the now rising National populist party in Saddle Arabia if they take over, for more land.

“Tell them to swiftly invade and establish martial law into our new colony”, I said chuckling.

“Yes sire!”, He quickly flew out to relay the message.

When he was gone, my thoughts drifted back to German Empire. That Kaiser Wilhelm…. he sure can rile up a crowd to support him. I like him, he’s charismatic, and assertive, that communist party there though… they sure made their discomforts voiced.

Perhaps it was good that he established a ban on their party. They’re rats draining his economy. Plus, just like the princesses, I’ve got a trade deal, those cars and goods they’re sending have helped to industrialize this country greatly. We even have patents for prototypes similar to the Benz style of design.

“Those ponies… they’ve given us next to nothing”, I growled. Perhaps I should negotiate with the new Kaiser to establish an alliance. Their conservative lifestyle and influence is exactly what my nation needs, no disloyal and negative influence, and who knows, maybe we can settle colony borders with Zebrica and Camelu.

And those guns...what a development! Taking back that territory will be nothing, well crush any resistance while Celestia’s back is turned!

“Hey Allen”, I called out.

“Yes sire!”, He stood at attention.

“Come closer”, He did as he was told.

“What seems to be the problem sire?”, He asked a little worried now as I don’t call him over very often like this.

“I’ve noticed that some of my government staff are, sketchy, order Lt. Baldwin to, “clean up the scum in my ministry”, I said with disgust in my voice.

He nodded sharply, “On it! But if I may ask, why?”.

“I patted his shoulder, you’ll see I’m due time”.

Death to Celestia!


The Equestrian Kingdom
Canterlot Castle
Princess Celestia

“This Kaiser doesn’t tolerate anything threatening him”, Luna muttered as she read the report.

“He’s establishing order in a terrorized capitol, I feel like it’s the right approach for them”, I replied.

“Maybe so”, She whined. “But I don’t like the way he carries himself out, regardless, he has helped us a lot, we’ve expanding our researching efforts 5 times what it was thanks to him”.

“Well there you go”, I smiled. “He’s not all bad”.

She huffed, “where is the armaments he said he was shipping?”.

“He said they’d arrive around an hour or so from now, and that they’re weapon he no longer needs,” I responded explaining it slowly. “It’s to equip us better than with our blades, Luna”.

“I suppose”, She sighed. “I’ll give the Kaiser the benefit of the doubt.

“Princess!”, Shining shouted as he ran in panting like he was running from Tartarus itself.

“What is it?!”, I asked worried.

“The uprising went out of control and the griffins seized their old territory with us distracted!”, He reported as he was shaking slightly, I could see it with his body language.

“Your majesty?”, He waved his hand in front of my face.

“Sister?”, Luna asked patting my shoulder.

I shook my head, “Tell the troops to stand down, we’ve got our hands full as it is, let’s just them take this one piece back”.

I rubbed my forehead and leaned onto my throne, “That Damned Griffondor”, I gritted my teeth. He’s been spending one too many times reflecting on his ancestors past”.

“What do you mean sister?”, Luna asked raising a brow.

“I mean that he’s looking down at us over events played out a thousand years ago”, I groaned. “He even have a speech during his coronation that he wants to reclaim the Gryphonian Empire and to make matters worse, vows to take back ethnic griffon states in Equestria back into his empire”.

She rubbed her chin, “you’re right on this move, we can’t fight over small territory when we’re preoccupied, we’ll let this slide, but we must keep a watchful eye for them”.

“Agreed, let’s send our top griffin spies in to find out what their next move is”.

“But sister..”, Luna had a look of distress.


“They’re already embedded and are being checked daily for corruptions, Griffindor’s orders, he'll kill them”, Her voice was shaky.

I pondered for a moment, “Tell them to find out what’s going on and to get out as soon as they’re accomplished, we’ll send a recon team to extract them”.

She went regardless to order them to proceed. I started to bite my nails slowly. She’s right…he might be onto us…

“Oh dear Faust help us..”.


Northeast Oil Rig fields, Saddle Arabia
45 Minutes Before the Princess is Informed
Sgt. Porter of the 2nd Army, The Griffon Army

“John!”, I shouted at the top of my lungs. “Keep moving! We’ve gotta get through this in the next two days or we’ll be pushed back!”.

“On it!”, He shouted back. “Reload your weapons men! Just as Müller showed us!”. He proceeded to toss a spare ball of lead down the barrel, took out a rod from the gun, and jammed the ball deeper in and placed the rod back in place, place the cap and powder on the flint and cocked the hammer back.


The second they shot, the crowd dispersed as they saw their dead comrades lying dead or mortally wounded as we pressed on. In front of me I could see a whole crowd of Arabians scattering as we moved through. “For the Empire and our ancestors!”.

7 Hours Later…...

Any sort of resistance was put down, and throughout the invasion, the reconquering was mainly dealing with domestic insurgents. Other than that, the Equestrians and the Arabians has their hands full so we could just march in here. Using our new ‘Potsdam’s’ as the German military called it, was extremely effective, 250 yard shots. Clean and flawless with our experience. The king was right, this would be a perfect exercise to try these weapons out.

We’ve so far cleared out an estimated 200 miles and are now just rushing to get the rest quickly. And thanks to the Germans, this invasion went by faster than even our leaders expected. These Potsdam’s, combined with our flight, have made our tactics deadly. I sincerely hope the king keeps the trade, because I honestly have never seen such a more useful tool in my life.

“Ahhh….”, I breathed deeply while maintaining steady flight in the air. The sweet smell of our ancient glory returning. Quite sweet. Almost as if, it’s destiny! All of the injustices put into by us by the hateful Equestrians will be felt soon enough. Only now, they’ll be broken, while we rise, we’ll rip into them like scalpels and cut her nations open and leave it to die!

Hail to the King! Our divine leader will hand us a place in the sun!