• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago


It's called garbage can, not garbage can't.


Applebloom is talked into playing a game of Immersive Ogres and Oubliettes, where death is fake but pain is real alongside a group of ponies named Bery, Sweet Dreams, and Samaritan. It is a game that promises adventure and danger in equal measure! Gargoyles, skeleton ponies, and even other players may be adversaries to success!

Applebloom's first adventure is known as the Dungeon of Statues, a low level dungeon with a higher than average fake-death rate.

Adventure awaits!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 28 )

I would totally play this

8022366 I dunno, man. I'm not a big fan of spiders, myself, so I might have to avoid the creepy-crawler-y dungeons.

That said, I'm glad you're brave enough to want to give it a go.

8022216 Cheers! Glad you enjoyed it.

8022421 Nope. Bery is short for Beryllium (his full name is Beryllium Brave), which is the fourth element of the periodic table, four being the number of members in the party.

I liked it because it sounded like Berry, though, which struck me as a very pony-ish name.

8022369 Aye, I'm an aracnophobe myself, but what better way to get over it than to beat a giant one to death?

That thumb-sized one in the attic doesn't seem so bad now, does it?

8022537 Solid logic.

Unless the giant spider wins. D : )

The stone they were made out of was darker and rougher, and the statues were posed differently. Many of them were trying to cover their eyes. Applebloom shuddered. Creepy.
This reminds me of the weeping angels from Doctor Who


Trust me, it is a reference. Haph is a connaisseur of Doctor Who.

8023572 8023199 Actually this was an accidental reference, although I do wish I had done more with it now you mention.

8023513 Partly why I wrote this was to test the waters and see if there would be any point to trying a longer, more intricate adventure.

I guess we'll see if anything comes of that.

8023866 I've been to the feature box a few times. It's not all bad, it's just inconsistent.

My main worry was that the concept of characters going to a 'game world' is hardly a novel one, so I wanted to gauge whether the way I did it was worthwhile. I didn't want a universe where if you die in the game world u die for reel because that's super boring at this point. I kinda wanted to find a different way of making things interesting, which is partly where Sam making a living off the fictional game-world came from.


That, and Haph dislikes SAO very much. He wanted to avoid making too many plot points that would make his story closer to the anime. Thus no death in real world (among other things).

8024373 I do kinda think SAO is a little dumb, yeah.

: )

I guess if I'm going to be making a game-based story, I'd like it to be about exploiting the game, not just being good at it, and stuff like that.

>tfw no Druids or Rangers in party

Cool fic tho, faved.

Fascinating concept and a nice execution. I hope Apple Bloom doesn't quit IO&O because of this; it's not like she's going to encounter gorgon noob-hunters every session. And Sam's a lot nicer than her inspiration. Though to be fair, the not-actually-dying thing and the lack of hungry spidermoms helps there. In all, a very fun little adventure.

8025186 Cheers. I kinda wanted a Barbarian or a monk in the party somewhere, because they're my faves. <3

8029872 Well, if people found it interesting, there may be more stuff in this sort of context. I do also quite like Sam. She was fun to write, although at one stage she was way creepier. I dialled it back in later revisions.

In case I didn't already say it, I really enjoyed your story and I have been having fun working on the youtube reading for it.

I am curious, do you ever intend on expanding upon Sam's story or on the way the world in this story works. I would certainly be interested in reading those.

8622078 I've been considering it. I actually had a prototype story working, but I didn't like it.

Frankly, since I started my PhD, I've been struggling to get stories written. It's been pretty exhausting. I'm trying to get a short one out now and I'm still struggling to meet my deadline.

For Snake Party, I was interested in looking at getting more of the characters into the game doing shenanigans and bringing Sam back, but the way I did it in the prototype story didn't work for me. If I'm going to continue it, I'll have to find a way to keep going that I think works, which will take time.

Long story short, whilst I wouldn't mind bringing Sam back, it'll definitely be a while until I can smooth out the wrinkles, so I wouldn't expect anything anytime soon, unfortunately. Thanks for the interest, though!

I just need to know something.

"Bery, I think I'm in love."

Is it Sam that is saying this or Applebloom?

8622218 Sam. Applebloom was quite busy having a little episode.

8622228 I thought so, but I wanted to make sure before I recorded the wrong character saying it.

8622287 Ha, yeah, fair play. Do let me know when it's done!

I kinda wanna see a story of shinings adventure now.

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