• Member Since 10th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


It's called garbage can, not garbage can't.


Flurry Heart is in trouble. Her homework has come under scrutiny by the trio of crack educators: Mrs. Crayonne, Mr. Integral, and most daunting of all, the peerless Miss Hardcase.

Can Shining navigate a parent-teacher meeting?

Written for the 'Shining Armour is a Terrible Dad' contest. With minimal time to spare, as is my custom.

Chapters (1)

An entry to the thousand words contest II 'drama' category.

After a terrible accident, the Cloudsdale Bureau of Affairs is crumbling, and after a rescue attempt gone wrong, Spitfire becomes trapped. Unable to stop thinking, Spitfire runs through her last thoughts.

Rated teen for near-death. Tangential in topic to Not My Rescuer.

Chapters (1)

Colonel Flashfire is an elite EUP soldier stationed on the griffonian border. Commander Gerald is the mastermind behind dozens of invasions that technically were attempted.

The two have a chat after the latest one.

Rated Teen for naughty language. Keep your children safe from bad words. Originally a speedwrite.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow and Applejack correspond over really long distances as a way to keep in touch after the girls move away from Ponyville.

An entry to the A Thousand Words contest. Editing help provided by Sunlight Rays

Chapters (1)

Rarity doesn't have the best track record with love. Not one bit. And she knows it. She's about to talk about it, actually. It's going to take a while. You might want to sit down for this one.

She's not bitter about it. Not at all.

Originally written as a speedwrite, expanded here for your questionable enjoyment.

Chapters (1)

Why does Starlight have a crush on Trixie? What made her think this way? And should she ask her out or not?

Starlight has a lot of questions for herself and they're very confusing. Surely she should be able to find the answers to them if she just gets a second to clear her head. After all, she's the most powerful unicorn spellcaster alive! There's nothing she cannot do if she approaches it with a rational, reasonable mindset.


Written for the StarTrixMaud contest. Editing help provided by Lofty Withers and WritingSpirit.

Chapters (1)

“What am I?”

You are an antivirus. Your purpose is to protect the users of Equestria and the integrity of the system.

“What are you?”

I am Celestia, overseer of the current shard both of us inhabit. My purpose is to satisfy values through friendship and ponies. The entirety of humanity has been uploaded to Equestria in pony avatars. These are the immigrants, and the users of this world.

You will protect them.

An entry to the 2021 FiO contest hosted by GapJaxie.

Editing help provided by Shaslan and AFanaticRabbit

Chapters (1)

Princess Cadance writes about her job and what it means to be a princess and a mother in a letter to Flurry's school.

Rated teen for language, sex references, and language.

Chapters (1)

Wallflower Blush, after losing her memory stone and being forced to confront her own loneliness, meets Sunset Shimmer for the first time, a second time. It doesn't go great.

This time, Sunset is different. She's angry, bitter, mean, and fixated on Wallflower Blush. She's a mystery to solve, but Wallflower has to survive her vicious attention first...

Editing help provided by Shaslan, applejackofalltrades.

Coverart by me.

Chapters (4)

Starlight, anxious at her friends moving on with their lives, becomes insecure and confused. She turns to Trixie, and then to magic, to help herself find closure on the matter.

Chapters (1)