• Published 10th Feb 2017
  • 5,230 Views, 249 Comments

Poison Whiskey - The Bricklayer

Rainbow is Scootaloo's real mother. First problem, she doesn't know that. Second problem, Scootaloo's living in an abusive household after Rainbow gave her up for adoption fearing of what kind of mother she'd be. But now it's time to face her demons.

  • ...

Final Chapter: Devil in the Bottle (Bricklayer and Shadowmane)

“I'm walking down this dead end road, all alone and by myself
Wish I could blame the whiskey, but I can only blame myself
Running out of chances, and Lord that's such a crime
I got to find the answer before I lose my mind

“Oh Lord it’s a crying shame, oh Lord I've caused so much pain
I only hurt the ones I love
There's a devil in a bottle that just won't let me be
So many times I've been hurting my soul and family

“But I got free on the day I fought the
Devil in the bottle
The next time that ol' devil tries to get the best of me
I'll smash that bottle against the wall and know I'm finally free…”
Devil in the Bottle: Lynyrd Skynyrd: Endangered Species: 1994

Yeah, remember that moment when Discord sent a certain group of reporters packing? Well, evidently he wasn’t done with them yet, as I shall now explain.

“Well, aren’t you the definition of pests?” He remarked, placing both his paw and his hand on his hips and looking down at them. “Heck, if I look up in a dictionary, bet I’ll find a picture of you all!”

To prove his point, he snapped his paw and with a white flash, a dictionary did indeed appear. Discord put on his reading glasses and then skimmed through the pages before shouting out “Aha!”

He showed the book’s definition of pests, and sure enough, there was a picture of a reporter. He snapped his paw again, making the book vanish and then all of the reporters’ cameras sprouted wings and flew off into the skies. To make sure they wouldn’t be caught, he then snapped his paw again and any pegasi reporters suddenly found themselves to be Earth Ponies.

He dusted his hands off and smirked. “There, that should be enough to deal with you all for now, least until a certain bookworm sends the Guard after you for harassment and loitering. Toodles!”

As he watched Fluttershy and her wife make a break for it, with Scootaloo in tow, he turned back towards the reporters.

“Now, normally, I’m a bit of a sucker for some juicy gossip as it often leads to prime sources of chaos, but when you point those things at Fluttershy and her friends, then you answer to me,” He looked the reporters in her eyes, which diluted as flames began to roar in them. Said flames quickly went out as Discord leaned back in a lawn chair sipping a martini. “But, I’m a generous spirit of chaos, so all this—” he pointed to the almost emptied house behind them “—will all seem like a slap on the wrist if you just leave me and my friends alone. Otherwise, let’s just say you could make the headlines next.” He materialized a newspaper, with a picture of the reporter ponies all on the front, with the headline “Ponies Put In Peril For Paparazzi Palaver!”

“Are we getting the message yet?” Discord asked. Evidently, trifling with a angry spirit of chaos was way above these ponies pay grade, and they quickly got the message and made a break for it. Discord smirked, and took a sip of his martini. “Another job well done, I’d say.”

With that, he pulled open a zipper and stepped into his own personal dimension. However, one pegasus, (Swift Wind) who’d eventually regain his wings and camera once Discord’s magic wore off, would not take this lying down. Something funny was up in the Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash household, and he intended to find out what.

Now you’d have thought that would have been the end of things, no? Flash forwards a few weeks, and a good amount of drinks from Rainbow, and sadly it wasn’t.

Twilight physically stared at the headline that had been plastered all over the Ponyville Tribune that day. Now normally, she wouldn’t have given a damn on what was in basically the local gossip rag, but Rarity on the other hoof… that was a different matter entirely. See, the thing was, she did actually read the newspaper, if one could call it that, and once she saw what had been on the front page, she’d ran over to Twilight’s and almost threw it at her.

Twilight’s eyes nearly bugged out of their skull as she read the headline back to front. In full view, in all of its ugly glory, it read: “Rainbow Crash and Burn!”

Somehow, in some way, (Twilight figured that somebody hadn’t been scared off by Gilda’s roar) somebody had snuck into the Castle and had taken a picture of Rainbow in her drunken state.

“This… this… this is…” Twilight sputtered out, too angry to even form a coherent sentence, small embers licking her mane. Rarity, wisely, took a few steps back. “Rarity, please tell me you know a good lawyer or two?” Twilight asked as calmly as she could, once she’d regained enough of her composure. Outwardly, she looked to be the ideal of Princess Perfection, as the Ponyville Tribune had once put it ironically enough (It had been an article rating the beauty of the Princesses) but inwardly she was a seething cauldron of rage.

“Twilight…” Rarity asked cautiously. “What are you planning to do?”

“Well, I sure as Tartarus can’t just let this slide, can I?” Twilight slapped a hoof against the article. “It’s discriminating Rainbow Dash! And for what purpose?”

“Ah, unfortunately, and as much as I know this sounds cruel, it can’t really be discrimination if it’s true. Now, invasion of privacy, that’s another matter.” Rarity replied, trying to keep Twilight from doing something completely stupid. Her grandfather had been a lawyer, so she knew all the tricks of the trade, or at least enough.

“Whatever it is, it’s completely wrong and we can’t let them get away with this! Especially after we all warned them about not doing this!” Twilight’s wings unfurled as she glared down at the article. “Rarity? Is there a law I can enact where I can legally shut down the Ponyville Tribune? Or do I need to go to Celestia for that?”

“Well, considering, and I looked this up once, the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony are considered part of the armed forces believe it or not, any discrimination, libel, or invasions of privacy are considered grounds for a complete and total shutdown of any business that conducts these acts,” Rarity advised “Now, it’s an old law, mostly forgotten about, but…”

Twilight whirled around to stare at her friend.

“Then how do you…?”

“Know?” Rarity finished. “Well, soon as I saw the article, I went ahead and did a bit of digging around in the Mayor’s office for old law books and the like, and found this to my surprise. Considered a bit over the top by Celestia, I admit, but it seems she never really got to taking it off the books, or maybe she thought she did, and some noble managed to get back on the books in secrecy. Money exchanges hooves you know.” Rarity shrugged.

“That’s very good to know. And it makes our lives a whole lot easier,” Twilight sighed and let a small smile appear on her face. “Now, let’s round up the others. We’ve got a newspaper industry to shut down.”

“And I’ve got some lawyers to contact, as I imagine knowing you, you’d want to sue for damages am I correct?” Rarity asked.

“Yep.” Twilight nodded.

“Believe me dearie,” Rarity commented as she ripped the newspaper in half. “I’m not that far behind. Trust me, you’re not the only one who wants to sue this… this rag.”

Flash forwards a few hours, and then Twilight was marching into the front hall of the Ponyville Tribune, wearing a nice suit.

“Excuse me,” Twilight asked as sweetly as she could to the front desk, a forced smile on her face. “But where can I find the editor?”

“The editor’s not here.” A pony with a white mane looked up at her from his desk. “Can I help you, miss?”

“I’d like to see the editor… now.” Twilight growled out, dropping all pretenses of politeness.

“Like I said. He’s not here.” The pony stood up from his desk. “And I know exactly why you’re here, Miss Sparkle. Any chance you have of suing us is not going to work. We did not spread false or misleading rumours about your friend, Rainbow Dash.”

“Unfortunately, that may be true,” Twilight replied, allowing the pony to have a brief smile of smug satisfaction, before she dropped the bomb. “However, you did conduct an extreme invasion of privacy, which is just as illegal.”

The pony began to lose his composure. “We-We’re reporters! I-It’s our job to get to the bottom of things, and show everypony the truth!” he stammered out. Twilight didn’t look amused.

“Yes. But not when the dealings of somepony is private. Especially not when it’s one of the Elements of Harmony, who are legally part of Equestria’s armed forces. And especially when it’s one of my friends!” Twilight held up the law and rubbed it in his face, metaphorically at least. “You have fifteen minutes to gather your belongings and everyone else’s belongings before we throw you out of this building.”

But the pony held firm, to his credit. “Sadly miss,” he said, gritting his teeth. “You will have to speak to the editor to actually do that.”

“Forget the editor!” Twilight’s wings burst open as she used a magical blast to disintegrate the desk the pony was on, as well as the article he was writing. “The law is the law; editor or no! And here in Ponyville, I am the law! Now pack up and leave!” Steam was blowing out of her nose.

“Ngah!” The pony growled and took his stuff. “Fine! But I won’t ever be worshipping you, your friends, or anything you ever do together again!”

Privately, as she watched the pony pack up his things, and trod out of the building head hung low, Twilight knew Princess Celestia would be having words with her soon enough, and she’d just destroyed the lives and probably the reputations of quite a few ponies who were making an honest living in her anger. Knowing that, she let out a whisper of: “What have I done?”

Now, back to the present day. Like Rainbow Dash had promised, with plenty of practice, and plenty of actually encouraging words, Scootaloo had managed to finally fly, if only for a brief few moments. But that was enough for Rainbow right now, as it proved her daughter could do it, and in time, (Here Rainbow smirked, as she imagined herself in Spitfire’s place, teaching the next batch of new recruits, one of which was Scootaloo) she’d probably be able to be up there alongside her.

To absolutely no-one’s surprise, Pinkie did throw a party for this occasion, with practically everypony in attendance. Well, almost everypony. To Rainbow’s sadness, she noted Fluttershy was absent.

“So that’s how it is, huh?” Rainbow thought to herself, shedding a small tear before wiping it away. Couldn’t let anyone see her cry, still had a reputation to uphold after all. “Can’t even celebrate the squirt finally flying, not as long as I’m around…”

“Don’t worry, Rainbow. I’m sure that Fluttershy will be delighted to know that Scootaloo can fly,” Twilight said as she came over and patted her on the back. “Even if she’s not here right now.”

“Yeah, it’s just…” Rainbow trailed off. “It’d be more meaningful if she was here, y’know?”

“Rainbow, all that matters is that you’re here,” Scootaloo came over and hugged Rainbow’s front legs. “I couldn’t have asked for anything more than that.”

Rainbow laughed bitterly. “What, you couldn’t have asked for a better mom?”

Scootaloo chuckled a little. “Nope. Not really. Even if you have your little accidents,” she said as delicately as she could. “You’re still my mom. And a good mom always looks after their kids.”

“Anyone tell you that you sound much older than you really are?” Rainbow asked.

“Well, given the environment I grew up in…” Scootaloo muttered, and Rainbow winced a little. She probably deserved that, even if the remark wasn’t actually directed at her in reality.

“Yeah. Guess that just makes us even more alike, doesn’t it?” Rainbow asked. She tried to grin at that. “We’ve both had our problems. And even now, we’re still trying to get over ‘em.”

“Hey Pinkie, where’s the snacks?” Applejack shouted from somewhere nearby. As if on cue...

“Oooooh,” Pinkie chimed in, bringing out a punch bowl. “Who wants punch?”

Sadly, what Pinkie didn’t know, was that Swift Winds had followed up on his promise from before, and while she wasn’t looking, slipped some Wild Pegasus Whiskey into the punch before making a break for it. Security cameras would only later catch him.

Rainbow shouted out: “I call first dibs on that!” and almost at once began drinking from the bowl.

“Honestly Rainbow,” Applejack sighed. “Were ya raised in a barn?” she joked, but her eyes widened as she saw Rainbow fall backwards and she let out a shout.

“Rainbow? Rainbow!” the farm pony shouted. “Speak to me, girl!”

When no response came, Applejack shouted “Well, don’t just stand around there, mouths gapin’! Somepony call the hospital!” as she thought: “Come on Sugahcube, don’t ya die on me yet…”

Meanwhile, Fluttershy had been fast asleep during this whole ordeal, still quite shaken up from Spitfire’s tirade against her a few days before. She hadn’t really worked up the courage to leave the house, and instead spent most of her days in a listless state, only getting up to feed herself, and her animals.

Right now however, she was trapped in a nightmare. Images of Rainbow Dash appeared all around her in a dark and purple landscape. As she flew towards one, it shattered. Along with the family pictures that also involved her and Scootaloo. One after another, faster and faster, until finally, the world she was in began to shatter into a world of black as well.

The next thing she knew, she was inside a sea of whiskey. Wild Pegasus Whiskey to be precise. She tried to keep her head above the alcohol, but it was violently swishing around her. Soon, she found a massive version of Rainbow Dash’s head lift the drink, which was in an equally large version of the tankard she held in her hoof, and swigged the whole drink down in one, swallowing Fluttershy as well.

“Wh-wh-where am I?!” Fluttershy asked as she found herself in yet another black mindscape. To answer her question, a single spotlight appeared in the distance, with Scootaloo crying softly underneath it. Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be found, nor were any of the other Cutie Mark Crusaders or Fluttershy’s friends.

“Scootaloo?” She slowly walked forward towards the crying filly and tried to reach out for a hug, but as soon as she touched Scootaloo, she vanished into mist, and the spotlight erupted wider, drenching Fluttershy in its’ light.

“Stop it! This isn’t real!” She called out into the darkness that surrounded her and her singular column of spotlight light.

“Where are you, Fluttershy?” Rainbow’s voice echoed in the mindscape. “You’re supposed to get drunk with me. Isn’t that what family’s all about?”

“Wake up, Fluttershy. Wake up!” She slapped herself in the face, refusing to listen to the nightmare she had been encased in.

“Drinking’s amazing! Why don’t you join in, Fluttershy?” Scootaloo’s voice also appeared, along with another mirage of her knocking back a pint of the same whiskey. “We both do it here. Why not you?”

“This farce shall cease!” a very familiar, and very welcoming voice barked out as the entire world shattered like glass, and was replaced with a moonlit, grassy field. A far more calming landscape than before, to be sure. Appearing from the moon itself, was a dark blue alicorn who glided down towards Fluttershy and sat herself down beside her.

“Princess Luna…” Fluttershy basked in the glow of the moon princess and slowly approached her. “What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I forgive Rainbow Dash for any of this?”

“Why do you think?” Luna inquired, raising an eyebrow and waited for Fluttershy’s answer.

“The alcohol. Her mother’s death, Scootaloo being caught up in all of this… It’s turned her into a different pony,” Fluttershy huddled under Luna’s wings. “What are we going to do, Princess Luna? I don’t wanna leave Rainbow, but at the same time, I also don’t think I can stay with her unless she cleans up her act…”

“Have you even paid attention to Rainbow as of late?” Princess Luna asked. “She is, in fact, cleaning up her act as you put it. She doesn’t even realize it, or maybe she does deep down, but she’s already gone through the first five steps of the Twelve Step Program. Now, remind me, what are they again?”

Again, she awaited for Fluttershy’s answer.

“Step one, admit that you have a problem. Step two, let others know that you have a problem,” she began to recite it. “Step three, find something that you can do to ease the pain a little. Step four, turn to others for help in overcoming the problem… I know all about the twelve step program, Luna. And I want to support her in it too, but what’s the chance that she might end up drinking again and going back on her word?”

“She’s Rainbow, Element of Loyalty, that alone should tell you that she’ll stick to her word. Or do you not know your own wife as well as you think?” Luna accused.

“I have my own twelve-step problem myself. But it’s for me being a horrible parent and wife,” Fluttershy curled backwards, letting hair droop down her face. “I guess, in a way, me and Rainbow are both suffering from problems right now. Here I am, refusing to have any faith in my own wife, who’s also the Element of Loyalty. If anything, I guess I deserve this nightmare for what I’ve done.”

“Maybe, maybe not, but it’s Rainbow I’m worried about right now. I cannot reach her, and that worries me. Fluttershy, wake up. NOW!” Luna shouted in fear, and Fluttershy shot up awake in her bedroom, panting and sweating before she tossed the covers off herself and took to the skies out an open window…

Ponyville Hospital:

Meanwhile, Rainbow had been caught in a state between life and death, as she was rushed to intensive care on a gurney, with Auntie Lofty and Gilda racing beside her all the way. “Come on Rainbow, you can make it out of this!” Lofty shouted, knowing that her words would reach Rainbow. She just knew it. They just had to.

“How could this have happened?” Gilda asked, pressing her claws against the glass of the window. “She can’t have just fainted from drinking some of Pinkie’s punch! Somepony must’ve tampered with it!”

“Yeah,” Twilight murmured. “PCSI (Pony Crime Scene Investigative Service) detectives are inspecting the punch now, and from what they’ve told me, someone spiked it with a load of Wild Pegasus Whiskey.“

“Isn’t that the same whiskey she had when she had that bar fight recently?” Lofty asked, looking at the lifeless pegasus in the intensive care ward. “This can’t just be a coincidence, can it?”

“No… No,” Twilight slowly realized in horror. “Can you keep an eye on Rainbow, I’ve got to check up on the security cameras of Sugarcube Corner!” Twilight said frantically, rushing off having a sickening feeling as to who was behind this, and how she was involved in this.

Meanwhile, inside Rainbow’s head, as she was getting her stomach pumped, she flashbacked to when she was just a little filly. No, that wasn’t an accurate term. It was a mix of a flashback, and a created scenario in her head, as Rainbow, from her perspective, was seeing both herself and Windy as they were in the present time.

It was only her father, Rainbow Blaze, who hadn’t aged one bit, and was just like Rainbow remembered him. Angry, and almost always drunk off his ass.

She watched, in a transfixed horror, as her ‘father’ slapped her mother across the face, sending her sprawling to the floor and leaving an ugly red mark across her face.

“So, try and pour all my drinks down the drain did you?” Blaze snarled. “Well, guess what?” he asked, holding an empty beer bottle over her head. “Karma’s a real ironic bitch!”

He laughed when he saw Rainbow, and smirked. “Well, isn’t this surprising, you not working up the courage to save your dear old mom! You know, you could stop me right now if you wanted, but no… you just don’t have the guts! You never do!!”

Those words, they lit a fire inside Rainbow’s belly. Sure, she’d been too young and afraid to stop her father when she was just a filly, but here? Well, that was a different matter wasn’t it?

“Shut up.” Rainbow snarled out, her nostrils letting out two small puffs of steam. Rainbow’s father gaped at her.

“Excuse me?!” Rainbow Blaze’s eyes looked like they could shatter glass as he glared down at his daughter. Windy watched with wide eyes, transfixed at this whole exchange. “I’m not the one who breaks everything I touch!”

“I know you do. But do I, ‘dad’?” Rainbow snarled. “If I can even call you that. Only one who breaks everything he touches around here is you!” she growled out, finally working up the courage to tell her father exactly what she thought of him, like she should have all those years ago.

Rainbow Blaze delivered a powerful kick to Rainbow Dash’s chest, then threw her away, before picking her back up and pushing her against the wall. “Don’t. You. Dare.” He roared. “You live in MY house, you live by MY rules. Got it?!”

“Isn’t your house, not anymore,” Rainbow snarled. “No, right now, in this world, it’s my house now. You know, you often accused me of never being able to fend for myself—” she started, before swiftly being interrupted.

“And I still stand by that.” Blaze stood proudly. “You don’t have the guts to continue this fight. Now, go to bed and take your beatings, and maybe I’ll let this all slide!” He thrust his hoof towards the door to Rainbow’s bedroom.

To his surprise, Rainbow punched him soundly across the face, sending him sprawling to the floor. She stood over him, as lightning flashed outside the window. “No, that’s where you’re wrong. I have a wife and daughter now, and I’m proud of them. Sure, maybe I’ve never been the best wife, but I’m sure as hell a better parent than you! My daughter… Scootaloo Dash, I’ve never been more proud of a filly than her!”

“Family doesn’t matter in your case. You are still a Rainbow, MY rainbow. And as such, that means that I own you and everything you do,” Rainbow Blaze was definitely blazing right now, almost catching on fire in his spat. “And I have just as much right to throw you out of here and get you arrested as you do to live with whatever harlot you call a wife!”

Rainbow picked up her father by the scruff of his neck. “You know, I can take a lot of things, insults against my friends, but insults against my family, especially my wife… Well, that’s another matter entirely! Now do me, (Here, she cast a quick glance towards a quivering Windy) no, us a favor and for once… SHUT UP!” she roared, before headbutting her father and knocking him flat to the floor and into unconsciousness.

“T-Thank you…” Windy whispered as Rainbow helped her up off the floor, and to her surprise, hugged her tightly.

“No, thank you. I… I never really did get the chance to say that, you know? You made me who I am, just as much as dad did, and I never properly thanked you for that. You kept me on the right side of life, kept me from just saying “Damn it all!” and ending my life,” Rainbow whispered, tears in her eyes, as Windy, and the entire dreamworld in fact, began to fade away. “So… T-Thank you. G-Goodbye, mom.” she choked out. With that, everything became a while flash…

Rainbow groaned as she slowly awoke to the sight of a hospital room, the slow beeping of a heart monitor in the background. Standing over her bed were Scootaloo and…

“F-Fluttershy?” Rainbow whispered in surprise. Outside the room, she noted her friends watching, alongside Auntie Holiday and Lofty. Twilight, with a hoof, motioned for everyone to take their leave, knowing that this was a private family moment. “I… I thought you hated me?”

To her surprise, Fluttershy tackled Rainbow and pulled her into a hug, sobbing into her wife’s neck.

“I’m so, so sorry!” She bawled loudly. “I’ve been a horrible friend and wife to you, Rainbow Dash! I can’t even believe I brought myself to hate you for what you did!”

“Oh Flutters…” Rainbow said softly as she stroked her wife’s mane. “It’s alright, it’s alright. You came back, didn’t you? Isn’t that what matters?”

“Yes. And I’m never going to leave you ever again…” She rubbed her tear-ridden face into Rainbow’s neck.

“Shh, shh, just let it out…” Rainbow whispered as Fluttershy sobbed. “It’s okay now, it’s okay.”

“How… How can you be so forgiving?” Fluttershy asked, her voice raspy from all of her crying. “I just up and left you, and look what happened!”

“Hatred, and angry words…” Rainbow whispered. “Got me to where I am today. My father alone’s proof of that. Just… Just what happened after I drank the punch anyways?” she asked in confusion.

“You blacked out, and we needed to get an ambulance on the scene as quickly as possible…” Twilight walked over to Rainbow Dash. “The punch you were drinking had been laced with a pretty strong dose of Wild Pegasus Whiskey. Thank Celestia nobody else drank it that night.” Twilight continued, wiping the sweat from her brow and letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.

“Doctors had to get your stomach pumped, that’s how bad it was!” Scootaloo exclaimed fearfully, and Rainbow, in an attempt to cheer her up smiled and ruffled her daughter’s mane.

“Someone must have a pretty nasty grudge against me… Well, I suppose somepony as awesome as I am is bound to get enemies sooner or later!” Rainbow joked weakly, making Scootaloo and Fluttershy laugh a little. Rainbow smiled, that worked as planned. Least her daughter and wife were smiling again. “Who was it anyways, did you ever find out?”

“We’re still investigating that at the moment, but I have a pretty good idea on who it was…” A fire began to light in her eyes.

“...Yikes, I’d hate to be them when you find them…” Rainbow remarked, wincing a little. Anger an Alicorn Princess at your own peril, the old saying went. Well, not exactly how it went, but close enough she supposed.

“So, what do we do now?” Scootaloo asked nervously.

“Once I’m outta this joint, do you wanna go flying with me and Fluttershy?” Rainbow smiled and held Scootaloo close.

“Yeah, of course!” Scootaloo nodded rapidly. “I want to be up there with you, maybe even be in the Wonderbolts someday!” she exclaimed.

Fluttershy smiled, trust her daughter to want to follow her wife’s dream. “Hey, who knows,” she added. “Maybe you’ll meet your special somepony along the way hmm?” she teased, making Scootaloo flush bright red.

“Ugh, mom!” Scootaloo mock-gagged at Fluttershy, who hid her giggles with a hoof. “Really? Romance? Really?”

“You never know squirt,” Rainbow smiled. “I did meet your mother while I was in Junior Speedster’s Flight School, remember?”

Scootaloo could only groan even louder at that, as both Fluttershy and Rainbow struggled to hide their laughter. Twilight smiled, as she watched this scene and wiped away a tear before quietly taking her leave. It seemed all would be well, just as things should be. Sure, they’d had a few bumps along the road, and would probably have a few more, but families were never perfect. Fact was, they’d come out of this only ever the stronger she’d like to think.

The End

Author's Note:

Okay... Endings. What to say about them? Well, suppose I should thank my cowriters first, seriously... You two rock! Both of ya, seriously. And you guys, the readers, for sticking through this entire tearjerker of a fic, seeing it through to the end. Now, endings, this is where I confess I had something in mind that when I brought it up to RuinQueen over Discord, it was dismissed as far too cruel.

Basically, Scootaloo would be lying in a hospital bed, just like the cover art, and needing a organ transplant that would cost Rainbow her own life and it was only then everyone made up, with the epilogue being Scootaloo eulogizing Rainbow at her gravesite. Now, RuinQueen said she wouldn't have minded if I had the eulogy scene sat years later, after both parents had passed, but I wanted to end this fic on a much happier note, even if still a little bittersweet.

Again, seriously you guys, thank you for sticking with me throughout all this.

Comments ( 24 )

this was sweet I do wonder what happened with rainbows dad tho

Well, all that drinking he did? What do you think happened?

either in jail, dead from acholol poisoning, alive but misrible

The second. I believe I mentioned him passing away at some earlier point. (May be wrong on that.)

I don't remember it being menchioned

Swore I did... Agh, not that important a detail really.

So we arrived at the conclusion of this rocky story.

First of all, well done on expending on all this law suit against the news outlet and even having Twilight took conscience she did something ugly.

I fitting ending with Rainbow conquering her demons first in the real world by standing to her promise to make her daughter fly and in the metaphysical world where she said goodbye to her mother and beat the crap out of her "father". Also I assure you, you did mention he was dead in the beginning. That I remember clearly.

To finish, good job for finishing another story and props to all of those that help you in your writing.

Mistakes found :

in all of it’s ugly glory,


(It had been a article


it’s a old law,


you did conduct a extreme invasion of privacy


in its light.

I cannot reach her, and that worries.

I cannot reach her, and that worries me.

leaving a ugly red mark


Someone must have a pretty nasty grudge against me…


Anger a Alicorn Princess


Honestly, I wanted to expand more on Twilight's little abuse of power, and have Celestia have a little talk with her, but Shadowmane asked me if it was really needed for the story, and after a bit of back and forth, ended up deciding it was too much for the last chapter, one more sub-plot than needed.

“Forget the editor!” Twilight’s wings burst open as she used a magical blast to disintegrate the desk the pony was on, as well as the article he was writing. “ The law is the law ; editor or no! And here in Ponyville, I am the law! Now pack up and leave!” Steam was blowing out of her nose.

I couldn't resist, I think I watch too many reviewers.

Anyway, great ending to the fic.


I couldn't resist, I think I watch too many reviewers.

Gee, you think Ruin?

But thank you for the comment (And all the help you gave) all the same.

8889684 Hey, you set it up with that line, you have no one to blame but yourself.

And you're welcome.

thanks for the story

I don't like the ending, i want so see that dam reporter get arrested and put on trial for attempted murder, and treason, sure his ex boss would be ducking his head. As they blame him as well for what he did.

I agree I would've like to see that reporter's fate.

Even though the story seems to be ended I would like to see a sequel one on the life of Rainbow Fluttershy and Scootaloo and maybe in the sequel you could do a short comeuppance for the reporter that Spike the punch:trixieshiftright:

Not a bad story but too similar too many others

Well, to be honestly fair it's hard to do anything original in this fandom anymore, given that everything's been done to death now.

That is also true, well, there are a couple of things that still had not been done, with all the books, tv shows and games that exist there is still things, not to say some genres that still have some meat to be original

True, the show's not over yet really but it's getting harder and harder to come up with original ideas between the show canonizing certain theories or fanfiction writers beating certain things to death as it were.

There is still the AU, I for one liked it more before they show the races, for example when they put the Griffons like romans... There are a couple of things that could be taken from the cannon, but things can also change...

Is there a sequel? Good story by the way.

This was truly a beautiful story

a happy ending to the story, but I do wonder whop spiked the punch with that whiskey hmmm

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