• Published 9th Sep 2016
  • 6,412 Views, 12 Comments

Seducing Your Princess - XenoPony

After a long and tiresome week at work Rainbow Dash want to do nothing but come home and relax before the weekend. Unfortunately, her marefriend has other ideas, or at least she tries to.

  • ...

Always Do It By The Book.

With a small sigh of relief, Rainbow Dash landed on the soft clouds surrounding her house. It had been a very long week at work, tougher than most. That wasn't to say she hadn't expected anything less of becoming a Wonderbolt, and saying she didn't enjoy it would be a lie. Still, the feeling of the cool night air on her coat was a reliving one, however, and the most casual flight back from the academy was a welcome break from the high-octane tricks and stunts she'd been practicing all week. Her uniform was slung over her back, the smelly, blue suit in dire need of a good wash. Around her neck, her goggles hung loosely, and a pair of blue saddle bags contained the rest of her gear.

Still, all she really wanted to do was get inside and have a nice warm shower, alone this time preferably. The showers at the barracks were hardly that private after all. It wasn't that she minded having to share the space with her heroes; not to mention some good looking ponies at that. But she already had a special somepony, and she'd never even consider betraying the trust of the one she loved. At that thought she finally made her way up to her door and pushed it open, quickly climbing the stairs towards her bedroom. Tonight the shower and some food would be all she needed, then a good night sleep and a long weekend of relaxation.

That routine in mind, she moved over to her bedroom and pushed the door open - only to pause as she entered the dark space. The first thing to catch her attention was the strange scent; it was a strong rosy fragrance that overcame even that of the bodily odor clinging to her well-used uniform. Second, was the sensation of something shifting under her hooves, almost like a light blanket of fallen leaves. Looking down in confusion, she failed to notice another set of lavender eyes watching her from across the dark room, the pony they belonged to blearily illuminated by the sole beam of moonlight that shone in through the window above them.

"Hello Dashie," purred the unmistakable voice of Twilight Sparkle, her tone like sultry silk weaving into Rainbow's ears.

At the sudden sound, Rainbow's head shot up and she looked over to the bed where she could just about make out the image of Twilight laying atop it, head and limbs draped over the edge. Then she cocked her head in slight confusion, as Twilight just stared at her with lidded eyes.

"Twilight?" she asked, her tone perplexed as she instinctively raised a hoof to turn on the lights.

The moment she did so Twilight's eyes went wide and she shifted forwards suddenly, fumbling with the bed sheets.

"Wait what are you doing, Rainbow don't!" Her abrupt words came far too late and within seconds the gloom was chased from the room, revealing a rather peculiar sight.

The floor was covered with a light sprinkling of rose petals, as were the ruffled, blue covers upon which Twilight now sat. On the lamp stand beside her was a can of empty rose fragrance, and the tattered remains of the actual rose bokay. Strangest of all was what the lavender alicorn wore, however, Rainbow's Wonderbolt reservist uniform, along with a fluffy purple scarf. Rainbow's face contorted with confusion at the sight, and she raised an eyebrow as she regarded the stunned Twilight.

"What are you doing, you're not supposed to turn on the lights!" Twilight finally exclaimed, waving a pair of sock covered forehooves forwards in emphasis.

It was then that Rainbow's confusion finally met its end and all she could do was snicker. Twilight on the other hoof, merely frowned in disapproval, crossing her forehooves.

"Hey, what are you laughing at? None of this is supposed to be funny," she grumbled, unable to fight the warm blush rapidly spreading across her cheeks.

Rainbow Dash finally collected herself enough to stop laughing and whipped a tear from her eye before looking back at her disgruntled marefriend with as serious an expression as she could manage.

"Twilight what are you doing?" she asked simply, trying as hard as she could to hold back another laugh as Twilight's attempts at frustration were betrayed by her unbearably cute embarrassment.

"I was trying to be seductive, I thought I'd treat you after you've been working all week. It's our eighteen month anniversary after all," Twilight responded as if Rainbow should know.

At that, the pegasus stopped laughing and paused, raising a hoof to her muzzle as she thought. Twilight watched her marefriend for a long moment, before finally calling out.

"You forgot didn't you, how could you forget?"

"No offense Twi, but most couples don't usually make such a big deal out of their year and a half anniversary," Rainbow responded simply, then paused as Twilight's adorable glare tried its best to turn dangerous.

"What, how can this not be important to you?" she asked weakly, and Rainbow slowly moved over to her.

"Hey, that's not what I said," she assured Twilight as she stopped before the lavender mare. "Besides, there doesn't need to be any kind of special occasion for you to be all cute and sexy, you're like that all the time," she added with a wink, causing Twilight to blush all the more.

"Although, as far as seductive bedroom traps go, yours kinda falls flat," she admitted, and once again Twilight frowned.

"Sorry, sorry, just had to speak my mind," Rainbow added, raising her forehooves defensively.,

"But how? I just don't get it, I read all about this kinda stuff in my books. I had everything ready and tried so hard to impress you," Twilight admitted, her head drooping as she frantically attempted to consider all the factors she may have gotten wrong.

"Well, you surprised me that's for sure," Rainbow confessed as she moved over to her dresser in order to remove her uniform and saddle bags, yet before she could take off her goggles Twilight shifted over.

"So you're saying this isn't hot?" she asked abruptly, before wrapping a forehoof about the loose eyewear and using them to pull Rainbow into a sudden kiss.

The sudden, "fumph", of Rainbow's wings as they flared did little to disprove the alicorn's theory as she leaned back with an amused smile. All the while Rainbow just blushed wildly, locked in a stunned silence before she finally collected herself with a series of stutters.

"No–no–no, I'm not saying that wasn't totally hot," she admitted, as Twilight nuzzled her neck like an affectionate kitten.

"So, what's wrong then?" Twilight asked, glancing up at Rainbow's stunned expression.

"Nothing's wrong Twi, I don't think you could ever do anything I wouldn't like. It's just, well... There's a lot you could do to make it better," Rainbow suggested as she battled to retract her rogue wings.

Twilight meanwhile, just pouted. "Like what?" she whined.

"Well first off, is that my reservist uniform you're wearing?" Rainbow asked, maroon eyes trailing along Twilight's back and down to her flank.

"Yeah, it was a bit of a tight fit, given how tall I am, plus my larger wings and all, but I thought you'd like it," Twilight explained, looking back over herself and the sleek blue uniform with a hint of pride.

"You know I haven't washed that thing in weeks right?" Rainbow said, and Twilight's expression froze as she finally gave the uniform a good sniff.

"What! Who in Equestria doesn't wash their clothes when they're done with them?" she exclaimed, pressing a hoof to her muzzle as she instantly became more glad for the rose scent she'd sprayed everywhere, even if she hated herself for doing so before she’d decided to adorn the uniform.

"What? I don't need them anymore so I never really got round to it," Rainbow said with a casual shrug.

"That's still no reason to just leave them laying around to stink the place out," Twilight stated, now in a frantic squabble with the tight fitting attire as she made an effort to get it off.

Socks and fluffy scarves were flung everywhere as the alicorn struggled, her wings beating and legs kicking as she tried to pull herself free of the restricting uniform. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash just slowly shook her head, finally removing her goggles as trotted over to Twilight.

"Wow, I didn't know you were this flexible Twi," she observed with a small laugh as she found her marefriend tangled up in the mess of clothing, her hooves caught in knots as if in some kind of spiders web.

"Ha, ha, very funny," the entangled mare grumbled as she struggled, yet her efforts succeeded only in getting her more tangled.

"See, now I bet someponies would find this really kinky," Rainbow offered, trotting all the way around to get a good view of her awkwardly positioned marefriend's delightfully attractive features, before she began trying to help Twilight break free.

"Oh yes, the good old defenseless mare trapped, tangled and unable to resist her captor's whims, how classic," Twilight muttered dryly.

"Hey, you were the one who'd set up the most cliché sex scene in the book when I walked in," Rainbow responded wittily, as she finally freed both of Twilight's forehooves.

"That's kinda what I was going for, the book said it was the simplest grumbled, and that it always worked," Twilight grumbled again, wrapping her forehooves around Rainbow’s neck as the pegasus lifted her into the air, her rear hooves and wings falling free of the uniform as she kicked.

"By the book? Yeah, that sounds just like you Twi," Rainbow said as held the blushing alicorn in her forehooves. "Still, you want to see how to really do it?" she added, her own tone now lowering to a loving purr.

"Okay, teach me oh high and mighty temptress," Twilight challenged sarcastically, and before long Rainbow Dash set her down and trotted over to the bed with newfound determination.

"Well first off, you got the roses right, or you would if I was an earth pony or unicorn. It's not common knowledge, but roses aren't exactly a big thing among pegasi couples. Most cloud homes aren't fitted for non-pegasi like mine, so the petals just fall right through,” Rainbow began to explain, kicking some of the red petals aside with her hoof.

Twilight followed her closely, quickly making a mental checklist of Rainbow’s suggestions and trying her hardest not to look to ashamed of her now seemingly obvious mistakes.

"Next there's the smell, that's a new one for me. Although, given how bad it usually smells in here it's not a bad addition," Rainbow went on, and Twilight tried not to think too hard about what she might mean.

"That's what you get if you don't wash your clothes Rainbow," she teased, and the pegasus winced slightly before retorting swiftly.

"Hey, it was only that one! Besides, it's not like I wear clothes everyday Twi, I'm not Rarity."

Twilight couldn't help but giggle at little at that before Rainbow resumed her lecture in seduction.

"Okay, next is the bed. You were laying on all wrong, you really have to take into consideration how much of your body the other pony can see when they come in," she explained, and Twilight paused skeptically.

"Then what, you're saying I'm fat?" she asked dully, but Rainbow shook her head swiftly.

"What! No, of course, I'm not saying that. The real fact was I couldn't see you Twi, you were too flat and weren't showing anything off," she quickly corrected, then waved Twilight over.

"But the book said don't show off too much. Besides, what do you want me to do? Shove my rump in your face?" Twilight responded indignantly.

"I wouldn't say no to that," Rainbow admitted sharply, then at Twilight's shocked look she swiftly went on. "Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that you have to show off your body. You know, all that stuff about curves, wide hips and big butts you see in all the magazines?" she advised.

"Yeah, maybe that would be easier if I was an athlete like you," Twilight grumbled, then she froze as she felt Rainbow's hoof settle on her back.

"Hey, what I see every time I look at you doesn't lie, Twi," The pegasus stated as her hoof ran right down to Twilight's smooth spine until it met her tail, then trailed back up to her shoulders, making the alicorn shiver. "The uniform didn't help you here either, personally I think the color of your coat is awesome! So why hide it?" she added eagerly.

At her marefriend’s admiration, Twilight couldn't help but show a humbled smile, nor could Rainbow resist how adorable her alicorn looked while doing so.

"Right, now get on the bed," Rainbow said suddenly, and with a slightly weary expression Twilight crawled up onto the ruffled covers. "Okay, now get on your side and prop up your head up with your right hoof. Now exaggerate you hip, cross your rear hooves and lay your left forehoof across your waist," she instructed, then stepped back to admire all of the voluptuous curves of her work.

"There you're perfect!" she declared, making a loose photo frame with her forehooves as she hovered.

“Do I even want to ask how you know so much about all this?” Twilight mumbled, looking at Rainbow flatly.

She glanced over her almost poster-like pose skeptically, trying to imagine Rainbow in a similar position in order to deduce what was so alluring about it. Then she looked back at her marefriend with a nervous smile.

"I don't get it, the book said only try something like this if you think you have the body for it," She admitted, and Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Will you stop saying that, you're the sexiest alicorn princess I know. I bet there’s a million ponies who'd kill to look like you," she assured her, but Twilight's look just turned to confusion.

"Rainbow, there's only five alicorns and out of the other four: one is married, one is barely three, and the other two are over a thousand years old," she stated skeptically, and Rainbow fought the urge to face hoof.

"I know that Twi, but you were just as beautiful before you became a princess, so there," she swiftly proclaimed, then flew up to the bedside before Twilight could say anything else. "There's a good reason I fell in love with you," she added, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah right, I couldn't even preen myself properly this time last year," Twilight said with a hint of shame as she nudged Rainbow away and her flirtatious posture slumped lazily. "I don't know what I was thinking when I tried this."

"Twilight, what the hay do I have to do to make you stop thinking about yourself like this?" Rainbow asked, then her head perked as an idea hit her.

Within moments she jumped onto the bed with Twilight and swiftly adopted the alluring position she'd instructed the alicorn to take moments ago as she lay down beside her. As expected, Twilight looked over her pegasus with a stunned expression, her large wings ruffling as she fought to keep then at her sides. Yet it was still evident those doubts were eating away at her mind despite her basic instincts.

"So, Twi. Can you tell me what’s so special about this?" Rainbow asked casually, fluttering her lidded eyes and slowly running a hoof along her exaggerated midriff.

"Urm, urm... I don't know, you're just doing everything you told me to do," She offered weakly, her wings finally breaking free with a loud, "fumph".

"Yep, and you, one of Equestria's brightest minds can't find anything that makes this position, or any other like it, more appealing to you?" Rainbow pressed, and Twilight sank back slightly as she nodded. "You know why?" she finally asked, and Twilight tentatively shook her head as she shrank back further.

Without another word Rainbow rolled over onto Twilight and pinned her to the bed at the waist, rear hooves tightly locked around the bashful mare's thighs. Rainbow's sudden action caused the lavender mare to tense and gasp in surprise. With a sultry grin, Rainbow lowered herself over Twilight's front until she was mere inches above her trembling muzzle.

"It's because there's nothing special about it," she whispered in Twilight's ear, then moved for a kiss.

Before she could do so, however, Twilight pressed hoof against her chest and gently pushing her back upwards.

"What, that doesn't make any sense…? Not to mention it's incredibly anti-climatic," Twilight stated dryly, and Rainbow rolled her eyes again.

"The point is that nopony should have to do all that stuff to feel special, Twi. I wouldn't love you if I didn't love you for just being you. There's definitely no need to act all seductive or feel bad about it if you get it wrong. I don't care as long as you're you," Rainbow finally explained, and Twilight paused.

Rainbow could see that her marefriend's mind was making all the connections, and she assumed somepony as smart as Twilight would have seen such a thing far sooner if she hadn't been so worked up about making her marefriend happy. Moments later, Twilight finally smiled.

"Thanks, Rainbow." She admitted with a small hint of embarrassment.

"Don't mention it, Twi. Besides, you looked far more adorable failing at being all sexy than you ever could laying on a bed with some roses," Rainbow responded wryly, only to be cut off as Twilight wrapped her forehooves around her neck.

"Yeah, but I bet I can make up for it," The alicorn purred coyly as she moved in to kiss her now furiously blushing pegasus marefriend.

"Yeah, that's one thing I know you're good at," Rainbow said, wings flaring as the pair fell into a passionate kiss, and with a spark of magic, Twilight flicked off the lights once again.

Author's Note:

So this is my first story where things get a little more heated, not too much though as you can see. May consider ramping things up a little in a future story, maybe even in a squeal to this. TwiDash is one of my two most favourite ships after all, so if I was going to write about any pair in that situation it would probably be these two. I need my fix of this ship from time to time that's for sure.

Anyway, thanks for reading everyone and I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 11 )

Where's the Latex exactly? Someone just posted it in the group. I read the whole thing, unless I missed something?

7551210 the out fit is probably latex

7551210 It's probably a reference to the Wonderbolt outfit, they're latex arent't they?

I was thinking maybe wool or something, though that would be itchy...

Okay, how did I miss this?:pinkiegasp: :twilightangry2: It's cute, sweet and yet funny all at the same time!:yay:

This was wonderful. It was also my 100th MLP:FiM fanfic. I can't think of a better way of celebrating than with this cute little fic. Thank you for writing & sharing it.

7551406 Most flight suits are made out of spun aramid. Aramid is a synthetic fiber that is lightweight and fire-resistant. Latex is a poor option for a flight suit as the material doesn't breath. It's actually a very bad idea to wear a full latex outfit for too long.

7857638 Thank you, and congratulations on your 100th story.:twilightsmile:

7859543 You're welcome! Thank you as well. ^_^

Part two of the series, another response I guess.

In terms of story, this one was better. We got yet another embarrassing moment between lovers. They talk it over, and that conversation reveals to us more about the two and how they connect. Unlike the prequel, this one felt more satisfying. Such is the power of being about twice as long. That extra wordcount goes into more time giving us details, more time letting us hang out with the story and follow along with the goings on.

Much like the prequel, we have Rainbow Dash acting as the voice of reason to Twilight's anxiety. As the two stories are linked in continuity, I have to question why they're separate stories at all, honestly. Regardless of whether separate stories or sequel, they cover the same theme pretty closely, and feel like the same pair of characters. Only this time we get enough time with them for that to be apparent, unlike in Preening.

As with Preening though, this was a scene in a larger story. It was a better crafted scene, but still light on actual story. The "conflict" is quickly revealed and resolved, and we're out of the story due to brevity before it has time to really matter.

My reaction is mostly the same as before. Take what you're doing, and keep going. Do more of what it is you tried to do. This time it felt a little more confident, but still not really enough. You mention things like Rainbow Dash enjoying some eyecandy in the showers back with the team. You tell us how she resists that temptation, and remains loyal to Twilight. There is some conflict you could have put into this larger story. You could take this whole story, Preening, and Probably the sequal, Satisfying, and made them into chapters of a story. Then flesh that story out with stuff like a shower scene where Dash is tempted. Maybe even have her receive flirtations from Fleetfoot. Maybe she would enviously watch her and Blaze enjoying a shoulder massage in the locker room and wish Twi were there to give her one. Making Fleetfoot's flirty offer all the more tempting.


Then when we got to this scene (your current story), not only would we resolve Twilight's anxiety, we'd also get to see more resolve from Rainbow Dash, and why she stays loyal to Twilight. Thus, a more satisfying story.

Instead, you're giving us brief little snippets, then yanking us out of this "story" to interact with Fimfic's site mechanics to go on to the next "story." If they were just chapters in a more fleshed out single fic, we'd be just clicking "next chapter" to go to the next scene/chapter, and have a more enjoyable experience in total.

"That's kinda what I was going for, the book said it was the simplest grumbled, and that it always worked," Twilight grumbled again.

*," she grumbled, "

"By the book? Yeah, that sounds just like you Twi," Rainbow said as held the blushing alicorn in her forehooves.

*as she

not to look to ashamed of her now seemingly obvious mistakes.

*too. Two, oo's.

10/10 Twidash. 'Twas really cute.

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