• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: The Old West

With my new Uncles in tow, I was certain we could handle anything. Sadly, Mom managed to convince everyone that fixing the timeline was higher priority than hearing more embarrassing stories of her rambunctious youth...if only just barely. Uncle Bentley and Uncle Razor started going into all sorts of technical discussion of how they could rewire the time machine to take both the van and the Turbokat...only for Uncle T-Bone to render the entire thing moot by lowering the Turbokat's crane to pick up the van. Direct contact meant the time field would extend to cover both vehicles, especially with the Turbokat providing the necessary velocity.

"As if one brainiac over-thinking things wasn't bad enough," T-Bone had joked, only to get punched on the arm by Razor. I like these guys!

With the sheriff star, we made our way back to the 1880's, in the pioneering days of the Old West. We were specifically looking in on what was happening to Tennessee Kid Cooper, who had made his name by pulling off some of the most infamous heists. On arrival, however, we discovered that Tennessee Kid Cooper...was in jail. Some new sherrif - an armadillo named Toothpick - had managed to arrest him somehow, and had celebrated by posting posters of himself all over town.

We knew we were going to have to bust Tennessee out of prison. However, we had...differing ideas on how to best do so...

"Are you crazy?" Carmelita screamed at T-Bone.

"Commander Feral sure seems to think so," Razor joked playfully.

"After hearing your partner's suggestion, I'm beginning to think he's on the right track!" Carmelita snapped back.

"What's so crazy about it?" T-Bone asked defensively. "A couple stinger missiles in the right place would blow that prison wide open. That ought to make fiishing Tennessee Kid out rather easy. Just swoop in, snatch him, and get out before anyone even has a chance to react."

As Carmelita started to yell again, Sly put his hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you let me talk to them?" Sly offered gently. "I speak the same language."

"Insanity?" Carmelita snapped irritably.

"Testosterone," Sly corrected playfully. "They're closely related, though." That managed to get everyone laughing, and quickly defused the tension the discussion had built up. "T-Bone, I'll be the first to admit your plan has...a certain visceral appeal, but it has a few flaws."

"Really?" T-Bone asked in surprise. "Seems pretty straightforward to me."

"Alright," Sly allowed. "Where do you fire the stinger missiles?"

"Like I said, in the right place," T-Bone repeated.

"And what's the right place?" Sly pressed. "Presumably somewhere that Tennessee Kid won't get hurt by the explosion, right?"

"Well of course!" T-Bone agreed. "It'd defeat the purpose otherwise."

"And just where is Tennessee Kid in the prison at any given time, so we can be sure you aren't shooting him?" Sly asked pleasantly.

T-Bone opened his mouth to reply, but no sound came out. He then slumped in on himself. "Okay, so there may be a couple technical issues with my plan."

"Like the possibility of killing a key Cooper ancestor before he has kids?" Bentley pointed out dryly.

"So we find out where he is in the prison first," T-Bone concluded. "Then we use a couple stinger missiles to blast him out. A quick overfly of the prison-"

"We're facing tech-using time travelers," Razor pointed out. "Do we really want to tip our hand of what resources we have available before we have to?"

T-Bone crossed his arms and grumbled irritably under his breath.

"So how do we find out where T.K. Cooper is, then?" Carmelita asked curiously. "Get someone on the inside? It could take weeks to get someone hired as a warden-"

"Or hours to get someone arrested," Sly suggested impishly. "Though I'm not sure how I feel about someone other than you slapping cuffs on me."

Everyone turned to stare at Sly in shock. "So the big plan is to have two of you to rescue?" T-Bone asked in surprise. "And Vix called me crazy."

"It's actually a valid plan," Bentley pointed out. "According to information, they're already rigging a noose for Tennessee Kid Cooper. We need to do something to delay that immediately...and Sly getting arrested is the quickest way to deal with this."

"And why can't we just fly the Turbokat in from above, locate him that way, and blast our way out?" T-Bone demanded.

"Because we don't have time to find out if they've installed steampunk anti-air turrets," Razor countered flatly. "You're not taking the Turbokat into a place like that blind."

Uncle T-Bone grumbled irritably about the plan for a bit - as did I, I didn't like the idea of Dad in jail again after last time - but we eventually accepted the plan. Dad didn't wait for that, not that he could with how close time was snapping at our heels. All we knew for sure was that Tennessee was in the Maximum Security Wing of the prison...but we had no idea which part of the prison that was. So Dad had to go out and make enough mischief on his own - and be seen doing it - so that he'd be named an 'Outlaw' before getting arrested.

The tasks Uncle Bentley deduced to get Dad declared an Outlaw were specifically chosen to piss off Sheriff Toothpick, although they were...somewhat questionable overall. Defacing posters? Stealing candy? Crashing a party? ...then again, I suppose that just made Dad more a political prisoner than a criminal one.

Once Dad was locked up, I went out to scout the area. Once you've seen one Old West town, you've seen them all - seriously, it was indistinguishable from a convincing movie set, except for being dirtier - so it wasn't very memorable. I did have an easy time blending in, though. I just left my outfit back in the hideout and hid my camera in my mane, and I was mistaken at every glance for a wild animal once I'd rolled in the dust a bit. The look on Uncle Razor's face when I pulled it out was priceless.

I managed to get a good picture of the prison tower, a munitions dump, and a hole in the back wall we could take advantage of. All that was left was some signal from Dad in the jail that he'd found Tennessee Kid, and letting him know a way out.

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