• Published 15th Jul 2016
  • 5,310 Views, 22 Comments

A Secret Kept - Ekhidna

Spike heads out to ask Rarity to go to the carnival with him as good friends. As usual, things don't go they way he hoped.

  • ...


A Secret Kept

“Twilight, I’m done with my chores! Is there anything else you want me to do?” Spike yelled walking down one of the ample hallways of the castle whilst taking off a pair of yellow plastic gloves.

“I think that’s everything. Let me check.” Twilight yelled back. After a few seconds of silence she yelled again. “Did you clean the windows?”

“Twice for good measure!”

“The meeting room?”

“Sparkling clean!”

“Starlight’s room?”

“All done, plus I found a bit!”

“The library?”

“Dusted and organized by author, like the way you wanted!”

“And the toilets?”

“You can eat and drink from them now!”

“Spike, that’s gross!” Twilight yelled back making a gagging noise that caused Spike to chuckle. “Well, according to my checklist that’s all of your chores for the day...and it's not even noon yet!”

“I’m your number one assistant for a reason.” Spike said with a smug smile. The doors leading to Twilight’s bedroom opened followed by the lavender alicorn stepping out. “So, can I go now?”

“Go where?” Twilight asked while reading a scroll.

“To Rarity’s, I’m gonna ask her if she wants to come to the carnival with me tonight.”

“You mean ask her out on a date?” Twilight rolled up her scroll before teleporting it away. She turned to see her little assistant, his cheeks predictably showing a slight blush. How was he able to blush through his scales was still beyond her. If Pinkie had taught her anything, then that was to just accept certain things for what they are without question. Her brain could only take so many breakdowns after all.

“W-what? Of course not! I just wanna see if she wants to hang out with me, you know, like friends.”

“Then why don’t you ask somepony else?” Twilight asked sitting on her haunches.

“Pinkie is going to be working, Rainbow Dash and Applejack already have dates, Starlight is visiting Sunburst, you’re going to Canterlot tonight, and Fluttershy is going to be too busy keeping an eye on Discord. That only leaves Rarity.”

“I guess you have a point there.” Twilight said not wanting to point out his other friends. “Oh! I found this on my room.” Her horn shimmered with magic for a second or two levitating something out of her room. “Here you go.”

“Thank you, Twilight! I was afraid I lost it!” Spike said cheerfully as his infamous Rarity plushie was delivered to his claws. Spike hugged the plushie tightly for several seconds.

“You have to be more careful with your things, Spike.” Twilight eyed the plushie being squashed between Spike’s arms. A small frown formed in her face. “Spike, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your...plushie.”

“What about it?” Spike asked unbothered by her serious voice tone.

“Look, I know you have a crush--”

“SHHH! Not so loud,” Spike interrupted her while looking around for any possible intruders.

“Sorry. That you have a crush on Rarity,” She whispered. “But don’t you think making a plushie of her is going a bit too far? The shirts, fans, and posters I can understand. But that plushie is something that really bothers me. How did you make it in the first place, I thought you hated sewing?”

“I didn’t make it, Twi. Rarity made it for me.” Spike said petting his doll. “She made one of each of you for me, but this one is my favorite for no special reason whatsoever.”

“I see, Rarity made it--Wait, you have one of each of us as well? Why haven’t I seen them before?”

“They’re in my room chest. I only take them out when I’m alone in the castle,” Spike blushed. “N-not because I’m scared or anything! I just, uhhh, want to make sure they’re fine he...he.”

“...Right.” Twilight eyed the doll for several seconds until she sighed in defeat. “I guess since Rarity made them I can’t argue, now can I? Alright Spike, you’re free to go and enjoy the rest of the day. I’ll be leaving in a couple of hours, and if Rarity already has a date or doesn’t want to go don't’ be disappointed, okay?”

“Don’t worry, Twi. I understand.” Spike smiled at her. He put the plushie on the ground before reaching to Twilight hugging her across her barrel. Twilight returned the hug and nuzzled his head. “Have a safe trip, promise?”

“I promise. Don’t stay up too late.”

“I won’t. Try not to dance, okay?”

“Har har, very funny.” Spike pulled away from the hug and picked up the doll. “Go leave it in your room before you go.”

“That’s the idea!” Spike said running off to his room.

“I left a few bits on the kitchen table for you!” Twilight yelled receiving a echoing ‘I know’ from down the hallways. She waited for a few minutes until she heard the gates of her castle open and close in quick succession. Taking in around two more minutes to be completely sure she was alone in the castle, Twilight made her way to her surrogate little brother’s room. She found his chest and within seconds she had all six mentioned plushies splayed on his bed.

Twilight stared at them for several moments before noticing an oddity. While they weren’t masterpieces by any means of the word, they were nonetheless of high quality. They all shared great detail on their manes and tails, and it tried to capture the natural figure of each mare they were based on. But the oddity she noticed belonged to Rarity’s plushie. For some reason it looked more detailed than the rest, plus it had a slight fragrant aroma of Rarity’s jasmine vanilla perfume; quite a feat since it has been months after Spike first showed it.

Looking at it closer she also noticed the fabric was made up from a silk-like material instead of cuddlesoft. Using one of her hooves, Twilight pressed each of the plushies finding them equally soft and cuddly. Knowing Rarity she must’ve ran out of the cuddlesoft or didn’t had it in white, forcing her to use another piece of similar looking fabric, she thought. Satisfied, Twilight finally shrugged and placed the dolls back into the chest before leaving Spike’s room.

As she closed the door one final question crossed her mind. Why did Rarity made those dolls in the first place?

“I’ll ask her when I get back. Now, should I bring The Small Guide to do a Proper Guide or The Art of the Checklist?”

<><><><><><><><>Ponyville Center -a few minutes later-<><><><><><><><>

Spike walked calmly through the street towards Carousel Boutique with a smile on his face. He could see ponies walking around, some of them giving him a polite gesture as he passed them. But most of them paid him no mind, they were too excited about the carnival and trying to snag a date to care.

Not him though. He only wanted to see if Rarity would let him accompany her to see that movie she has been talking about so much and wanted to see, grab something to eat, and then spend a couple of hours at the carnival enjoying the games and the events. All of that as friends and nothing more.

He was about to turn next to the Quills and Sofas shop when he saw none other than the white unicorn of his dreams talking to Noteworthy. He couldn’t hear them, but it looked like he was asking Rarity out on date if the bouquet of tulips was anything to go by. And it looked like Rarity was up for it since she was smiling and blushing the way she was doing.

Letting out a sigh Spike turned back. “I guess I’ll be going alone...again.”

“Go alone where, Spike?” A bubbly, chipper and slightly nasal voice said from his left side.

Spike stopped to take a look at the owner. He saw a pink coated unicorn filly with darker pink mane and tail. “Oh, hey there Berry Pinch. I was planning to go to the movies and the carnival with somepony but,” he took a quick glance back in time to see the blue coated stallion offer his flowers. “I think she already has a date.”

“Sorry to hear that.”

“Nah, it’s okay. I was expecting something like this to show up anyways.”

“That’s kinda sad, you know? Aren’t you going to at least try to get another date?”

“I wasn’t going to ask her out on a date, just to enjoy a fun evening as friends.”

“If you say so…,” Berry Pinch scratched the back of her head before an idea occurred to her. “Hey, is it alright if I go with you?”

Spike looked at her for several seconds agape. “Y-you’re serious?”

“I’m not serious, I’m Berry Pinch!” That got a good laugh out of the two. “Well, what do you say? I wasn’t going to go to the carnival since my big sis is going to be working her stall there. But there’s no need to waste a movie ticket, right?”

Spike only then noticed he was clenching two movie tickets with his right hand. He looked over at Berry Pinch for a moment and smiled. “I guess you’re right.” Spike turned to face Berry Pinch directly. “Yeah! Why not? Berry Pinch, do you want to go to th--”

“Ah, Spike! Just the bravest, most thoughtful dragon I was looking for!” Spike was interrupted when Rarity suddenly interjected. “I was on my way to the castle, actually.” Rarity stopped to see the small dragon and the filly. “I hope I’m not interrupting something, am I?” She asked looking a bit distraught.

“Not at all, miss Rarity. Spike was going to ask me to go to the carnival with him.” Berry Pinch smiled up at the white mare.

“Oh dear...oh my...This is, uhh, rather unfortunate I believe.”

“What’s wrong, Rarity?” Spike asked with concern. “Why were you searching for me?”

“Spikey, dearest, sorry for bothering you and your date. You can go on your way, don’t mind me!”

“Not until you tell me what's wrong.” Spike crossed his arms.

“Oh well, if you insist. I was hoping you could help me with a huge order I got this morning. My client was quite generous with her payment but she desires her dresses done in three days from now! I can’t possibly finish them up on my own; I need the most reliable assistant in Ponyville, nay, in the whole of Equestria if I hope to finish them up in time!” Rarity said dramatically putting her right foreleg across her forehead below her horn. “It seems I arrived a little too late to request your assistance, dearest. No matter, I think my client shall understand if I explain her the situation. Now, you two go and have fun. Ta-ta~!”

And with that said Rarity walked away.

Spike, on the other hand, was looking between Berry Pinch and the leaving Rarity unsure of what to do.

Berry Pinch put a hoof over his shoulder. “Go and help her, Spike.”

“B-But what about you?”

“I already told you I wasn’t planning to go, so no big deal there!” The filly smiled at him.

“Thanks, Pinch!” Spike hugged the filly before darting off after Rarity. Around three or so meters away he turned back to Berry Pinch. “Here, have them.” He said giving her the two movie tickets. “No point letting them go to waste, right?” He said before darting off again calling out for the white unicorn.

Berry Pinch smiled seeing Spike catch up with Rarity. She giggled when Rarity lifted Spike off from the ground and spun him holding him close to her. She then looked down at the two tickets on her hoof unsure of what to do. That is, until she saw Rumble all on his own.

Meanwhile Spike and Rarity had arrived to Carousel Boutique. Opening the door Rarity allowed Spike to enter after her.

“Holy guacamole!” Spike half-shouted seeing the chaos that was Rarity’s working space. Entire rolls of fabric rested on the walls, pieces of cloth and scrambled paper thrown everywhere over the floor, her design table was a complete mess and there were scattered gems all over the place. Not to mention the dozens of mannequins wearing unfinished dresses. “Why didn’t you call me sooner?” Spike asked seeing the disaster that was Rarity’s home.

“I tried, darling, but your work with Twilight comes first. That and I haven’t left the boutique in two days!” Rarity turned to see Spike still scanning her mess. “Can you see why I need your help now more than ever, Spikey?”

“Oh, I can see alright.” Spike turned to face Rarity and bowed. “Not to worry, my fair lady, sir Spike is here to help you now!”

“Why thank you, sir Spike.” Rarity eyed her chaos before rubbing her left foreleg with her right one. “Spike, I’m truly sorry for ruining your plans for the day.”

“Don’t worry about it, I much rather spend a day helping you anyways. Plus I already told you Berry Pinch was only trying to cheer me up and be a good friend. I was, uhh, I was actually going to ask you to go out with me. Totally not as a date though! More like two good friends having fun together, that’s all.” Spike swallowed while Rarity giggled. “But I saw Noteworthy asking you for a date. I didn’t want to get in the way.”

“That’s awfully thoughtful of you, dearest. And you’re right about Noteworthy, he indeed asked me out but as you can see I couldn’t accept his invitation. He’s quite gentlestallion, but sadly he doesn’t...catch my eye, if you will.”

Spike’s tail stood up upon hearing her words. “W-well, where do we start?”

“Mmmm, let’s start with designs and move up from there, shall we?”

“Lead the way, my lady, I’m ready for anything.” Spike flexed his arms showing off his almost non existent muscles.

*Several hours later*

“And done!” Rarity squealed in happiness. “We’re actually done, Spike-Wikey!” Rarity looked around the work they had done. Over thirty dresses completed ready for shipment, all fabric and cloth stored away, and most of the scattered gems and equipment boxed or discarded. Sure, there were a few scattered pieces of used fabric laying around, perfectly understandable given the nature of their work, but it was nothing compared to when they started.

“Hurrah…” Spike cheered without a trace of enthusiasm at her side trying, and failing horribly, to lift up a fist up in the air. “I’m going to be sore for an entire month.”

“Spikey, dearest, I...I can’t thank you enough,” Rarity sat on her haunches before reaching for Spike hugging him tenderly. “I was afraid I wouldn’t finish on time, now here we are finished two days earlier. I couldn’t have possibly done this without you, my Spikey-Wikey.”

“Awww shucks, you did the real work, Rarity. I only helped you a little.” Spike said looking away while he dragged his left foot back and forth.

“Nonsense! Without you I would be completely lost. Don’t underestimate your own hard work, darling.” Rarity was about to kiss his left cheek when she smelled something. With two more sniffs she blushed and pulled back. “This is so embarrassing, I believe we’re a tinsy bit smelly after this whole ordeal.”

Spike sniffed his armpit after Rarity ended her embrace. “You’re right, we sure are sweaty.”

“I believe you mean to say you’re sweaty, darling. A lady never sweats; she dews.”

“Whatever you say, sweaty pony.” Spike joked looking at her disheveled form while Rarity haughtily hmphed in protest. “Well, since we’re done I’ll be going now.”

“Not so fast, Spike.” Rarity said before Spike could move. “You’re not going anywhere, have you looked at the time?”

“The time?” Spike looked at the nearby clock in the wall and panicked. “A quarter to one!? Twilight must be worried sick, I have to go now!”

“Spike, calm down!” Rarity protested. “If she hasn’t come looking for you yet then that means she’s still not at the castle, am I right?” Spike, despite his panicked state, nodded in agreement. “That means she’s still in Canterlot like you told me she would, right?” Spike nodded again. “Then why don’t you write a letter telling her you’ll be staying with me for the night?”

“Stay...with you?” Spike felt his heart pump faster.

“Yes, with me. Do you honestly think I’m going to let you walk to the castle alone when it’s past midnight? Absolutely not. I know you’re a brave and strong dragon, but I rather not take any chances; who knows what unsavoury individual you may encounter in the night? Now go and write that letter while I prepare our bath.” Rarity ordered with a caring smile before leaving.

Spike watched her leave and couldn’t help but oogle at her with each step she took. It took him a couple of seconds before he was able to break out of his hypnotic trance. Deciding it was better to do as told, Spike searched for a piece of parchment or paper and a quill and ink to write down his message. It didn’t take long to find what he needed, and despite his aching muscles and joints, he wrote a short message detailing why he would stay with Rarity for the night. Hopefully Twilight was still around Celestia to get it.

Setting the quill aside, Spike set the message on fire turning it into ash that flew away. He stood up waiting for a reply, his only company being the sound of running water coming from another part of the house. He didn’t had to wait for long when he felt the familiar tinge in his stomach before he burped out a letter. Opening it he read:

If that’s the case then you can stay with Rarity tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.

With love, Twilight.

PS. Celestia and Luna send their regards.

“Rarity, Twilight says I can stay!” Spike yelled walking up to Rarity’s bathroom.

“Simply wonderful!” The door of her bathroom opened letting the dragon enter. “The water is almost ready. Good, I must look positively appalling. Spike, could you get me the shampoo on the low counter, please?”

Spike closed the door and went for Rarity’s favorite shampoo; lily and apricot essence. It was his favorite shampoo, too.

“Ahhhhh, I so need this,” Rarity moaned testing the water with one of her hooves. “Don’t you agree, Spikey?”

“Totally.” He replied handing her the shampoo. “Want me to wash your back?”

“I was about to ask you that in fact. Do so, please.” Rarity used her magic to turn off the running water, then she climbed inside her large bathtub; her whole body melting in the comfortable sensation of the welcoming hot water. Her horn flickered with magic again letting the upper water valve shower her mane and head with a thin rain.

Spike climbed inside the bathtub as well sitting in front of Rarity. A loud, pleased sigh escaped from both their mouths while their bodies began to wash the stress and tiredness away.

“Hey, Rarity, where’s Sweetie Belle? I haven’t seen her all day.” Spike asked while pouring some water over his head.

“She’s with my parents in Trottingham for the week. Something about a talent competition of sorts. Why?” Rarity replied squishing a large glob of shampoo on her hoof. She then began to spread it all over her mane creating a mushy foam of bubbles.

“Just wondering where I’m going to be sleeping. I was thinking the couch would be nice.” He explained also grabbing the shampoo, spreading the gooey substance over his scales.

“Spike, I’m offended. I would never allow you to sleep on the couch when you’re my guest. Especially after you spent your day helping me so.” She said reaching for a scourer and a bar of rose scented soap.

“I know you wouldn’t, Rarity. But I don’t mind where I fall asleep, I can sleep on rocks if I have to.” He said before dipping below water for a couple of seconds. “Pass me the soap?”

Rarity passed it to him while she used her magic to rub the soapy scourer over her neck, chest, and forelegs. “Nevertheless, I can’t let you stay on the couch and my sister’s room is quite messy. So we’ll have to share a my bed, unless of course you don’t want to sleep next to a mare?” She said smiling at him.

Spike smiled back, a mild blush crossing his face. “Sure, no problem. I don’t mind if you don’t mind. Just as a heads up, I tend to snore.”

“Can’t be worse than Rainbow Dash’s, I hope.” Both of them giggled before Rarity stood up and turned around, her wet tail clinging to her hindlegs.

Spike understood the silent plead climbing on top of her and started to rub her back with his soap-filled claws. Rarity moaned in pleasure while her body shivered. “Goodness gracious, darling. You’re claws are s-simply magnificent!” She moaned again looking back at him. “Where did you learn to scratch--yes, right there--this way?”

“You can thank Princess Celestia and Twilight for that!” Spike replied with a grin. “Twilight and I used to take baths together all the time back in Canterlot. We still do from time to time actually, and even Starlight doesn’t mind me joining her either.” Finished with her back, Spike climbed down and grabbed her left hind leg, lift it back a little and then began to scrub her fur, muscles, and hoof. “Princess Celestia is the reason I like to take seven hour long bubble bath's though; she loves them almost as much she loves cake. She also taught me how to wash a pony.”

“Remind me to send her my deepest gratitude.” Rarity said as Spike released her hind leg and grabbed the other one repeating the process. “Dearest, we’ll have to make this a regular thing from now on. I so am enjoying sharing this bathing session with you.”

“I am at your service, my lady.”

The rest of the bath was uneventful as they continued to rub, scrub and wash away their dirtiness. Once they were done, the water was drained and they dried up using a towel. They left the bathroom and went to the main bedroom, together they climbed to the bed and then they laid close to each other.

After a minute or so Rarity used her magic to lift up Spike making him yelp in surprise. He watched as Rarity removed a part of her bedsheets creating enough space for her to lay on her back. Once in a comfortable position, she brought Spike down to her letting him rest along her barrel and belly. Spike blushed but didn’t pull away, he was far too tired to protest. Instead, he embraced her tight while he nuzzled the puff of fur on her chest smelling her fresh, clean, apricot scented aroma. He was no stranger to cuddle or sleep with a mare; Twilight and Celestia had welcomed him on their beds plenty of times in the past. He found Rarity’s lush, soft fur to be softer than his own bedsheets, her warm belly providing a comfortable bed. Her elegant, gentle breathing and the steady, calming drum of her heart lulling him to sleep.

“Goodnight, Rarity.” Spike managed to mumble out while closing his eyes.

“Sweet dreams, my Spikey-Wikey.” Rarity leaned a little to kiss his forehead.

Within seconds the small dragon was asleep; his calm, warm, snoreless breathing brushing against her chest with each exhalation. The warmth of his body, his pointy claws, his tail brushing against her lower belly and the smooth surface of his belly scales made him an unusual yet comforting blanket.

Rarity, however, did not follow suit. She stared at the sleeping dragon for several minutes, blinking every now and then as she watched his relaxed form. She lift up her right foreleg until she reached his head, then she began to caress him with her hoof in slow repetitions; careful to not accidentally wake him up.

“My Spikey-Wikey. You’re my Spikey-Wikey, aren’t you? You love me and only me, don’t you?” She whispered while Spike snuggled her a tad tighter. “You love me despite me being a selfish, horrible mare, right?” She kissed his forehead again. “My sweet little prince, I’m so sorry for depriving you from a day of fun. But when I saw you with that little filly I knew I had to act.” She kissed him again. “I love you, Spike. You’re always by my side even in my darkest moments, you help me whenever I ask you without hesitation and without expecting a reward.” She hugged him making him mumble in his sleep.

“I have to confess that I’m scared of losing you, dearest. Everytime I think I’ve found my prince charming it always turns...to less than a satisfactory experience.” Rarity laid there holding Spike close for several moments listening to his steady breathing. “My plushie, my affections, the way I...I flirt with you and lead you on. Sweet Celestia, I feel so dreadful for doing so, my perfect little stallion.” She kissed him again. “You’re still too young to understand, precious scales. Too young for us to be together. I’ve seen you grown in maturity over these past years, but that’s not enough. We only have to wait and endure two more years until we can be together, dearest.”

“I love you, Spike. That’s why...that’s why I have to keep your eyes on this loathsome, selfish serpent until the day we can truly be together and I can confess my love to you.” She nuzzled him followed by a series of kisses all over his head and crest. “I don’t deserve you, but I need you so much at my side it hurts. Don’t you see you’ve won me over with your kind, sincere heart? That I have refused every date offer I’ve received for the last six months? That I can’t picture my life without you as much as I can’t picture it without the rest of our friends?” She half-closed her eyes after giving him one last kiss. “I promise I’ll compensate this day to you, precious scales. After all, I now have an entire month to plan something to reward your diligence with, my sweet little prince. My Spikey-Wikey.”

Rarity closed her eyes, already she felt her being slowly drift to the realm of dreams.

Dreams filled with the dragon she was embracing, and that she hoped would become a reality in the future.


Author's Note:

Special thanks to anyone that read it!

Special thanks to Trithtale for proofreading and minor editing!

*If anyone wishes to help me improve this story by editing, please PM me*

Comments ( 22 )

Well, not my usual cup of tea as I personally think that little scene at the end despite being somewhat sad, is also a little creepy in my opinion. Still, you did a good job on most bits and aside from that little ending it's not a half bad story.

7394927 That was kinda the idea, honestly XD.

Ekhidna, after reading One Last Chance and A Dragon's Treasure, I couldn't let this Sparity story pass up.

As usual, touching and nice story. :twilightsmile:

Also, Spike takes baths with Twilight, Rarity, and Starlight? Add in Princess Ember and the purple dragon would be one lucky son of a gun.

Small typo in the description. 'Carinval'

:rainbowhuh: A Canterlot wedding bouquet . . .:raritycry:Mine! :twilightoops:

:moustache: Greedy selfish brute ?

:twilightsheepish: dragons?

:moustache: Rarity...:duck: :facehoof:

Another story from one of my fave authors! Once again, you don't disappoint. :raritywink:

I asked recently for a good new Sparity in the threads, and you have certainly delivered. Not only have I Favorited, but I also put this on my Multiread which only a few get on.

7394958 Glad you liked it! And I know what you mean :moustache:

7395017 Fixed, thanks.

7395026 LoL

7395048 And you're one of my favorite authors, brother!

7395131 I'm honored, my friend.

And STILL friend zoned for the rest of their lives.......

For some reason I wasn't expecting something so sweet coming from you... I guess it's because, from your stories that I've read, you usually hide the most tender moments between moment of tragedy.

Absolutely lovely. Simple and sweet with some hope of happiness. Loving it.

Eagerly yet patiently awaiting more.

That was sweet nice work!

I generally agree with 7394927. Otherwise a good story.

Funny thing is, my mind kept going into the gutter, then jumping back up and considering that a society without a nudity taboo might be more casual about grooming too.

One thing I would criticize: You ought to work in the "time passes" in the narrative. Going "x time later" is the lazy way. A divider line and a "Rarity said after x exhausting hours" would do just fine with that.

All in all, pretty good.

P.S: Also, for every part after they finished the work, I couldn't help but think: "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?"

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! <333333333333333333333333333

7399293 Glad you liked this. And as a small spoiler I'm telling you right now that there's another Sparity coming real soon after my next project.

Very sweet story, loved it.
Your take on Pony bathing culture is eccentric, but an interesting piece of world building.

Rarity sounds extremely creepy in her little monologue at the end. Especially against a background context in which Spike turned down a date with a grade-school-age filly earlier in the story. It's got weird vibes all over it

What a touching story, a really good work Ekhidna :twilightsmile:

The part when Rarity placed Spike on her before they slept was the most heartwarming part of the story :heart:

Excellent story.
Rarity comes off a bit creepy at the end, but it was also sweet to see that she does love him back as she's hinting.

thanks for this, i enjoyed reading it :)

I enjoyed this one.

Loved this fic!!! Especially reading the bathing part! I can imagine that part being an semi-anthro version of Spike and Rarity if you know what I mean!

Very sweet. I always figured ponies wouldn't care about someone seeing them in the bath because they don't wear clothes.

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