• Published 16th Feb 2016
  • 2,525 Views, 65 Comments

The Great, the Powerful, and the Magnificent - TodayIWriteFanfics

Batsy Fluffentuft meets Trixie Lulamoon. Ego contests ensue.

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Batsy Fluffentuft Meets A Pony

I'm doing night watch. It stinks because I have to stand and keep watch for the whole night! And nothing ever goes on. Nightwing says we have to protect the castle from anypony that tries to attack it or break in or something, but that's never happened. We just stand around and look official and occasionally fly the Princess places. And I never get to do that, because I'm too "irresponsible". Boo.

I'll show them. I shall make my daring escape!

Just one problem. Princess Luna bolted my boots to the ground.

But I will not give up. I can see something sparkly in the distance, and sparkly is good. I just need to get over there...

Aha! I just had another of my genius escape plans! I can... take my boots off! They'll never expect that. I giggle to myself, to the annoyance of the guard next to me. Oopsy. I'd better put this great plan into action before they suspect me. I take a deep breath and put this plan into action. I step out of the boot. I found a flaw in their plans: nothing is holding my boots to my hooves! I flutter my wings with a rustle. The guard who was next to me seems really annoyed. Ah well, who cares about him anyway?

I shimmy my hooves carefully out of the boots, stepping onto the cool floor with perfect stealth. The guard next to me appears to have gone back to sleeping standing up. Useful skill, that. I should totally learn to do that sometime. But not now. I'm on a mission and I'm going to do it if I have to lose bat treats for a month!

I really hope it doesn't come to that.

I suppose I could loot the town, if that happens.

I tippy-toe down the hall, totally silent. My armor may be rattling, but it's rattling silently, so it's totally ok. I go past the Lunar Guards who've been magicked to look even more boring than they already are. I sneak behind pillars, so they only see me when I'm running between them. I keenly scan the walls for an escape route.

Aha! A window that's mostly behind a pillar! My superior eyesight shows the small latch at the bottom of the window, which I only have to fly a little bit to reach. I bend towards the floor, wiggle my rump, and leap.

Then I realize I forgot to open my wings. Awkward!

I manage to thump on the floor only a little bit. I must be doing a good job, because none of the guards have moved. I jump again, making sure my wings are all the way open.

I hover silently in front of the latch, pushing down with both hooves. As strong as I am, the latch doesn't budge. I settle my full weight on the tiny lever, but it doesn't move even a little bit. Drat!

Batsy Fluffentuft doesn't give up. I'll find a way past this conundrum. Hopefully.

I don't need to be rescued hanging from a stupid latch. I can totally escape this. Because I have wings. Cool, right? I can just fly off the latch, so I do.

I need to think. How can I get this latch open? Aha! I push the latch up, and it totally opens! How cool is that? I can just fly out this window, to freedom and sparkles!

Leaving the window open (Who cares about that?), I soar over the buildings and roads. They shine in the moonlight, and I welcome the lack of horrific eye pain.

Before I investigate the sparkles, I'm going to need a disguise so I don't get taken back. What to use... Yes!

I leave the rest of my armor on the roof of a fancy mansion. Now they'll never recognize me! It's simply genius! Now that I'm disguised, I soar rapidly over the city, using my full, magnificent speediness. The sparkles spray over the rooftops, and the faint odor of smoke is in the air.

I swoop over the source of the sparkles and start circling for a better look. Despite the late hour, dozens of day ponies sit in a technicolor blob. Landing there is not an option, clearly.

At the front of the group is a stage with a blue day pony on it. She shoots a burst of sparkles from her horn. I wish I could do that; I could prank my whole battalion. All of them. Muahahah.

The blue pony takes a deep breath. I point my ears down to hear what she's saying.


Her mouth releases a sound that would throw many lesser bats out of the air. Because I'm so awesome, however, I only do a triple corkscrew and three backflips before steadying myself. I fold my ears up to protect myself from the blue one's voice.

"The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you! As you all know, Trixie is a powerful mage of many feats! So she shall tell you the tale..." Her voice drops to a volume that's loud, but acceptable. "Of the Chupacobra!"

I'm offended and shocked and... shockfended... and stuff. This "Trixie" thinks she's better than the magnificent Batsy Fluffentuft! I'll show her...

I swoop onto the stage dramatically. I bare my fangs and spread my wings in a way that has sent many an insurance-company pony running for the hills. I can hear ponies gasping and swooning, no doubt because of the sheer fabulousness that is me. Trixie stares for a moment, but recovers quickly.

"Beast of the night! How dare you interrupt the Great and Powerful Trixie?" She attempts to yell, but whatever makes her voice painful is gone.

Her horn glows, and a bolt of blinding light shoots at me. With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodge the glowy beam. Trixie has this infuriating smirk on her face that almost makes me want to eat her.

The bolt of light suddenly explodes. Spots burst across my vision as my ears start ringing furiously. I can vaguely hear applause through the ringing.

I shake myself out and hiss. "Who dares hurt Batsy Fluffentuft's magnificent vision?"

Trixie blinks twice as I charge. Spots of darkness swim across my vision, but I am unfazed as I pursue my target. Her horn lights up, and a sparkling bubble appears with her inside it. It feels like cold glass as I slam my hooves against it.

I raise one hoof and hiss dramatically, flaring my wings. I call through the glassy bubble.

"Hoof-wrestle me, blue pony!"

Trixie blinks. Then she grins. I still want to eat her. A table floats slowly from behind starry curtains, settling in the middle of the stage.

"No mere bat-pony can out-wrestle me!" she declares as she takes her place.

I sit opposing her and prop my hoof on the table. She does the same and we push. I feel my whole arm tense up, but Trixie's hoof doesn't budge. We sit, sweat, and strain for a long while.

Trixie's hoof suddenly jerks, flinging me into the table.

It hurts.

Like, it really hurts.

Trixie's smug smirk is back. Have I mentioned I want to eat her? She rises on her back legs and proudly proclaims her victory, as well as a willingness to continue dueling.

I snarl. "Bring it on."

I'm aching and drenched with sweat. Trixie stands primly in front of me, looking very edible. I wonder what she tastes like. Victory, probably. I know Nightwing would disapprove. What would the punishment be for eating a day pony? A week without bat treats? A month? Will it be worth it, just for the satisfaction?

Blue Pony knocks me out of my fantasy with a sharp tap of her hoof, "Anything else you'd like to challenge The Great and Powerful Trixie at?" she says, looking like the ultimate paragon of smug.

I think for a second, before I'm struck with a brilliant idea. Like, really brilliant. I'll challenge her to do what I'm best at!

I take a deep breath and speak in a resounding voice. "Blue Pony, I challenge you to get laid before I do!" I smirk evilly, sure of my victory.

I look around. Every pony is wearing an expression of shock, disgust, or, in one pony's case, asleepness.


Author's Note:

Batsy Fluffentuft is best pony. Bow before her. Give this story an upvote if you approved of it. Join ocalhoun's contest.

Comments ( 65 )

I like it. Very Batsy.

but the other stories not even complete

It's not the same as when the original author wrote it, but I'll take it!

Magnificent batsy!

So... near the start she steps out of her boots and flies down the hallway away from her annoyed guard partner.

Then in the next paragraph she steps out of her boots and tiptoes down the hallway away from her annoyed partner.

... Did I miss something?

6942046 No. I messed up. Thanks for catching that! :pinkiehappy:

I would agree that Batsy was best bat pony, I really would, but there's one problem; she looks EXACTLY like every other bat pony mare on the damn internet. So to say she was best bat pony, would be pointless because...which one is she?

So I'm afraid I can't agree that she's best bat pony. Sorry. I will when I know which one she is though.

6942046 She heard you liked boots, so she put her boots in some boots just for you.

6942472 Is Batsy going to ask that stallion from the original story to do her to win the challenge, and if so is it going to turn into a clopfic? Because I'm hoping the answer to my question is 'No'.

6942731 No. I don't do clop.

I think everypony present is going to kill Batsy with tomatoes.

Also, Batsy is literally Echo but with a better personality. The cover art is something I found by googling "Echo pony".

6943957 How can you say a better personality? I have no idea who Echo is, and for all I know it could just be another name for a bat pony someone copied off the internet.

Because, and I'm not trying to be rude here, almost - I repeat, ALMOST - every story cover art and drawing of bat pony mares are nearly the exact same bat pony mares.

It's like one person made the first original design and suddenly every brony and pegasister suddenly wanted it so they could put their own names and personalities to it.

It's just really weird the more I see it pop up. It doesn't make your story bad, nor the original story bad either. But it just seems...how do I say this without coming off as rude...it seems...lazy, really.

But that's just me. It's my opinion, and even then it's only a small nitpick. I don't mean to sound rude or horrible, but Batsy just looks generic. You say she has a better personality, but all I see is a bat pony that looks like a thousand other bat ponies. I mean, if the hairstyle at the very least was different that'd be something original.

But like I said, it's just a nitpick, nothing more. And I really hope you don't take offense to my criticisms. The story itself is okay. It's just that pic that doesn't make me feel like this story is about Batsy, but some other bat pony who got renamed Batsy.

6944008 Neh. I didn't pick the original cover art. Blame ocalhoun.

6944111 As would a hundred thousand other people.

I've made my point, that's all. Just get out of here and start writing that next chapter, you hear me? XD I wanna see more.

6944165 This story is complete, because contest regulations and stuff. I realized I accidentally labelled it incomplete and this mistake has been corrected.


6944239 Wow...

That sucks major hard.

And with that I've kinda lost all interest in the story now. Sorry man.

And how does a 250K Contest even work? What's the 250k supposed to mean!?!

6944301 The 250k is the number of readers he/she's had. So there's a contest. For reasons.

6944309 Wow.

Now THAT'S an egomaniac if I ever heard of one.

I'd ship it.
Also, I have a mild feeling that Batsy is only in the guard as a mascot, and noone takes her actually seriously. Otherwise Luna must have quite the stock of painkillers for her headache:D

Sequel!!!!! Plus my OC thinks Batsy is soooo hot!!!



Midnight Blossom, Sunshine Smiles and Frolicsome Meadowlark were around long before Echo appeared on 4chan.


6947230 So that is Echo...

I'm...I'm not impressed at all. I'm sorry. I just...oh, my head hurts so badly from all of this.

6947325 Well, you don't have to stay.


Echo was just a simple recolor of Midnight Blossom, which is interesting since Equestria Prevails participated in the /mlp/ thread that spawned Echo. Surely he could have come up with a wholly original design.


6947350 I know. But people keep commenting and I don't want to be rude.

Oh, and you're not the problem, it's just...me.

6947361 God damn it, bat ponies just don't get a break in the originality department, do they?

6944239 Doesn't that actually make it less consistent with the original?

6947505 Pfft, screw consistency. Who needs consistency when you have Batsy Fluffentuft?

6946502 Goddamit Smiles

I recognise two of those from Diaries of a madman though im not even sure theyre exclusive to that (i mean ive only seen Smiles in diaries) where did meadowlark originate from ive not heard that name before?

6948051 My god its been ages since ive seen that comic i completely forgot about it, thanks for the reminder XD

Sequel to an imcomplete story that hasn't been updated in a while
HOW in the world did BATSY get to be a GUARD

6950218 She's a batpony. That's basically the only reason.

Hey, the recruiters thought it was a good idea!

It's a curse, Batsy is really what's left of Twilight Sparkle after she cured Flutterbat and Timberjack. Luna is the only one who took pity on her.

6952026 I reject your head canon lacking other proof and not sure I want to substitute my own as it seems that might lead to more insanity on my part

Okay, okay. Batsy is really Spike after he was exposed to poison joak... and the reason Batsy is in the royal guard is because she really wants to be a princess. And, she's staging a Coup.

6952062 I'll accept the last two as entirely possible not that she is likely to succeed unless Luna or Celestia think it would be a good joke. Though like Pinky and Brain she is unlikely to stop trying

6952102 Princess Batsy Fluffentuft. I like where this is going.

We need more Bat!

Good story!!

By the way: Who did win the contest?

If Batsy and Trixie have lesbian sex with each other, does it result in a simultaneous loss or victory?

That ending though... Lel


Eventually, they tied. Then Batsy ate Trixie. So she sort of won.

6962363 Quick question, why does this have a complete tag? That line at the end is begging for you to do a second chapter.

6983771 :ajbemused: I like and dislike so so much right now. Like you for creating Batsy Fluffentuft, dislike you for pulling crap like this.

6983777 I didn't create Batsy Fluffentuft. I created this particular rendition of her fabulousness. This is complete due to contest rules. Maybe, I 'll change it when the contest is over.

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